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Esoteric Wizardry


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Help. I'm receiving strange phone calls and cryptic messages. Very strange occurrences all week, beginning with a powerful dream where a single name was uttered before I awoke. The messages are telling me that reality is a feedback loop and were in a simulation. The purpose is so that those in the reality above us may figure out if their reality is in fact a simulation as well. Serious, I have let others hear the calls on speaker and read the messages and it makes them uncomfortable.


Post a vocaroo or something of the recordings please so I know you ain't bullshitting us.


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I have nothing recorded, so many of the messages were just sounds. But two calls were full on exposition. I have the pictures and emails though.


I'm very serious and looking for perspective. I don't know if this is and incredibly elaborate hoax or sincere contact. They said the messages they are sending me, mimic and are in tandem with the messages the version of me in the simulation above has been receiving. They sent me this video and said that our reality was an experiment.


I've already seen that long before and also the picture too.


So is there any validity to these claims or should I smash my SIM and go on my way?


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Why the fuck would you smash your SIM? Why do you like to erase things?

I've had this pic since 12-08-19.


I have a paranoid personality disorder, so it's very difficult for me to be objective. I have two roomates who have witnessed this though, and their starting to realize why I am the way I am. Strange things follow me.


>not a load of bullshit

Don't worry bro, you're just being harassed by some entities from the astral, happens to me too and is witnessed by others as well.

Don't take what they say too seriously, they can be wrong themselves, or just after your loosh. So many hyperdimensional loosh farmers will do whatever they can to attain loosh.


If it's some sort of elaborate hoax, then basically Iv'e been fished because they know way too much about me, and I don't engage in social media and typically maintain pretty good security practices and yet they continue to get through without me being able to do any sort of backtracking.


I've recently moved near a very large military base. I thought at first it was someone on the base, then realized the base might be on an energy meridian or something of significance is happening there, but that's just me speculating. I've always been sensitive to lucid dreams and accidental projection, but I've never pulled a name out of my travels, nor had any entities take notice to my knowledge. The name was Melek.


Do you know what the picture is?


I posted the picture right here: ( >>13594 )


Go message Tom Montalk about this and report back with his response here in this thread. Also read the book called Chasing Phantoms, it should be in the mega in the sticky, but if it's not you can find it by searching around on Montalk and following links until you get to its download.


Thank you so much, this book is like reading my own memories. Helping very much.


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Melek means king, iirc

Maybe it has something to do with melek tawuse ? The entity revered by yazidi (same people that were almost slaughtered by ISIS a few months back)


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