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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1419047490377.png (261.48 KB, 607x287, 607:287, Screenshot from 2014-12-19….png)

 No.13763[Last 50 Posts]



If you don't like any of the flags currently existent then we can create a flag for you.

Post last edited at 2014-12-21 06:57:57




File: 1419049897935.jpg (612.53 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 20141217_102010.jpg)

>sleeping 12 hours


ENJOY BEING A MILCHCOW FOR THE OTHER SIDE. I'm gonna slap ur shit nownow on the astral


File: 1419050238447.jpg (81.36 KB, 600x803, 600:803, ba3f2f46c913118327e94ec7f8….jpg)

U shure bout dis?



Heil Hitler


I lay in bed for approximately 12 hours. The actual time I sleep is usually 0-3 hours.


..and even when I get about 3 hours of sleep these days, it's completely broken up, as I only sleep for a few minutes then am forced awake again, and it's really fucking hard to sleep where I am right now.

There's nothing good about this. I wish I could sleep like 20 hours and be awake only 4.


File: 1419052237869.jpg (36.77 KB, 303x400, 303:400, 8431.jpg)


I'll do so the second you whip out a tit or give me a Hermeticist flag that doesn't feed my already bloated ego, I'm no master, fuck you cunt, theres never enough to learn and calling yourself master is horrendously damaging to ones progress.


File: 1419053172390.png (624 B, 12x11, 12:11, 1415505639763.png)

I heard of some prison niggers who sleep all day too

Here's where I heard it


R u a prison nigger? Is the demiurge your warden?
>>13785 Maybe you should try a polyphasic sleep shedule. Stay awake 3h33m, sleep 27m, repeat til u die


Why is it? Because of saying s like:'PRide comes before fall ' or 'understanding forshadows stupidity ' or wat


File: 1419053474701.png (348 B, 11x11, 1:1, Kybalion 11x11.png)

It's really hard making 11x11 symbols that don't look like shit. I tried to do the Hermetic Seal of Light but it looks like shit. So I tried using the symbol from The Kybalion… not sure if it's any good either.




Damn looks like shit don't it?




File: 1419053637022-0.jpg (16.31 KB, 322x350, 23:25, greychild.jpg)

File: 1419053637022-1.jpg (76.15 KB, 720x566, 360:283, Alien_Genetic_DNA_Experime….jpg)

if you're gonna steal my trips at the very least post the real image

also, requesting pink hued image of edgy thin slender grey (three of them i think) standing around a a monkey/man with magical purple/pink strains of DNA enveloping him.

its somewhere but my folders are to many.. can't find.


File: 1419053710296-0.jpg (28.63 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1392152282681.jpg)

File: 1419053710296-1.jpg (31.37 KB, 369x480, 123:160, aaaaaaaaaaa.jpg)

images weren't included, moved them from folders.


>Maybe you should try a polyphasic sleep shedule. Stay awake 3h33m, sleep 27m, repeat til u die

You do realize that I literally spend whole fucking nights laying there and wishing I could sleep right? I can't just decide to fall asleep in a few minutes, a few hours, or even a whole day. I try and try to sleep and just don't fall asleep.


Does anyone like using The Kybalion symbol for Hermeticism or should I not?


release excess loosh, get a dreamcatcher, blaze it.


Read this post if u Don't give a feel about flags


make a brownpill, name it stoolpill.

i'll be content with that.


File: 1419053922684.gif (24.81 KB, 228x228, 1:1, rsanimation1.gif)


Maybe I should delete the master rank?


Check em'


If anyones actually pretentious enough to use it he has himself to blame for getting laughed out the door when he errs


Don't delete it, i use it to shitpost.



Someone please help here.


wurble wurble


testing 11111


Anyone want to submit their own flags now that 16x16 is allowed?


>tfw you can roleplay as the cripple lord now


Special Snowflake master race reporting in, this is for people that object to the use of any other flags, because they are too special to fit into any category.


Testing out my Zionist flag.





All Hail Tom Montalk!


Hey, this isn't my design! The Jews are behind this!

Also, there's no Qabalist flag. Was it that bad?


Om Namo Shivaya.


shit, forgot alpha channel. Should be added now.


I'm a strong Wiccan woman who need no Hermetic man. :-)


File: 1419059933325.png (681 B, 16x16, 1:1, Montalk 16x16 HD.png)

Is this Montalk symbol even better than the other?


It's blurry. The current one with the black background is better.

Did you remove New Thought flag? It doesn't work, and I wanted to hail Atkinson.

Hail Smiley, then!


File: 1419060110816.png (700 B, 16x16, 1:1, Montalk 16x16 HD.png)


File: 1419060194970.png (727 B, 16x16, 1:1, Montalk 16x16 HD.png)


File: 1419060260326.jpg (396.39 KB, 1050x1680, 5:8, bitch you're probably fat.jpg)


File: 1419060272413.png (748 B, 16x16, 1:1, Montalk 16x16 HD.png)

Maybe this…


This is better than the blurry one… hmm, but I still prefer the one with the black background, but this one is pretty cool also.


File: 1419060308519.png (749 B, 16x16, 1:1, Montalk 16x16 HD.png)



File: 1419060353838.png (747 B, 16x16, 1:1, Montalk 16x16 HD.png)

How about… now?


I think this one is perfect.


Where is your flag at?

[flag police checking intensifies]


Post your flag design?

What does Qabalist flag even look like?


File: 1419060647529.jpg (941.9 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 1412736816433.jpg)



File: 1419060801372.png (205 B, 16x11, 16:11, 1417683001875.png)

Muh Hebrew letters, of course.


Hm, I'll do another design, this one doesn't satisfy me anymore.


For you lazy people who want to resize big pictures into 16x16,



File: 1419061447451.jpg (787 B, 16x11, 16:11, brownpill.jpg)

not sure if this is good enough, noprior experience editing pictures for ants


File: 1419061491275.jpg (41.94 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 1375723663637.jpg)

it was awful, i apologize with a spook.


File: 1419061605995.png (333 B, 16x11, 16:11, Brownpill.png)

>not even the right file format
>no alpha channel
>looks like utter crap


File: 1419061686184.jpg (66.63 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 1367681671992.jpg)

accomplished my goals well enough though, through you


File: 1419061709546.png (838.68 KB, 2310x830, 231:83, 1401128696848.png)

Uploading pills chart for reference.


File: 1419061811802.jpg (89.13 KB, 700x680, 35:34, 1379466527133.jpg)

fucking hell, just can me, i'm never going to bother choosing a flag with every post seeing as it doesn't stick.



Complain here, I've been asking for this to be fixed for a long time, add your voice; soon we will make the cripple give into our demands!


Which of these two pills is better?




This one.


Ah. Its deliberate.

>anonymous discussion not broken down to flagwars

>guise of there being more people instead of the two flinging shit not ruined

Cripple-Kun please don't make flags stick, as it is now you can combine a post with a flag for effortposting instead of the chan degenerating into flagwars.


File: 1419062430878.png (330 B, 16x11, 16:11, Indigopill.png)



>implying I don't want to intentionally instigate flag wars on this board


File: 1419062737179.png (424 B, 16x16, 1:1, yoga-1.png)

Testing out Yogi flag.


Tomorrow them looks a lot like the montalk site itself.


File: 1419063304509.png (929 B, 16x16, 1:1, Reptilian Alien.png)


File: 1419063335006.jpg (128.41 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 1378799243157.jpg)

smiley no


File: 1419063438812.png (1.02 KB, 16x18, 8:9, Reptilian Alien.png)


I never a proper reptilian alien icon ;_;


need* not "never"

>implying the reptilians aren't responsible for this


File: 1419063510475-0.jpg (527.18 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 1375489220366.jpg)

File: 1419063510475-1.png (131.47 KB, 263x251, 263:251, 1377675936319.png)


or just use that eye >>13847


File: 1419063583140-0.jpg (37.88 KB, 450x344, 225:172, snek visible third eye.jpg)

File: 1419063583140-1.jpg (15 KB, 283x196, 283:196, 1375461860550.jpg)


File: 1419063666642.png (1.2 KB, 20x16, 5:4, Reptilian Alien.png)


File: 1419063955685.png (871 B, 16x16, 1:1, le reptilian eye.png)


>tfw no satisfactory reptilian icon existent on the internet


File: 1419064455046.png (814 B, 16x16, 1:1, Reptilian Alien.png)

There, does this work>?


File: 1419064527722.png (849 B, 16x16, 1:1, Reptilian Alien.png)



File: 1419065388786.png (836 B, 16x16, 1:1, 1419064527722.png)

Here's a lighter one.



I wish Cripple would add more options to organize the flags.


File: 1419069928617.png (897 B, 16x16, 1:1, drum.png)

Shamanism? It should look like a drum.


File: 1419070836301.png (461 B, 16x16, 1:1, marihuanan.png)



>tfw accidentally deleted the Master Rank flag at some point and didn't realize it


Initiate is the highest rank you can select now.


You don't tell me what to do. I do what I want!


File: 1419071448743.png (582 B, 20x11, 20:11, 20x11A nishnabe.png)


File: 1419071737338.png (946 B, 20x11, 20:11, Shaman Hand.png)

You gonna get ROPED at dawn if you keep up that attitude!


File: 1419071810238.png (946 B, 20x11, 20:11, Shaman Hand.png)


File: 1419071823550.png (891 B, 20x11, 20:11, Shaman Hand.png)



File: 1419071902042.png (209 B, 16x16, 1:1, Mim.png)

Qabalist, new try, it's Mem.


File: 1419071914728.png (792 B, 20x11, 20:11, Shaman Hand.png)



File: 1419072010329.png (759 B, 20x11, 20:11, Shaman Hand.png)


I am still not satisfied.


File: 1419072682495.png (593 B, 14x16, 7:8, Islam.png)

I took this from the Red Cross. Is it suitable?


File: 1419072826492.png (506 B, 16x16, 1:1, Islam-Crescent-icon.png)

Looks similar to that Buddhist wheel…


It lacks the star. Otherwise it is quite good.


shut the fuck up you autistic nigger.


File: 1419072953108.png (465 B, 16x16, 1:1, Islam 16x16.png)

Made this one after a lot of fuckery with an originally much bigger icon.


but y u so mad?

You loosh is on lockdown.

It is mine.


File: 1419073070442.png (464 B, 16x16, 1:1, Islam 16x16.png)



File: 1419073092091.png (465 B, 16x16, 1:1, Islam 16x16.png)

moar improve


File: 1419073144801.png (465 B, 16x16, 1:1, Islam 16x16.png)


File: 1419073274495.png (627 B, 16x16, 1:1, Islam 16x16.png)

This should do.>>13950


We now have two Islamic flags…


Islamic Flag One


Islamic Flag Two


File: 1419073589521.png (66.78 KB, 468x659, 468:659, Sokushinbutsu5[4].png)

(dead monk laughing)


File: 1419077279972.png (36.39 KB, 716x448, 179:112, Screenshot from 2014-12-20….png)

Rules updated

Please observe the New Rule 4.





File: 1419079244874.jpg (979.03 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, Snowflakes.jpg)



File: 1419079716256.gif (2.31 KB, 250x250, 1:1, sno_ani05.gif)



Testing, testing…


What do you guys think of the new upgraded theme in the works?


File: 1419081092195.jpg (137.35 KB, 1024x640, 8:5, 1024_Wood.jpg)



File: 1419081529048.png (949.15 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, wat.png)


File: 1419081705028.png (51.21 KB, 256x205, 256:205, Snowflakes.png)

not flood!


File: 1419081906397.png (38.28 KB, 256x205, 256:205, Snowflakes.png)



File: 1419082092134.png (27.45 KB, 256x205, 256:205, Snowflakes.png)


?>sdfds dsffds sfd sfd


>tfw it's the perfect snowstorm


smiley you pizza shit




Nice faggot nazi 6 million christmas skin, ☻


File: 1419085389230.jpg (58.64 KB, 500x498, 250:249, 1389495775483.jpg)

Nice trips now check mine!


Congrats m8




based cripple


You guys liek these hats on the images?


File: 1419086862952.png (13.42 KB, 128x128, 1:1, 1418522963822.png)



Smiley you could be meditating right now instead of decorating the board


No I couldn't, too much distractions and shit right now, and need time in-between heavy magick rituals to regenerate. I only do things when the time is right (something I know innately and which seems to come in cycles).

I meditate fuckloads but I still live in very adverse circumstances so it's not like I can utilize all my time to 100% efficiency.


Why are we forcing users to use flags, what is the benefit in that? It seems like a stupid idea to me, it just causes people to judge posts before reading the actual content of the post, which should be the most important part.


File: 1419094032453.jpg (20.4 KB, 477x347, 477:347, 1418730911900.jpg)

>sleeping too much means getting milked


File: 1419098763874.jpg (5.86 KB, 222x218, 111:109, spiral1.jpg)

Can we get a pantheist flag?


File: 1419098957835.png (215 B, 16x16, 1:1, 1419098763874.png)

Let us see.



>The pantheistic conception is utterly illogical, for as Schopenhauer says: “When we think of Nature as God, we show God to the door.”


Yes but it says in the Kybalion that the all forms apart of THE ALL, which conforms to a pantheistic belief.



(Just so you know, that quote was from the author of the Kybalion)


It's an interpretation, however, I still believe it to be true.
I say that because every action that we take effects every other that occurs after it. (i.e. every action has an equal and opposite reaction.)
We have a literal effect on everything around us, and everything around us has a literal effect on us and the actions that we take.
We are essentially an interconnected universe, every atom that has existed since the beginning of time, makes up this universe, that includes You and Me.
That, in and of itself is divine in nature, if anything, that gives a greater importance and reverence to "God" then the typical idea of "God" that our puny minds can conceive of.


I'd also like to add that I don't deny the possibility of "lesser Gods", that exist within this multiverse, however, they are confined to it just as we are, so they cannot be greater then the multiverse itself, even if they have power over some of the material aspects of it.


Sure, they are aspects of the One.
And nothing can be greater than the universe itself, if we consider the universe as "all there is".


What about the possibility of the multiverse?


As in multiple worlds, multiple universes?
They would still be part of a big whole, an "all there is", so it's just like saying there is one single, very diverse, universe.


True, although, that's kind of my point, there's nothing greater than THE ALL, so I don't know why: >>14046 is against a pantheist flag, if he doesn't like it, he doesn't have to use it.


I guess it depends on the definition of pantheism. "God" is in everything, but is everything god? Would you worship a roll of toilet paper as a god? I know that's not the point, but two people could have very different definition of pantheism.

For example a fedora might say: "Nature is God", while negating the existence of an higher divine unity.

Anyway, it doesn't matter, you can use that flag if you want, I just posted the quote because it was relevant.


I can kind of get your point there, although anyone who would worship a part of the all, without recognizing the significance of THE ALL, as whole really doesn't understand pantheism in the first place.
Although I do get what you're saying, in terms of fedoras trying to hijack a belief system in order to discredit it. With that said, I would still like a pantheist flag, since it best fits my belief system.


Why is there no crystal pill?

Green pill is just as idiotic as red & blue pill. It's just a different side of the same coin- The edge.

There is a level BEYOND green pill, shunning others means you are nowhere near it, friends.


I think you're looking for special snowflake pill. It's a pill so special it's not even shaped like a pill. Take it!


File: 1419110557901.png (89.62 KB, 588x432, 49:36, Screenshot from 2014-12-20….png)


There's actually a part in The Arcane Teachings that denounces Pantheism. Apparently the Hermetic concept of The All is distinct from standard pantheism.


>tfw levakama called and ends up talking to me about magick, insights, basic principles of reality (most Kybalion stuff), and I can hear him jotting down notes too when we started talking about the nature of time


Hopefully this doesn't look shitty


what the fuck is the point of these things?


File: 1419125506031-0.png (222 B, 15x15, 1:1, tursaansydän 1.png)

File: 1419125506031-1.png (202 B, 15x15, 1:1, tursaansydän 2.png)

File: 1419125506031-2.png (207 B, 15x15, 1:1, tursaansydän 3.png)

File: 1419125506031-3.png (216 B, 15x15, 1:1, tursaansydän 4.png)

File: 1419125506031-4.png (205 B, 15x15, 1:1, tursaansydän 5.png)

Proposing flag for Finnish paganism. Because we don't have a flag for any kind of paganism yet, and I'd really like to be a bit nationalistic where I can. Which color scheme would you say is the best?


None at all.


then why can you be banned for not using them?


>not 16x16


To show your affiliations.


File: 1419147018528.jpg (308.43 KB, 657x557, 657:557, checkem.jpg)

>what the fuck is the point of these trips?

It's simple, CHECK 'EM


File: 1419148629664.gif (26.37 KB, 511x381, 511:381, Caduceus-7.gif)

Yes, it's not really pantheism, but "panentheism"; the All pervades all that exists (because it emanated everything), but it's NOT all; it is more than its parts, it is both IMMANENT and TRANSCENDENT.

Like in Gnostic thought, "Gnosticism is panentheistic, believing that the true God is simultaneously both separate from the physical universe and present within it."

The second one, veli hyvä.

Have you read the Way of the Shaman yet? I have heard good things of it, but haven't yet myself read it.


I think you anon might need to go edit the entry in the "Concepts of God" wikipedia article about Hermeticism…



That description of the All is really difficult to read! I will see what I can do about it, would be great to write it more coherent.



The way I've been able to conceive of it so far is that it is like the empty canvas upon which a painting is laid. Or like the vast silence which accommodates a symphony.

That might be a very flat conception though…


File: 1419162564916-0.png (211 B, 16x16, 1:1, tursaansydän 16x16 aliased.png)

File: 1419162564916-1.png (295 B, 16x16, 1:1, tursaansydän 16x16 unalias….png)

Bear in mind that for the 16x16 to remain aliased and centered, it will have to be slightly skewed; not a true swastika. Here's two 16x16 versions, mods can use whichever they'd like, obviously. Or the 15x15 that I posted earlier.

>Way of the Shaman
No, but I do share your intrigue. Shamanism is a huge unexplored gap in knowledge for fringers. Will take a look at that later, "veli hyvä".

Also, why is there two flags for Montalk?


Since it looks like the rule on flags is sticking, can we at least have an anti-flag flag for those of us who are against the forced use of flags.(WHERE IS YOUR FLAG?)


Give an icon for it. I suggest just using the Special Snowflake flag.


Someone can make another board if enough people get tired of histrionic moderation. Fat chance, but that's how 8chan's supposed to work. I'll see if that happens, and perhaps you should as well, seeing as you just got a good example of how things work 'round here.


>wanting an anti-flag flag to avoid being banned
>not just being a self-sacrificial rebel getting a ban

Stand up for what you believe in, coward.


File: 1419173485578.gif (544 B, 16x16, 1:1, cross.gif)

Maybe something like this?





fuck you nosy bastards. what are you trying to do? set this up for the data miners in advance? why the fuck does it matter how i affiliate?



Why haven't you taken the ayy lmao pill yet?

what is wrong with you guys



File: 1419202026573.jpg (15.8 KB, 320x211, 320:211, 1414598735910.jpg)

>not National Socialist
aryanism.net is jewish asperger tier


Do you care to expand on that statement? Please elaborate on the problems with Aryanism, especially in relation to authentic National Socialism. I have yet to encounter any genuine argument made against it.


File: 1419209925844.jpg (107.27 KB, 600x1144, 75:143, Aryan Beauty according to ….jpg)

you're delusional if you think that "Muh aryan versus non-aryan" means much if at all today

autistic aryanism.net view on race:
"The confusion is then worsened by many neo-Nazis calling themselves “National Socialists” thinking that it sounds cooler. Bottom line: if you are racist, you are for national division rather than national unification, and therefore you are not a National Socialist."


File: 1419210513384.png (42.26 KB, 242x242, 1:1, sperg.png)

>Race not real



/fringe/ - 14,300+ Posts
/christian/ - 5,000+ Posts
/asatru/ - 1,800+ Posts
/islam/ - 900+ posts
/israel/ - 800+ Posts
/atheism/ - 200+ Posts
/satanism/ - 0+ posts (5 total)
/satan/ - 0 posts


/fringe/ is surprisingly populated, we are only 5 boards away from being in the top 15 boards which would cause another influx of mundies and make us a major board.

hopefully it won't come to that, quality of the board is finally on the rise and an increase in popularity would mean a pause in quality posting.


I still see no point made to support an opposing view. Are you a racist? If so, justify your tribalism. Jews doing it is no excuse. The correct response to jewish tribalism is their destruction, not copying their methods.


this is nothing more than an attempt to marginalize our occultic beliefs into the narrowly defined flags you have posted.

Nice try faggot.


Racist is a Jewish Marxist social engineering word.
Yid detected.


Our cause isn’t truly a political position but a species-representation: We are a biological party, not a political party. White society by default, on a far deeper level than mere petty politics, is what white nationalism represents.

Into the oven!


Jews may have started the use of the term and continually redefine it but the actual meaning describes well what jews themselves and other tribes do. National Socialism strives to establish a fully realised noble racial ideal, not maintain a current racial identity. Jews and all tribes must be killed in self-defense.

Non-jewish racism is kosher BS that plays into zionist divide and conquer.


define racism


Racism (non-Aryan attitude)

Tribalism with the tribe defined as a certain ethnic group(>not wearing the aryanist flag)


harvesting your loosh
getting the board in a christmas spirit


kek, there's already like 20 alternative boards made by various butthurt mundanes.


Does /fringe/ have good moderation? What do you guys think? There's a hell of a lot of complaining shitposters even though nobody has ever been permanbanned and all bans are incredibly short. The rules are really simple and are meant to keep the board clean; don't post duplicate threads, don't start a thread just to ask a question, post with a flag, don't post child porn, don't spam. You can even shitpost all you want on this board as long as it's in the form of replies.

I think you have to either be really stupid or intentionally looking to troll the board owner and volunteers to get in trouble here.

Overall I'd say the incredibly high popularity of the board stands testament to its quality and good moderation. Lots of mundanes have tried to make alternatives and all of them have failed because they lack magickal knowledge and they are far worse moderators than here with a major propensity to ban people and for much longer on their shitty little boards.


The flag rule is inconvenient and annoying. Also, every user should receive a ban at some point, so the board grinds to a halt.

I await my next ban.


I've been here for months and I've never been banned. What the fuck are you doing?


Can we have a flag for Theurgy?


Theurgy doesn't even have a symbol that represents it. It just means miracle working and it's a subset of Hermeticism. Theurgy in itself is not an occult paradigm.


*butthurt mundane detected*

It's obvious you don't give a shit about magick and the occult.

Probably someone who is mad because:

>fringe is rayciss

>fringe is schizo
>fringe is elitest

So a fedora, an SJW, or an asspained mundane.


Flag request: either a single pixel surrounded by transparency, solid transparent, or transparency encircled by a single pixel border. Title: empty, emptiness, mu, or whatever the fuck you feel like calling it.

I have a few reasons. Flags and labels divide. I find peace in emptiness. One must recognize and work within the rules, but express yourself within them. One must have space to accept and analyze what someone else is saying. An empty mindset can drain a troll's attempts to get you bent out of shape, like someone punching air. I find it to be simple and humble. I am often quite literally unnoticed in life, at times making no attempt at being sneaky but still being unnoticed, and have come to accept this is just part of who I am. I find it aesthetically pleasing. I could continue listing reasons, if I chose.

In respect of the holiday season, I'll don the stocking cap for this post.

May the rest of your year be peaceful and thank you for taking the time to read.


What do displaying flags have to do with magick and the occult?
And he's right, it is inconvenient and annoying.


I think the fact that you must intentionally work so hard to get banned is of detriment to everyone here.

On halfchan, it seemed like there was truely fringe, earnest community with generally good intentions looking to learn more. Whenever the ebola thing started, it seemed contained. I'm not sure if it's because of numbers or what but it seems like a disproportionate number of posters here are trolling or shitposting and think this is /b/ for fucking conspiracies and magic and anything goes. If that's the way it evolves to be, then whatever, but count me out. There's a fucking board for ebola, spam that shit elsewhere. If you are into tribalism cool but if it doesn't relate to a thread it would be nice to not see that shit spammed everywhere too.

I have nothing against mundies or neophytes but if the quality of the content posted stays low and just continues to be a bunch of shitposting then fuck this board.

Also, fuck the flags.


>what do flags that represent the various magick paradigms have to do with magick and the occult

If I take that troll mask of you will it hurt?


Why do flags cause so much fucking butthurt?


File: 1419418580503.png (678 B, 16x16, 1:1, Anti-flags Flag.png)

For all the butthurt anti-flag faggots.


le fug de flag bolice!!


File: 1419420251481.png (3.83 KB, 156x78, 2:1, Screenshot from 2014-12-24….png)

Which of these three Chaos Magician flags is best?



Why are you saying Hi to me?




File: 1419464214895.png (141.41 KB, 779x752, 779:752, Screenshot from 2014-12-24….png)

Check out the new rules page everyone!


…and make sure to hover over with your mouse.


>If I take that troll mask of you will it hurt?
Learn some grammar son.


you mean the black pill?


File: 1419497999600.png (350 B, 16x16, 1:1, mu.png)



You mean this was pointless?
Oh bother.


File: 1419617312332.png (363 B, 16x16, 1:1, epicurus.png)



File: 1419729582013.jpg (293.33 KB, 858x969, 286:323, that celtic warrior feel.jpg)

Please make a druidic flag of some kind please. :3
because neopaganism and Wicca is for faggots [


We should ban the cancer known as Melchior!!aIutr.S0js so he stops shitposting irrelevant garbage he writes on here in an effort to get people to come to his shitty board.


There's already a flag for that pic related.


op is a faget


hi all hw r you i am umarzeb


File: 1419860755990-0.png (258 B, 16x16, 1:1, profile_user_account_human….png)

File: 1419860755990-1.gif (923 B, 16x16, 1:1, z_phi.gif)

Philosopher, anyone?



Nice flag, I added it.




Lots of new flags!


Gnostic reporting in. Appreciate the flag.


woah the post shakes


File: 1419934519544-0.png (571 B, 16x16, 1:1, farv.png)

File: 1419934519544-1.png (426 B, 16x16, 1:1, farvh1.png)

File: 1419934519544-2.gif (277 B, 16x16, 1:1, farvahar1.gif)



That post is powered by loosh.


File: 1420388383043-0.png (378 B, 16x16, 1:1, zen.png)

File: 1420388383043-1.png (304 B, 16x16, 1:1, 4.png)

File: 1420388383043-2.png (296 B, 16x16, 1:1, eye-16.png)

File: 1420388383043-3.png (513 B, 16x16, 1:1, images.png)

File: 1420388383043-4.gif (152 B, 16x16, 1:1, BookBlue.gif)

Here are some flags. Zenist, Daoist, Illuminist, Stoic, Scholar.


File: 1420389579911-0.png (413 B, 16x16, 1:1, qavvala.png)

File: 1420389579911-1.png (603 B, 16x16, 1:1, 3469720.png)

File: 1420389579911-2.png (817 B, 16x16, 1:1, ps.png)

Qabalist, Magician, Goetia


I know you are there.


I am now, yes?


Is there somewhere were we can see all the flags before we choose one? Im new 8chan in general and i dont know what most of them look like. And where the fuck do we go to submit new flags?


File: 1420409050872.png (33.16 KB, 349x290, 349:290, Screenshot from 2015-01-04….png)

Look in the flag list before you post. Each flag is displayed after you select it. See pic related for an example. Also as for submitting flags, you submit them here in this thread.


Can you make Stoic look better?

Also, is "Scholar" really a flag worth adding?


ah thanks, i do really appreciate that


File: 1420456414974.png (786 B, 16x16, 1:1, 1420388383043-3.png)


Testing. Amidoinitrite?

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