Esotericism vs. the Mundane Dr. Giggles 12/22/14 (Mon) 05:42:35 No. 14298 >>14325 [Watch Thread]
Sup /fringe/. Young “neophyte” and knowledge explorer passing through. Here’s what I can gather thus far on fringe knowledge. A chronicle of misinformation and delusion, perhaps, but a chronicle nonetheless.
I study physics in University and have been exploring knowledge for as long as I can remember. I remember at a very young age I attempted astral projection and had a very minor interest in things loosely related to the occult realm. I never really acted on these interests further than brief experimentation, and to me, it seemed fruitless. I seemed to come to the quick, hopefully obvious conclusion that all of it is bunk.
Because of my family, I’m well-versed in theology and Christian apologetics and after exploring the nature of Christianity and religion further, I became somewhat of an atheist and rejected the notion of a benevolent creator. My father is highly intelligent, and extremely familiar with Christian philosophy. However, throughout and often despite our conversations, I felt as though the ideas of existentialism, science and empirical rationalism overwhelmed notions of creation and divine meaning and was unconvinced. So, for a long while, I was pretty unwavering in my nonbelief.
However, I began getting pieces of the puzzle I’m putting together now. It really started with things I’d observe in life. The first real thing that struck me was my father’s brief and dismissive mention of a Lutheran idea known as imago dei. Something about this concept resonated with me, perhaps that one could reach a point of depravity where the concept of God was no longer conceivable.
I then began to realize there was something up with the Jews. Allow me to briefly note I reject the notion of race as a theory of categorization, but I began to notice an unmistakable presence in our society – Jewish power. My father himself dismissed Jews as being anything bad; he said that they were generally pretty apathetic but that they WERE “God’s chosen people”, and that the Jews generally bring a lot of compassion along with them. This was a disturbing disconnection to me; my father seemed to be aware of the notion of Jews as bad but dismissed it altogether in what was seemingly an enlightened, kinda mundane perspective. I even recall my father introducing the term mundane as the way things really are, or can be. However, I see the power structure, I see where money goes, I see the executive branch, and Jews are fucking everywhere. I see the books in our curriculum, I see who disseminates information and media and it honestly disturbed/disturbs me a bit. I began reading about Newton’s interest in the occult and ran across this dude: (cont.)
Dr. Giggles 12/22/14 (Mon) 05:49:17 No. 14299 >>14325
I’ve also began briefly investigating Sandy Hook and Adam Lanza, and the people surrounding the event, and have been flabbergasted by some of the inconsistencies. I feel absolutely terrible raising the tragedy into question, but why is there so much hysteria surrounding the event? I looked into some of what’s happening, how much money they’ve made off of the tragedy, and saw a figure that one of the parents, who once worked for the Walton family, is being donated 0.5% of all Amazon purchases. I see Adam Lanza’s demeanor, the notion that he was talking to others about joining government programs, his forum posts, and the massive dearth of information there is on him. This dude went to college at 16 to study history. What if he believed he was saving the kids? I would add a dismissive statement here about his mental health, but I simply don’t have enough information to say anything meaningful about it. Please listen to his call into that radio station if you haven’t already. Anyway, out of sheer boredom, I’d started to read esoteric/fringe/greenpill knowledge out of my own amusement. I read Theozoology, which made me shit myself in one way or another. I was really confused by the literature – I had no idea how to source the claims made and the amount of knowledge and work that seemed to go into this idea. Ariosophy, that is. See, this is where I have trouble; I could be buying into the delusional, alienating ideas that a lot of other crazy people have been. See, the Jews could just be a fascinating phenomenon of religious life-protocol efficacy and nepotism, and that they are particularly intellectually gifted. However, the only Jewish friend I have has told me that his Orthodox grandparents told him that there was an Illuminati of sorts, a secret society that meets in every city. I also remember learning that he converted to Christianity and they literally called him “filthy goy” or something really emotionally traumatic to him. I see that a lot of my intellectual heroes are Jewish and begin to wonder – either the Jews are just thoughtful or that they’re malicious. I’m still not convinced of this, but I look back to my education, and specifically remember a time in middle school where we were in a simulated holocaust, where we acted like Jewish prisoners and were yelled at, ordered around and intimidated by our history teacher. I loved the guy but in retrospect this was kinda weird. My friend, who’s a political science major, has been down the same fucking rabbit hole as me, almost separately. He has expressed his doubt of the Holocaust statistics, he is particularly vicious when it comes to his condemnation of people of certain races, but it’s funny – he was down the same path as I prior – one of secularity and empiricism. He is a highly, highly intelligent guy, if not more intelligent and cultured than I. To see him come to the conclusions I feared so much was unnerving. I’ve read about synchronicity, magick, evocation, astral projection, global politics conspiracy theories, religion and paganism. I am seeing some of what I read reflect in reality, and I’ve had my own synchronistic moments. However, I fear that this is because the very nature of these ideas plays upon unconscious biases that manifest themselves in ways of interpreting daily phenomena. Check out the list of cognitive biases on Wikipedia if you want to explore this further. I’ve read Christian literature on the Occult and have come to some interesting conclusions. Firstly, the New Testament states that the end times will be characterized by a rising interest in the occult. To paraphrase some literature, occultic ideas are anything that speaks positively of the human mind or psyche. They even refer to concepts such as self-awareness and self-actualization as occult ideas and this was something that was hard to grapple with. It makes me wonder if modern scientific doctrine leads us to "occult ideas". I mean, sure, anything that isn't Jeebus is the occult and Satan right? However, science fucking works and I’ve seen it work; I’ve studied it for years. It produces real, concrete things in reality – we take the metals of the earth and bend and refine them into information structures, force generators, et cetera – we can fucking fly now. It really is fucking gratifying, concrete and it’s modern alchemy if you will. It does everything that religion and the occult have tried to do for years – to further the human spirit, to control and manipulate the elements - to have power. So what gives? (cont.)
Dr. Giggles 12/22/14 (Mon) 05:50:17 No. 14300 >>14325
Two things: the recent massive expose of possibly satanic pedophile rings has greatly concerned me and was a hard pill for me to swallow. It was abhorrent, for lack of a better term, and perhaps the most disturbing thing was reconciling this idea with my own “primitive, dark” sexual impulses and with the horrors of things like dissociative personality disorder (in one case, perhaps the Dutroux affair, 98% of victims had this disorder, and I’ve heard figures like 90% of child abuse victims having the disorder). This was fucking unbelievable, especially when considering things like demonic possession and so forth, things I’ve read testimony on. My friend had said things about the Jews and child porn prior and I thought it was kinda ridiculous but now I see this shit reflected in plain view. I see what the fucking CIA did and has done and it’s just blatant fucking treachery. I heard a particularly interesting theory - pedophilia as a means of blackmail and secrecy. However, I had a profound interest in schizophrenia a while back, before I had even delved into the esoteric as I have now. I had trouble conceiving how this happened to people, and the idea that it was a syndrome, and I recall how fucking unnerving dissociative personality disorder was and its relation to childhood sexual abuse. I’ve taken a neuroscience class and have seen the scientific explanations for these disorders and it made sense, really – in particular, the alignment/arrangement of white matter neurons in certain brain structures like the amygdala as being a causative mechanism for schizophrenia. Clearly a lot of schizophrenics have spouted nonsense before, things so obviously untrue and delusional that nobody should believe them. Sure, their delusions manifest in physical reality through their brain, but I was cautious to give associate schizophrenia and truth. I recently discovered that one of my friends is possibly schizophrenic, and have heard him spouting off ideas relating to astrology and he even sent me a book on the psychology of mediumship. Keep in mind this guy did a lot of drugs and had a drug-induced seizure on the side of a road one rainy morning. He’s probably not in the right mind. (cont.)
Dr. Giggles 12/22/14 (Mon) 05:51:22 No. 14301 >>14325
So, it is safe to say that it worries me when I see many people possibly characterizable as schizophrenic posting to this site; especially people rationalizing it as divine power. This makes me remember a divine truth: I want to believe. Another one of my friends has been down the ancient aliens rabbit hole and is totally convinced. He even has personal accounts with witnessing aliens, but he has overwhelmingly bad anxiety and a few other psychological issues, perhaps exaggerated by his exceedingly religious parents. My girlfriend’s stepdad believes in a few conspiracy theories, notably reptiles and NWO. He’s a CFO. Has a master’s degree. So, to see all of this convergence in my life is interesting, though I’ve consciously guided and made the associations. However, I once read something by Noam Chomsky that struck me as irrevocably true – that people with the most experience with reality know reality best, and I think about who populates this site, myself and my friends who believe what they do. Alienated niggas. This is why I’m going to issue a word of caution to anybody that is brand-new to this stuff – I would highly recommend having enough of your own experience with reality before pursuing these ideas. Because I fear – HIGHLY – that all of the people that pursue these ideas have too much free time and too little experience. Or, for lack of a better term, poor critical thinking skills. After all, the characteristic symptom of schizophrenia is a breakdown in thought processes – critical thinking, to be precise. But when I say it concerns me that my own pursuit of physics and mathematics has led me to some of the same of ideas, let me be clear – I have studied physics extensively and have a lot of knowledge in the area. I have a great foundation in mathematics and just recently understood and derived Maxwell’s equations – a moment of incomparable beauty and joy – understanding light. However, when I see holographic reality becoming plausible as a scientific explanation of the Universe, when I see how mathematics is literally ENTIRELY derived from paradoxes and things like “the set of all things”, I began to shit myself again. I need to read more before coming to ANY conclusions, and I need to do it with thoroughness and rigor. But guys, what the fuck is going on? (cont.)
Dr. Giggles 12/22/14 (Mon) 05:52:34 No. 14302 >>14325
What “as above, so below” meant really just fucking hit me a few days ago. It was tremendous and it made a lot of sense, the possibility that God was experiencing himself fractally and infinitely through his creations, DNA, the planets, the large-scale structure of the universe, empathy and so on. It just slapped me in the fucking face. So let’s talk about a film recently released – Interstellar. It really began to inspire a lot of metaphysical ideas in me – the idea of love as drawing humans together. I mean, when people are going home for Christmas or Thanksgiving, what is the force by which they attract each other? When a dog gets lost, but somehow finds his way cross-country back to his owners, what, macroscopically, brought them together? I began to consider the idea of people as biological singularities, and love being the force that draws them together. I read about limerence, associative mating and all that jazz exploring this further. The nature of the church as a whole, a couple as one, love as unifying. Fuuuuuuck. Same. Fucking. Rabbit. Hole. Perhaps it’s because it’s my own rabbit hole, but to see everyone here spouting some of the same ideas is concerning. I read of shills, disinformation and how the government was possibly even going to try to spread conspiracy theories, and it’s just too much for me to handle at this point – I don’t know where I’m going with these ideas. The last time I was in a major city, I was looking at the massive banks, the federal reserve and other skyscrapers and thinking of how power literally arranges itself, how inside those enormous buildings were people doing things, how many were miserable, blah blah blah. It just really made me wonder about deep politics. The problem is, the Internet is a massively recent invention, and the only information I have ever learned as fact has been given to me by other humans. I wonder what goes on under the radar, outside of the internet. I think about how powerful a fraternal bond felt and how powerful groupthink is. What DO organizations like the Freemasons do behind doors? I have family in the Freemasons (dad's dad's dad) and the one time one of my relatives asked him about it, his first response was "Do you want to join?". Apparently, they're not allowed to bring it up. Interesting stuff. But all of this leads back to the one thing characterizing literally everything I’m talking about right now – the human mind. (cont.)
Dr. Giggles 12/22/14 (Mon) 05:55:07 No. 14303 >>14325
The concept of the shadow is fascinating, and seeing it manifest itself in culture is pretty striking. I’ve been led to the conclusion that no occult magick is real, that it’s all the power of suggestion and endless fascination that becomes reinforcing and cyclical, coupled with mental illness. But when I see schizophrenia being symptomatically characterized as seeing oneself as God (literally the mechanism by which beings are evoked), and I see “the Law of One” being labeled an Occult/pantheistic idea, I really begin to fucking wonder. Does science not prove that all is one, all is connected? Seems to me it does. I’ve also been led to the conclusion that everyone is praying to Satan, that he is the one leading us fools down the path of depravity, the ultimate hoaxer. This idea is kinda stupid, exceedingly impository and really ridiculous, and its very nature is pretty fucking bizarre – the devil gives you “just enough” experience to keep you going back to the occult until your soul is nothing. I’ve also been led to the conclusion that we don’t know shit about shit. That we are, as of yet, simply incapable of conceiving of “grand” ideas, and that there are people desperately working on this every day. This is what I intend to do for the rest of my life. It’s the people that aren’t really knowledgeable and intelligent that buy into the bullshit, maybe? But why have people been doing this shit for as long as human history? You see, this is what I could come up with thus far, and there’s a hell of a lot more I could talk about, like DMT, pineal gland calcification and fluoride but I just don’t really feel like getting into everything else. What I will leave with is that we are all equal in some way, in our capacity to know, perhaps. What if all of this esoteric knowledge is the projection of human insecurities – pedophila (attraction to young, nubile children), magick (our mundane methods of interfacing with the world), homosexuality (come on, we’re all a lil’ gay, right?), evil (what it is to be selfish and apathetic), Jews (parallel to fuck whitey), and all around just being antisocial and immature? Honestly – how many of you have seen UNMISTAKEABLE proof? REALLY? TRULY? Why do we dream? Why are we ashamed to be naked? Are grills succubi? Are demunz real? Discuss any related ideas you've been exploring below. I will answer any questions. This was written all at once so I apologize for anything tangential. Hopefully the CIA/NSA/FBI won't come after me
12/22/14 (Mon) 06:33:39 No. 14304 >>14463
well I've been a little confused lately. I am a firm believer in reincarnation and have no doubt that that's what happens postmortem. But the implications mang, on one hand occultists say that the evil demiurge is imprisoning us to physicality, and that reincarnation is a senseless and fruitless process that is imposed on us, and that we ulimately have to leave this universe and reject it totally because of the fact that it's in total discord with the true nature of our spirit then on the other hand occultists say that we are all gay little love particles and that reincarnation is a means to the end of the growth or evolution of our consciousness/spirit and that the ultimate goal of the process is harmonizing with the universe, which is also God, which is also you me and every soul in the universe b/c we're actually all one blahblahblah It just fucking angers me that two ideologiess have the same foundation of individual spirit, the universe in the grand scale of things, and reincarnation but have two polar opposite views on what happens with those topics and what you should strive for in existence. And you have different people on boards like this advocating one or the other as fact. so fucking confusing. but yeah thats whats beeen on my mind lately in regards to metaphysics
☻ 12/22/14 (Mon) 07:48:53 No. 14306
You guys mind making one post per each IP at your disposal on
>>>/4chon/ to bring it up to the top of the list?
12/22/14 (Mon) 07:57:52 No. 14307 >>14309 >>14463
>So, it is safe to say that it worries me when I see many people possibly characterizable as schizophrenic posting to this site; especially people rationalizing it as divine power. You have a lot of reasons to think this. Magical thinking is a symptom of schizophrenia. It's a very high probability that most of the posters here are asocial/anti-social types, another symptom of schizophrenia. I'll just talk from my experience, and show you how a someone that browses /fringe/ was made. Since I was a kid I was the odd type. Even from a young age I could never let emotions or group thinking get the best of me. Even if I was feeling joy, anger, there was always a part of me that stood above all this and judged if how I feel and act is right. I could never get how people can be mean to each other and deliberatly want to hurt each other, I could never understand aggressive behaviour and I was always critical with myself. Naturally, people singled me out as a weak type and I never had any affinity for their concerns anyway. That doesn't mean I never wanted to have someone close. On the contrary I longed and still long for a sincere friendship, but this was never possible for me . So here I was at 15, summer vacation and all alone. The feeling of separation of myself from the others was very severe. Out of boredom I started to look into my father's old, dusty books and for my surprise I found some delicious material. First was a book about yoga and christianity, the other was "History of religious ideas". From then on, my interest in the occult was constant. I should also add that I was the type that studied a lot, more than the average person anyway, and now I'm in med school doing pretty well, so I don't think this sudden interest has a link with my inability to be "logical". My fascination with the occult comes from the sense of exploration and wonder it can give you, simply as that. Science can't explain our purpose or our reason of existing. It reduces our universe to a mechanical or a probabilistic machine. It never tells anything about us or our purpose to live. Whenever I get a success with something "fringe" I get this sense of amazement I only got when I was a child, I feel like an explorer. It's this idea that there is something more subtle at work in our bleak and petty life that keeps me going. Maybe a psychologist would call it a coping mechanism or some other sterile and cold expression to make me feel guilty, he probably doesn't see any problem when other people are selfish or mean as a way of coping with the fear of living. I don't see most people as self-aware anyway, in the sense that they never act considering the other persons point of view. Everything is about "me", how can they feel good, how can they get more out of any situation. Don't know if my post will make sense to you, or if it's the feed-back you wanted to get. I don't think most of the people browsing here are because of homosexuality or pedophilia as you concluded, I never cared about jews. For me it's the desire to get to the source, the reason of everything I lived or I'm supposed to live, even if I'm aware most of the things posted here don't have much truth to them anyway.
12/22/14 (Mon) 09:50:17 No. 14309 >>14463
>>14307 >Maybe a psychologist would call it a coping mechanism or some other sterile and cold expression to make me feel guilty you previously made a link of how you feel about the occult to the explorers and I relate to that 100% as well as your sentiment the last mysteries of the world being the only thing that keeps you going.
Schizophrenia or not we are definitely a unique type of people, who are not content with living a life that was lived by thousands or even millions of other people before us.
Before having my first occult experience, which led me to finding /fringe/ and along with it the answers to my questions, I was a /pol/ regular so the idea that something is off with the world wasn't new to me.
Back then my only hope of doing something unique was rebellion against the jews or whatever powers that be, that seem to promote anti-white and anti-traditional sentiments at every turn.
I watched in horror as the subtle brainwashing turned even some of my friends into hate filled monsters, the ones in Russia filled with hate for the west and everything it represents and the ones in the west filled with hate against racists, sexists, islamaphobes, homophobes, privileged whites etc.
As a child I had the foolish notion that all people think and analyse information equally but it's crystal clear now that people capable of rational critical thinking are a tiny minority in this world filled with sheep wearing human skin and clothes, being herded by the black box in their living room.
I have no idea where this path will take us or if any of us will ever find the truth about this world but our nature compels us to try and the fact that /fringe/ exists, allowing us to communicate and assist each other on our journeys, is an absolute blessing.
12/22/14 (Mon) 10:11:22 No. 14312 >>14463
Please, do explain light.
12/22/14 (Mon) 12:35:07 No. 14325 >>14327 >>14463
>>14298 (OP) >>14299 >>14300 >>14301 >>14302 >>14303 Nice. Very nice.
I see you have a very good intellectual understanding of the world. That's your strength and your fatal flaw.
Do you think every great mystic had a perfect intellectual understanding of the world? I don't think so. Their wisdom was acquired through meditation.
I think you're a very intelligent person, but you are too attached to the scientific paradigm.
>However, science fucking works and I’ve seen it work; I’ve studied it for years. It produces real, concrete things in reality – we take the metals of the earth and bend and refine them into information structures, force generators, et cetera – we can fucking fly now. It really is fucking gratifying, concrete and it’s modern alchemy if you will. It does everything that religion and the occult have tried to do for years – to further the human spirit, to control and manipulate the elements - to have power.No one of us is saying science doesn't work, the problem arises when "science" starts to get into the spiritual field with a skewed or absent understanding of it.
The magi have been doing exactly what you're describing -refining their spirits, controlling the elements, being powerful- for millennia, but of course a very advanced magician is not going to have the same mindset as your average joe. What, do you think that a powerful being who's attained self-realization and then became one with the mind of god will be running around in the streets yelling: "look at me, I'm all-powerful, look at my miracles!!!". I don't think so.
Understand that you will NEVER get where you want to get (perfect understanding of the universe) by "reading more". It's not about understanding it intellectually, it's about perfecting yourself so you can be one with god's consciousness, and then you will KNOW - "gnosis". This is where meditation comes in. First of all you've got to completely accept that magic is real, either by taking a leap of faith, reading enough "evidence" to convince yourself, or by being shown it is real.
Then you have to start practicing it yourself. There are many mystery schools that teach people how to get closer to god, and we /fringe/ people mainly prefer Hermetic schools. These are
mystery schools, so you're not going to find what they teach in books. They have oral traditions and school-exclusive practices.
They will all get you to the same place though, if they're valid schools (Yoga, Theurgy, The Golden Dawn, even some shamanic traditions of the third world).
It's hard work and it's a life long pursuit.
As you pointed out, people have been doing this forever, so it's not about gullible people believing in bullshit.
And you even said it yourself, everything in your life is pointing towards this. It's like the universe is giving you a big slap in the face and telling you: "look at this, faggot" and you're moaning: "ouchieee… sob… b-but daddy, I-I want to be absolutely 100% sure I'm not bullshitting myself…"
That's what it is right? You want to be SURE you are following the right path. That's why science is so beautiful and perfect. A no-risk art. It's safe. It's proven. It's so reassuring to live in the illusion of objectivity and being always right.
If you stray from it and start to consider something new, some meanie psychiatrist might say you're a schizo and anti-social and you might not fit Noam Chomsky's description of "man who knows reality best". Guess what, the "reality" he's talking about is literally "mundane life", an illusion, a mask, maya.
By the way, not everyone on fringe is a schizo. I am perfectly "normal", "mental-health" wise. The only thing that everyone here has in common is that we're not "normalfags", we're not so absorbed in and addicted to that very mundane "reality" which Chomsky is talking about. And you pointed it out yourself, "science heroes" like Newton and Leibniz, who were geniuses, were also occultists. There's got to be more to this than just mental illness, gullibility and delusion, am I right?
Many Saints of the Christian tradition had something in common: they had a strong faith and they meditated a lot.
If you want a quick reality-shock, try DMT, shrooms, Ayahuasca.
I think I could write a lot more about this, but I made my point. This is a wake up call: I'm telling you to let loose. Take it easy with the strict intellectuality. Allow yourself the pleasure of suspending disbelief. Read more occult texts. Meditate. Hang out on /fringe/ and you'll start to see we're not crazy motherfuckers.
Chill out bro.
12/22/14 (Mon) 13:45:21 No. 14328 >>14332
A very interesting and insightful read, OP. I am particularly impressed by your constant hunger for improvement: you have acquired impressive knowledge, but are quick to discard it again once a new theorem/paradigm presents itself. This is very hard to do, but a prerequisite for growth and advancement. Most people settle their asses on some view of the world and sprout their nonsensical tyranny from that place. >Hopefully the CIA/NSA/FBI won't come after me Probably not. Recruitment seems to be more of an option ;-) Allow me to present an overarching point of view, relating to the 'evils' man are capable of doing: I am trying to come to terms with the following (half)truth. Everything is a reflection of everything there is. Others, and what you see in them, is a reflection of you. They are you, and you are them. Man is a ship on the ocean, but we are all made of water. The stuff others are made of is the same stuff you are made of. It is a very tiring concept to be able to integrate, especially with my ego and individual point of view. I am sure that I exist, and have created a world view where there are others that exist too. I, in that sense, am a self-centered being: I take into account the destitution of others, since I believe that all those 7 billion human beings are part of the same organism, but it all comes from my point of view, the only view I am able to take (pragmatically). But sometimes I dive.. dive into others. When they are especially open and when I don't force it. Able to extend a touch.. a thought.. that touches others and takes away the pain. Where do I end and others begin? I have had a moment where I was dancing on a dancefloor where two others 'linked' to me and we danced in perfect unison. We seemed one, the three of us. It was only a short while, since my great fear of letting go of my ego got in the way, but it lifted the veil.. again .. that the borders between I and you are very small and can be overcome to become one. Singular. One Singular Entity. Where does that leave me? I feel threatened. I don't want to let go. I am me. I I I am human. The sum of my worldly experience: flesh, thoughts, emotions. Too much thought. Too much projection. Qualm. Calm. Breathe.
12/22/14 (Mon) 14:30:40 No. 14330 >>14936
12/22/14 (Mon) 14:44:15 No. 14331 >>14333
You mentioned that the new testament said "occultism bad". What the majority of people don't understand, is that there are many ways to interpret text from the new testament. But most either take a literal interpretation or don't look too much beyond their own life. Only some are wise enough to open their mind, and it's always women of the few people I've talked to, funnily enough. What I interpret "end times" to be, is when all the humans have become enlightened and their spirits move on to the next world, whatever that is.
12/22/14 (Mon) 14:44:25 No. 14332 >>14862
>>14328 >I feel threatened. I don't want to let go. I am me. Dude, remember you are not alone. Everyone feels that way. Deep down, no one wants to lose their individuality. Think of yourself like the tentacle of an octopus, the head being god. Of course god would want its created "egos" to persist, they are part of him and necessary for him to BE, just like the octopus wouldn't be an octopus without its tentacles.
Know that at the end of the day, everything's gonna be alright.
God is love. Why? Because god is the union of all into one. And how does this "sacred union" manifest in our world? It manifests as love. Or at least, that's the conclusion I came to.
12/22/14 (Mon) 14:54:52 No. 14333
>>14331 >Only some are wise enough to open their mind, and it's always women of the few people I've talked to, funnily enough.Right, women have something to them… It's too bad the majority of them and are just "sheep".
And that is understandable if we look at it from an occult perspective, since they are the manifestation of the feminine principle: more receptive, intuitive, passive, thus more easily influenced. That's exactly what's happening to our women, they just go with the flow.
Imagine the role of women in an enlightened society. It would be amazing. The first thing that comes to my mind are the virgin priestesses of the Delphi oracle back in the day.
The radical feminist movement today is just about converting women into men, and that's no good.
12/22/14 (Mon) 19:50:01 No. 14395
OP, if you don't mind me asking, what topics would you recommend covering to someone hoping to gain a holistic understanding of the Fourier Series?
Dr. Giggles 12/23/14 (Tue) 02:32:00 No. 14463
>>14304 You see, I think that these two views are really based in the way one perceives the world. Some people, undeniably, get a lot out of life. That's because they're "go-getters" and don't take shit from anybody. A later post articulates the idea, but yeah, a truth I've come to terms with is that the world is a reflection of yourself. When you're happy, the world is happy. When you're sad, the world is sad.
>>14307 Can you give me some examples of /fringe/ experiences you've had?
>>14309 Feels mate. The last thing you said is something I've thought about; it's beautiful as hell.
>>14312 It's a transverse propagation of a fundamental force. Maxwell's equations describe light perfectly.
>>14325 I have been cautious in embracing scientism. Also, can you give me some examples of your fringe experiences? As for psychiatry, I'm only being treated for ADD at the moment, but I was recently offered thorazine. I didn't even bring up any issues - he just said it would help insomnia. Hmph.
As for the reality shock, I will be doing LSD for the first time tonight, will report my experiences.
Will respond to the rest of the posts later.
12/23/14 (Tue) 05:01:10 No. 14487 >>14489
testing flag
12/23/14 (Tue) 05:40:04 No. 14489
12/23/14 (Tue) 07:15:21 No. 14502
You speak the truth. Everyone sucks and everyone is blind. Believe nothing and search for the truth. No truth is really the truth. Everything is real while at the same time nothing is. Unless you're of Jewish descent I'll meet you in the middle just like everyone else here. I was raised in a Pentecostal house, that said I stopped believing in God at 12, I'm now 22, the world is a mysterious place where morality is not only abcent but purely fabricated. I don't really know where I'm going with this but we share the same rabbit hole.
12/23/14 (Tue) 07:16:23 No. 14503 >>14504
Forgot my flag fuck ^^^
☻ 12/23/14 (Tue) 07:17:13 No. 14504
>>14503 Hover over your flag with your mouse. Report back results in this thread.
12/23/14 (Tue) 07:19:33 No. 14505
In bed on my phone, results are as follows Mouse is not plugged in. No results recorded.
!9999hAzhzA 12/23/14 (Tue) 11:06:05 No. 14527
Reading this threads gives me hope for the world.
12/23/14 (Tue) 12:29:24 No. 14529
Dude this shit is fucking real. You have no idea the levels of synchronicity I've been experiencing over the past few months and it's getting more and more undeniable by the day. It works once you truly believe it. What catapulted me into the world I'm in right now was meeting someone who could read my mind perfectly. You asked for UNMISTAKABLE proof? Well that was mine. Before that I was just like you. Discarding everything into the world of rationalization annd logic. Until I was told word for word not only what my inner voice was saying in my head, but also what I was picturing in my head, and what I was feeling towards certain things. That was it. I still couldn't believe it for weeks. I look back and it was UNDENIABLE. I don't even want to go into the details really. Eventually, somehow I found my way here.
12/25/14 (Thu) 12:34:55 No. 14862
>>14332 That is true. Which brings us to the concept of what love is.
I try to find a clear-cut sense of that. None of that lust-driven stuff, but actual, honest love.
I have experienced that, but only in that state of being and non-being, between the two worlds.
12/25/14 (Thu) 20:11:05 No. 14936 >>15023
>>14330 Any other initiates in here?
I'm thinking about enrolling with a close friend. Is this a better means of initiation than the usual self-initiation, and what should I expect?
12/26/14 (Fri) 06:13:41 No. 15010
op. seems you are looking for patterns / forcing patterns. set up a listening port, of sorts, and study the data stream and relations. some names name the same event.
12/26/14 (Fri) 07:48:28 No. 15023 >>15027
>>14936 I checked out the website and the following is a list of their more advanced class that is invitation only
General Outline of Things Learned
>What the plastic imagination is, and how it is developed in order to allow the student to interact with otherwise invisible and unreachable energies. >What the life force or “pneuma” is, and how it purifies the theurgist. >The theurgic doctrine of internal energy, including how major energy channels and storage points are arranged within the body according to the ancient sages. >What the Guardian Angel is, and how it impacts life. >The theurgic explanation of life, death, and reincarnation. >The traditional spiritual attainments and meditative states of the theurgist, and in what order they progress from the start of meditation until the achievement of God-Union. >How the life force is controlled by breath, including a meditation using this principle for the purification and strengthening of the aura.If you haven't practised most of the things listed you aren't really an initiate. Even if this is new to you, the /fringe/ library has enough books for you to self educate yourself without paying for some online courses.
Their daily practise is basically the IIH.
This is a massive fucking scam that passes entry level knowledge as something super secret and advanced.
12/26/14 (Fri) 10:12:48 No. 15027 >>15030 >>15037
>>15023 Not that anon but I'd be wary of anyone in the modern day trying to profit from sharing occult knowledge.
12/26/14 (Fri) 10:43:28 No. 15030 >>15036
>>15027 Experts of all professions need to put food on the table. Why not occultists?
That said the real trick to getting rich from the occult is writing a book on how to get rich from the occult.
12/26/14 (Fri) 12:12:41 No. 15036 >>15037
>>15030 Yes, think of Atkinson for example. He sold books on New Thought and had a successful career without even working full-time! And the same man wrote the Arcane Series and the Kybalion.
12/26/14 (Fri) 12:17:00 No. 15037 >>15039 >>15041
>>15027 They claim that the monthly fee of $25 and the $100 joining fee goes towards building a compound for wizards to study in peace.
They sound very neutral and convincing on the website but my gut screams scam to me. I'm thinking of signing up for the free aspect of it to get a feel of how much their teachers really know but the whole thing is fishy as hell.
>>15036 Except Atkinson was a prime degenerate that used his cult to fuel his lifestyle of sex and drugs. Hardly a role model for the modern wizards.
I would love to live out my life with a balanced mundane and occult life but I truly wonder how important is it really to have a master.
12/26/14 (Fri) 12:27:18 No. 15039 >>15040
>>15037 >Atkinson was a prime degenerate that used his cult to fuel his lifestyle of sex and drugs. Do you have anything to prove that? Not that I don't believe you, but I'd like sauce with such claims.
12/26/14 (Fri) 12:36:36 No. 15040 >>15041
>>15039 my bad, was thinking of Crowley.
don't actually know much of Atkinson's life
12/26/14 (Fri) 12:41:13 No. 15041
>>15037 >>15040 I was just about to ask if you mixed Atkinson with Crowley.
Atkinson was a lawyer but the job stressed him out and he got sick and was in financial crisis; then he learned of New Thought, healed himself and became an occultist. There's a lot of his books in /fringe/ library, I think Smiley likes him a lot.
12/28/14 (Sun) 18:09:36 No. 15292