Green Pill General 12/22/14 (Mon) 15:09:05 No. 14335
/Fringe/ I need your help. Is the Green Pill books worth reading, are they really open-minding.> Inb4 hurr muh rainbow pills I say this because I have read some of them and also read about the author. Many of which(from the book chart I posted) were written by jews. One in particullar send off a big red flag (Listen up, Little Man) in which the author worked for a Marxist Institute in Germany. I thing they maybe refering to the starting of the cultural marxist theorists of Frankfurd School. TL;DR: is Green Pill a deceptive red pill? Or are the jews that control the world just crypto-jews of some cabala.
12/22/14 (Mon) 16:57:59 No. 14365
12/22/14 (Mon) 18:55:26 No. 14389
>WALLSTREET AND THE RISE OF HITLER That book has been debunked before.
12/22/14 (Mon) 21:58:24 No. 14421
>>14389 Can you link me a rebuttal?
12/23/14 (Tue) 03:51:44 No. 14472
>>14389 >>14421 Of course the disinfo shill with a swastika would say that "it's debunked" without any further commentary.
>it's debunkedis the same lazy shitpost as
>I don't like it
12/23/14 (Tue) 04:43:25 No. 14478
Hey guys I can't find the thread where people were talking about this so I'm just going to post this in here. I have started using auto-suggestion and thought-control while laying in bed trying to sleep in order to suggest away my acne. I've had AMAZING results with this. I have done many things in the past to try to get rid of this but right now, while very sleep deprived, and not getting the best food; my acne is at an all-time low. I noticed major improvements in just '24 HOURS . It has now been about 48 hours since I started and blackheads are disappearing from my nose, no new acne is flaring up, and my face is continuing to improve. I just have to hold back fears of failure or reverting from creeping up… and I might just be acne free at last! Really I should simply say I WILL BE and AM acne free and MY SKIN WILL NOT GO BAD AGAIN NO MATTER WHAT! So yeah, this works far better than diet/drugs/cleansers/etc.
12/23/14 (Tue) 04:44:05 No. 14479
>>14478 Oh also it's not even just my face. My back is all clearing up. Everything is clearing up.
12/23/14 (Tue) 04:47:00 No. 14480
>>14335 Most of the shit in that picture appears to politics oriented and not even occult. Greenpill is supposed to pertain to 4D mystical / religious / hyperdimensional / alien / paranormal / magick basically /fringe/ matters. Redpill is supposed to be /new/ or /pol/ stuff.
Greenpill is fine just don't take some of the book recommendations given in these pictures seriously. Whoever made them is… out of touch.
12/23/14 (Tue) 04:47:57 No. 14481
>>14472 See the post about yours. It appears he linked a 42 minute debunking right there.
12/23/14 (Tue) 07:21:20 No. 14506
more books