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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1419271851889.png (394.88 KB, 452x358, 226:179, check them.png)


I want to use powers of sexual fantasies to curse/kill people i dont like just so i can cuz im bored and i want to(and i just have urges to think about this stuff so i can feel strong emotions). i have a theory that if i can figure out and scan with my mind which room that they go into everyday or every once in a while i can use it that way, im not sure i can actually do this, but once i thought of someone i have not seen in years while being in a room i remember which made the fantasy vivid and i was able to orgasm to it and a few weeks later i heard news that their health has deteriorated, im probably not the cause, but this got me thinking, is there anything else i need to do? Should i just fantasies about making them sick instead? beating them? cutting them while fapping to their pain? or should i be making myself feel a different feeling and not try to fap at all, idk any other emotions that would benefit me at the expense of the other im trying to curse, its just a theory, but i want acknowledgement.

Please tell me what would be best for a male to do this, and if a female wanted to do this to be a mental teleporting succubus or whatever.

Please dont make fun im serious.(USER IS LACKING A FLAG)


Are you 15?

>Please tell me what would be best for a male to do this, and if a female wanted to do this to be a mental teleporting succubus or whatever.



Im over 20, and i told you im serious dont make fun.

forget that, techniques?(USER NEEDS A FLAG!!)


I have a flag, now some answers please?


>Over 20.
>Doesn't even give a specific age. because he's clearly lying.
>Making a question thread.
>Has the grammar of a 15 year old.
Need I say more?


Goddamn im 21, calm your fucking boipussy


File: 1419325164805.jpg (15.71 KB, 255x173, 255:173, 1416722615664.jpg)

>fucking boipussy


File: 1419332165243.jpg (56.4 KB, 331x402, 331:402, lol buthurt.jpg)

thought fringe would be the best place to learn magic, guess this place is just a place to shut threads down.



Ask questions in the question thread and do some more reading first.

Also some of our best wizards are extremely busy due to the holidays with various intense magickal practises so you just got to wait man, it may be awhile longer before you get answers to your questions, remember that patience is a virtue and good things come to those who wait!


Wow the Christmas hat fits PERFECTLY on the man in the OP pic.


His the man who rescued some kids from the sandy hook shooting.


Drop hints that something more is going on while they're fapping for you on webcam.


Rescued them from being shot by agents?


What does that mean?


File: 1419382027119.jpg (20.3 KB, 247x224, 247:224, bob_eye.jpg)


If you don't know I can't tell you.



PROTIP: there is always something going on, all you need to do is point them in the right direction with the right words or actions, using signifiers works or something vague yet specific for them to attach meaning to, it makes the brain ache when you never get a solid answer but the thing is still right there staring you in the face.

The stuff going on has something to do with relatively widespread but hidden psychic ability.

If you do this you might end up regretting it.


Well my webcam is covered with tape if thats what you mean, but alex jones told me the light-bulbs also have cameras in them.


>The stuff going on has something to do with relatively widespread but hidden psychic ability.

>If you do this you might end up regretting it.

Do what?



You ever heard that when you look into the abyss the abyss looks back? Or cosmic coincidence control center pay special attention to those who pay attention to them? This could be seen as those things. Make them look into the abyss.


Talk about the illumiarghdfgdasdkfsldflksdfslkdfw


>You ever heard that when you look into the abyss the abyss looks back? Or cosmic coincidence control center pay special attention to those who pay attention to them? This could be seen as those things. Make them look into the abyss.

Them who? my victims? How do i make them stare into the abyss? And what kind of abyss?



>Them who? my victims?


>How do i make them stare into the abyss?

Stand in front of it making a peace sign.

>And what kind of abyss?

The kind of abyss that transforms every aspect of your life so it fits a terrible paranoia fuelled narrative of illuminati mind reading spies everywhere.

People are already playing this game most all the time, if you don't know about it then it's probably happening to you right now.


Well said.
Fear is the game of the mind control masters.
Control would be meaningless if it wasn't for psychological fear of the masses because it is fear itself which allows them to maintain control.
Those who are afraid are playing the bluepilled game, all while thinking they are "redpilled" or even "greenpilled."



Well i have gotten over fear, so what do i do?



This is true, however those illuminati mind reading spies are very real and being afraid is part of the initiation for some. It is ultimately bad medicine though.

We are all the illuminati to someone in some way, however little we know or whatever form it takes even if it is only on the level of social domination.


Watch people and yourself more closely, enter chapel perilous and be paranoid and afraid enough to wake up knowing what it means to be paranoid and afraid. Once you know what drives paranoia and fear you will know what to do.

>Chapel Perilous, like the mysterious entity called "I," cannot be located in the space-time continuum; it is weightless, odorless, tastless and undetectable by ordinary instruments. Indeed, like the Ego, it is even possible to deny that it is there. And yet, even more like the Ego, once you are inside it, there doesn't seem to be any way to ever get out again, until you suddenly discover that it has been brought into existence by thought and does not exist outside thought. Everything you fear is waiting with slavering jaws in Chapel Perilous, but if you are armed with the wand of intuition, the cup of sympathy, the sword of reason, and the pentacle of valor, you will find there (the legends say) the Medicine of Metals, the Elixir of Life, the Philosopher's Stone, True Wisdom and Perfect Happiness.

more on chapel perilous: http://www.mindmined.com/public_library/nonfiction/anonymous_my_cosmic_trigger_finger_is_broken.html

If you feel like learning at the expense of others act like you're top dog all the time and test people to see how aware they are. A simpler entry to the paranoid mindset is the 23 enigma, learn about anchoring, signifiers, nlp and gangstalking for more ideas.



That is signifiers or signs in semiotics by the way.


Listen, i just wanna know if i can curse/kill people by attaching emotions to doing things to them in my mind in environments they commonly reside in.



Most curses are based on sympathetic magic or leaving cursed powder for someone to walk over. I've not heard of curses being used in a remote and abstract way like that, in my experience strong emotions and sex magic can create curses but I think it depends on how susceptible the victim is to it which according to the traditional advice depends on whether or not they believe in magic, if they do then curses will work on them, if they don't, it won't. What I was getting at earlier is about getting them to believe in something. Sympathetic magic seems more likely to work to me, especially if the victim encounters the curse carrying object and it freaks them out a little, or if it goes into their subconcious without them noticing.


That's a question you need to figure out for your self.
In the literal sense, I suppose you could look up some "curses" that you could try to cast one people but they say that cursing others will come back to you 3 fold. (I cannot verify if this is or is not true.)
With that said, if you have to ask "what you should do" then you should probably meditate and the answers will come to you from within.
>Mind reading spies.
Interesting, have you ever dealt with them personally?
Also, as for the "Illuminati" you are correct, personally, I don't find the "Illuminati" to be evil, since, to be a member of the Illuminati, You only have to be Illuminated, as for certain secret societies, assuming they exist, I doubt they are all that "Illuminated" in the first place, if their main goals are to control the material world.



>Interesting, have you ever dealt with them personally?

I've had an ongoing interaction with them for a good number of years, four to fiveish of which I've been psychically turned on myself, which isn't always easy as there's a lot of garbage to pick up on. I think most of them are started off at an early age by cult like groups. It can be quite predatory and a "I wish I didn't know this shit" area. I'm at the point now where I can say I have absolutely no idea how much of my life really happened or how it should be interpreted, it's quite a headfuck. I'm in no way winning because of this other than the esoteric insight I've gained.

The term illuminati can be used as subjectively and widely as the term "good" in my opinion. It can be applied to a whole spectrum of people, there's the thousand supposed conspiracies that people call illuminati, there's the occult illuminati, the crossover between occult and global elite/conspiritorial illuminati and then there's the people who run the village illuminati - again in both a purely conspiritorial way and in an occult way.

There are most definitely conspiracies in life, on the macro and micro level and you're right in saying they're not necessarily illuminated, however I think a degree of selling your soul does count for something even if it is only in the demiurge's playpen scheme of illumination.



>I think a degree of selling your soul does count for something

That is to say that certain lessons can only be learnt under certain conditions and if buddhism or something similar, it is all a learning experience.

I tend to switch between that view and the Cathar (worth looking up, they have an interesting history and are quite obscure) view that we are angels trapped in hell.(USER FORGOT HIS FLAG)

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