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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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Any ideas as to why this might be?


Kek. I'm not sure whether to take this kid seriously or not anymore, maybe he's just a deranged nigger and maybe he's actually a legit mystic, with that said, that is an interesting quote nonetheless.


The head is the only human part of the sphinx, the others being animal. It's about bestial degeneracy taking over the higher aspects of human composition.


>posting question threads

Are you doing this intentionally to destroy the quality of this board?


>tfw flags updated




>maybe he's just a deranged nigger and maybe he's actually a legit mystic
He's was raised with Scientology. So both basically


kid needs to lay off the loosh


>tfw loosh addict
>tfw never been so high off of loosh as these last days
>tfw can't quit
>tfw reaping in tons of loosh every day
>tfw going to ascend if I don't quit soon
>tfw it can't be prevented


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is this true that there are tunnels under sphinx with alexandrian library manuscripts and even underground passages to agharta/shambala?



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