ITT meditation stories.
I'll start.
The other night, I was meditating while listening to binaural beats.
I eventually went into a trance, my eyes began to roll into the back of my head.
I could "see" my soul, seated upon a throne, within my pineal gland.
The gland itself was partially frozen over, my soul, (myself) was a viking war lord.
I took my battle axe and began to violently break away at the ice, then I was transported back in time, and saw some of my past "misdeeds" in a previous life as a viking warlord, at one point I hacked one of my political enemies to bits using my mighty bearded axe.
I had an insaitable lust for power and gold.
I would sit atop my ornately carved viking throne, wearing a bear pelt. I was often in a drunken state and when I was alone I would sit at my throne in front of the hearth while completely naked, the only clothing being my bear pelt, I don't know why but I really loved that pelt.
I also had an intense hatred of anyone who dared challenge my power, however, eventually, someone did (successfully) and in a duel I was stabbed through the chest with a spear and my reign of terror ended.
>>14639>implying you weren't a poor peasant a hundred times over who lived a shitty life and then died No.14675
>>14654>implying that it would be impossible for OP to have had at least one interesting life No.14698
>>14675>implying he didn't just live out that life NOW and not in the past No.14726
>>14698>Implying I couldn't have had a legitimate spiritual experience. No.14727
>implying one soul isn't living all lives simultaneously No.15051
>>15046Yes, in the absolute sense of thing there is but one Soul, one Life, and that One plays the part of the Many.
Thank you for reminding that it is time for me to establish my Egohood.
>>15046>implying each single theory expressed on this thread is not as valid as the others No.15282
>>15052Shouldn't you be posting with a chaos magician flag making a statement like that?
>Decide to start meditation after not doing it for a while.
>Feel somewhat tired but instantly concentrate.
>Suddenly in less than 30 seconds I'm tripping harder than ever (no drugs)
>Images appear vividly through my mind
>See some cutout humans like pic related but more trippy and with an awesome background.
>Press my eyes because a fuckton of images happening.
>See carved on a sandstone wall what looks like a svastika but with 4 dots on the inside squares. I think it's a celtic symbol but I don't know.
>The symbol is surrounded by a deeply carved circle, it almost looks like a button.
>symbol turns into the black sun sign.
>What the hell does that mean?
>See what looks like neurons, but a bit different.
>It turns into a gas cloud
>it turns into something I can't quite get.
>I see something which looks like the a pic of the universe but with roads of light leading everywhere.
>it stops all of a sudden.
Like, woah. What the hell did I cook the macaroni with? Thoughts?
This just happened:
I have an annoying cough, and it's bothering me very much, so I'm trying to alleviate with breathing exercises. I was kind of slouching on my bed with my fingers locked and feet close to do some of the "science of breathe" exercises. I started breathing rhythmically, and while doing this, I entered that state of consciousness that comes when you're falling asleep. There were no visuals, just dream sounds, and as I realized this, I became sort of lucid I guess.
Knowing this is the best state of mind for affirmations and shit, I immediately stated "I AM". Boom. Then I began stating something like: "I AM a soul separate from my body …" and all that jazz, and immediately, I didn't even finish the sentence, I felt myself floating out of the body.
I floated for a minute or so in a 3D dark-grey space, with "electric sparks" in it (that's the closest way I can describe it).
It was cool.
I noticed that every time I enter this kind of state, my sides feel very "electrical", like there's a lot of energy passing through them, and it's almost uncomfortable. Especially my right side.
Does anyone have an explanation for that?
Oh, also, it felt like I was tripping on mushrooms.
>>17172fucking dabbler
>>15282Not necessarily. Epistemology 101
>>14639Crushed to death in a submarine hull in ww2.
Died of scurvy on a dutch merchantman.
Pedlar of wares in SE England, pushing a cart from town to town, lived old and died of natural cause one cold winter, living on interest from a loan to the bank of England.
That is all I can remember.
>>17421>being a submarinerohhhhhh shit