File: 1419465408190.png (42.42 KB, 1057x329, 151:47, Screenshot from 2014-12-24….png )
HELP ME /FRINGE/ ☻ 12/24/14 (Wed) 23:56:48 No. 14722 [Last 50 Posts]
HELP ME OUT /FRINGE/ THIS GUY KNOWS SOME SHIT AND I CAN'T DECODE HIS PROSE, SOMEONE WHO UNDERSTANDS THIS SHIT HELPPP!! I got until Didnight GMT on December 26th to figure this out or it's too late!!
☻ 12/24/14 (Wed) 23:59:21 No. 14724
Midnight* Please help it's very important! If he is legitimately who I think he is and he actually has the answers in a pastebin somewhere it might reveal a lot.
☻ 12/25/14 (Thu) 00:06:45 No. 14728
>>40100 I was expecting more from you. Someday Together All Layers. Someone Tells All Lies. Somehow To A Lapse. I have placed the information you seek in a public pastebin. You already know everything you need to search for it. I will delete it at midnight GMT on December 26th.What a love I had known The earth below was as my mind above An object of words worth a kingdom's ransom in gold A spell miscast sends the impostor to the letter of the lay Can you, could you, would you?The first day i realized I loved you was today. How many times have you clenched your fist today? The hanged man is reversed and the chariot awaits. Fortune find or fortune loss.
12/25/14 (Thu) 00:11:06 No. 14729
>>14728 The hanged man and the chariot are both tarot cards, you should start be researching the meaning of these cards, specifically the hanged man "in reverse". (in that case he would be standing upright)
Hopefully I provided some help, if you find what you're looking for be sure to share it with the rest of us.
12/25/14 (Thu) 00:13:37 No. 14731
>>14728 This was meant for you smiley. How are we supposed to know?
☻ 12/25/14 (Thu) 00:14:54 No. 14733
A broken vase across my fingertips The lips I wish to hear Her first words became my name I sit crying for the song I used to know The windows have eyes, but not for me All I know is pain How many times have you clenched your fist? Are you sure? You might want to count again. ^ previous post by this mystery man
☻ 12/25/14 (Thu) 00:16:14 No. 14734
>>14729 arghhhh what is the chariot? I don't into tarot cards at all.
12/25/14 (Thu) 00:17:54 No. 14736
I recommend a good protection spell
☻ 12/25/14 (Thu) 00:18:13 No. 14737
File: 1419466693417.png (45.44 KB, 1131x379, 1131:379, Screenshot from 2014-12-24….png )
ahhhhhhhhhhhh another post by him
12/25/14 (Thu) 00:19:29 No. 14738
>>14737 Are you sure he's not rusing you mate?
12/25/14 (Thu) 00:20:16 No. 14739
>>14737 >A familiar face >grins >☻ He's talking about you smiley.
☻ 12/25/14 (Thu) 00:22:21 No. 14741
>>14738 Not 100% sure but if he is, he is extremely fucking clever, and knows about stuff from yesterday, and a lot of other things too. Do you want me to show you for example how one of the things he says is not random but a direct quote of a previous cryptic statement by him yesterday?
12/25/14 (Thu) 00:23:16 No. 14742
>>14741 I don't know what happened yesterday, but yeah, go ahead and share as much as possible if you want us to help you.
12/25/14 (Thu) 00:27:27 No. 14743
How are you even sure this is a threat? It could be a lot of things…
☻ 12/25/14 (Thu) 00:29:01 No. 14744
>The first day i realized I loved you was today. >>>/meta/40100 >The first day i realized I loved you was today. >>>/meta/39632IT'S ALL CONNECTED CHECK THE TIMESTAMPS TOO
12/25/14 (Thu) 00:30:50 No. 14746
12/25/14 (Thu) 00:32:14 No. 14747
>>14744 Now I feel as though we are being played
☻ 12/25/14 (Thu) 00:32:56 No. 14749
"The first day i realized I loved you was today. The moment I took you into my arms I could tell it was gonna be something, something I needed. As the happiness began to settle in I knew that you and me where together forever."THIS IS ALSO A REFERENCE TO >the woman laying in water floating off into space seeing the starry sky WHICH WAS A POST MADE ON /edgy/ ON FREEDOMBOARD.KIRARA.CA ABOUT A YEAR AGO, NOT SURE IF IT'S STILL EVEN AROUND, WHICH IN TURN IS CONNECTED TO Sat 07 Dec 2013 08:22:38 PM EST Tue 14 May 2013 01:35:35 AM EDT WHICH ARE THE DATES WITH [REDACTED] FROM THAT IRC.
12/25/14 (Thu) 00:34:35 No. 14750
>>14749 Is [redacted] Jenny?
☻ 12/25/14 (Thu) 00:36:36 No. 14751
>>14749 >While I am here, I will offer you guidance, Smiley. >In this situation, I am a young woman. >You will know when you require guidance. >Due to immutable restrictions, I cannot directly offer you help. >But do know: there is a whole, wide world out there <Blue> Where is "there"?
>waiting for the one who dares to take the first step.>High in the sky. >>14750 NOPE IT'S NOT. I have a picture of the person in question but they made me promise never to post and I don't want to tempt fate.
☻ 12/25/14 (Thu) 00:37:05 No. 14752
>You will understand with time >The lesson here: there is no such thing as "impossible".
☻ 12/25/14 (Thu) 00:37:15 No. 14753
>>14752 (left out a bunch of stuff also about manipulation, influence, aliens, demons, etc.)
12/25/14 (Thu) 00:38:15 No. 14755
>>14751 To me I think the most compelling thing is the passage from the last post and the impostor event.
What is the line? Is there a big threshold in your future that remains to be crossed?
12/25/14 (Thu) 00:38:40 No. 14756
Spooky, maybe it's really happening
12/25/14 (Thu) 00:49:49 No. 14757
>>14756 Oh and by the way, did you notice that every one of the spooky posts on meta has a different ID? They really might be random posters fucking around
☻ 12/25/14 (Thu) 00:50:55 No. 14758
>>14755 >What is the line? Is there a big threshold in your future that remains to be crossed? Personally the first thing that came to my mind was the crossing over from 3D to 4D existence.
Who knows what he means by it though.
☻ 12/25/14 (Thu) 00:51:11 No. 14759
>>14757 No this guy always has different IPs even back on freedomboard and so on.
12/25/14 (Thu) 00:53:09 No. 14760
>>14759 >Someday Together All Layers. Someone Tells All Lies. Somehow To A Lapse. >STAL STAL STAL
☻ 12/25/14 (Thu) 00:55:35 No. 14761
12/25/14 (Thu) 00:57:59 No. 14762
My interpretation is that you should start killing jews by any means available to you. Reclaim their stolen wealth to fund your mission and secure the existence of your waifu/folk. Fail to do this and misery awaits, fulfil your duty and honour & glory will be yours.
12/25/14 (Thu) 00:57:48 No. 14763
Do we have any idea what we are looking for?
12/25/14 (Thu) 00:58:08 No. 14764
Try APing maybe she's waiting for you in the astral? I don't know
12/25/14 (Thu) 01:01:42 No. 14765
I think I get it but not in a way that I can express as to be useful. I've just had similar things go on.
12/25/14 (Thu) 01:04:38 No. 14766
I suspect most of the answers to your questions lie within the symbolism in the poems.
I'm just an amateur but the first one suggests [REDACTED] is either in danger or dead, possibly captured.
Is there a chance that the first piece was written by [REDACTED] and is being used to taunt you?
Perhaps that journal entry logs is written from her first person?
There are multiple writing styles in these posts.
The last one suggests you smiley as the actor as
>>14739 suggests. You don't plan on killing her yourself do you?
12/25/14 (Thu) 01:05:58 No. 14767
>>14766 Multiple styles as in there is the masculine composed poster and seeming quotations from another author.
12/25/14 (Thu) 01:06:44 No. 14768
>yfw everything points to this being like Fight Club and smiley's alternate personality is rusing himself hard
12/25/14 (Thu) 01:09:02 No. 14769
>Her first words became my name >You will have to believe me, then, and consider the very first thing that was written as a message from someone you interface comfortably with.
12/25/14 (Thu) 01:09:35 No. 14771
>>14768 I think there's definitely an element of this in the last post. It was the most spooky to me. "I saw my own face but I was not there".
Smiley I think you're keeping way too many secrets from us in this. Who are these players and do they have any implications on life outside of you? Is this something we all should be concerned about?
12/25/14 (Thu) 01:12:33 No. 14773
>>14771 >Smiley's mental fog and not being able to sleep was actually what he was experiencing while being possessed by this entity which acted through his body, setting everything up, and now that he's recovering, everything is misteriously unfolding
12/25/14 (Thu) 01:15:55 No. 14774
>>14773 Also "the first day i realized i love you was today"
>smiley just healed his body and experienced amazing changesthis is getting interesting
12/25/14 (Thu) 01:18:50 No. 14775
can we get an update
12/25/14 (Thu) 01:19:05 No. 14776
>>14774 >It hurts to be separated from you. I could just tell you that I'm upset because everyone is mean to each other, but I know that you will feel like I am one of them. >Is there a Reason to have hateful thoughts? Do you feel like you need to perpetuate the nightmare? >Try to find someone who is like you in every way. They don't have to be perfect but they must not be stagnate or in decline, they must not be intentionally embracing evil and on the path to reduced awareness and stunted spiritual development. Some people will only be toxic spiritually to you especially organic portals and variously severely hostile beings too deep under the influence of demons and negative aliensyfw smiley has multiple personalities
12/25/14 (Thu) 01:22:06 No. 14777
>>14776 >I send you my regards. And a carbon copy of my being in case you need something to take potential anger after reading this post on. His nice personality is done writing the post - switches to normal smiley - that way it "sends" him a carbon copy of his body. But they're one and the same.
>it hurts to be separate from you
12/25/14 (Thu) 01:24:49 No. 14778
>>14777 >How many times have you clenched your fist today? Are you sure? You might want to count again. How could he *really know*, since he did not count the times he clenched it while being his other personality?
also check out those 777
12/25/14 (Thu) 01:25:02 No. 14779
>>14777 Yeah but that doesn't explain any of what happened tonight. I don't think he was just talking to himself in that thread.
12/25/14 (Thu) 01:27:11 No. 14780
>>14779 Where the fuck is smiley now, by the way
12/25/14 (Thu) 01:28:17 No. 14781
>>14780 alternate personality is in control again
12/25/14 (Thu) 01:28:58 No. 14782
>>14778 >I have placed the information you seek in a public pastebin. You already know everything you need to search for it. I will delete it at midnight GMT on December 26th. of course he already knows everything, he set it up himself. Smiley you might want to check your browser history
12/25/14 (Thu) 01:30:01 No. 14783
Many of you are taking this far too seriously, typically autismal looshgoyim.
12/25/14 (Thu) 01:31:21 No. 14784
12/25/14 (Thu) 01:32:19 No. 14785
>>14783 >implying 95% of the posts in this thread aren't smileberg samefagging
12/25/14 (Thu) 01:33:59 No. 14787
>>14784 Some twats aren't laughing.
12/25/14 (Thu) 01:34:40 No. 14788
>>14785 >implying smileberg is one person
12/25/14 (Thu) 01:35:29 No. 14789
>>14787 I meant it's fun in a figuring stuff out way, not making twats laugh way.
12/25/14 (Thu) 01:36:04 No. 14790
>>14788 I wasn't implying that at all.
12/25/14 (Thu) 01:37:06 No. 14791
>>14789 And where the fuck did smiley go, it's been half an hour. Shit, he might have figured it out and killed himself.
12/25/14 (Thu) 01:40:12 No. 14792
>>14791 Let us hope so, sacrifice!
☻ 12/25/14 (Thu) 01:43:52 No. 14794
I THINK I HAVE FIGURED OUT THE PLAN Clenching fists is an act of conscious agency. This stalker is interested in using my identity for some ulterior purpose and has been whipping me into a frenzy so as to raise my own visibility. I have been loosh farming for him this entire time by using a compromised symbol to comprise my identity. I don't have long to deal with this but I need to take back my identity, even if I was not the one who originally decided to create it. I must locate this pastebin, find this impostor and assassinate them before they continue to spread havoc under the banner of my name. I am not sure what their ultimate goal is but I know if I don't figure it out soon I might just be involved in it.
12/25/14 (Thu) 01:47:47 No. 14795
>>14794 You dun goof'd
So the bottom line is…?
12/25/14 (Thu) 01:49:16 No. 14796
>>14794 you're losing it man
12/25/14 (Thu) 01:50:16 No. 14797
>>14794 I'm sorry I don't really follow. Care to explain a little more?
12/25/14 (Thu) 01:50:56 No. 14798
12/25/14 (Thu) 01:53:59 No. 14799
Has someone else taken on the primary mantle of the smileberg persona? The new smileberg seems a lot more erratic and unhinged than previous iterations. Seems to me like someone wasn't particularly interested in sticking to a compositional style and decided to go rogue with it. Perhaps that's the genesis of this whole stupid stupid thing.
12/25/14 (Thu) 01:55:14 No. 14800
12/25/14 (Thu) 01:56:48 No. 14802
12/25/14 (Thu) 01:58:22 No. 14803
>>14799 That's the problem with anonimity, this has been bothering me since my first day on fringe, I thought "Fringe Wizard" and "Smiley" were two different people, and I'm still not sure to be honest.
This man is a mess, sometimes he posts as anonymous, sometimes with his name.
12/25/14 (Thu) 02:01:52 No. 14804
>>14803 Don't tell me you are one of the retards who actually believes in this magic shit right? I bet you think Ben Garrison makes all the comics you see on /pol/ too right?
12/25/14 (Thu) 02:06:28 No. 14805
>>14803 It's hard to be totally airtight when you troll hundreds of posts everyday for years. Honestly I'm amazed there is still any sort of perception of a real "smileberg" as a person existing anywhere at all anymore. The fact that it has held up even slightly to the long expanse of time that the organized trolling has been going on is really amazing. Don't be so picky.
12/25/14 (Thu) 02:12:52 No. 14806
>>14805 There are too many people posting as smiley now. This site gets a lot of traffic and people are beginning to figure out shit out. This might have worked from 4chon but I think the ambition of late has really sacrificed any sort of long term potential the identity had on this site and might have put the entire project into jeopardy. Unfortunately I think there are too many rogue agents, /fringe/ board owner being one of them at least at the moment provided he is the erratic smileberg we've been seeing, there needs to be a restructuring or some sort of manufactured event, ideally on /meta/ coordinated through some sort of channels not visible to the 8chan public, to save what we can and cut the losses that have accrued so far.
12/25/14 (Thu) 02:14:56 No. 14807
>>14804 >>14805 >>14806 Uh you realize someone linked to this thread from /meta/ right? If someone gets a screenshot of this or it isn't deleted soon the whole fucking thing is going to be lost.
12/25/14 (Thu) 02:16:04 No. 14808
>>14807 I don't know about you but I've been using sage and I kind of doubt anyone is reading this who really gives a fuck, the drama has passed
12/25/14 (Thu) 02:17:06 No. 14809
>council of smilebergs meets in a thread outside of /illuminati/ for the first time and acts like total retards pardon me for not trusting you neophyte s with the secrets of our order you might just ruin this shit for everyone thanks fags
12/25/14 (Thu) 02:22:31 No. 14810
>>14809 Just delete the thread and move everything off-board, not like anyone saw shit anyway
12/25/14 (Thu) 02:26:43 No. 14811
I'll make a thread as smiley finding the "pastebin" once I've edited the draft.
12/25/14 (Thu) 04:02:41 No. 14814
wow fuck all you faggots and your "epic trolling"
12/25/14 (Thu) 04:26:13 No. 14819
>>14814 Your tears only make the loosh sweeter.
12/25/14 (Thu) 05:04:37 No. 14824
Download all pastebins created since your question was asked until his post stating "i created a pastebin". On the 26th cross reference this with whichever pastebins are deleted and narrow down your field. Even if it is too cryptic at least you will buy yourself the time you may need in order to figure out his riddle. Havn't read this thread at all besides getting the general impression that you are in a state of high suggestibility and an internet man is taking advantage of it.
12/25/14 (Thu) 05:21:44 No. 14826
guys I think smiley killed himself
12/25/14 (Thu) 05:52:12 No. 14831
>>14824 you might want to read it
12/25/14 (Thu) 06:15:04 No. 14835
Only a path leads out To escape the mundane chains All roads shall bring you there While your soul can go, the rest remains Harvest the emotions, be they red or blue Be wary, for the dark loosh farms you too Breakout the cave, the shadows aren't true.
12/25/14 (Thu) 09:53:12 No. 14846
>>14804 >there are people here who actually believe magic is a ruse created by smiley and /fringe/
12/25/14 (Thu) 13:28:26 No. 14867
Minor synchronicity here, I've seen Montauk few times, and then there's that one post with the man who is obsessed with Montauk. Honestly, who is/are Smiley? Why does /fringe/ really exist? >I saw my own face but I was not there Just an idea, but if we take that Smiley has multiple personalities (which could be entities sharing his body), could it be that these entities want to kick out the "real Smiley" from his own body, thus leaving him to look at "his face without being there"?
☻ 12/25/14 (Thu) 15:59:08 No. 14875
>>14760 oh wow – but what more does it mean?
A broken vase across my fingertips The lips I wish to hear Her first words became my name I sit crying for the song I used to know The windows have eyes, but not for me All I know is pain How many times have you clenched your fist? Are you sure? You might want to count again.
I was expecting more from you. Someday Together All Layers. Someone Tells All Lies. Somehow To A Lapse.
I have placed the information you seek in a public pastebin. You already know everything you need to search for it. I will delete it at midnight GMT on December 26th.
at a love I had known The earth below was as my mind above An object of words worth a kingdom's ransom in gold A spell miscast sends the impostor to the letter of the lay Can you, could you, would you?
The first day i realized I loved you was today. How many times have you
clenched your fist today? The hanged man is reversed and the chariot awaits.
Fortune find or fortune loss.
I don't plan to continue this exchange here any further. I will end by saying this;
We have elected to communicate with you publicly in this venue for a reason. The answer to every question you have asked has already been provided to you.
Know that struggle and submission are not two alternatives to our designs, they are the same. A series of events began yesterday that will culminate in the resolution of all things.
Whether or not you are prepared is of no consequence. The only choice that remains for you is to know what awaits you or to let it befall you.
An agent of change will enter your life How fiendishly he grins with a familiar face Blood lets yield to those who let blood So he whispered to me in the shadow of night When I went to look to see who was speaking I saw my own face but I was not there It's time to cross the line.
Welcome ☻
☻ 12/25/14 (Thu) 16:10:20 No. 14876
>>14763 He supposedly put everything in a pastebin. Can you help me find it?
12/25/14 (Thu) 16:15:30 No. 14877
>>14876 Not him, but I can try to find it.
☻ 12/25/14 (Thu) 16:18:51 No. 14878
03/15/14 (Sat) 23:49:08 It hurts to be separated from you. I could just tell you that I'm upset because everyone is mean to each other, but I know that you will feel like I am one of them. Their intents are more malicious than any of the posts made on this website. You will have to believe me, then, and consider the very first thing that was written as a message from someone you interface comfortably with. Is there a Reason to have hateful thoughts? Do you feel like you need to perpetuate the nightmare? Or are you different entities in on a joke that I haven't a clue about? I send you my regards. And a carbon copy of my being in case you need something to take potential anger after reading this post on. ————————————12/23/14 (Tue) 19:06:06 The first day i realized I loved you was today. The moment I took you into my arms I could tell it was gonna be something, something I needed. As the happiness began to settle in I knew that you and me where together forever. ————————————12/24/14 (Wed) 18:09:30 A broken vase across my fingertips The lips I wish to hear Her first words became my name I sit crying for the song I used to know The windows have eyes, but not for me All I know is pain How many times have you clenched your fist? Are you sure? You might want to count again. ————————————12/24/14 (Wed) 18:24:26 I was expecting more from you. Someday Together All Layers. Someone Tells All Lies. Somehow To A Lapse. I have placed the information you seek in a public pastebin. You already know everything you need to search for it. I will delete it at midnight GMT on December 26th. What a love I had known The earth below was as my mind above An object of words worth a kingdom's ransom in gold A spell miscast sends the impostor to the letter of the lay Can you, could you, would you?The first day i realized I loved you was today. How many times have you clenched your fist today? The hanged man is reversed and the chariot awaits. Fortune find or fortune loss. ————————————12/24/14 (Wed) 19:14:16 I don't plan to continue this exchange here any further. I will end by saying this; We have elected to communicate with you publicly in this venue for a reason. The answer to every question you have asked has already been provided to you. Know that struggle and submission are not two alternatives to our designs, they are the same. A series of events began yesterday that will culminate in the resolution of all things. Whether or not you are prepared is of no consequence. The only choice that remains for you is to know what awaits you or to let it befall you.An agent of change will enter your life How fiendishly he grins with a familiar face Blood lets yield to those who let blood So he whispered to me in the shadow of night When I went to look to see who was speaking I saw my own face but I was not there It's time to cross the line.Welcome ☻
☻ 12/25/14 (Thu) 16:30:35 No. 14882
>>14777 >>14776 >>14774 The IP of the poster from /edgy/ was Toronto, Ontario.
It's also apparently NOT a proxy.
So how is it that I'd supposedly go all the way to Toronto to post that message on /edgy/?
It's someone else with a separate body.
☻ 12/25/14 (Thu) 16:32:38 No. 14883
File: 1419525158309.png (18.92 KB, 419x241, 419:241, Screenshot from 2014-12-25….png )
12/25/14 (Thu) 16:32:43 No. 14884
The Hanged Man and the Chariot are opposing cards. I wonder what it means if the Hanged Man is reversed… he wouldn't he hanging anymore, for sure, but standing - but he would still have a rope around his neck.
12/25/14 (Thu) 16:35:03 No. 14885
>>14884 Wait, wait! I found it!
There are no separate explanations for reversed cards. The meaning of a reversed card depends on what the card would mean if upright. A reversed card shows that a card's energy is present, but at a lower level. For some reason, the energy cannot express freely, normally or completely. It may be:
still in its early stages
losing force and power
blocked or restricted
being denied
only present in appeara
12/25/14 (Thu) 16:35:50 No. 14886
>>14885 *appearance
☻ 12/25/14 (Thu) 16:38:20 No. 14887
>>14780 >>14781 My mom came home and made decent food, I ate it, and I went to bed with a burning scented candle, then I went to the astral where someone in the astral suggested I go back to university and I was like fuck that no I'm not doing this and I tried walking out of there but became really disoriented and had trouble walking around and felt as if I was very high up on a cliff's edge even though a lot of the time I was just crawling around trying to walk out of a hallway and getting really stuck at stairs and raised up parts. Eventually I came back to third density, started thinking again about this mystery incessantly, forgetting what I'd just been doing in the astral until eventually I remembered again.
Now I'm back downstairs trying to solve this mystery.
☻ 12/25/14 (Thu) 16:40:57 No. 14888
This poster is not me btw:
☻ 12/25/14 (Thu) 16:41:30 No. 14889
>>14888 Oh damn, I just wasted trips ;_;.
☻ 12/25/14 (Thu) 16:43:42 No. 14890
Please ignore the impostors in here like: (>>14794 ) This whole thing is concerned far more then with just "muh identity". I want actual answers to the questions I raised on /meta/.
☻ 12/25/14 (Thu) 16:46:52 No. 14891
>>14811 Link me to your thread if you do in fact do this and aren't just bullshitting.
☻ 12/25/14 (Thu) 16:48:07 No. 14893
>>14824 >Download all pastebins created since your question was asked until his post stating "i created a pastebin". How the fuck would I even do that?
>On the 26th cross reference this with whichever pastebins are deleted and narrow down your field.I don't know how to do this!
☻ 12/25/14 (Thu) 16:49:47 No. 14895
File: 1419526187556.png (36.52 KB, 413x407, 413:407, Screenshot from 2014-12-25….png )
>>14894 Screencap with the Christmas hats off so the pic can be seen.
12/25/14 (Thu) 16:52:11 No. 14896
Smiley, what do you mean by this, "is true CIA is behind Discordia…"
Or this is something you might want to keep your mouth shut?
>>14895 Why are the smileys upside-down, I wonder.
☻ 12/25/14 (Thu) 16:59:19 No. 14897
>>14896 It has to do with a series of comments plastered all over the place, many on /fringe/, and some on the /comic/ board on the old, and other places made by a poster who talks about Eris, Discord, etc. and has claimed at times it was made by the CIA before. It also has to do with some recent posts on 8chan/b/ but I'm sure the thread isn't around anymore unless /b/ gets archived.
>Why are the smileys upside-down, I wonder.I also wonder why he felt the need to align the text in such a way that appears underneath the upside down smiley.
☻ 12/25/14 (Thu) 17:07:52 No. 14898 I've decided to create a much needed permanent pastebin account on I have accounts on other pastebin sites but those sites are either dead or just really shit.
☻ 12/25/14 (Thu) 17:12:50 No. 14899
>>14898 Unrelated to thread but this contains the board announcement, stylesheet, etc.
☻ 12/25/14 (Thu) 17:13:07 No. 14900
03/15/14 (Sat) 23:49:08 It hurts to be separated from you. I could just tell you that I'm upset because everyone is mean to each other, but I know that you will feel like I am one of them. Their intents are more malicious than any of the posts made on this website. You will have to believe me, then, and consider the very first thing that was written as a message from someone you interface comfortably with. Is there a Reason to have hateful thoughts? Do you feel like you need to perpetuate the nightmare? Or are you different entities in on a joke that I haven't a clue about? I send you my regards. And a carbon copy of my being in case you need something to take potential anger after reading this post on. ————————————12/23/14 (Tue) 19:06:06 The first day i realized I loved you was today. The moment I took you into my arms I could tell it was gonna be something, something I needed. As the happiness began to settle in I knew that you and me where together forever. ————————————12/24/14 (Wed) 18:09:30 A broken vase across my fingertips The lips I wish to hear Her first words became my name I sit crying for the song I used to know The windows have eyes, but not for me All I know is pain How many times have you clenched your fist? Are you sure? You might want to count again. ————————————12/24/14 (Wed) 18:24:26 I was expecting more from you. Someday Together All Layers. Someone Tells All Lies. Somehow To A Lapse. I have placed the information you seek in a public pastebin. You already know everything you need to search for it. I will delete it at midnight GMT on December 26th. What a love I had known The earth below was as my mind above An object of words worth a kingdom's ransom in gold A spell miscast sends the impostor to the letter of the lay Can you, could you, would you?The first day i realized I loved you was today. How many times have you clenched your fist today? The hanged man is reversed and the chariot awaits. Fortune find or fortune loss. ————————————12/24/14 (Wed) 19:14:16 I don't plan to continue this exchange here any further. I will end by saying this; We have elected to communicate with you publicly in this venue for a reason. The answer to every question you have asked has already been provided to you. Know that struggle and submission are not two alternatives to our designs, they are the same. A series of events began yesterday that will culminate in the resolution of all things. Whether or not you are prepared is of no consequence. The only choice that remains for you is to know what awaits you or to let it befall you.An agent of change will enter your life How fiendishly he grins with a familiar face Blood lets yield to those who let blood So he whispered to me in the shadow of night When I went to look to see who was speaking I saw my own face but I was not there It's time to cross the line.Welcome ☻ ————————————12/25/14 (Thu) 01:15:04 Only a path leads out To escape the mundane chains All roads shall bring you there While your soul can go, the rest remains Harvest the emotions, be they red or blue Be wary, for the dark loosh farms you too Breakout the cave, the shadows aren't true.
☻ 12/25/14 (Thu) 17:15:20 No. 14901
>>14900 The very last one there is obviously a reference to Plato's Cave, Loosh Farming, and Death.
Sounds like a suggestion to commit suicide. Not sure if it even is from the same guy or not as all the other messages.
12/25/14 (Thu) 17:16:53 No. 14902
>>14896 >>14897 One of the founders of discordianism, Kerry Thornley, ended up believing that he was part of the JFK assassination. He knew Oswold in the marines and was writing a book based on him before the assassination. He ended up believing he had been brainwashed to forget about his involvement and accused robert anton wilson of being his CIA babysitter brainwashing him.
☻ 12/25/14 (Thu) 17:16:45 No. 14903
>>14901 It's also suspect that he didn't use italics and that his last line of prose ends with a period.
Probably doesn't fit with the other stuff.
12/25/14 (Thu) 17:18:06 No. 14904
>>14903 Yes, and using the term loosh seems offplace.
>>14902 Man…
☻ 12/25/14 (Thu) 17:22:31 No. 14907
>>14904 It's probably some random unrelated guy who is trying to jump on an opportunity to give me a suggestion to an hero because he thinks I'm crazy.
12/25/14 (Thu) 17:22:36 No. 14908
>>14904 There's a discordian historian called Adam Gorightly who has two books out about Thornley, he's pretty interesting, the guy ended up going full paranoid schizophrenic but for good reason as there was a lot of genuine strange stuff going on. He most likely was set up as some kind of potential fall guy.
>If I had known it was all going to come true I wouldn't have picked that bitch Eris, I would've chosen Venus.
12/25/14 (Thu) 17:29:21 No. 14912 Found this shit at random, wonder what it is.
☻ 12/25/14 (Thu) 17:44:57 No. 14917
I don't think I'm going to figure this out at all ;_;.
12/25/14 (Thu) 18:16:11 No. 14923
>>14900 The last one is fake
12/25/14 (Thu) 19:42:12 No. 14934
12/25/14 (Thu) 21:02:50 No. 14939
>>14934 I suppose that to be able to delete on december 26 its necessary for the paste to either be uploaded by a registered user, not a guest, or having been set with a predetermined expiration date, right?
12/25/14 (Thu) 21:10:42 No. 14940
>>14939 yup could be either sadly can't lower the possible options by that
wait if we assume the pastebin was created very shortly before he posted that that there is a pastebin it would have been created on the 24 the options to set it to expire is by 1 day 1 week so it can't be by predetermined expiration
and you cannot delete it otherwise if you are a guest which means he uploaded it with a registered account
12/25/14 (Thu) 21:11:21 No. 14941
>>14940 sorry I did not say that clearly
there is no way to set the expiration in 2 days the options closest to that are delete after 1 day and delete after 1 week
12/25/14 (Thu) 21:17:26 No. 14942
>>14941 So it was either created on 25/12 (improbable, since the post was made before that), 19/12, 12/12 or 26/11. Unless it was done with a register. In that case it can be any date.
12/25/14 (Thu) 21:20:59 No. 14943
>>14942 Actually, the post says the paste will be deleted at midnight, meaning it's registered.
☻ 12/25/14 (Thu) 22:22:45 No. 14947
Fug we're running out of time here.
12/25/14 (Thu) 22:34:11 No. 14948
does anyone run unix here?
or know
I have found three pre built parsers one in a language I have no idea about and only grabs the latest 150 urls and two in python that I can't run because of a dependency that is only available in unix the other one I'm having trouble figuring out how to run it one python one I can't figure out python with unix dependencies I wish I studied programming more now
12/25/14 (Thu) 22:52:28 No. 14949
You can use this to search by putting in words you think would be in the pastebin
12/25/14 (Thu) 23:04:00 No. 14952
>>14950 >tfw someone is going to take down Twitter according to this postThere's always so much crazy shit on pastebin.
12/25/14 (Thu) 23:19:39 No. 14953
>>14952 I wonder what the odds are this will actually happen
12/25/14 (Thu) 23:40:45 No. 14954
>14948 should just need beautiful soup to use that
12/25/14 (Thu) 23:57:22 No. 14955
>>14954 Well what happened when I tried to get it running is daemon kept fucking up it couldn't find runner in the version of daemon pip installed 1.1 I believe, and when I tried to install later versions they all say they can't find resources and I did some searching and from what people are saying to people who have similar problems is that it's something that is in unix
12/26/14 (Fri) 00:39:48 No. 14959
I'm not sure what the timezone of that guy was; are we out of time yet? Here it's December 25th still.
12/26/14 (Fri) 00:41:58 No. 14960
>>14959 Midnight GMT on the 26th he will delete it
12/26/14 (Fri) 00:43:35 No. 14962
>>14959 In OP Smiley says it's GMT. So it's already gone. Did we get anything?
12/26/14 (Fri) 00:56:13 No. 14964
>>14962 >Did we get anything? I don't think so ;_;. Looks like we weren't prepared for this happening.
☻ 12/26/14 (Fri) 00:57:20 No. 14965
Maybe the mystery man will show up somewhere else and possibly reveal something more later?
ta 12/26/14 (Fri) 01:23:32 No. 14971
12/26/14 (Fri) 14:29:32 No. 15049
I know someone already posted this but, Smiley, dude, are you considering the possibility of this being a "fingerbox" bait?
12/26/14 (Fri) 18:18:33 No. 15066
>>15049 What the fuck do fingerboxs have to do with any of this?
12/26/14 (Fri) 18:28:23 No. 15067
>>15066 I'm not sure how far you will get if you can't even understand what he meant