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Esoteric Wizardry


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"For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live."

Dear friends. I would say Revolver is the most important movie ever made if it wasn't for Evangelion. There are so many occult secrets in that movie that it took me 7 chapters to talk about everything I realized by watching it. And I know there are still more things I have missed. Make no mistake. Guy Ritchie made this movie with a purpose. Not all new movies are detrimental and not all members of secret societies seek to enslave your mind. Revolver is like Wagner's Parsifal, the works of Shakespeare, the Bible and the ancient myths. Something designed to teach you lessons, to make you think and realize. An invitation from the secret brotherhoods to get bored with your normal life and meaningless things. I invite you to enjoy the movie and the actors who do an amazing job expressing the story. After that, enjoy my 7 chapter writing explaining the occult secrets of this masterpiece. A work that has been kept secret from public view and released only now. For I have seen that people like you, who have come to this board thirst for such knowledge and are ready to handle it. Remember, once you learn certain things you can't continue enjoying life the same way you used of. The movie and my text will teach you what Archons are and who your secret adversary is, but with this knowledge and your desire to fight your enemy you will have to endure much suffering.

Watch "Revolver" on Youtube:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpf9lOh-lW4 [Embed]

"Revolver" - Against the False Self I-VII by Melchior!!aIutr.S0js




All movies are but introductory material for me. I don't think a movie can and ever will go into great detail about certain nuances of magick. I don't see the point in an initiate like me reviewing this movie. It's just not a high priority when I'm so damned busy with the actual practise of magick and trying to finish off reading some of the /fringe/ books.



>This video contains content from Sony Pictures Movies & Shows, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.

Okay… torrents…

>0 seeds



christlardtianity please leave.



The more you understand the more you see, movies and other media can be a mirror.


Thank you for giving people a torrent my friend!


I just watched it. Great movie. Did you also write an essay on Evangelion?


Not yet, the last episodes of the anime are way too deep. The whole thing about the second coming and cycles, the two races, its straight out of the rosicrucian cosmo conception and other occult works.
It will take me some time, we are currently discussing it.

As for Revolver, it's really not an essay, but you know it. Its talking about the occultism and the secret knowledge contained.

I do have such writings on episodes from samurai jack and will upload them soon on my /rosa/
you will be surprised what important secrets there are in that cartoon. Come visit us soon. Soon i will get approved to upload torrents on my board so i can share books as well for everyone.


Man I watched that movie and read ur writings, holy fuck my mind is blown right now


Thanks OP this is super interesting.

Mr Gold pls.


I look forward to reading what you have written about Evangelion please do post it as soon as you are finished

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