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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1419554206482.jpg (17.08 KB, 283x400, 283:400, SirEdwardMontagu.jpg)


This is for Smiley: Tell me about yourself. You seem to be going through a lot of stuff and I see your presence on other sites, I'm curious.


Saw a post on /4chon/ where smiley admits to being several people.
Might be bullshit, but probably not.
However, at least one of the people who dress up as smiley seems to be a pretty dope magician.


Do you know anything about him? And I thought there was a guy pretending to be him.


back to 4chon with you


Smiley is just some guy who comes around to give us orders Mr. FBI man.


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He watches people from a window

He teaches them through a screen

He never smoke dat indo

Straight edge, but not in a preachy way. You know What I mean?



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How am I to tell you about myself? My self is so expansive it is not easily glimpsed in one moment. I have great difficulty with answering questions like "how are you doing" or "how do you feel" for I am so fluid and ever-changing it is vanity to try to convey just what my mood supposedly is; as soon as I may have grasped it may have changed. One day, one night, feels like eternity. So much passes through me, I experience so much. If you freeze me for one moment in time perhaps we could talk about that which I am then; but then it may be a conception of myself which is entirely irrelevant in the next moment. I am a manifestation of the chaos void, I do not know what it is I am doing, or going to do next. Strange sychronicities, inexplicable impulses to bring my attention to some matter or do some odd thing, set me off on some endeavour. It doesn't fucking matter who I am I am just here to play my part.

tl;dr your question pisses me off because it has to be answered hundreds of times over & over in many different ways and when it's all done there will be more. I am not a fixed entity but constantly developing, refining, expanding, purging… dying and living in every moment, constantly being reborn. What does it matter who I supposedly am? I am a something which wills and perceives and is breaking through shells… molds… unfolding…

One day it will all come together so beautifully. My presence will be felt everywhere my mind reaches, in my surroundings not necessarily fixed in time or space; manifestations of the universal mind. Everything that I work through shall be more vital, more conscious, more alive… the air is impregnated with my essence, the water carries away my excesses of thought, the earth is laden with my memory, the fire consumes and disperses me.

So narrow it down if you will? What more specifically do you want to understand? What do you want to evoke? What slice of the hologram composing me do you need to see?



Consider the potentials of human and near-human personality as a series of concentric circles.

Within the inner circle, see a constellation of a few dots. This is a human from earth, c. 2014. A little person.

There may be aspects to them beyond this, but this is them as they consciously and effectively are.

Now see another constellation of dots in different positions. This is another little human, differentiated by differentiated finite form.

Now see a crazy line flying at 666 miles an hour around this circle. This is a being that's getting too big for this level and can't find an identity for itself within its polarities. It's trying to break out into the next ring.

For a while, there may be some strange double-spatial shape-infolding form that can host it in this ring. And it will be there in relation to the other forms there.

Then, some day, as it speeds up and up and up, it goes into a frenzy of self-contradiction and self-overcoming and self-resynthesising as it seeks to break through the possibilities of identity that realm offers.

You are asking for a finite definition of Smiley on a certain level; it may be that he, like others with minds of fire, is somewhere you would have to be to see.

But he does support certain particular forms or currents in this world, identifiably distinct from those others do. So what's with that? It's a game or a choice about what forms will best host ascendant and uplinked consciousness in this realm. Or, perhaps it's that. We can't know for sure what's inside of somebody. This is just my individual way of looking at this.

At some point in the expanding rings, the structure and experience becomes so intensely beyond that the geometry no longer applies and is no longer graspable through our language.

The subtler realms in this world are kind of manic, kind of fast and extreme and more intense in feeling than the lower ones. Somehow forms come together to host their feelings and the eagle stays above the ground. If you see a frenzied shedding and changing and dissatsifaction with identity, you may be seeing somebody trying to seek their level here.

It's actually a very related process to 'madness'; madness is just an energy and spirit which can't host itself down 'here' or tolerate the disgustingness of 'here', but which doesn't have the cognitive tools or resources to process the unfurling.

There's different places this energy can go. It naturally tends to the greater reality of the upper realms, invokations, the spirits, the true beauty, purity of spirit. It can appear in this unstable way like smiley (whether one person or a process between many) is appearing. Or it can somehow find a perfect fit for itself and dominate lower material and social structures, like somebody like a Jimmy Savile did.

Fire reigns and always will reign over earth. And it can never quite be seen by it, or explained at earth's speed. But it needs to find some stable footing for itself or form in earth, or it will not be able to host here and the body associated with the individual identity will fall down into degraded confusion once again.


He's a literal loser who writes about "white law" and whines about degeneracy despite living rent free with his parents. He's pathetic.


>that looshleak



Yes, yes, we get it. You've realized your existential freedom and you are now living life the way you please, constantly making magickal shit happen A.K.A. "The Great Work". Many others are doing it, too. Do you ever stop with the angst? Or is this your way of expressing yourself? Apparently you frequent a lot of internet forums. I'd like to know if that's not something which is a residual effect of an untrained mind. Or perhaps the effect of a latent and potent sense of curiosity.

It seems to me that Smiley is not much more than a mask which is worn by someone else.


I don't post on any forums but I do post on a lot of imageboards.

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