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Esoteric Wizardry


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Enlightening the masses is a futile effort with no other conclusion than imminent doom by the hands of the Indigo.

Individual enlightenment is the one true path.

Enlightened of this realm, leave your unenlightened loved ones behind. Come join us in our bound-to-happen post-life society.

Survival of the fittest is the world's only law. But do not worry, for the weak already accepted their grim fate with a warm smile on their face.

Go forth. Reach new heights.


I do it for the punya.


Can not serving others be an important step on the path to personal enlightenment? Does not creating a society based on spiritual ideas make it easier for everyone including you to ascend? Is not there a danger of you becoming overly self-serving?


This. Leaving the "mundane" behind doesn't necessarily make it easier for you to become enlightened, such selfish and self-serving thoughts can even stunt your development IMO.

Also think of this: How did you get to where you are now? What books did you read? What practices did you use? Who taught you how to use language? We stand on the shoulders of our ancestors to reach the heights we achieve in this life, forgetting and leaving behind our fellow man essentially ruins the progress that led to you becoming a little more "aware".

Write books, teach others what you know, help those who are struggling. You weren't born perfect, you were born human.


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>Individual enlightenment is the one true path.

then why? pray tell didst Microsoft and Macintosh yin and yang and swish and swash.

individual cant be spelled without the word dual. thus its meaning is "divided in the realms." like mercury reflecting its environment you are everyone you think you are not. we backwards is EWW.

that's no coincidence


Alchemist reporting.

I disagree with such an individualistic idea of enlightenment. The goal of ascension is a complete selfless process. If I can just plant the seed to allow someone to go on their own journey, then pass it onto others, than I will. I owe everything I know from the philosophers before me. One day we'll be them.

The issue is mainstream militant secularism denying every last mention of the Spirit and Life of everything in Nature. There are many that still deny Plants and Metals have souls. Some may go as far to deny the Spirit in humanity, too. Technology replaced the Spirit, and we're seeing drastic consequences.

With that being said, trying to help others gain a more complete form of knowledge is a difficult task in today's age. But, it's not impossible, and foolish to completely give up.

No matter how hopeless it may seem, never give up, /fringe/.

>>15170 said it best.



forgot flag


I agree with the sentiment expressed by the OP and I am an indigopill.


>butthurt mundanes that want to drag down those seeking enlightenment with their trivial bullshit so nobody reaches a high level of realization in this incarnation

I used to waste so much fucking time trying to greenpill others and help them out. It severely stunted my own development. When I gave up on it, my understanding of things, my realizations, my successes; it all increased exponentially. Furthermore people now COME TO ME all the time for help, too many people, it's really overwhelming… instead of being that voice that tries to appeal to random strangers and is ignored.


>Write books, teach others what you know, help those who are struggling. You weren't born perfect, you were born human.

Bad idea. All the books that need to exist are already in existence. There is literally nothing new you can add to the works of William Walker Atkinson, Robert Bruce, Franz Bardon, and many other occult authors.

We need people to just sit the fuck down and read and practise. All the material is here, all the keys are available. No need to bloat the market with even more shitty wicca-tier bottom of the barrel occult texts.


Everyone is on their own unique path in this great and infinite multiverse…

The only true progress is the one you make yourself. Do not be attached to Earth and its inhabitants.

Some people will cross paths with you and some will journey with you. Those that do not, ignore them, they will only weigh you down.

By pursuing your own self-development and increasing in power more people will be attracted to you and want to learn. One ought not to turn away someone who comes willingly to oneself though and who is earnest to learn and to develop.

"The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of Understanding." — The Kybalion.

Do not get caught up in ideas of utopia or in fixing this world. In many other timelines of this very same world, the world is already fixed. All will come together for you when you yourself have made yourself pure. Let the rest burn of their own accord…

It is of no use to proselytize to viceful, ignorant mundanes who have no interest in listening or who expect you to do all the work of enlightening them for them. These underdeveloped souls will have to mature on their own time and through many incarnations… and one day they will make good company for those of us of high virtue.

There are far too many individuals who neglect their first priority; their own self, in order to try to get others moving along the path.

The biggest obstacle to the ascension of our consciousness is the countless distractions! There are many bullshit distractions all the time in this world to distract you, discourage you, demoralize you, and waste away your whole incarnation here on Earth.

"Arrange your day in such a way that you devote as much time as possible to your ascent. It is unnecessary to pass your time eating and drinking, or waste your time with meaningless company. Time flows like water and never returns. Determine a particular period of time which must be adhered to under all circumstances." – Franz Bardon, Initiation Into Hermetics, Section II (Practise)

If you are to dedicate all of your time to your own development and be intensely engaged in this work for a whole decade you will rapidly reach a level of development that if you do come back to this lower plane for awhile your wisdom, power, and level of self-realization will be so great you will easily inspire thousands who will clamour over each other to get a word with you.

Mundanes will learn a lot more by seeing high level initiates talk to each other on this board and just reading the threads then they will by having their shitty entry-level questions answered again & again which have already been answered many times before or which may be answered by reading the materials provided.

Spreading around occult / greenpill memes also generates interest and so does any conspiracies you make yourself which get noticed and so on.


The problem with humanity is most of humanity is composed of 2nd density beings that are just animals. They have not developed enough.

We need to exterminate most of them until the scales are tipped in favour of rapid conscious development.

For now there's too fucking many of them and they're all degenerating as a result.

With some applied eugenics we can reduce the number of 2D humans to a manageable level and make the Earth experience smooth riding to higher consciousness for its inhabitants.


"Preoccupation with lower truths can distract from the pursuit of higher truths. For instance, obsession with exposing political corruption can distract from gaining necessary spiritual empowerment, which is a popular tactic employed by hyperdimensional entities and their human agents. Positive sources prioritize by framing lower truths in their higher context."




That's fucking retarded or you're a shill.

If someone can create a book, article, infographic, music, movie, video game etc., etc with the ideas of the author you mention translated into easy to digest language for the unenlightened and uneducated, then that's a good thing and should be done.



So you want to play the game in God Mode.


Do as you will. If you wish to teach others, teach others. It is a good way to learn. If you wish to write book, write books. If you wish to sit on your ass and daydream, feel free. If you wish to run from whispers of your soul and deny the wisdom that lurks beneath your mind by all means be my guest.

We have a thousand, thousand lives through which to find our enlightenment and none are wasted. There is a lesson in everything and even if you choose to ignore it there will be an incarnation of you that will not. Do as you will.


i agree with you to a point the unenlightened who do not seek enlightenment sadden me though and i believe enlightening others is a lesson needed for ones own enlightenment


The whispering of the soul is a good way to put it. I feel it is as this "inner sensation", or pulsing within my being. It keeps repeating how I waste my time if I'm not practicing.

Even right now.


It is but don't be afraid to waste time. We have all the time in the world, quite literally.


>implying every moment spent in enlightenment with the looming thread of falling back into ignorance with an unenlightened death isn't precious time

We'll have all the time in the world when we have transcended third density linear time.


Fuck that. This is the incarnation in which I shall not ignore it. I'm breaking out of this demiurge this time!!


Want? No… it is simply happening.


>If someone can create a book, article, infographic, music, movie, video game etc., etc with the ideas of the author you mention translated into easy to digest language for the unenlightened and uneducated, then that's a good thing and should be done.


Most people making books will just:

>create disinformation

>create books that have less information than the ones that already exist
>be of poorer quality

We already got some very high quality occult books in existence covering everything in painful detail.


But we already did transcend time. To do so is retroactive, or more accurately, words like retroactive, after or when have no meaning outside of the illusion of time.

Why ever hold a simple illusion as precious?

Death is meaningless, a small bump in an eternal road.

Good on you! Like I say, do as you will.

There is far more in heaven and earth than contained in all the books of men. Those books were written by mere men. Even the ones channelled from spirits were written by fallible beings. If you wish to write. If you write a bunch of crap and some idiot reads it and thinks it's wonderful (I'm looking at you Crowley), that's their problem.

Ok, Ok Crowley wasn't totally full of crap, he did have some idea what he was talking about, but he was also an arrogant ass who got kicked out of our order for being such and then wrote a load of crap about us that is still lauded as history today, but like I say, that people believe it is their problem.



No, we do not have to exterminate anyone. Education and knowledge will do the world a much bigger good than just killing them off. Imaging having an entire country with ascending consciousness and the inner strength to spread that message to all. Through Alchemy, we can not only have the ways to dominate the stars and terraform entire planets, but we have the ability manipulate the Universe using only our minds for the well-being of Humanity. The Universe is Mental, and Positivity manifests all desires.

There were many times where I wanted to give up on this. Innumerable times. But my soul will not allow me. Such is life as a Lightworker. If I can just get one person to do this, just one to develop their own inner awakening, than I find that I've succeeded.

Also, there are already many places in the world today that are heavily spiritual and religious and devote their lives towards God. I feel as if your implying Western nations in your post which then you'll be correct, however, we know Western culture has been under attack via ideological subversion since the 1960s for the pure reason to do the opposite of what we do. It's just mass brainwashing to be more animalistic instead of pushing ourselves and unlocking the full potential of the human mind. I agree people in the West are the most difficult to help, but like I said earlier, it's not impossible, and I've found a few gems in the dirt willing to discuss Alchemy and Hermeticism with an open mind and heart. There was one individual that must've spent a few days researching Alchemy himself after I revealed a few truths to him.

One more thing. You must help yourself before helping others, and a few posters here have mentioned this. Essentially, take awhile soaking in as much knowledge and truth as you can and most importantly apply it in your life with the combination of positive thought-conditioning for it's manifestation, then build upon it to be where you'd like to be. I've came a long way in the past 2 years doing this and my entire family can see a drastic difference with me (my mom even once asked me if I was a Wizard in a completely serious tone). You can't help others unless you help yourselves first, but don't let the ego go so far where you become arrogant and selfish. I'll leave two passages from the Bible that many will find true, even if you're not Christian.

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

"If God is for us, who can be against us?" Romans 8:31



>Dat Hermetic Order.

It's my dream to join you one day. You guys are like Freemasonsx1000^1000.

Please, allow me to contact you somehow, I feel lost in my ego sometimes, and while I know there is something more, the Father which exists behind me and inside me, I have so much difficulty accessing Him.



Absolutely. You can contact me through email. ShinMT64@8chan.co (Be advised I'm not part of the staff on this site.)

To get started in your free time, I highly highly suggest reading up the classic book "The Power of Positive Thinking" by Norman Vincent Peale. Here's a free pdf of it.


The best part of this knowledge is that it can be applied to every single aspect of your life. Financially, socially, mentally, physically, spiritually, everything. It completely cured everything I once suffered from ranging from alcohol and drug abuse, suicidal depression, anxiety disorders, lack of confidence, etc. I was a lot like /r9k/ at one point in time. It's been almost 2 years since these changes occurred. I now use this knowledge towards Alchemy which is currently "brewing" in my room. A big thing in the Great Work is that it relies on the Alchemists consciousness.

Another thing is a general rule of life though I find it forgotten in today's age. In order to get any results in your life, you must TAKE ACTION to get it done. And remember, there isn't such thing as "failure" - there's only results. And if your not satisfied with a particular result, you TRY AGAIN, and never give up on it. This goes more in depth with many self-help coaches such as Anthony Robbins, Richard Carson, Dr. Wayne Dyer, etc. Torrent everything of theirs, read it, apply it, and take action. It really fucking works. You'll find that this information is connected to many Occult and Secret Society teachings as well.

Hope to hear from you soon, have fun and most importantly, stay positive.


>implying your individual ego can survive on the level of realization of Brahman
You'll get somewhere, even somewhere pretty far, but still a somewhere. You may reach the lesser lights; beyond that is moksha, but so long as you are still attached to the notions that self and other have anything whatsoever to do with fundamental suchness, unfortunately that's as far as you go. There's nothing wrong with that, it's not like it changes the nature of suchness itself, that's simply the way things are, but this is just to let you know that so long as you're on this path, you shall still be traveling. It sounds as though that is not your goal.

A hint: widen your context.


>There is far more in heaven and earth than contained in all the books of men.

It's actually really brilliantly simple. Anyone could learn everything they need to graduate to 4D in only like 5 years if they were properly educated in it.

"Just because something contains convoluted trivia, complex jargon, and voluminous pages, it does not necessarily contain profound truths. The illusion of profundity sends people on a wild goose chase for grand truths better found elsewhere. Positive sources are complex only for the sake of accuracy and conciseness."


The library we have already covers it all and honestly need a big pruning of shit books from it. The noise-to-signal ration is extremely high with Atkinson's books for example, which are pretty much all signal. Whereas crowley is all noise.


>Education and knowledge will do the world a much bigger good than just killing them off.

It does fuck all. You're one of those silly mundanes with ideas of utopia that is never going to make it out of here. You've got a long way to go yet…


I'll bite, who are the indigo?


>Education and knowledge will do the world a much bigger good than just killing them off

You can't educate the wilfully ignorant or give knowledge to the forgetful and stupid.

With wizard eugenics, we could soon have a race of humans that seek out knowledge of their own accord, and absorb tons of information rapidly like sponges.

With most of these subhumans on this planet, no amount of effort will make a difference, short of completely reconfiguring their bodies.

Might as well just destroy those biological forms that no longer are fit to house consciousness.


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Me. I am an Indigo.


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>The Universe is Mental, and Positivity manifests all desires.

I hope you realize that positivity does not mean "optimism" as you seem to think. Go read The Arcane Formulas again and read very closely when he talks about positivity and pay attention to what it really means.


Is not the self necessarily a product of fundamental suchness


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I am not obligated to help others.

I am going to ascend on my own and I don't care about anyone here, I have no attachment to this place or people, this is just one planet with a couple of humanoid races on it. There is so much more beyond this and I do not care about this insignificant world and its inhabitants.

I know some random faggot is going to say that something about my attitude is going to prevent my ascent or whatever but screw you because you are not ascended yourself so you have no place to talk to me about this.

What I have is the will to rise up above this plane and reside in higher planes from now on. I am not going to let anything hold me back and linger around here to haunt this world.

I will save myself. The rest of you will have to save yourselves.

None of you can guilt-trip me into staying here. I don't really belong here anyways and am just a visitor to this world.

If you want to wish me well and bid me good luck on my journey so be it. I will not be held back by the Earth species and its plight. Earth is nothing to me, you're all nothing to me. I have been to many worlds and will be to many more. Earth is but a passing scene in eternity… and everywhere I go there will always be souls in various stages of development, each one progressing along its own path, and I will not disrupt that progress or violate their freewill.

I obviously by being here do cross paths with others and others do learn from interactions with me but I'm not explicitly here to help others and don't have an interest in intentionally helping or harming others.

I find it strange how sentimental you all get about Earth. There are so many other worlds out there with diverse inhabitants at various stages of development. There will ALWAYS be those lower in the scale of consciousness — it's endless… you can help thousands, millions, billions, trillions… and there will be no end still to how many more will be left to be helped.

If you want to obsess over this insignificant planet and its people that are mostly all 2D and 3D it's up to you but I've got my sights set on immersing myself in the activities of much higher planes in 4D. Anything 3D is just a distraction.


>joining the Semitic Order of the Golden Goy

I seriously hope you neophytes don't do this…


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Well fuck you too.

I hope you get stuck on this wretched mud-ball forever with the mundanes you would so callously abandon to their fate.



>2D humans

You obviously know nothing about densities.
To be human is to be 3D.
2D is plants, rocks, animals. Some animals are even 3D.
Within 3D there's an infinite spectrum, just like with every other density.
Be more of an STS neophyte why don't you


>not realizing the vast majority of surviving magic is of Jewish descent

I wonder who's behind that.


>To be human is to be 3D.

It's like you've never even heard of organic portals! (which are all 2D)

ayyy lmao


> Some animals are even 3D.

Pure bullshit. No animals are 3D and many humans are 2D.


>implying the statement you just made is true at all
>implying jews didn't copy off of non-jews
>implying there isn't a vast wealth of magickal knowledge outside of what jews have been promulgating
>implying your kike magick is even that good


>bawww save me, I'm a lazy vice-filled subhuman, and I want you to go get me out of here! I'm too inferior to save myself!


Earth is seriously one of the worst fucking planets I've been to in awhile and that's a real achievement on your part. This planet is like a collection zone for wayward animalistic degenerate souls taken by many vices.

You all have to suffer the consequences of your own shitty choices and pathetic desires and then you will learn.


Oh and btw I do not hope that anyone gets stuck here in this shithole. I hope and KNOW that you will all ascend above it; and I also know there will be no end to the new supply of fresh souls of similarly lesser development to replace them.

You're a bigger spiteful dick than me to have wishes like that for others. I don't hold anyone back, I don't cause humans trouble, and I am not stopping them from overcoming their vices and getting access to the plentiful material to enable their ascent.

It's their own vices; and nothing but pain will teach the lowliest souls here.


The vitriol and resentment in your words betrays your true nature.

You are as spitefull and childish as the worst of humanity.

you're projecting so hard I can almost feel it. You accuse me of countless transgressions solely because I called you out on you're Randian bunllshit.

This is either because you are about as reptilian as I am (not at all)


Because you are the Lazy vice filled one, so arrogant and callous as to let Billions of sapients languish in a finite, brutish existence simply because you can't be assed to intervene.


And furthermore, how do you rationalize the harm you and those like you have caused from inaction.

How many people are irretrievably lost because you sat on your ivory tower and let war, famine and disease ravage mankind a thousand times over.


Finally sir, it should not surprise you that the users of this board get so sentimental about earth what with them being FROM EARTH YOU DENSE CUNT


>bawww help me ascend, weigh yourself down with our burden, please don't go!!

Yeah whatever human. A large rock hitting this planet would be the best thing to happen to it in a long while.

ProTip: I don't need your help, I don't care that you are upset and giving me loosh, and I hold you in the same esteem as the average human does an entity they interact with in a dream (which for most humans is practically none at all, as they regard the entities they meet in that state as but phantasms of their own mind).

>Because you are the Lazy vice filled one, so arrogant and callous as to let Billions of sapients languish in a finite, brutish existence simply because you can't be assed to intervene.

You are self-centred and think of things in terms of third density linear time. There are an INFINITE number of sentients through the multiverse suffering like this and there will ALWAYS be an infinite number of them across an INFINITE number of worlds and timelines.

I am not callous or arrogant for ignoring you. You are just parasites on me, trying to hold me back in your plane, trying to get me to waste my efforts on a frivolous endeavour. There is far more important work for me to do be doing in higher planes than this trivial garbage that constitutes your third density lives. Save yourselves and move on … or fall for the trap and never succeed in helping yourself nevermind the others you waste your efforts upon in vain.

I am not filled with vices. I am disciplined, I do not lust, I control my mind and do not let petty animalistic desires dominate me. You probably struggle still with the most trivial nonsense every day like not playing around with your genitals – absolutely pathetic!

>And furthermore, how do you rationalize the harm you and those like you have caused from inaction.

Shifting the blame for what you yourselves do to your own people are you? Don't want to take responsibility for your own shortcomings? It'll take you several more incarnations probably before you reach maturity enough to grow past this mentality. I am not causing harm to any of you through "inaction" anymore than I am causing harm to the countless sentients on other worlds that, if they had this typical Earth human mentality, would all be badgering disrespectfully for me to spoon-feed them ascension.

>How many people are irretrievably lost because you sat on your ivory tower and let war, famine and disease ravage mankind a thousand times over.

Your soul personally resonates with that timeline and setting. It is your problem. Adjust your FRV and in future incarnations you will find yourself in better circumstances. I don't sit in an ivory tower and find the academic system prevailing in this world to be nothing more than a part of the control system which regulates your animalistic behaviour and keeps the lowliest of humans in line. Wars are not a big deal, you'll all reincarnate again, it's your own ignorance that makes you suffer and makes these wars so terrible for you. Famine and diseases are just the products of human stupidity, intentionally hostile alien/demon/etc. factions (I'm not intentionally hostile I'm just neutral), and you living in third density with all its limitations and so on. If you want disease to not have any hold over any of you again then purify your souls and also continue to develop mastery over scalar physics because in many probable futures for humanity you will find a lot of applications there for fixing your bodies and cleaning up your environment and no diseases will have a hold over you.


A fair number of humans in this present time should be opening up to 4D experiences and seeing more and more of the reality beyond Earth.

Yet so many of you are still obsessed with it so much!

Humanity = myopic as fuck


again you make a number of unfounded assumptions.

1. I never said you needed my help.

2.If you are as enlightened as you seem to think you are, you would know that most humans do not know they are dreaming when they are dreaming, only afterwards.

3. The total amount of suffering in all existence does not diminish the suffering in a given portion of it, nor does it make the prevention of such suffering any less necessary.

3.25. My admittedly limited perception of reality is not a function of selfishness but of the fact that I am not capable of understanding it in it's entirety, not yet at least. Do You really think humans are so stupid as to be unable to grasp concepts such as infinity or the multiverse

3.5. I do not seek to hold you in this realm. Indeed I doubt I could.

3.75 The fact that you consider helping us or any other beings in such predicaments to be "frivolous" shows just how indifferent you are to the suffering of what you yourself say are an infinite amount of people. this say volumes about your moral character.

3.8. If you have such important matter to attend to, why do you spend time arguing with apes on what for you must seem to be a very primitive electronic network

3.85. Lust and other pleasures of the flesh need not consume a person. It is possible to indulge ones desires without allowing them to consume or destroy you. Perhaps I LIKE playing with my genitals, Maybe that's just a mammal thing

3.9. Again you try to turn everything around on either me or humanity as a whole. Insecure much.

4. >Shifting the blame for what you yourselves do to your own people are you?

Well excuse the fuck out of you. Now one human bares responsibility for the actions of all others?

4.5 perhaps you are not causing harm, but you and others like you are allowing it, for no good reason. and yes you bear responsibility for " the countless sentients on other worlds that, if they had this typical Earth human mentality, would all be badgering disrespectfully for me to spoon-feed them ascension."

6. and exactly how much of "me" will reincarnate? I've always been curious about this. for that matter, how many time have you reincarnated?

7.>Humanity = myopic as fuck

I'll give you that one.

8. it is darkly amusing that you embody so many of the traits that make humanity so revolting.

tell me, does ascension always cost one ones empathy or was that just you?



Everything is a distraction. The lower plains will always seem simple, the higher will always seem heavenly.

From the perspective of your eyes, the world will always be the same. There is no point in seeking ascension at all costs, and no point in lingering unduly. Enter the higher realm, and you will feel as though nothing has changed, your new senses will allow you to experience the totality of what you have sought, and sooner than later, you will tire of it and seek new mysteries.

Climb far enough, and you may find yourself an ascended lord of creation in the 2d realm. Sit for long enough, and you will be a beggar in the kingdom of God.

Everything moves, and it will always be the same. Be content, restless anon, don't look so far forward that you begin to see your own back. This is the sin of all higher beings, at all density levels.

The secret of creation, is in those who see beauty in every direction they turn their gaze.

Don't stop trying to ascend, but don't lose the lesson of ascension along the way.



But, in honor of your commitment to self-betterment, I'll give you a teaching once given to myself.

In the great equation, on this world, there is a surplus of suffering and a deficit of joy.

In a totally balanced equation, spontaneity and chance do not exist.

If the equation is weighed towards joy, spontaneous and causeless events of cruelty and suffering will plague the universe.

When the equation is weighed towards suffering, spontaneous actions and events of impossible beauty will occur, the magnitude of which cannot be achieved in a peaceful world.

To see these higher beauties is not possible beyond worlds such as these. Seek them before you leave, or you may return as a hungry spirit, unfulfilled and seeking a truth you never learned.


This is the best way to greenpill, develop your self and stand as an example to those around you. People will begin to cling to you like a rock in rough waters and then you can show them the path. They won't listen until they're ready, there is no forcing someone down the path .



Very insightful, anon. Would you say always striving for more and knowing what to do and how to get it done as one of the secrets to proper creation? Create, stand back and be content for a minute, then move on to your next creation?

Awesome posts by the way. Saved.


It is, but only a part. It is the role an actor plays; one never confuses one role with the entire play, and one certainly never confuses the actor's part with the entire theater, that would be folly. Such is the notion of enlightenment while retaining an ego; it is to confuse the theater with the act itself.


This is true but you must be careful that you teach them well. Teach them that they do not need to come to you again.


"Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; show him how to catch fish, and you feed him for a lifetime."


"Give a nigger a fish, and you feed him for a day; show him how to catch fish, and soon the lakes and rivers have no fish."


This is absolutely the way to do it. I use this method with 100% success. It is easy to drop hints that you may have some esoteric knowledge to mundanes who may be interested(talking about simple symbolism etc)

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