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Esoteric Wizardry


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French village went insane after CIA spiked its bread with LSD

For 50 years, residents of the French village of Pont-Saint-Esprit have tried to understand the "cursed bread" incident, a moment of terrifying mass insanity and hallucinations that left at least five dead and dozens in asylums. Now the mystery is solved: the CIA secretly spiked the bread from the bakery with enormous quantities of LSD as part of its cold war mind-control experiments, at least according to recently uncovered documents. The allegation originates with H P Albarelli Jr., an investigative journalist who uncovered the documents while researching his forthcoming book, A Terrible Mistake: The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA's Secret Cold War Experiments.

>One man tried to drown himself, screaming that his belly was being eaten by snakes. An 11-year-old tried to strangle his grandmother. Another man shouted: "I am a plane", before jumping out of a second-floor window, breaking his legs. He then got up and carried on for 50 yards. Another saw his heart escaping through his feet and begged a doctor to put it back. Many were taken to the local asylum in strait jackets…

>Scientists at Fort Detrick told him that agents had sprayed LSD into the air and also contaminated "local foot products".

>Mr Albarelli said the real "smoking gun" was a White House document sent to members of the Rockefeller Commission formed in 1975 to investigate CIA abuses. It contained the names of a number of French nationals who had been secretly employed by the CIA and made direct reference to the "Pont St. Esprit incident." In its quest to research LSD as an offensive weapon, Mr Albarelli claims, the US army also drugged over 5,700 unwitting American servicemen between 1953 and 1965.



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Flight: QZ8501
Aircraft: Airbus A320-200
Number of passengers: 155

Aircraft lost contact with Jakarta control. AirAsia has announced that search and rescue operations are underway.


/pol/ thread: >>>/pol/746545

>Does anyone want to team up and project to try to find it?


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How much longer can NASA and the USG continue to cover up that humans came from Mars?


Related video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKDS0Cvgz5s#t=257


Periodic methane releases detected on mars.

Microbial life on mars all but confirmed


This thread is Irlmaier approved.


░░░░░░░░▌░░░░░░▐█████▌░░░▒▐ beginnen die Säuberung


That's redunkulous

You know, I considered spiking the water supply but the results of this experiment are somewhat unsettling.

Were there good experiences though?


I've read that the addetives we put in the water (fluoride, chlorine, ect) react with LSD and the resulting compounds have no psychedelic effects. but that was just something I saw on here so idk how true it is

Also LSD is something you should know you're taking and prepare for, bad trips get BAD and are likely if you just start tripping out of nowhere in the middle of your day.


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The Missing link

This author, who had studdied JFK Assasination, Watergate, Iran-Contra, and 9/11 extensively.

Claims there is a link trough all the events. He finds this link in individuals centered around a Federal department called `Continuity of Government (COG) planning`. Otherwise known by conspiracy theorists known as the “the Doomsday Project”.


The back of the book he wrote about the subject says
>He does not attempt to resolve the controversies surrounding these events, but he shows their significant points in common, ranging from overlapping personnel and modes of operation to shared sources of funding.

This means he is not encouraging nor discouraging any Jesuit or Jewish conspiracy theories, nor any other conclusion in particular. Just saying. I know this sort of read is very, very boring. But some may find it intresting anyway.


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Michael Collins Piper - Final Judgment Lecture

Mossad and the JFK Assassination

Israel Connection to JFK Assassination

More Evidence Mossad Killed JFK Over Israeli Nukes

Who Killed Kennedy: CIA, LBJ, or the Truly "Unspeakable"?

Israel's Central Role in the JFK Assassination - Who's Who

Israel: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy


South Korea Wants To Resume Talks With North As Cyberattack Issue Festers
S.Korea, Japan, US to Share Info on North

Coast-to-Sea Cruise Missiles Fired on 5th Day of Iranian Army Drills

Merkel Urges Russia to Use Influence Over Rebels to End East Ukraine Crisis

UN warns about threat of full-scale war in Libya

Moscow Red Cross Official Says Russia Used ‘Humanitarian’ Convoys to Ship Arms to Militants in Ukraine

Western powers want to find common ground with Russia and end their confrontational approach over Ukraine, the EU's foreign policy chief told Italian media

2014 in review


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Also, read the Alois Irlmaier prophecies if you haven't already.


It's chlorine that's added to water that destroys lsd but we've been adding it to water since before LSD was discovered for sanitation


LSD is fucked up shit

My source: the ghost of syd barret


No LSD is great given the environment. It's the reason I broke out of normalcy and got into spiritually



Nobody listen to this guy; he is probably a CIA agent looking to create more acid casualties

U forgot ur flag , too


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lsd can be really beneficial if
A) it's proper LSD-25
B) you're in a good mood
C) you're in a good environment


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Should drugs ever be used in magick or no?

Yesterday a whole bunch of degenerates all tried to argue to me that I should do drugs and that drugs are a valid tool in magick.

I was not feeling well and didn't want to discuss it then so I mostly ignored them.

I am making this thread now to have a proper discussion on the topic.

I personally am against the use of drugs for many reasons.

1. They are not necessary. Anything you can do on drugs can be done without them and better. There are ascetic techniques that are far superior to the drug-based methods.
2. You lose control while on drugs, a magician is supposed to have absolute self-control, drugs force you into something which you can't back out of easily. For example if you use drugs to try to get out of body, you won't be able to return to your body until the drugs wear off.
3. Lobsang Rampa in his texts describes drunks and other drug users and how confused they are when on the astral planes. They conjure up all sorts of thoughtforms that cause them trouble and bumble about like idiots in a total confusion, not knowing what is their own mental projections and what is anything else.
4. Millions of people, probably billions, do drugs; yet how many wizards are there? How many druggies are really enlightened? How many are just confused, lost, and deluded with false awakenings? Drug-use does not make you a proper wizard.
5. Most wizards that have advocated drug use were total filthy degenerates. Look at Aleister Crowley. Who wants to be like him?
6. Drugs are a crutch, you don't learn to actually do anything with them, you don't get better; it's like taking a drug in a sport to be able to run a marathon way faster but without the drugs you're still useless. You still have to develop the energy body, learn the meditation techniques, etc. without drugs.
7. Drugs are cheating and expose you to things you're not at all ready for yet. You pick up negative entity attachments, bad influences taint your aura, etc. while on the drugs. You get thrown out into the astral when you don't even know how to navigate it properly. Your awareness levels, conscious control, etc. doesn't really increase and you are subject to exploitation and control by other entities. If you just would avoid drugs and learn to get there naturally, then by the time you get there, you'll be much better prepared for what's coming.
8. Michael Harner, author of Way of the Shaman (pic related) and owner of this site http://www.shamanism.org/ promotes ascetic (non-drug using) Shamanic techniques to induce trance and do all of the work of a Shaman.


Read this thread for the below quote: https://freedomboard.kirara.ca/fringe/res/6552.html

"After Harner's Amazonian shamanic training with the hallucinogen ayahuasca, he started experimenting with monotonous drumming, discovering that there was no need for psychoactive substances in order to have successful shamanic journeys."

9. Another relevant text related to Shamanism (which shows some people need it to open up to the possibilities, but that it's not necessary, and not something you want to rely on to do magick):

Tales of Power, Carlos Castaneda, page 5

> "Why did you make me take those power plants so many times?" I asked.

> He laughed and mumbled very softly, "'Cause you're dumb."
> I heard him the first time, but I wanted to make sure and pretended I had not understood.
> "I beg your pardon?" I asked.
> "You know what I said," he replied and stood up.
> He tapped me on the head as he walked by me.
> "You're rather slow," he said. "And there was no other way to jolt you."
> "So none of that was absolutely necessary?" I asked.
> "It was, in your case. There are other types of people, however, that do not seem to need them."

10. Drugs are material, they are creations of the demiurge, and I object to the idea of using a physical thing to influence my mind. I want my mind to dominate matter, to overcome matter, not to be subject to its influence. In my efforts to rise above the material plane, I feel that drugs would just be dragging me back under it.
11. Drugs are part of maya. They, like food, water, etc. do not have an absolute nature. A properly enlightened mind should be able to take a drug and not be effected. In this regard I quote;


A monk once took massive amounts of LSD and was unaffected by it. Drugs do not effect everyone the same, if your will is strong enough, you can totally clear away their effect.

Source: http://www.sirbacon.org/4membersonly/nkbaba.htm

^ taken from: https://freedomboard.kirara.ca/fringe/res/3446.html#3488
See also this thread: https://freedomboard.kirara.ca/fringe/res/3486.html

In this case we have a monk taking LSD and not being affected by it. There are other cases too we've heard about before of drugs having no effect on people, like poisons and so on. A proper wizard asserts his will, his mind, etc. over everything including drugs. If one were to take drugs at all it should be with the aim of completely being unaffected by it; such as being wide awake after taking sleeping pills or fast asleep after taking massive amounts of caffeine. Drugs should have no power over us.
12. Drugs, whether illegal or not, are ultimately being promoted by and benefiting the ZOG. The CIA controls all the illegal drug supplies. The shrinks the legal ones. Thinking you're rebellious for taking drugs is like antifa thinking they're rebels for supporting the establishment. You're just a controlled opposition tool, being tricked. See also:

"To prove this freedom, the adolescent rebels against the rules of behavior imposed by society, believing that he is proving his independence, when really the only thing he accomplishes is submission to his own unconscious impulses." – page 107 of The Stellar Man (117 in the PDF) - Chapter VII. The Illusion of Freedom

13. Magical training is all about relying on the will, the mind, the subconscious, etc. it's not about taking drugs. All of the top-occultists I know, the ones really worthy of respect with considerable accomplishments, do not use or advocate drugs; if they used them at all they stopped at some point and renounced them. Many degenerate failure magicians are very attracted to sex magick and drug-use because they just want to do those things for hedonistic reasons, showing a lack of development in the skills of emotional alchemy, and a reliance upon things external to oneself. They do not get very far and usually their accomplishments in magick are pathetic.

So in conclusion, you should not be doing drugs at all, and should realize the power is in your MIND not in material substance.

One more related thread: https://freedomboard.kirara.ca/fringe/res/15748.html#15753



I should probably buy a shamanic drum, they're under twenty bucks.



>>15574 here:

Yes, I agree. I am aware I needed the jolt, am aware of my dependence of hedonistic pleasure in the material realm. I am working on overcoming these.

Much strength on your path to enlightenment, for ascetic living has more use than the drug-filled egomania's of its sickly drug brother.


It's quite a synchronicity that I come to /fringe/ as this thread's at the top, because just yesterday I had my first trip ever with some mushrooms and was wanting to share the experience.
I highly recommend it - provided you have a good set and setting, as with any psychedelic. It was basically a fast track to ego death and understanding non-duality, at least for me it was. Everything, including my body, became a continuation of everything else, as just this one all-pervasive, organic, dynamic happening. I tried to put it into words as I was tripping and the words just became irrelevant sounds. One way I'd describe it is like being let in on the joke of the universe. It's as if your whole life has been you acting in a movie, and once the mushrooms kick in, it's like the director yelling "cut!" and you suddenly realize, "Oh, I get it, I was just playing a role this whole time and the totality of my being is inseparable from the rest of the universe and it's all quite silly." Later I came home and found a somewhat clumsy way of putting the revelations into words:
"There is chaos and order, synonymous with death and life. Life is simply an ordering of chaos, like iron filings being magnetically arranged. The mind is a mechanism of ordering, through language and association. There is no difference between chaos and order except in how we perceive and create arrangements. The nature of living is to perpetually find new ways of ordering chaos. To be dead is unfathomable, because the very act of fathoming is to order chaos, which is to live. Death and life, like chaos and order, are one in the same."


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>1. They are not necessary. Anything you can do on drugs can be done without them and better. There are ascetic techniques that are far superior to the drug-based methods.

not always, everyone is different

>2. You lose control while on drugs, a magician is supposed to have absolute self-control, drugs force you into something which you can't back out of easily. For example if you use drugs to try to get out of body, you won't be able to return to your body until the drugs wear off.

at first but you can learn control over that which is a practice of its own

>3. Lobsang Rampa in his texts describes drunks and other drug users and how confused they are when on the astral planes. They conjure up all sorts of thoughtforms that cause them trouble and bumble about like idiots in a total confusion, not knowing what is their own mental projections and what is anything else.

as above

>4. Millions of people, probably billions, do drugs; yet how many wizards are there? How many druggies are really enlightened? How many are just confused, lost, and deluded with false awakenings? Drug-use does not make you a proper wizard.

this is a really dumb claim because you can say that about food, etc
null point really

>5. Most wizards that have advocated drug use were total filthy degenerates. Look at Aleister Crowley. Who wants to be like him?

while you list one person as a degenerate, there have been plenty non wizards that gathered a lot of occult knowledge with drugs , for example terrence mckenna
on top of that, while crowley went kinda downhill later in life, he was still a very accomplished occultist and we owe him much for his work
and drugs were the least of his problems, he got sidetracked with sex magick

>6. Drugs are a crutch, you don't learn to actually do anything with them, you don't get better; it's like taking a drug in a sport to be able to run a marathon way faster but without the drugs you're still useless. You still have to develop the energy body, learn the meditation techniques, etc. without drugs.

My visualisation ability permanently increased due to DXM usage and I have gained insights that assist me in my practice

>7. Drugs are cheating and expose you to things you're not at all ready for yet. You pick up negative entity attachments, bad influences taint your aura, etc. while on the drugs. You get thrown out into the astral when you don't even know how to navigate it properly. Your awareness levels, conscious control, etc. doesn't really increase and you are subject to exploitation and control by other entities. If you just would avoid drugs and learn to get there naturally, then by the time you get there, you'll be much better prepared for what's coming.

that's a danger which you face on your own responsibility, unsafe!=useless

>8. Michael Harner, author of Way of the Shaman (pic related) and owner of this site http://www.shamanism.org/ promotes ascetic (non-drug using) Shamanic techniques to induce trance and do all of the work of a Shaman.



Cameras and elemental correspondences.



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Are there something special about these latvian gingerbreads, and the symbol on it?? It is meant to be some sort of Baltic/indo-european folklore stuff as far as i know.


I apologise, I did not know where to place this information and I felt it did not merit a thread.


I would like to say that the website has returned and it contains much information I feel would be relevant for everyone here. If possible I would like to see it to the sticky if it is deemed to have relevant information to everyone here.

My regards.


On another note regarding the arguing about the use of drugs and the like. I feel that one should utilize what is around us to reach our ends. The key is not to be consumed by it. It is merely a tool, an extension to bring us to our goals. Another key note is no matter what path you choose it is your choice to make and the risk is getting lost in that "reality tunnel." As Robert Anton Wilson has said, "Belief is the death of intelligence."

Here are a few articles to read from the deoxy.org website I had just posted.


On another note. Would one be willing to create a flag for zeteticism or a flag to represent acceptance of everything and not one singular belief system? If flags are to be mandatory that is one that I would use. For now I used this flag because it says "New Thought" not any beleif system although there is a specific belief system under "New Thought" I just now have realized.


How about some future news?

Queen Elizabeth II dies this year, between 07/05/15 and 19/05/15.


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>Another man shouted: "I am a plane", before jumping out of a second-floor window, breaking his legs.

He didn't fly so good.


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CIA can have a sense of humor sometimes

>> TFW never get free LSD Bread


Or perhaps he's wondering why someone would give a man LSD before throwing him out of a window.


the dark night rises, good one




It's called CIA rises, hothead.


First one to plane gets to jump out of my window


Nobody seems to have any news to post should we just unsticky this thread seeing as greenpilled news are not popular on here?


Do it, if someone's got some news they bump the thread with it.


Rye ergot poisoning.


NASA cuts live video as UFO rises from Earth toward ISS [Video]

UFO researchers are up in arms after NASA cut its live video feed streamed from the International Space Station (ISS) when a UFO appeared on the feed last week.

The YouTube video, taken from NASA’s live feed last week, shows what Ufologists claim is a UFO rising from beyond the Earth’s horizon.
But NASA cut the video abruptly after the mysterious object appeared.
While filming over the Earth last week, the HD cameras mounted on the ISS captured a mysterious object which came into view apparently from beyond Earth’s horizon. The video, posted to YouTube on Jan. 15 by the prolific YouTube hunter, Streetcap1, shows a grey, misty object that emerges from beyond the Earth's horizon as seen from the ISS.
The mysterious object rises in the direction of the space station as if going to rendezvous with it. But as UFO hunters were trying to focus on the object to determine its nature, the live video fed cut off abruptly, and instead, there appeared a message saying that the cameras being used in the agency’s High Definition Earth Viewing (HDEV) project were having technical issues.
The incident has caused uproar in the UFO enthusiasts community, with accusation being made against the agency that the incident was not a coincidence and that it was not the first time that NASA has attempted to conceal evidence of a UFO sighting by dumping its live feed. UFO researchers alleged that NASA has the habit of cutting its live video transmission immediately an unusual object appears on the screen.
UFO Sightings Daily's Scott Waring accused NASA of censoring UFO sightings on its video feed.
He wrote in a blog post: "NASA did it again. A UFO shows up on live public Internet cam and NASA takes it off line. Who here is surprised by this? If you are, you are new here. UFOs are caught by researchers on a weekly basis and NASA does cut the line when they catch them. However the eggheads at NASA are not always focused on the screen and miss a lot of very interesting and sometimes very highly detailed UFOs."
To support his claim that UFO sightings were always occurring on NASA's live video feed, he linked to a previous video recorded on Feb. 5, 2014 (see below), purporting to show a UFO docking to the ISS.

The anger among viewers of the new video on UFO Sightings Daily website was palpable yesterday. A viewer, Tammy, wrote: "This is everyday occurrence. NASA needs to come clean. I have been watching the ISS for months now and this happens every day."
Another viewer, Carla Flores, said, "I really wonder why NASA takes the trouble to hide UFOs. It is not like we don't know about them."
"Well most of the people don’t know it and don’t want to believe it soooo yeah," Breezy responded.
However, some skeptics have dismissed the claim that the object was a UFO. Some claimed it could be the Earth's moon. But Ufologists have vigorously denied the claim, saying that the moon, as seen from the ISS, looks very different.
Following claims by skeptics that the object rising from beyond the Earth's horizon was the moon, Streetcap1 was forced to respond, saying, "Please bear in mind that the moon appears white when it shows. There would be no point in me uploading a video of the moon."
He also posted a link to a video of the moon (see below) as captured on HD camera from the ISS for skeptical viewers who wish to compare.

A viewer on YouTube supported Streetcap1's claim that the misty object was not the moon, saying angrily, "If it is the moon you fools… why does NASA kill the live-view?? Use your brains! And FK you NASA for holding out on the Human rase (sic)… you fk*rs."
Many viewers of the video reportedly emailed NASA for an explanation of the latest UFO sighting and the live video feed cut, but NASA has reportedly not responded to inquiries.



search: Single dose of SSRI changes functional architecture of the human brain

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