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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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/fringe/ please help, /x/ was no use because it turned into blue /b/ ages ago. Is there any way at all that I can become a fairy? Pact or otherwise, I don't care how it happens. I don't care if I lose my soul ect.

My one dream is to flit about the gardens and generally be a cute bug-person. Please don't crush my one dream.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Holy shit thats awful.


but OP you already are


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It will come to you, in time.

Just know that you are a fairy, for now, that will suffice.


If you say so.


Oh but you most definitively are!


Well OP do you know how to complete the transmigration of the soul? This can be done, it's just a matter of finding or creating the body you need, and transferring your soul into it.

Hover over your flag btw.


Wow is that a real moth? That is one very beautiful moth.


OP if you are there I can help guide you through this.


Yes it is.

Im here now.


I'm not sure you understand what fairies are, OP.

Fairies are nature spirits, you can't 'become' one any more than I could become a cat.

If you're interested in them, pick up/download a copy of W.Y. Evans-Wentz' "The Fairy Faith in Celtic Countries", it's the classic work on the subject.

As an Irish person, I can tell you that 'being' a fairy wouldn't really be desirable anyway, they're not nice little butterflies like Tinkerbell or something in our culture. There's a fairy fort in my area, and we were absolutely terrified of it as kids, in case the fairies would harm us


File: 1420043382795.pdf (1.17 MB, Walter Yeeling Evans-Wentz….pdf)


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Even heard of Otherkin?

It's pretty much like trannies, except trans-specieist
Well there is also fantasy counterpart of it
Angelkins, Elfkins, Fairykins, etc.

At least it will be real in your mind


Ok do you know how to complete the transmigration of the soul? You need to transfer your soul into a fairy vessel. Think you can handle that?


I'm not the fairy anon, but I am curious: how exactly would you go about completing transmigration of the soul so you can transfer into a different vessel? I'm really interested since this sounds like exactly the sort of thing I would like to try, but I don't know quite where to look.


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I really hope this post doesn't have SJW connotations. Pic unrelated.


Op did you purposely make this joke to easy.

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