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Esoteric Wizardry


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I have had several encounters with entities, have manifested the gift of cure, and have seen my future and other peoples futures too, all this was archived with my faith and applying Christianity.

I'm interested in the patch of wizardry, can it be compatible with my faith? I'm not interested in being friend with demons or having to submit myself to evil entities, my personal goals are only enrichment and betterment of my life and others around, I may use it also to influence people sometimes but only in ways that may not harm them in any way. Lets Discuss



>not posting with the Christian or Templar flag

This is why everyone ignores your thread OP.


Depends on your particular denomination, but generally speaking, no.


so it is not compatible with Christianity ?


To be more specific I have no denomination I only follow the words of Jesus as it is in the bible and do some of hes teachings, like praying and being in the presence of the Holy Spirit


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>archived with my faith

Don't you mean achieved?

>applying Christianity.

What branch of it?

>patch of wizardry


>can it be compatible with my faith?

Very much so. There are many Christian paradigms that embrace magick. Have you listened to NYC Gnostic Radio? Many different types of Christians are interviewed on there that are into the occult/magick. Martinists, Gnostics, Mystic Christians, etc.

I highly recommend listening to all the videos in this podcast: https://www.youtube.com/user/GnosticNYC

I've been on /fringe/ a long time but still learned lots of new things listening to all the podcasts on here which I then researched further and in some cases made threads for on here.

This book here is a must read for any esoteric Christian: http://www.yogebooks.com/english/atkinson/1908-09mysticchristianity.pdf


Thanks, sorry for the bad writing.

As I said above, I have no actual branch of Christianity, there must be a name for what I do but I don't know it, I only pray, read the bible and seek for the Holy Spirit presence and follow the teachings of Jesus


Christians who don't make use of god's provision for influencing the universe through that principle of mind which is available to us, to do good works, and practise theurgy (miracle making); they are foolish and not very close to the saints.

What can possibly be wrong about embracing virtues and developing into a healthy and powerful individual who uses his agency to influence the world to bring everyone closer to the divine reality?


That is a good point. I would have to understand what practices are involved with evil entities so I can avoid getting into those, I think that would be the important difference for me


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Just study everything man and you'll know what to do. I also suggest reading The Golden Book of Wisdom (it's only 13 brief pages) and The Universal Master Key both by Franz Bardon. It is Hermeticism however Hermeticists do have things to say about Jesus. The Stellar Man by John Baines also talks a lot about Jesus and regards Jesus as an advanced Hermetic initiate.


I will put those in my list, I suppose they are in the mega on the stick thread, I already downloaded it all


Read this OP. This guy is esoteric Christian plus he teaches about the imagination (Gotta have a good one to be a wizard)


Well said


thanks! I will read and come back later


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After many hours spent in Oekaki…


You just reminded me that I need to fix up one file in the library that has a weird name and can't be opened by people on windews OS.


orthodox christianity regards everything doing with the occult as the work of demons, and the imagination is the gateway of the demons to enslave us.
Also those gifts you got? they were gifts to demons

now I'm just saying this from the orthodox perspective and it's not something I live by. Got to mount Athos with any of the things here and you would get your shit slapped.
Also protestants and mosts of the catholics today have no clue about what christianity is about. Needless to say, the endless sects that sprouted on america from the 19th century are just shit-tier
>my personal goals are only enrichment and betterment of my life and others around
you don't need any magic to achieve this, if you want to be kind to others and be a better person, you don't need anything "occult", just being humble for start will suffice.
if you want to be a wizard for the fun and weird part of it, this is more believable for me


when I say enrichment I mean it, by using the ways o wizardry to be able to influence people


I should have slimmed down Jesus there. He looks as if his corpse has gone bloated and festering on there.


Either that or it's Amerijesus and he's really fat.


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>you don't need any magic to achieve this, if you want to be kind to others and be a better person, you don't need anything "occult", just being humble for start will suffice.

Magick is the ULTIMATE in self-improvement and you should not shit on it. I was always interested in self-improvement myself but I never made any real progress in making my life better until I got into /fringe/ stuff. All the standard shitty normie advice is absolutely useless. Magick is like a supercharged total self-improvement program. I personally made it a big deal in my own life to do everything the mundane way first but it was ONLY magick that took me that extra length towards actually bettering myself in any significant way.

Being "humble" isn't all there is to self-improvement you know. There's also having a healthy body, a strong mind, etc.

Also there are lots of really old Christian groups that are extremely esoteric.

I notice nobody here has mentioned Swedenborgian Christianity yet for example.

Pic related = Christian Wizards.

If you look in the wizard images folder in the mega most of the wizards are actually Christian monks you know.



The thing is; those who are ignorant, undisciplined, and unwary of the influence of their thoughts on the world end up doing much harm to themselves and others as well as being unable to protect themselves from negative influences too.

Choosing to be ignorant and helpless is bad.



All truth rightfully said. I'm loving this thread but I've not have much to say, so I'll leave a book I mentioned to another anon in a different thread.


It's not exactly that of the occult/esoteric variety, but in some ways it definitely is. It's heavily Christian as well. Personally helped me change my life and create a foundation for me to later (now) study Hermeticism.


Thanks for the link Anon, about to start reading it. Not a Christian but this still looks pretty worthwhile from a /fringe/ perspective


Interesting thought, many of the teachings of Christianity do look a lot like what people teach here on Fringe, I think the biggest difference would be that Christians do not ask help from demons


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I recommend Neoplatonism, too, as Christianity has taken from that tradition. And when you understand Neoplatonism, you understand Hermeticism more.


Also, I really, really recommend you to read the Nag Hammadi Scriptures. The Gospel of Thomas, especially. Here's some additional links, along with them a link to the scriptures;


Here's two versions of Gospel of Thomas,


Having read the whole bible many times, I don't see what this supposed Gospel of Thomas can say that is not already said in the actual scriptures. but thanks anyways


My post was in regard to the view of orthodox christianity of magick/occult.
Also the priests in your pic are most likely orthodox ones.

if you want to have a better idea of the ideal an orthodox should strive to be and the idea of sainthood, watch the link below

the hermit in the link I posted lives literally in the forests near me. I never saw one but it's actually incredible that I live next to these people



Search for the path of the right hand, everything its dual, magick is not exception


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>implying those aren't ALL wizards engaged in magickal practises despite what you'd like us all to believe otherwise


>everything is dual

Non-duality master race reporting in.


Do you know the history of the term "Demon"? It is given in the book in the /fringe/ library called The Invisible Influences. It all traces back to Socrates and his tulpa whose name was Daemon. It later took on a meaning where it referred to negative entities. There is so much confusion over this word though as it's used differently by so many different groups I prefer to use terms like "negs" as suggested by Robert Bruce or simply "hostile/malevolent entity".


Negative Entities, forces of evil and demons

When one works with Entities, he or she is eventually bound to encounter negative Entities, forces of evil, even the Entities for which the general term demons is used. Good and bad are the Primal Polarities common to all members of the human race (see my book “Return to Oneness”), wider and more encompassing than any other pair of polarities. With their cognition begins the Biblical tale of the human being’s banishment from paradise.

However, six centuries before Christ, the polarity of good and evil was pointed out as the basic polarity in the religious philosophy of Mazdaism, whose preacher and founder was Zoroaster or Zarathustra. The teachings originated on the territory of today’s Iran. In them, the basic human polarity was presented as the duality of Ahura-Mazda, the deity of light and good, and Ahriman, the deity of darkness and evil. The basis of this religious philosophy was the belief in the continuous struggle between good and evil in the human soul.

The same duality appears later in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. All three religions discuss the struggle between good and evil, promising eternal salvation to the orthodox believers, for in the future, good will finally prevail over evil.

In most religions, the symbols of good and evil are light and darkness, respectively. Night abounds with dangers, dark places are terrifying, and blindness means darkness and impotence. The most severe depression and despair are described in religious teachings as “the black night of the soul”, and many languages use terms denoting darkness of the unconscious and light of consciousness. Man’s shadow – a term Jung introduced into psychology, which he described as the dark side of the human being, is something the conscious spirit (the light principle) discards as evil, unacceptable, sometimes even horrible.

The forces of evil we meet in therapeutic practice and spiritual development take on different forms. For the most part, the form they take depends on the cultural milieu in which they appear. There is no reason for the practitioner to ascribe them religious significance. No matter if they are the product of imagination of the person afflicted by disease, or the result of appearance of the archetype, of mass hallucinations or anything else, they obviously exist in different forms in psychological and emotional reality. Founders of the great religions – Buddha, Christ and Muhammad – fought with the forces of evil, usually called demons, as did many saints – followers of their teachings – after them.


In connection with the term demon, we encounter a hapless confusion, which springs from different meanings ascribed to the term. Due to Socrates’ claim that he had been guided through life by the voice of his Daemon (which obviously to him meant inner voice, intuition, and to a certain degree, conscience), many Christian authors criticized him for being in contact with demons. Socrates’ term obviously had quite the opposite meaning – it was an expression and symbol of good and moral behavior. Plato and Xenophon also used the term daimonion, characterized by Cicero as something divine (divinum aliguid), However, the terms demon and demonic took root and are widely accepted in many religious teachings as well as in everyday speech, and as such signify the forces of evil that man sometimes encounters.

Negative and evil Entities appear in a multitude of shapes. Some have human appearance, others look like concentrated masses of darkness, small condensed black clouds, dark spots and points or shadows that change shape. Again, some appear in the shape in which religious texts and medieval alchemists and painters portray demons – as monstrous and terrifying creatures. They can also manifest as unpleasant bodily sensations: cold chills, sudden blasts of wind in a closed room, the strong smell of a decomposing corpse, or a feeling of pressure that comes from invisible sources outside of man.

Besides these forms of manifestation of the negative Entities, possession with “demon- ic energies” can manifest itself in the following symptoms: an impression of hearing voices ordering the person in question to do things she/he would not normally do; short periods of darkened consciousness, without knowing what happened during that time; experiencing intellectual blockade or speaking as if in a trance in the middle of a normal conversation; walking, talking, or behaving in a strange way, or in a way she/he has never done before – as if being someone else; sudden asocial behavior, which is not typical of the person; uttering strange words or sentences in an unknown or incomprehensible language (this is extremely rare).

There are several categories of negative Entities, which we can perceive as hierarchi- cal: Entities range from the lowest and most common, whose influence may be characterized as a disturbance, to the stronger ones that threaten or impose aggressive, paranoid, or suicidal thoughts. What further complicates the situation in the last few decades is the popularity of channeling, that is, transmitting messages from the levels of consciousness considered dominant and hierarchically exalted. Some persons actually receive such messages, but evil Entities often disguise themselves as sources of the messages of the higher consciousness. They manifest as bodiless Masters from high spiritual levels, deceased yogis and sages, heavenly messengers and the like, who communicate by “direct voice”, “automatic writing” or intuitively received messages. Many prominent practitioners and authorities point to how dangerous such ”channeling” may prove to the mental health of human beings. One of those authorities, a famous psychotherapist of theosophical orientation, Bendit Phoebe, warns: “There are independent Entities who disguise them- selves in divine beings, saints or Masters, and who can try to seduce spiritual disciples or lead them to temptation…”

Rene Geunon, another famous authority in the esoteric field, points to the possibility of fake messiahs becoming unconscious instruments in the hands of evil supernatural forces.

Roberto Assagioli, the founder of the Psychosynthesis system, suggests the same degree of caution: “…we should handle their messages with common sense and discrimination, and not let ourselves be influenced by the unusual source from which they come, nor any sublime statements of the transmitters…” He points to the same fact in his book “Psychosynthesis”: “We should not ascribe any value to messages that contain certain orders and demand blind obedience, nor to the ones that have a tendency to inflate the personality of the receiver of the messages.”

Common sense requires that channelers be skeptical if an Entity informs them that they are chosen as the transmitters of significant messages because they are in some respect superior to other human beings. Spiritual Intelligences never stimulate the human Ego.


Yup. Neville Goddard goes into this in 'mental diets '


thanks got the explanation, when I mean demons I'm talking about evil entities who purpose are that of bad actions towards humans or nature.



Your very welcome. I want to also recommend personal development coaches like Dr. Wayne Dyer, Richard Carson and also Anthony Robbins. Just go on your favorite torrent site and download everything. Those men do not necessarily bring a Christian message, but like I mentioned earlier it helps create a wonderful foundation for whatever esoteric work you will want to do later on. Not to mention, this stuff works in all aspects of your life, not just the Spiritual side. Think of it like a rather "hidden" (occult) truth about bringing happiness and changing your lifestyle to become more productive, powerful and peaceful with yourself and one another. The key to remember is that kindness and love are the way to spread this message, among other Christian virtues of humility and gratitude. It brings a real sense of inner peace with yourself.


Thanks for that book on Christian Mysticism, I absolutely love it.




>Negative and evil Entities appear in a multitude of shapes. Some have human appearance, others look like concentrated masses of darkness, small condensed black clouds, dark spots and points or shadows that change shape. Again, some appear in the shape in which religious texts and medieval alchemists and painters portray demons – as monstrous and terrifying creatures. They can also manifest as unpleasant bodily sensations: cold chills, sudden blasts of wind in a closed room, the strong smell of a decomposing corpse, or a feeling of pressure that comes from invisible sources outside of man.

You know when someone writes something that matches your own experience and you suddenly realize something that should have been painfully obvious?

I've seen every single one of these in the past month, minus the smell. Fuck.


I've experienced the chilling cold while trying to summon an entity. I was half-naked, but warm, but then, while visualizing the entity and chanting its name, a cold sensation crept up my body. I tried to observe if other sensations could be felt or heard, but it was nothing.


It is, really. I should compile the wealth of similarities/references in the official New Testament (that's not even considering the omitted Gnostic gospels and letters) to ancient (and by course, contemporary) mystery teachings and hermetic magic. A few come to mind;

Matthew 5:21-22
>"21 “Under the laws of Moses the rule was, ‘If you murder, you must die.’ 22 But I have added to that rule and tell you[a] that if you are only angry, even in your own home,* you are in danger of judgment! If you call your friend an idiot, you are in danger of being brought before the court. And if you curse him, you are in danger of the fires of hell."
In other words, anger at someone is synonymous, by divine purview, with murder; being so mad as to verbally lash out is convertible to cursing somebody. As above, so below.

Consider baptism by water;
>Acts 19:4-6
>Paul said, “John’s baptism was a baptism of repentance. He told the people to believe in the one coming after him, that is, in Jesus.” Upon hearing this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. When Paul placed his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came to them, and they spoke in tongues and prophesied.

In Christianity, to converts that firmly believe (there's a great deal of ceremony involved to bolster and excite this act of faith), it's literally washing away one's sins and leaving them wholly tenable to the agency of the Holy Spirit. Holy water is magnetized with a powerfully divine property in advance for this purpose, and other rites.

On the subject of magnetism, consider Acts 19:11-12;
>God did extraordinary miracles through Paul, so that even handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him were taken to the sick, and their illnesses were cured and the evil spirits left them.

Indeed, for a time heretofore, we've wandered far from the path of God, digressed from the power and knowledge intended for us to do his will and work.


>orthodox christianity regards everything doing with the occult as the work of demons, and the imagination is the gateway of the demons to enslave us.
>Also those gifts you got? they were gifts to demons

sounds like something a demon would like you believe



Now you will understand how wise the ancient was when he told us in the Hermetica, "There are two gifts which God has bestowed upon man alone and on no other mortal creature. These two are Mind and Speech, and the gift of Mind and Speech is equivalent to that of immortality. If a man uses these two gifts rightly, he will differ in nothing from the Immortals. And when he quits his body, Mind and Speech will be his guides, and by them he will be brought into the troop of the gods and the souls that have attained to bliss."

With the gift of Mind and Speech you create the conditions and circumstances of life. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." The Word, said Hermes, is Son, and Mind is Father of the Word. They are not separate one from the other, for life is the union of Word and Mind. You and your inner talking, or Word, are one. If your mind is one with your inner conversations, then to be transformed in mind is to be transformed in conversation.

It was a flash of the deepest insight that taught Paul to write:

"Put off the former conversation, the Old Man which is corrupt, and be renewed

in the spirit of your mind. Put on the New Man." "Put on the New Man," and "be

renewed in the spirit of your mind," is to change your inner conversation, for

speech and mind are one - a change of speech is a change of mind.



hy im new to /fringe/
i have two questions so can anyone please help me
1) are there any angels in astral world and can you speak with them. also how to recognze them
2) can you use your magick in this world and can someone tell me some examples


Anon, angels are very advanced beings, you can speak to them in this world. An angel talks to me here in this world and other people see her too. She has something planned for me and waits for me to return to her realm and be with her again after death.

There are angels in the astral too. They have a very powerful presence, radiate a lot of light, and are very much more powerful than most astral entities you might encounter.

>2) can you use your magick in this world and can someone tell me some examples

Why not just read /fringe/ in general for tons of examples? You can use it in any way you can imagine to do anything.

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