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File: 1420247987687.png (148.55 KB, 700x700, 1:1, Honeywell HFD320 AirGenius….png)

 No.16062[Last 50 Posts]

I want to get an air filter and am doing lots of research, what is the best filter I can get for a medium-to-large room, at the lowest price, and preferably without replacement parts if possible?

Clean air is essential. Our nostrils filter out lots of pathogens but they can only do so much before they become clogged. Constantly exposing the body to really terrible indoor air is awful. Small animals (like hamsters) literally die if kept in the house I live in for a few days because the air quality is that shit where I am. When I go outside for some hours and find a nice place with filtered air to reside in for awhile my nostrils clean up… but I need the place I actually live and work and sleep in, my room, to have clean air.

Clean air will give us good health, a clear mind, and make our breathing practises (Pranayama) worthwhile. All those breathing techniques are great but not when you're sitting in a dusty smelly awful mouldy room all the time. You should always observe and use those breathing techniques but good luck if your nostrils are becoming clogged due to just how much damned pollution is in the air.

I got a tip off in the astral that I really need to deal with this while trying to figure out why my acne is such a huge problem. I believe that I had made a new discovery in this area that I previously did not consider although it may be too early to talk about I'm going to put forward my hypothesis. As you may know when you have acne you are not to touch your face; but what most acne fighting guides forget to mention is the skin is akin to a sponge and it breaths. If you paint your whole body with golden paint and forget to leave a spot uncovered you will suffocate and die, even though your nostrils and mouth may not be blocked.

So I believe I have identified another problem that contributes to the acne and two solutions to help finally defeat my skin problems. It has become apparent to me that every time someone in the house starts cooking stuff and burning oils, filling up the whole kitchen (which is where I have the computer unfortunately, I intend to move it out right away as soon as I figure out how to make a desk for it), it negatively effects my breathing and my skin condition and makes me feel greasy and disgusting. The burning oils from the cooking are clogging my pores. That's how I'm getting so damned greasy, my skin which is like a sponge, is being overwhelmed by all this cooking grease and then the pores are clogged and collect dust and other crap too.

To combat this solution for the time being I have begun wearing a mask of dishwashing soap whenever someone starts cooking. I leave it on my face the whole time until I no longer detect significant quantities of grease in the air… so a few hours. I also try to leave the room when this happens although this being a kitchen it happens way too fucking often. This has been an effective temporary solution I have found. My skin is already much better but it's not perfect, these are still adverse conditions, I just have reduced the problem a lot with this strategy for the time being but not eliminated the problem. I then take a shower but only for 5 minutes approximately. Just enough time to get wet and wash off this stuff. I have found that 15 minutes is just way too long in the shower and causes me skin trouble so I will only take 15 minute showers when I am really dirty or really greasy. I have found that I am able to reduce time spent in the shower too by applying all cleaning stuff I want to myself before actually going in the shower, rubbing it in with maybe a bit of water from the sink, and then washing out all shampoo and soaps in the shower in just approximately 5 minutes. I should also note that I have moved the time I take showers now… I used to do it just before bedtime usually and that was terrible timing. I now do it in the mornings. Ideally I want to avoid showers completely but I do it as necessary, my own body senses being the indicator that something needs to be done, as I can FEEL that my body has crap on it that needs to be washed off. My senses are very acute, myopia / eye problems aside (I will fix all that later on once other problems are fixed).


Sweating lightly also contributes to keeping my skin in good condition. If I can just get enough food and sleep and so on that I can maintain regular daily exercise before taking 5 minute shower I would think the act of sweating would be akin to straining water through a porous surface in order to clean it out. I would think that would clean out the pores too and contribute to better skin quality and overall health.

All this oil and dirt clogging the pores is coming from somewhere. It's not just touching the face. That isn't even the big part of it I think anymore though it is a part of the problem. It is mostly coming from the air. As you all may know from reading Initiation Into Hermetics the final breathing techniques described in there involve a total body breathing that works through every pore of your body. It is not without reason that many monks and others seeking esoteric power go out into the most pristine and clean environments they can to live away from the noise and pollution. This is ideal but we live in fucked up times and there are few clean places left on the Earth. Thankfully we have a lot of solutions available to us to clean our homes and we have air filters of various sorts.

I have been researching air filters all day today. I so far can't convince my parents to actually buy one so it may require a magickal operation to attain it. In the meanwhile I don't want to fuck up and get a filter that doesn't do its job. I need one that actually cleans the air removing dust and odours and mould and everything else from it. Those of you who have seen my old "BlueBerryWizard" youtube channel from years ago before it got completely shutdown by Jewgle may remember a room I used to be in that I kept very clean and seeing that air filter running. It was never very good but it worked ok for awhile. Eventually however more dust was collecting on top of it then inside of it, I could see dust particles in the air, and it didn't matter I was running it at top-speed 24/7… so now it sits in the basement and it's utterly useless. I also lost that room because my parents took it from me and started filling it up with crap. Today that room is dusty and shit to be in sadly. Thanks, demiurge-serving boomer scum. Now I am in a smaller room with significant mould problem, damaged carpet, etc. but I do my very best to keep it clean and it's presently the most clean room in the entire house.

If I get the air quality in order in my place I reckon it will be a huge step forward in many ways for my life. I expect better sleep, better health, better skin, more time in which I am actually able to meditate properly and practise magick (right now I can only do it sometimes in various "windows of opportunity" that come up, I know when I am able to do it, I can just feel it and my lucidity is way up).


Here are the air filters I am most interested in at present ( I have read every single review and the forum posts for each of these):

>Ideal for rooms up to 310 sq.ft.


(perfect reviews, nice unit, too expensive, tried to get my dad to buy it, he won't do it, oh well)

>Ideal for rooms up to 170 sq. ft.


It seems alright. It has one filter you vacuum out. The pre-filters need replacing every once in awhile (I'm guessing 3-6 months to once a year, probably depends on how shitty the air is you're constantly filtering, and how much cleaning you do in your room or if you just try to rely on the air filter to do all the cleaning for you). According to what appears to be the most reliable reviewer on there the odour filter needs replacement every 3 months. Just read the link yourself for more information!

>146 CADR rating for large rooms up to 225 sq. ft.


This is the one I'll probably be trying to get. The price seems to be within a range where it shouldn't be too hard with a some magick to get someone to buy it for me. It has a permanent filter you just clean with water. The carbon pre-filter to eliminate odours from the room will need replacement (suggested every 3-4 months). Good reviews. I wonder if any /fringe/ users have any ideas on how to acquire or make your own carbon pre-filters really cheap btw?

This filter here ( http://honeywellwebstore.com/HFD320 ) seems to be essentially the same filter btw as the one I was looking at above but at a much higher price.

I read MANY other filters but I've already closed those tabs after reading every review and everything else I could find on each one of them as they seem to be shit or are too expensive.

Other links that I'll just dump (don't bother to read them if you don't want to):




These are some very impressive filters but they seem really expensive. I also don't know if they eliminate dust? Maybe they just are more for just eliminating the finer stuff?

What filters do you use /fringe/ and what do you find effective?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This should be Fedora approved as it's NASA technology.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This guy got a mold problem under control with this.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Airocide Air Purifier Demonstration



Get a box fan and an air conditioning filter

Then make the fan air flow into the filter ( tape filter to the fan)

This should only cost 30or 40 bucks

Also u can make beef jerky if u stack the filters and put the fan on it's side, so the air blows to the ceiling.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This thing is really elaborate.


Sounds like it wouldn't actually work.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Build a do-it-yourself air purifier for about $25



If ur room is ddusty then u will definitely see dust get collected in the filter


Audio is fucked on that vid but it appears to demonstrate the feasibility of Islam anon's suggestion.


Diy projects get ur creativity and imagination working

I kind of wanna build a robot and scare people with it;

This Would give me Miuch emotional happiness .


>implying my creativity/imagination is not a function of my present health

Yeah but will it reach a point soon where I no longer see any dust floating around in my room? Will it also remove the terrible odours throughout my room?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
What Air Purifier Companies Won't Tell You


>tfw getting redpilled on air purifiers


Just leave the fan running and try to get a good air flow. I never built the thing from your youtube , but I've seen dust get caked in the grates of a box fan even without the filter!

Also, the fucking YouTube kikes deleted What I wanted to show you (part 2 of the ' good eats ' episode about beef jerky)

If u can torrent and have good bandwidth, I highly suggest getting every episode of the aforementioned show. Alton Brown will teach you How to be a master of cooking


>that feel when my old fan is broken and doesn't work anymore and I literally kept it on life support by using magick rituals (which I posted on /illuminati/ to revive it again & again until it eventually died completely because I wasn't around for awhile to infuse it with etheric energy and in that time it just completely died)

It was a rotating fan and not suitable to this anyways, I'll need to get a boxfan if I go through with this project.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Top 10 Air Purifiers 2014 | Compare Filters

Take a look at the "Moso Bag" (7). 1:25 seconds in


Would it be possible to make this ourselves out of charcoal? Then test it out by putting it in musty smelly closets in the house and maybe see if it does the job it is meant for in few hours to a few days?


If u do go through with it then later you can make your own beef jerky with honey

If you Don't want beef then you can kill a deer or something


Look intointo How people make charcoal filters for cannabis grow operations. I kinda remember reading about thisa long time ago lol


Moso MB2579 Natural Air Purifying Bag, 200gm, Charcoal

Moso air purifying bags, made of linen and filled with bamboo charcoal, absorb unpleasant odors and dehumidify the air. The porous structure of the high density bamboo charcoal helps remove bacteria, harmful pollutants and allergens from the air and absorbs moisture, preventing mold and mildew by trapping the impurities inside each pore. The Moso air purifying bag has been scientifically proven to reduce the amount of formaldehyde, ammonia, benzene and chloroform gases emitted from everyday items such as paint, carpeting, furniture, air fresheners, chemical cleaners, rubber and plastics. Toxin free, the bags are safe to use around pets and children. The bamboo charcoal rejuvenates when the bags are placed in sunlight once a month. You can reuse the bags for two years, after which the charcoal can be poured into the soil around plants to fertilize and help retain moisture. Charcoal gray colored bag filled with 200grams of bamboo charcoal. The 200gram size is perfect for bathrooms, closets, equipment baqs, lockers, hampers and laundry rooms or any area up to 90 square feet.


>$20. fucking dollars

How do I make one or more of these for far less?
Post last edited at 2015-01-03 02:47:36


Also Why Does your room smell so bad?

Try searching: diy air filter activated carbon




The reviews on this are hilarious to read.


It's actually the very best smelling room in the whole house sadly.

Mold and decaying books are why it smells terrible mostly.

The closet right now is the worst part of it.

On Christmas I burned an entire cinnamon candle and it now the room smells permanently like cinnamon which is a good smell but still causes stuffiness and so on for me.


Bamboo charcoal is not only a deodoriser, it also functions similar to an ioniser. In China and Japan, they have charcoal embedded pillows. Also for car seats, cause it has an energising effect. I wanted to test this for sleeping purposes so I bought the 200 gram packet and placed it under my pillow. It has been a month now, and I can say that I sleep the best in a long time. To go to sleep at pm, and wake up at am, with eyes wide awake as has happened once or twice is a first for me for many years. It has greatly improved the depth of my sleep. So if you have trouble sleeping, or want to induce a deeper sleep, give this a try. After this experience I will buy myself a charcoal embedded pillow. Hard to find but obtainable ex China and ex Japan.

To add to this review, I noticed that the effect of the charcoal to cause deep sleep did diminish over a month. I thought that maybe my system had adjusted to it. Well, that was incorrect. The first time I recharged it in the sunshine for a few hours, the full effect returned. Because its used as pillow underlay it was easy to notice the recharge effect. The charged charcoal has an energy effect causes a sort of enhanced vibration.

So my comment to those people who say these bags do not work very well as deodorisers, is that they are probably using discharged bags. From my experience, if one wants a fully charged bag, it should be recharged in the sun at least once a month.

To make a third addition to this review, I noticed that when I placed the bag on the top shelf in one cleaning cupboard having two shelves, against which the door closed with only a small gap between the shelves, that it cleared the odor of the bottom area, which was quite malodorous.

So this shows that the carbon is setting up its own circulation quite independent of air circulation. The carbon is a negative charge and somehow it attracts the smell and decay which is positively charged and bonds to them (adsorbing) and thus neutralises the smell. It all happens invisibly, but it happens.

>why does sunlight have this effect on these things and is this sunlight recharging applicable to all charcoal filters also does constant exposure to sun make charcoal wear out too fast or what?


>Our indoor air is 100x more polluted than it was in the 1920’s.
>In America we now spend over 90% of our time indoors as opposed to 65% in 1922.



I actually just duct taped a high grade hepa filter sold for heating ducts to a ten dollar box fan, total 30 bucks. Used it to clear out the stench of a busted sewer pipe in the basement, worked very well. This is more in line with the "cheap" end of the spectrum but at the end of the day, this is just a ghetto version of what most of these things actually are.


3 Essential Things You Need To Know before Buying Any Air Purifier:

#1: There are 9 primary technologies: HEPA, Negative Ions, Carbon, UV, Electrostatic, Tio2, Zeolite, Ozone, and Pre-Filters.

#2: Each Technology does something different. Each technology has pros and cons. For example HEPA is great for pollen, but does nothing for toxic chemicals

#3: To remove toxins you’ll need at least 5 of the top technologies. 1 or 2 technologies simply won’t cut it.


So Box Fan was $10 and Hepa Filter was $20?

Sheeiiittt I could have this problem resolved very cheap. I am going to keep researching.


also, used coffee grounds are a natural deodorizer like baking soda, so if you or a member of your family is a coffee drinker, grab a bag full of that stuff and leave it in a closed space for a couple days. Also it is an insect repellent.


This thing is pretty boss at air cleaning too bad it's $300.

1. Get Relief from Pollen Allergies, Pet Allergies, and Dust Allergies with your High-Performance HEPA Filter. It removes dog dander, hair, dust, pollen, bacteria and other harmful airborne particles as small as 0.3 microns. Tested 99.97% effective.
2. Reduce Dust with the Washable Pre-Filter. By capturing hair and dust it also helps the HEPA filter last longer.
3. Remove Odors from Pets and Cooking with the Activated Carbon Filter. It also removes chemical odors and gases, cigarette smoke, paint fumes, and toxic fumes.
4. Protect your Immune System with Ultraviolet (UV) Light — Recommended by the Centers of Disease Control it breaks down the molecular structure of mold, bacteria, viruses and germs, rendering them harmless.
5. Protect your Lungs with the Washable Electrostatic Collector Grid. It disables and collects harmful tobacco smoke, pollution, and other toxic airborne particles.
6. Keep Harmful Microorganisms from Growing – with the Dual Photo Catalyst Nano-TiO2 Germicidal Sanitizer. It works on mold, mildew, fungus, bacteria and viruses.
7. Sleep and Think Better – with the Anion Continuous Negative Ion Generator – Negative ions are naturally occurring molecules that pollution steals from Mother Nature. It can clear smoke, decrease carbon monoxide levels, and improve sleep while reducing fatigue.
8. Maintain Your Clean Environment – via the Air Pollution Sensors. These sensors monitor indoor pollution levels and adjust system performance settings to maximize air-cleansing effectiveness.
9. Keep It Clean – with help from the Diagnostic Sensors. They alert you when it’s time to wash or replace filters. It guarantees that your system is working at peak performance.


I've used sodium bicarbonate before but it's not that effective and smells like puke for some reason a short while after opening the box and then is not effective.

In my old room I mentioned long ago I used sodium bicarbonate to effectively remove smells from the closet. That was done by removing absolutely everything from the closest, cleaning the fuck out of and vacuuming it over & over, and then leaving fresh sodium bicarbonate in there for like a week before cleaning that all up and vacuuming it up.

I also used sodium bicarbonate in my current room. I put it all over the carpet everywhere and in the closest. Dumped the whole box. It didn't really do fuck all. Wasn't fresh.

I do not drink the caffeinated jew… I'd also expect used coffee grounds to create a disgusting coffee smell?

I want to make a whole ton of activated charcoal and maybe put it in pouches and put them everywhere.



Kek apparently these guys are scammers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHloEMPQKa4

See the comments section of that video.


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*Hermeticist Detected*


See pic related, found him in the comments section.



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What does /fringe/ think of this guy's recommendation?


Guys would using a fan + towel taped on the sucking in side work to filtering the air of most the crap in my room? Hepa filters are kind of expensive.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Air Purifier.mov


Looks like a simple straightforward video on this method.


He has a few anti-Israel videos on his channel.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Not air filter but a nice solution for starting plants indoors.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This right here is the simplest shit. I also have thought about maybe making a wooden box with slide in slots for putting the filters in but who knows maybe something like this is all I need.

I'll probably do this and will make sure to look at dust in the air before and after.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Build a Woodworking Dust Filter Air Purifier DIY 100 bucks | Part 1


This is very nice.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31tkjKPydMA

>that epic music

Truly, king amongst neckbeards.



Is this shit even economical for growing plants indoors to feed yourself?


Hey anon why would a hepa filter remove stenches at all? Aren't they just for removing particulates? Don't you need activated carbon for dealing with stenches?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I might check out this thread later and see if I can help, but I'm not really an expert in air filtering.

The only "problem" I have is sound pollution. There's a lot of dogs in our home, the television is loud and my family is pretty talkative and they can burst in my room anytime. Earplugs are good, but they can't filter out the noise.

Smiley, how do you deal with noise and family members?


What is Aquarium activated carbon and why it's a SCAM (Freshwater)


>tfw I stopped doing anything with fishkeeping because of how expensive it is but if I can make this shit easily I might reset up one of my tanks


The air purifier is actually part of my solution to dealing with this as it will create an even level of white noise with the fan going that should help drown out some more of the noise these annoying mundanes create. I'm also trying to force my dad to start using a headset to listen to the television instead of playing it through the speakers. They still will continue to make all kinds of noises though and they have so many fucking televisions…

I've looking into soundproofing rooms before but it's incredibly hard and expensive to do and basically involves putting a ton of material between you and others and also sealing the space under your door with some rubber or something you can put under there. My room is pretty damned air tight already, I might need more activated carbon to deal with humidity problems, or some other solution I don't know. I could see if I can stuff something underneath the door crack then adjust the volume of the television and wait in my room and see if I can still hear it. Normally it has to be at EXACTLY 15 for it to not be audible from my room but the mundanes turn it way up beyond that all the time. I am going to have to think about this more.

Another possible solution would be using magick to stop the noises from outside of your room making it in. Then you get no warning though if someone is up to something no good or about to burst into your room unless perhaps you customize your astral defences to include thoughtforms that guard your room and also analyze sound and other stuff around the house and bring what needs to be brought to your attention to you and keep the rest away. I'm not sure what kind of initial investment of loosh energy would be needed for this as well as potential upkeep too and whether or not it would be worth it while still in the early stages of your development. Regardless this isn't a solution that you could really pursue until you've already reached a reasonably high level of development and in the meanwhile more mundane solutions may be needed to secure conditions suitable to that development.

I'll have to think about this more and do various tests to see how much I can sound proof things in different ways and looks for ideas/inspiration online too to see what others are doing.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Activated Carbon From Homemade Charcoal


God damn it how do I make calcium chloride?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Oh lawd, this guy's got nigger jungle beats playing, and a ton of weed.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Tree house man lives off the land


>not using a crossbow, slingshot, or similar thing instead of a fucking gun with ammunition to hunt

Guns should be used for killing humans primarily. I guess you could practise with a gun by hunting animals but damn it's expensive to buy ammo.


>However, if this project is directed at ultimately making a cheap water or air filter for primitive circumstances, it should be noted that plain charcoal has a long history (3,000+ years) of use in odor control and water purification. As far back as 1500 B.C. down to hospitals in the 1800s, plain charcoal powder was used to control the stench of rotting flesh. Ancient sea explorers scortched the inside of wooden water barrels to preserve drinking water during long voyages. In their campaigns to help tame the wild West, the American Calvary used plain lump charcoal in the last compartment of a 3-compartment box (1. gravel 2. washed sand 3. charcoal) to filter swamp water for drinking water. It has been found that even the lowly plain wood charcoal has fragments of the super molecule Buckmisterfullerene (C60) that has phenomenal adsorptive capacities. So, if it is for some rough or makeshift circumstances, just your regular charcoal will work effectively enough as both a water and air filter, without the potential mishaps of trying to activate it with some potentially corrosive chemicals.





This looks really great to have for SHTF. I've been poisoned before and it was terrible, something like this could help anyone that gets poisoned.


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> I have begun wearing a mask of dishwashing soap whenever someone starts cooking. I leave it on my face the whole time until I no longer detect significant quantities of grease in the air

shit like this is why I bother to come to this cesspit.


If it works then why ridicule it?


because there are less silly ways of achieving less acne on your pretty little face. have you even looked up acne prevention techniques?


>How to Make Activated Charcoal at Home


(not economical or practical nor is it even useful for survival after SHTF)

>Charcoal Air Filters & Purifiers


These are thousands of dollars holy shit.

>DIY Activated Charcoal


Using battery acid like this guy suggests is just a terrible, terrible idea.

>Misc links



I've taken medications and read whole fucking sites and books over the years that I've been trying to get rid of acne and nothing has ever fucking worked so far.




I just tape a 4 dollar 20X20 filter to a box fan because I'm a poorfag.


I'm just going to do this and also maybe make some regular charcoal (not activated charcoal) and put that around in bags or something in places with bad smells then sniff it every day and see how things improve.

I think this should resolve the problem.

Maybe the filter itself will remove smells and not just dust too though. I don't know.

I still want to fuck around with making charcoal anyways as I have unlimited wood.



I am not sure these things even have activated carbon in them. It may just be regular charcoal.


It got rid of the musty basement smell and weed smell for me. Just make sure to get a good filter with small pores. Not that much air comes out of the front of the fan past the filter, but it still works.

Have you tried glycolic acid or trichloroacetic acid? Same idea as salicylic acid but stronger. It works on scars too. It takes a lot of caution because it can cause damage and complications though.



Is this activated carbon??


What side of the fan did you put your filter? The side that air gets sucked in or the side that air gets blown out?


try activated almonds instead


>It works on scars too.

I have lots of scars and some are not very aesthetic and I'd like to get rid of them.

>It takes a lot of caution because it can cause damage and complications though.

I don't trust myself or my shitty luck to no fuck up and off myself.

…I think getting the air clean and being able to finally sleep properly will make a huge difference to my health overall and probably my body will stop suffering from acne then and achieve enough vigour to be able to actually resist a lot of normal every day shit that doesn't cause most people trouble.


I only tried attaching the filter to the side that the air blows from.

They only get rid of certain types of scars. Yeah, it's safer to just not use trichloracetic acid at all. Glycolic acid isn't quite as dangerous. Things will get better.


>that the air blows from.

What do you even mean by that? The air blows through both sides.

>They only get rid of certain types of scars. Yeah, it's safer to just not use trichloracetic acid at all. Glycolic acid isn't quite as dangerous. Things will get better.

I think I'd rather just use magick for this. I just need to get my mind really clear and I can then work on thoughtforms to fix stuff like that.


File: 1420280297363.png (8.95 KB, 500x250, 2:1, Oekaki.png)

This is what you did right?

Air sucked in through the air filter, clean air touches the actual blades of the fan, and moves out from there?

…or do you let dirty dusty air hit the blades of the fan and then get forced through the filter?

…I wonder if you could put filters on both sides of the fan.


>…or do you let dirty dusty air hit the blades of the fan and then get forced through the filter?
Yeah, that's the way I did it.

>…I wonder if you could put filters on both sides of the fan.

Hmm.. be interesting to find out.


File: 1420280735036.png (8.95 KB, 500x250, 2:1, Oekaki.png)

I am going to use the putting the filter on the suction in side of the fan technique I think unless you have suggestions to do otherwise or I manage to get two filters at a reasonable price.

I could also maybe put a really cheap filter for catching dust on the suck-in side and a proper hepa filter on the air-out side. That way the hepa filter should last me a lot longer before it needs to be replaced.

I can't figure out if these Moso bags are regular charcoal or activated carbon. If it's activated carbon I guess I'll buy one of those and put it in my closet and use the fan + filter(s) in my room.


File: 1420280765357.png (8.95 KB, 500x250, 2:1, Oekaki.png)

…and it it's just regular charcoal then I should be able to make my own charcoal bag thingy for way less money.


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This place seems to be walking distance from me and has the Moso bags. I could easily get there in an hour by bike.


You can always try both sides of the fan with 1 filter too to see what works better.

Nice, the Moso bags are supposed to be good for charcoal pillows and better sleep too.


IDK, they're good for "pet odors" and apparently human waste.


stop eating cheeseburgers

garbage in garbage out


I do not eat cheeseburgers. Nor any junkfood, soda, candies, white bread, etc. EVER. I make no exceptions to this rule. Even on birthdays and holidays I will not eat junkfood. I'd rather starve than eat that crap and become sick from it.

Diet is not why I have acne. Btw, my skin is still clearing up at present, as my latest efforts in improving air quality and so on like I described are being exercised to keep my skin in good condition.

Bad air in… bad skin.


Is your skin oily? Have you tried washing your face with sulfur soap?


My skin is usually really oily although magick changes how my skin behaves.


Right now my skin ain't oily but this is abnormal and the result of suggestion and resonance with the idea of having different skin.


If you keep it like this acne will probably disappear in some time. Sulfur soap is a good non-magical way ot reducing oleosity, and that will hinder acne growth.


Sunlight heats the filter and causes the moisture and contaminants to evaporate out of it, clearing the carbon and allowing it to trap more.

You can do this with your regular pillows as well as they also tend to trap a lot of moisture, dust and other crap that floats around in the air.

Sunlight also consists partly of UV light which can kill microorganisms with sufficient exposure.

All of this is from a purely materialist perspective of course, as I'm not very familiar with the occult properties of sunlight and activated carbon.


Do you know if these Moso bags are overpriced charcoal inside of little bags or if it's activated carbon? I need to find out! If it's just charcoal, I'll make a ton of charcoal myself, and have bucketloads of it. If it's activated carbon then it's not feasible to make myself and I might as well buy.



I want to know what these things are and what is inside of them!!!c


Just judging by what they say on their website it's just regular (albeit high quality if they actually fire it for two weeks) bamboo carbon.

Activating Carbon is a difficult process requiring either much higher temperatures or industrial acids and the solvents needed to remove the acid and other impurities from the final carbon.

But it also seems like regular charcoal would work fairly well for your purpose, in combination with other easily made dust filters.

I'm no expert but this thread got me doing some reading and making charcoal sounds fairly difficult. You have to carefully control the burn in an almost air free (too much oxygen gets in and it all turns to ash instead of charcoal) environment. Best of luck to you though, and remember to use hardwood.


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Anyone able to answer my questions before they do? I have no idea how long it'll take them to write back.


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>tfw i have to reselect my flag with every post


I know that feel man. I've asked the cripple to fix this. You can help out by making yet another thread about it on /meta/ and rallying other people to the cause, demanding the cripple gives us a solution.


Just click the flag box btw and hit "N" for Neophyte to select your flag faster.


>that feel when your father is a complete asshole towards you all day and very obviously hates you
>that feel when I feel like the moment rule of law is gone he'll probably try to murder me and I'll have to kill him first

I wonder what method he would try to use though. Would he attempt to poison me? Would he try to kill me in my sleep? Would he use a knife or blunt object maybe a tool? Would he try to throw me out a window?

Fuck living with someone who obviously hates you.


I need to distance myself from this shithole as soon as possible and arm myself heavily.





Hey anon, these here reduce noise: http://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/shock-athletic-gym-flooring-0840162p.html

You'd probably need a ton of stuff like this though covering all of the floor and the walls and maybe the ceiling too.



you may have worse skin than most people but diet is the major factor in acne



I've stopped consuming all dairy products before and seen no changes.



Isn't this here a superior alternative to buying one of those Moso bags? A far bigger quantity of activated carbon and I can then just put it in those satchels.


Should I keep posting all my shit in this thread or should I make another thread for an even more expansive topic covering all sorts of areas of life?


A new thread sounds like a good idea.


Uh huh.. Aren't u industrial.. If you have carpet, an air filter isn't worth it. It's not worth it for me.. I used to buy high tech ion ones with no moving parts. Those work best for ultra small particles-the worst for your health. Nowadays it's impossible to avoid sub micron chemtrail particles and nano tech so why worry? Your outclassed technologically and thus must eleviate technological dependence.

Get a neti pot and run urine through it. There. Solid advice in a sea of roleplayers.


You can also drink urine and wash your skin with it to great effect.

I had no idea about using it in a neti pot though.


Anon I have already found in the last 48 hours of intense non-stop research some solutions to significantly reduce the toxins in my room and keep them down indefinitely for 2 years while spending only a fraction of that it would cost me to get the air filters I was looking into at the start of this thread. Your defeatist attitude is really silly and I also know about Neti Pots btw but I just inhale water clasped in my hands instead.

It doesn't matter if I don't get rid of 100% of everything. The indoor air quality is like 10x worse than outdoor air quality but can easily be made to reach the same quality as outdoors or made even better.

All of the breathing techniques as well as nostril-clearing by water that I do is sufficient if I were outdoors but I spend the vast majority of my time indoors in the worst quality air.

Refer yourself to this post: ( >>16097 )

Further areas for me to research right now are different filters, how these filters are made, the possibility of using cloths and other materials to filter, different fans, etc.

One of the solutions I have found btw is literally 3,000 year old technology and something you can create out of just wood and dirt and fire if you are going to be extremely primitive about it. It would be best to use a metal barrel but that's not hard to get. The other solution just requires a box-fan and filter.

I think your calling everyone here "roleplayers" just indicates you didn't actually read the thread or much of /fringe/ in general or you have a cognitive bias making you focus on the bad to the exclusion of the good.

If you want to destroy particles less than 0.3 microns in length I've seen multiple methods so far including trapping them in water, using some filter NASA developed, and activated carbon should also capture them too.


The quality of urine varies wildly depending on the person, environment, and diet. People with a very pure body and diet and environment will have quality urine whereas those in a toxic environment, poor diet, and with a body not functioning properly will have more trouble.

I have not found urine beneficial to my skin at all. It also kills house-plants because of the salt. Maybe with some kind of processing to remove the salt, perhaps combining urine with magnesium sulphate, might make it beneficial to plants? …or filtering it through some kind of medium. Urine is not really that useful. I think most benefits of urine probably are completely occult and have to do with someone intentionally imbuing etheric energy into the urine but if you're going to do something like that just use the "practical watercure method" instead of using urine.


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This practise of taking one penny off the price should be fucking banned. I really hate that they do this. Just put the price as $30.00





About time to make a new thread… just need to research more in preparation for the new non-clusterfuck thread.


Anyone know a technique to rapidly get the prices for items you're searching for without having to search stuff like "boxfan walmart, boxfan home depot, etc."?




From what I can gather the idea behind urine therapy is to drink it untill you get better. That is to say that even when your body is toxic, the urine will still help you.

When I consume mid stream urine after I wake up I instantly feel energized and alive. Even a little bit has about the same effect.

Look up shivambu.

here is something I just found
>It is a purified derivative of the blood itself, made by the kidneys


I've read into it extensively and done my own experiments but I believe this is far superior: http://www.yogebooks.com/english/atkinson/1909practicalwatercure.pdf

Also the technique described in IIH.

Also, using activated carbon would detox the fuck out of your body absurdly fast.


I haven't read that one yet but skimming through it seems to be just that water is good. Everyone should already know that. The only fluids I drink are water, juice, and urine so I should be getting the best of water and urine.

Nothing beats a hot cup of urine in the morning.


No that's not what the book is about. It's not "water is good". It's an occult method to imbue water with prana/etheric energy which then heals you. It's magick.



What if you infuse energy into urine? Or even the carbonated jew?


the prana infusion is the prana infusion regardless of the substance you use. It's the function of freshly aerating what you want to drink. If you prefer the taste of urine, please drink a gallon.


What's the DDG equivalent?

Why not just do that in pure water and also your food?


Urine has different effects than pure water. Like I said I haven't read that book yet and it may be that I will change my view after reading it.


>What's the DDG equivalent?
google with tor browser


I meant the bang syntax for it in DDG.


Try !froogle.com boxfan



Hmmm searching for other things it's shit.


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Kek I just got a GET on /islam/


Watch the thread, hopefully it doesn't get deleted too fast, so we can savour the loosh for a bit.


Damn, thread already deleted before a single reply was made.


>drinking your own blood

How could that possibly work? It's just removing liquid from your body just to put it back in again.


Dude, that post is as real as the holocaust, that is to say it's total bullshit.


I feel a magnetic like pull to do some things and can't deviate from it. I just have to do these things. I must get them done. I can not deviate. I must finish the job. It is important. Something demands it be done. Nothing else is to be done except to finish the job. I can not do anything else. I am bound to finish what I have set out to do. It will be done. It's a shame I can't do anything else. Oh well.


There is absolutely no reason to do this


You are willingly adding a mind control device


The fan will kill you in your sleep


Read about it


I hope you have been enlightened


I made the box fan with the filter on the back, that thing stunk up my room so bad and it irritated my throat really bad. I've tried it with two different box fans and it stinks up my room.

I'm now looking into a proper air purifier. I've looked at the Rabbit air and Blue air purifiers. Glad I found this thread, there's good stuff here but I'm wondering what is the best air purifier. That Alive air purifier looks neat, but anon in this thread said it's shit, I don't know who to believe.

Also that Airocide looks neat, it has NASA technology in it. I'm wondering if it also catches dust.

I'm willing to pay for the best air purifier.
This post is all over the place, I apologize as I am tired.


Just saw this >>16085
Wondering if it works and will eliminate the bad smell that my box fan emits.



Please update when you get a reply.
Check >>16345


Where can I get activated carbon in Ontario? I checked pet valu, lowes, crappy tire and home depot. I did find this website. Guess I'll have to order it.



I bought 20 lbs of it off ebay from a discount aquarium supplier for around 80 bucks after shipping and taxes. You can order small amounts much cheaper from China with free shipping if you trust such methods. I just put 2 lbs of mine in a paper bag and it seems to do the job. Either that or I'm so used to my own stink that I've lost all ability to tell.


How in the fuck can you possibly fuck up a box fan? Why would it produce any bad smells? Are you sure it's not just blowing around stuff in the room that already smells and disturbing/releasing some of that smell?

Don't even bother with air filters right now, just get activated carbon from aquarium store, it'll capture all smells.

The air filter is mostly for catching dust particles.

Seriously, how do you fuck this up? Did you do something weird to your box fan that burned out its motor?

These "proper" air filters are shit. I know someone who works at a store that sells them and they get returned all the time. They cost a few hundred dollars and don't work.

How can you fuck up with a boxfan?

Activated carbon from an aquarium store costs very little and will capture all smells…



Also, this thread is really old, and there's a whole new thread with a hundred or so posts that you should be posting in.


Go to this thread!


I used a merv 13 hepa filter and I just stuck it on the back of the fan. For whatever reason it heats up and starts to smell bad.

I wonder if using a merv 8 will allow for more aiirflow.




That is bizare, I don't have this problem at all. Where did you get your box fan? You should take a video of your boxfan…


The brand is Classic, I got it at a home hardware in Hamilton Ontario.

They didn't have a Lasko fan which is what I wanted. I'm trying it again, I've had it running for 5 hours now and there's no smell. I still want a Moso bag or some active carbon just to nuke the smell in my room and so I don't have to worry about my box fan.

Too much effort to make a video, sorry. It's set up just like FringeWizards.


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Top notch model. Highly recommend


I'm curious about this air purifier. Who manufactures this? This site is a distributor. It looks real great but I'm wondering why it's priced so cheaply. Did consumer reports look at this?



Holy shit guys, I found what could be the best air purifier. It starts at $799 but I spent $800 on a graphics card even though I'm poor heh. But it looks real promising. It's made in Switzerland and that alone gives me confidence in the unit.


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