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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1420254133176-0.png (7.77 KB, 320x640, 1:2, MAGICAN.png)

File: 1420254133176-1.png (7.72 KB, 320x640, 1:2, EMPRESS.png)

File: 1420254133176-2.png (8.06 KB, 320x640, 1:2, HIEROPHANT.png)

File: 1420254133176-3.png (6.78 KB, 320x640, 1:2, STRENGTH.png)

File: 1420254133176-4.png (6.58 KB, 320x640, 1:2, JUSTICE.png)


starting with
Tarot Mystery, Super Famicom.


File: 1420254353782-0.png (7.4 KB, 320x640, 1:2, HANGDMAN.png)

File: 1420254353782-1.png (6.31 KB, 320x640, 1:2, DEATH.png)

File: 1420254353782-2.png (7.92 KB, 320x640, 1:2, TEMPERANCE.png)

File: 1420254353782-3.png (8.83 KB, 320x640, 1:2, THE WORLD.png)


File: 1420254387637-0.jpg (173.61 KB, 453x634, 453:634, 0 - Physis.jpg)

File: 1420254387637-1.jpg (109.76 KB, 439x624, 439:624, I - The Magickian.jpg)

File: 1420254387637-2.jpg (243.8 KB, 464x642, 232:321, II - High Priestess.jpg)

File: 1420254387637-3.jpg (267.22 KB, 469x647, 469:647, III - Mistress of Earth.jpg)

File: 1420254387637-4.jpg (199.33 KB, 454x639, 454:639, IV - Lord of the Earth.jpg)

Sinister Tarot
Richard Moult


File: 1420254434792-0.jpg (211.76 KB, 455x635, 91:127, IX - The Hermit.jpg)

File: 1420254434792-1.jpg (122.66 KB, 477x671, 477:671, Magus of Chalices.jpg)

File: 1420254434792-2.jpg (136.4 KB, 525x711, 175:237, Magus of Pentacles.jpg)

File: 1420254434792-3.jpg (182.9 KB, 450x530, 45:53, Maiden of Chalices.jpg)

File: 1420254434792-4.jpg (157.13 KB, 453x609, 151:203, Maiden of Pentacles.jpg)


File: 1420254784940-0.jpg (115.17 KB, 432x590, 216:295, Maiden of Wands.jpg)

File: 1420254784940-1.jpg (205.67 KB, 450x614, 225:307, Mousa of Chalices.jpg)

File: 1420254784940-2.jpg (130.53 KB, 446x631, 446:631, Mousa of Swords.jpg)

File: 1420254784940-3.jpg (119.91 KB, 452x630, 226:315, Mousa of Wands.jpg)

File: 1420254784940-4.jpg (172.43 KB, 465x642, 155:214, V - The Master.jpg)


File: 1420255130585-0.jpg (173.23 KB, 463x641, 463:641, VI - The Lovers.jpg)

File: 1420255130585-1.jpg (223.25 KB, 463x640, 463:640, VII - Azoth.jpg)

File: 1420255130585-2.jpg (192.48 KB, 465x632, 465:632, VIII - Change.jpg)

File: 1420255130585-3.jpg (164.53 KB, 452x606, 226:303, Warrior of Chalices.jpg)

File: 1420255130585-4.jpg (279.97 KB, 604x837, 604:837, Warrior of Pentacles.jpg)


File: 1420255492608-0.jpg (171.33 KB, 451x626, 451:626, Warrior of Swords.jpg)

File: 1420255492608-1.jpg (130.65 KB, 357x511, 51:73, Warrior of Wands.jpg)

File: 1420255492608-2.jpg (191.29 KB, 454x626, 227:313, X - Wyrd.jpg)

File: 1420255492608-3.jpg (214.06 KB, 460x647, 460:647, XI - Desire.jpg)

File: 1420255492608-4.jpg (179.28 KB, 459x643, 459:643, XII - Opfer.jpg)


File: 1420255853255-0.jpg (159.4 KB, 443x631, 443:631, XIII - Death.jpg)

File: 1420255853256-1.jpg (167.36 KB, 460x641, 460:641, XIV - Hel.jpg)

File: 1420255853256-2.jpg (171.05 KB, 442x619, 442:619, XIX - The Sun.jpg)

File: 1420255853256-3.jpg (214.01 KB, 454x636, 227:318, XV - Deofel.jpg)

File: 1420255853256-4.jpg (189.33 KB, 449x626, 449:626, XVI - War.jpg)


File: 1420256311208-0.jpg (199.99 KB, 456x641, 456:641, XVII - The Star.jpg)

File: 1420256311208-1.jpg (158.31 KB, 450x633, 150:211, XVIII - The Moon.jpg)

File: 1420256311208-2.jpg (187.2 KB, 459x646, 27:38, XX - Aeon.jpg)


These are kind of hypnotic


Honestly the ONA set worked better for me than one I made myself. I really like the ONA, I respect them greatly and wish to learn more about them hands on.

(in reply to the guy who posted the sinister tarot, most likely from my MEGA folder found on /edgy/)

I was supposed to email Tempel ov Blood but never done it, should I send them the email now?


Yeah it is from my MEGA folder cause of the file names lol. You're welcome bro.


Amazing how Mousa of Swords reminds me of my tulpa and Mousa of Wands reminds me of my buddy's

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