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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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'Lo, /fringe/.

Today, I have a question and a thought experiment. What would you do to profit from the death of another person?

Say you were to kill a person for a reason you could not avoid. How would you maximize what you gain from it? Would you not try to, even if a death was inevitable?


I'd be more interested in getting away with it rather then trying to find a way to "profit" off of it.
With that said, you sound like a psychopath, and a stupid one at that.
Also, what does this have to do with the occult exactly?


Can psychopaths into magics?


It's just a basic human sacrifice question.

Clearly, if you had no choice in it(self defense, justifiable homicide, assisted suicide in some countries) then you don't have to worry about 'getting away with it'. At least, if getting away with it was assured, what would you do with the opportunity?


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Why couldn't they?


They're said to be incapable of feeling emotions, which might mean they lack an emotional body, or at least are incapable of working with loosh.


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No, no, that's a myth. A sociopath can feel emotions, they just can't empathize or sympathize. They can't understand(or at least don't care) that other people suffer like they do. Heartless is a better word.


Still denotes some incapacity of dealing with such energy.


>using the labels of the psychiatric jew to describe reality

I seriously hope you guys don't do this.


OP my own view of reality is so far removed from the normies that they just can't understand me.

For example: I do not mourn the fallen I only mourn the life not well lived and the death that did not suit the man. I would have no problem killing and butchering other humans and animals. I am also not afraid as I already know enough about my own fate that I know I'm not going to die and that god will provide me with what I need to survive the coming hard times.


Well, shit. It's an actual phenomenon. What would you call it?

The psychiatric institution calls it antisocial personality disorder now, but sociopath just carries the meaning better.


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Perhaps in dealing with emotions from other people they'd be stunted, but that's not the whole range of occult experience, surely.


Organic portals? Spiritually shutdown? Bluepilled? Stunted third eye?


Ermmm I guess not Ajna chakra actually but Anahata chakra which is the heart chakra.


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Well, there being some evidence for it being born and not made, it wouldn't make much sense to call it bluepilled or spiritually shut down.

Do you consider spirituality to be responsible for empathy? If so, does a lack of empathy truly imply a lack of spirituality, or merely a lack of the necessary ability to understand and translate a feeling of empathy? A person may be able to see, but that doesn't necessarily mean they can read.

>Organic portals

I'm sorry, you lost me.


Evidently you have never read montalk.net

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