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Esoteric Wizardry


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 No.16262[Last 50 Posts]

Hello all, I am your new board moderator.

I don't know what to put here, but Smiley said to make an introductory thread so here it goes.

I am 14 years old, National Socialist, Aryan, and my wizardly practices are mainly Norse Paganism, Chaos Magick, and Hermeticism, an avid fan of rope, and I'm that guy who made the /edgy/ banner by carving into myself, necrophiliac, etc. I think that's enough, ask any questions for me ITT and I'll answer them all honestly.
Post last edited at 2015-01-03 21:19:28


Well I completely fucked up the name. Here's my normal trip



Okay it's good ask away.


Hello and welcome. Can we do something about all the shitposters? Is there a way I or anyone else can help besides not shitposting?


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wtf man


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are you actually 14 years old?


You can help by making lots of quality posts in good threads.


1. Shitposting is not a crime. Only creating a WHOLE THREAD just to shitpost = a violation of rule 2 because it's considered off-topic and also potentially spam.
2. Lock threads of shitposters. There's an anti-spam feature where once the locked threads with only like 5 or less posts are wiped out when they get to page 5.
3. Never moderate people inside of threads except if they are posting without a flag. If they do that; the ban is supposed to be 10 MINUTES in length.

Don't give out these huge length bans! Bans are mostly just to notify a person they've done something wrong.

Actually READ the rules page please and adhere to the moderating guidelines.


Provur are you 14 years 88 days old?
Post last edited at 2015-01-03 21:43:27


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Browser is being so shit right now.

Yes I am 14

Report threads, make good threads so we don't have to read every post

Won't happen again smiley

Idk how many days I was born June 19 so that's probably a lot more


Sieg Heil Provus

where do you live? how is school going?
isnt self-harm fetish something else than necrophilia?

where to get started with norse paganism? do you have any pdfs?

i am looking forward to working together


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Practically all of the moderating actions we have to do besides giving out 10 minute bans to anyone we see without a flag is just moderating concerned with the first post in a thread. We don't really we have to read the threads just the first post.

If someone tries to slide the board to death with spam by creating a ton of new threads like Master Memer does he has to be stopped.

If someone makes a thread just to ask a question, the thread has to be locked, and the person redirected to the questions thread. NOTE: if for some reason someone asked a question and the thread got a ton of replies before we noticed it then just LEAVE IT as it's too late to do anything at that point. You have to catch people starting threads just to ask a question quickly and lock them.

If two threads exist for the same topic one has to be locked and you redirect them to the other thread. Which thread gets locked depends on number of replies, which one is the better quality thread, and which one was made first… you'll have to weigh these variables dynamically to decide for yourself which thread should be locked.

Off-topic threads are locked. Sometimes just deleted if it's very clear that it has NOTHING at all to do with this board.



I live in a secluded area somewhere in Indiana. I was homeschooled but this year I was placed back into public school, it's alright. Nobody talks to me, I don't talk to them, I participate in AP classes, scored highest in almost every test and it was so simple. Perks of going to a redneck high school. I'd like to live in Scandinavia, either Norway or Iceland.

I dont self harm unless in sexual situations, which is always by myself. I just slice open parts of me and it turns me on. The only reason I'm a necrophiliac is because the dead don't care what you do to them and you can do whatever and sexual reactions disgust me. My only addiction is masturbation ;_;

To start norse paganism, just say you're a heathen and study. Living Asatru is a good book. Memorize the runes, mythology, and gods. Make an altar and do some blóts. Personally my favorite God is Freyja, I do not know why, but she is just appealing to me. I have millions of pdf's of all kinds of books.


One more thing.

Rule 4 is enforce at your leisure. Whenever you see someone without a flag in their post you can give them a 10 minute ban but you aren't obligated to do this for every single post like this you see… as otherwise you'd have wayyyyy too much work to do.

Rule 4 is just a social engineering rule. As long as it's there and a few people get some 10 minute bans every once in awhile for it it should ensure that flag-use is fairly high on this board.


>tfw got hardstyle on right now and will have it on for like 4 hours
>tfw when I go to bed I should have the hardstyle beat stuck and will fall into trance easily


It'd help if browsers saved flag settings

So many flags to choose from..


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Dead bodies?


>masturbation addiction

What a waste of energy. I was the same Way in 2014

There's just so much great porn online


>14 years old
>mod on fringe

We really must be lowering our standards….


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>1 year and 10 days older than OP


His mother is a Wiccan and his father is a Freemason and he's fully redpilled and greenpilled. He's mature enough I think to serve in our illuminated wizard army.


I talked about it to the cripple and he has some reason that he doesn't do that. The flags save if you stay in the same thread supposedly but if you leave the thread at all the flag selection is lost. You can just click on the flags box and then hit a letter corresponding to the first letter of the name of the flag you want to rapidly select the flag you want.


Been posting on fringechan since 2013 and I am an expert at controlling energy and ritual work. I am a superior human compared to most, both physically, mentally, and spiritually. Even though I tend to lose loosh a lot I've learned to adapt to it and work my way around and more, being a child I produce loosh much more easily.


>when the Smileberg knows everything about you
It's my stepdad btw my real father is the average goy.
Post last edited at 2015-01-04 00:03:41


>14 year old

Is this all we get? wait a sec


>V is the hierophant
>the hierophant is the discovery of the hidden truth

hmm hmm


>1/4/15 = 2 the high priestess
>01:12:28=5 the hierophant
>16323=6 the lovers

it all keeps reccuring fuck


I'm not the average 14 year old, I remember past lives and my past lives have successfully remembered themselves, if that makes any sense.


How'd you manage that?


I've been writing an article for over a year now about my past lives and me trying to figure out how I remember them so clearly. So if that ever gets done you can read it. At the moment, im still trying to uncover secrets. My dreams seem to give me great knowledge, I predicted the death of Michael Jackson lel. It was some Donnie Darko shit


Alright, you do that. If there's one crucial thing in occultism it's accesing lost memory.
All information in the world is locked away there. Potential. Endless.


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are you the nigger that keep deleting my threads?

Also, what the fuck, smiley? I thought I was supposed to be the only edgy underage b& twink on this board.


Yes I am. Stop posting pointless threads


>I am a superior human compared to most, both physically, mentally, and spiritually.


what are your lifts then, faggot?
I can't you can't even dead lmao2plate.

>inb4 this gets removed because I'm right


It doesn't matter how much one can lift, it's all about stamina and durability.


If there's one thing I hate more than jews it's tripcodes.




>not having fun

all these cardiofags thinking they're big shit, lel


Let's see how much lifting got you when RaHoWa occurs.


literally what?


>not knowing RaHoWa
>claims to be edgy


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>liftfags insulting glorious cardio


Smiley if I carve /fringe/ into my thigh will you make it a banner? Lel.


>being a literal edgy 14 year old

c'mon mate, you still have time not to be an autist. It's too late for me now but you still got that chadly potentional.

literally why?
Do you hate gains?
Well, I mean, you do cardio but I guess you do.

Do SS+GOMAD, join your local football and thank me in two years when you're getting mad pussy.

No need to thank me, I do it for free.


>wanting to be chadscum


nah, it's just that there's no better feeling than fucking a grill, dumping that bitch and going home to shitpost on a Mongolian woodcarving board.

Sadly, I missed PTP in search of keks and lels. Now, while I am one of the master memers of our generation, I am alas, still a virgin.

You can change your fate, still. You're starting to right now, look at the shitposting you're doing right now by replying to me. Just keep at it, chum :^)


File: 1420333850512.png (1.02 MB, 877x1080, 877:1080, For you.png)

>tfw you will never have crazy shitposting adventures with Provur

>tfw he will never carve "I <3 Curls" into his leg similar to leg related

>tfw he will never stay up late with talking about baneposting theory on a Saturday night.


>similar to leg related



Minor synchronicity: I read something very similar to this earlier, by gi gurdjieff


I do body art for free all the time and I always deliver. Sadly, today I am at my grandmother's house for intarwebs so I don't have my blade.

I shitpost alone, I am a lone wolf…


oh, have mine, it's fine, I folded it a thousand times.

*whips out katana*

Post last edited at 2015-01-04 01:27:28


I literally died of laughter from this


Oh, on the topic of virginity btw Curls, I have lost my mana but not to anything living.


did you fuck a fingerbox or something?

>inb4 imaginary astral sex


That's like saying losing your mana to your hand is possible. No. It was a person. Just not alive.


and I lost mine to a reptilian queen


If you ever attempted to sex a reptilian your loosh and soul would be gone


are you necrophiliac or am I just too mundane to comprehend this?


if you b& me for posting without a flag ill shank you, youve been warned.(u wot m8)


I am a lover of the dead, you finally caught on


I hope your havin' a giggle m8


Yeah, he's been 14 for two years.


I was 13 in the ask me anything thread made on fringechan

Born June 19, 2000


are you gonna post pics of yourself or what?


I hope this one's a 10 minute ban.


He ain't even joking about the reptilian thing there. He related the whole story to me awhile ago.


Curls is a race traitor.


Only if you can get a high quality image of it in proper lighting probably outdoors.


I-I'm not anymore



I will put jihad on you if you kept doin what yarr doin, white cis scum.


Once a traitor, forever a traitor. You haven't undergone the necessary rituals of occult rebirth and purification to be considered a new man untainted and free of his past sins.


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>implying I'm going to go to autistic lengths to prove I don't like my vaginas tasting like takeaway


>tfw /fringe/ is much better with less posters overall

Should we carry on attending to our wizardry and not worrying about the activity levels on this board or do any /fringe/ users want to ramp up activity to put back on the top boards list?

We just get polluted with shitposters and there are too damned many threads for me to post in and respond to anyways, this whole board keeps me busy as fuck, alongside my own personal projects to enable my ascent.


>not browsing /fringe/ while in trance


That would be a really fucking stupid idea. In trance you are highly susceptible to suggestion and when on an imageboard people give you all kinds of terrible suggestions all the time.

Better to use trance for meeting with other /fringe/ wizards in the astral but while browsing the board itself you don't really need that mental state I would think?


Depends what kind of trance you use too though.


it's 2am and I haven't showered in like 2 days

maybe tomorrow but idk if I want to post it cause im not a camwhore


I was kidding, if you were in trance you'd be posting akfkelgkdo elks-@;&/@;&;&/&potatokakfkskfkelkdk everywhere

I've done a few skype rituals before lol, they worked.


>Last night remember that there was a 14-year-old wizard here
>Today see this



which extreme are you?
anorexic or obese?

don't be skinnyfat on me now


I never knew I was this noticed before holy shit I thought only a few people who saw my /drama/ thread knew me

It's scary to me.


I'm 5'7" and exactly 100 pounds last time I checked, I'll go check again real quick. I'm skinny as fuck




how long is your hair?
is it curly or straight?


I'm growing it out, it sweeps to the side but it's straight.

It's dark blonde when it's long, blonde when it's short lol. Guess I should stick with the hitler youth cut


why is a volunteer using a non secure tripcode?


Oh boy you used trip explorer such an haxxor

It's my old trip I used on fringechan


>that was my question.

no(>20015 >not using flags )


I already did answer your question, it's the old trip I used at fringechan. The top posts are me trying to put ## Board Volunteer after my name. I hate tripcodes and I hate tripfags.


d-do you hate me as well, Provur-chan?~



I'm not gonna have internet for a few days because my family is still on low from Christmas and was unable to pay it. ;-;

So here's a pic, I'll take a timestamp when I have internet at my house. 8chan is blocked at school, categorized as 'adult language'. I just took a shower before this so my hair looks like a Mediterranean's plus it's darker in the winter and whe its long. In the summer im straight up aryan, I just so happen to be a shapeshifting European whose eyes change color and hair changes color :^)

how does it feel knowing you will never be as handsome as provur


>tfw self portraiting at 3am and look like shit


K you'll just have to wait a week or so or the next weekend for a pic

Maybe smiley still has that pic of me where I couldn't get the huge white chunk off lol


>I am 14 years old
top motherfucking lel
I thought this was a pretty serious board


He has the memory of his previous incarnations. Who cares if his present vessel is 14 years old? Compared to anyone who can't remember there past lives it's like he's a hundred years old.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Reverze 2015 Illumination - Raw Hardstyle - Goosebumpers #FM44



>tfw missed the picture before it was deleted


>14 year old necrophiliac

jesus fucking christ, go outside and ride a bike with your friends you fucking degenerate


>I am a superior human compared to most, both physically, mentally, and spiritually.
>Still having fetishes and self harming for no reason beyond attention.
I see a contradiction here.


>I am 14 years old
Do you have pubes already?


>Im a superior human
Man, you are supposed to get rid of your ego if you want to achieve ilumination.


>14 yr old
Are you trying to be as edgy as you can?


Lel at the necrophiliac part. Why did that even seem like a good idea?

Would be great if you'd share anything relating to remembering past lives you can when you figure it out, or any knowledge in general.

Care to elaborate on the story? Sounds interesting.


This board and its moderators are the most elaborate of trolls. I love it. Keep up the good work guys, I can always come here for a laugh~


Do I hear the sound of a fedora tipping or are a golden apple rolling? I'm not sure which…


>Man, you are supposed to get rid of your ego if you want to achieve ilumination.

Pfft. Far from it. We are supposed to cultivate conscious egohood. You are confirmed mundane/neophyte. Get reading!


What can you tell us about freemasonry op? surely your dad must have told you a few things.


official freemason here ( I have played all the Assassins Creed's :D )

Well, first off. It's not real.

Anything else you'd like to know?


Is not real that your dad is a freemason?


>Freemasonry doesn't real, quiet down goyim!

*tips fedora*


I'm being fucked with right? There isn't an actual 14 year old twink nazi moderator is there


just read the thread, soon to be banned anon, it's trolling bordering on shitposting here.
at least they didn't say Provur is a transgender little girl with a twitch channel and nudes online.

Our next mod is likely to be an infant shat out by Smiley with the soul of Franz Bardon inside him.


>soon to be banned anon

Why would he be banned? We don't ban anyone for long and we have no active bans right now. Provur already fucked up and made some wrongful bans but Smileberg undid the bans then corrected him on moderating guidelines.

>Our next mod is likely to be an infant shat out by Smiley with the soul of Franz Bardon inside him.



>Why would he be banned?

For not using a flag.


My sides.


Oh little one

Your time will come

But not for now

So have some fun

Dont fuck corpses,

that shits not cool

Read some veda

When you're back at school


Wouldn't be as funny if he were just another thirty-two year-old that attends "lodge" in his highschool buddy's basement.


haven't had a 'friend' since I was 8 i think? other kids annoy me and I avoid most people

He couldn't tell me many things, but he has told me it's highly spiritual, the intitiation (getting knocked the fuck out), symbolism, immunity to minor crimes if the officer is also a mason, etc. Nothing really insightful. Not sure whether I want to join it or not.

I have a really strange fear of being submerged in water, like taking baths and such. I've showered all my life. I don't swim. I hate everything about water, but I can drink it. I cringe when water touches me, etc. So I predict I was a sailor of some sort (pls be viking chieftain). Another was some frenchie who got amnesia and wrote to himself and went crazy after doing a ritual. I've always been naturally good at things with combat and hunting, and extremely good wih music and reading. So maybe other past lives could've been a musician or soldier/hunter? I strongly believe that extreme talents with no prior training come from past lives who've mastered that art.


>chaotic pro white trips



You disregarded "being a chad" with a tone of disdain earlier in the thread. I believe some anon recommended you start lifting and that was your response. As a friend of countless Chad's I can tell you they are good people.

Anyway though here is a suggestion for you. You are very advanced for your age, it's impressive to see a 14 year old posting thoughts like you have. Why not become a leader? Surely with your talent you could turn some of your focus outward and attract a nice following. You could become charismatic and magnetic. Instead of viewing the plebs at school as beneath you, look at them as potential allies.

Also if you were to start physical exercise at your age, you'll experience a multitude of benefits. Being strong relative to your own size is a great feeling.


One does not set out to be a leader it just happens. One should not become a leader for the sake of being a leader but because duty called them to it. He should just continue to grow and develop his powers and fight for the white race in every way he can.


thats a nice post

i like it



>I remember my past lives, look at my special traits :DDD

>this is what wizards actually believe


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this anon is right, although


What are you, Zerg?


Nice euphoria

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