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ITT: Report in with synchronicities, talk about recent experiences of synchronicity you've had, and your theories pertaining to it.

Related resources:



"Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events that are apparently causally unrelated or unlikely to occur together by chance, yet are experienced as occurring together in a meaningful manner."


Are deja vu's an example of synchronicity?


Trying to cut a long story short. When I was still doubting the whole magic thing, I was learning about synchronicity and lucid dreaming. I decided to start a dream journal, and on that very night had a really vivid dream about some commotion going on near a rivers edge. I ran over and saw a dolphin jump out of the water and saw its silhouette against a bright full moon and the night sky. I wanted to take a photo with my phone to capture the moment, but by the time I took it out and got it ready, it was back in the water and saw its shadow swim and dart away.

I woke up the next day and kept seeing dolphins everyday. This has continued since the 14th of January. At first they just kept popping up everywhere, pictures, news, articles, social media, advertisements toys and logos and a bunch of other places. I started telling people about it, and they too would start seeing dolphins everywhere. I got a bit obsessed and now I own all these dolphin things, so I still do see dolphins everyday, but I guess now it has become more of a self-fulfilling prophecy. I still often will have unsought dolphin experiences, but I have to admit they do not happen multiple times a day like they used to.


I'll tell you my story.

The short gist of it is I told some chick that I can't be friends with her, that we have to be more or nothing at all as I cared about her too much.

Anyway, we organised to go out a few time and she flaked. last week she asked me to go out with her, her twin and their cousins to the mountains for half a day. I flaked that morning.

So the chick I liked is Jennifer. Her twins name is Kelly.

I work in a call centre.

The following day I was at work and I clicked on a random job throughout the day that my co-worker booked.FWI it was a really slow day, as in 5-10 calls an hour, and I don't normally open random jobs on the scheduler.

The job opens and I'm immediately drawn to the customers name: Jennifer Kelly.

HA. All I did was laugh.

First time posting 8chan and I'm glad I found this board. Also no captcha


"The Creators of Synchronicity Positive forces, negative forces, and your higher self are the ones capable of doing so. … Deja vu is an indicator that your timeline was just altered, so the path to follow is one of caution and discernment."

"You can consider an event synchronistic when an inner experience such as a dream, vision, or other form of deja vu, prepares you for the physical event. Your soul … Synchronicity reveals the meaningful connections between the subjective and objective world."

""Deja vu" while training at my new temp job … So much has been written about the nature of synchronicity that I don't pretend to be an innovator in the subject. But what I can do is offer up several theories as to why - and …"

It's a topic often discussed with synchronicity.


>tfw never have experiences pertaining to the dolphins, never see them in daily life, and have a good enough memory to know for sure I'm not just forgetting instances of spotting dolphins


Hey anon there's some stuff about dolphins in The Invisible Influences you're going to want to read: ( >>1625 )


Where did you come from before coming to 8chan /fringe/?


I've browsed 4chan for the past 7years. I frequented /pol/, /b/, /v/, /x/ and a few others every now mad again.

Heard about here from internet aristocrats stream and I don't like moots reaction to gg.

I did enjoy threads on /x/ where the trip !jul posted with the Hermes trismigustus pic. Not sure if you know what I'm talking about.


Cheers bruh. I was actually reading that today before work but ran out of time. Looking forward to it now


You just had your first, and that's how it begins. Enjoy!


Me happening upon this thread, and your 666 numbers.


>Report in with synchronicities

Currently having lots of the ol time synchronicity. 11:11, 8:44 and such. I don't notice them coincidentally though. I can predict them.

It usually happens when I'm typing or reading or thinking something regarding magick, occult, life, hope and I'll have the urge to look at the clock.

It's like playing peek-a-boo with a stupid child.


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to me that happens quite often with 13:03


> I told some chick that I can't be friends with her, that we have to be more or nothing at all as I cared about her too much.
>she asked me to go out with her, her twin
holy shit are you me? im in same situation


no you're you and I'm me.

> im in same situation

an how did it go?


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well im still in the situation, i really want to get back with my ex but she doesnt want to… i just hope she still thinks about us…


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she'll eventually miss me and want to get back, r-right?


>be wizard master race
>literally never ever have relationshit problems
>crafted for myself spells meant to work over the long-term to basically manifest my life according to a narrative
>they worked and all with me putting in 0 effort to make it happen, just live my life, and everything falls in place



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>live in Dallas
>make >>>/ebola/
>two weeks later the first case of ebola outside of West Africa pops up eight miles from my house
>today a second case of ebola happens in the same area



I get this constantly with 12:27

>12/27 is my birthday



This is a wonderful occurrence. When the degenerates are cleansed away and you gain your new Ebola-Super-Aryan powers you'll get to know with satisfaction you did your part to make it all happen.

Also being infected first is best. More medical treatment that way. Later on they will just turn away the infected or shoot them on the spot. There'll be too many feeling Ebola Chan's love.


>she'll eventually miss me and want to get back, r-right?
Who can really know for sure how it will play out anon. Take it from me though, it's easier to move forward if you lay your cards out on the table. If she does than thats awesome, if not, well that sucks but you'll get over it.

Hey, at least you can say you tried and won't regret that.


>literally never ever have relationshit problems
well that's only natural when you never have relationships to begin with



Me finding this board is definitely a synchronicity. I have been immersing myself in occult knowledge and learning the true nature of the world since for the past month or so.


looshhurt mundane


>be me at work, temp worker at pasta factory
>be in charge of sitting on my ass watching a big vacuum all night (they put wrong grain/product in the silo, have to drain it all, blablabla)
>relaxed as fuck, getting drowsy
>state of consciousness slipping, eyes rolling back
>hear barrage of words in my head, I catch "in the know" and more prominently, "HIROHITO"
>snap awake, try to think if I know what hirohito means, don't think I learned it in HS Jap class, take it to mean something like "in the know"
>supervisor walks in and gives me like 5 boxes of different kinds of pasta
>go to break, sitting in car looking up hirohito on my phone
>Jap emperor whose name means "abundant benevolence"
>plentiful gift
>look at pile of pasta packages
>chuckle and wonder if I'll have to google translate prophecies from now on


>be studying physics
>no interest in occult and paranormal stuff
>leave 4chan
>find this place
Now I'm a huge fan and feel at home. This place pulled me here


>haven't seen ex in 8 months or so
>have a dream where we're at my house talking, she's wearing a white top
>she mostly wore darker jackets and blouses, never seen her with a white anything
>meet her at random the next day, she's wearing the same white top as in the dream


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I also just learned that the first case of the ebola outbreak started on my birthday (+/- 24 hours).

Talk about synchronicity


I get it constantly with 4:19
>im a 420 bloozer

Haven't noticed much synchronicity in my life, the most common occurrence is when a dream becomes reality or deju vu bullshit
but hey, I can't say I'm not content with my life atm


A little bit more every moment……..


>reading Prometheus Rising
>finish chapter 12
>"see how long after this chapter you will encounter an amazing coincidence, like seeing one of the symbols shown here"
>hahaha, ok Robert, I mean, what are the chan…
>30 seconds

Just wanted to share.


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I don't know if this counts


Ebin, she lives!


I'm glad I found this board after she broke up with me. It's been helping me become a better person and realize how unconscious she is about some things. I want to get back with her and be there for her and all, but for now I'm going to explore my opportunities


I have synchronicity with the number 23.
What does it mean?


Sorry, this isn't something recent, but I thought I'd share anyway.
I have a lot of wacky synchronicity experiences that ultimately convinced me there's something more to reality than we're led to believe, and to pursue an occult path. I like this one, it happened early on when I was around 17:
>Just starting to break away from atheist, materialist worldview.
>Reading through some occult, paranormal, and psychology material after being introduced through RAW.
>On a wiki page about Jungian psychology or something like that.
>Article mentions the book "As A Man Thinketh" by James Allen
>I'd never heard of it up until that point.
>I took note to check it out some time.
>About 1-2 hours after all of this, I'm digging around through some old junk my mom had left in boxes because she was organizing.
>I see the book "As A Man Thinketh."
>Lose my shit and immediately begin reading it.

So in other words, I read about a particular book for the very first time, and a couple of hours later happen to find it in the house I'd been living in for 17 years despite having never seen it before.



>tfw volunteers are using my synchronicity pic

I feel honored.


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This happened about an hour ago:

I had a really hard day at school today and I was seriously thinking about dropping out of college. I was planning on on calling the leader of my program and telling her I was thinking of dropping out as soon as I got home. I got off the bus and I walked to my house, and as I was going up the driveway I was thinking "I should probably call her now" and the anti-theft lights that go off whenever something moves in front of them outside of my house started flickering abnormally. They do that sometimes though, so I thought it wasn't anything out of the ordinary.

I opened the front door and the house was pitch black inside. I yelled into the house "Hello~ am I the only one home?" and my brother and sister both yelled jokingly GET THE FUCK OUT YOU HAVE A DEMON FOLLOWING YOU from the living room because apparently the power went out in the whole house as soon as I got home. It must have happened just when I touched the doorknob because that's when the anti-theft lights stopped flickering and turned off.

There was some confusion where we were looking for all the flashlights in the house to light up the living room, and that was when my brother noticed there was no power in some of the other houses outside too. We all went outside to look, and it was only the houses on our side of the street that lost power.

Anyway, I went back in the house and I went to the bathroom and mom was in there too at the same time, so I started crying to her about how I just want to drop out, and we talked for about an hour about what I could do. At one point I said "Well next semester I'm going to be taking [xyz classes]" and the power went on immediately after I said that, before I even finished the rest of my sentence and before I was even able to recognize that I was feeling better and it was just my language that changed from "I want to drop out" to being more positive.

What happened?


How much thought-forming have you done before?
It's entirely possible that some negative entity has been affecting your mood and you managed to drive it off by affirming that you will continue with your classes.
Alternatively it might be just your own mood swings that caused the power to go out, check your latent powers greenpill.
Either way look into emotional alchemy in old fringe since it's probably best if you learn to control your emotions to prevent any destructive actions.
Ideally your should learn to convert negative emotions into something more positive at a whim.


Heavy stuff, brother. This journey you are on ..

What >>4815 is solid: it is all too probable that a negative entity has been following you, and leeching off you, while you simultaneously experienced/generated negative emotions, which fed the entity etc etc It's a tough cycle to break, but you broke it by allowing yourself to be helped!
You're not out of it yet, of course, since it's a constant process of introspection, reaching outwards and inwards and adaptation to what is.

Do you practice any Saddhana? It's a great way to ward of negative entities. What has helped me, and is helping me, is the fact that I stand up every morning, after which one of the first things I do, is a 2.5 hour sadhana with yoga, singing mantras and meditations.

Emotional alchemy also sounds beneficial to your needs, but I have no inherent knowledge about that.


I always get 9:11

>I'm a sand nigger


Do you guys ever wake up at the around or the exact time you intend to autonomously?


Years ago I once tried to do the "tulpa" thing without any actual knowledge of what to properly do based on bullshit I read in a pastebin to make an anime girl brain waifu but it didn't work out so I "killed" her by visualizing her death. I have not really played with thoughtforms since then. I saw that thread in old fringe and I do attempt to do it, and I find it extremely effective for dealing with minor grievances like getting butthurt at something I saw on the internet, but it is really, really hard to do sometimes when you're feeling truly awful. When it comes to bad feelings about my future I also feel like I can't just will them into positivity because I have to brainstorm backup plans about what to do if everything goes to shit so I won't feel like killing myself is the only option.

I have never heard of saddhana but I will look into it, thank you for the suggestion.


>I always get 9:11
Same, morning and evening as well as 22:22.


>it is really, really hard to do sometimes when you're feeling truly awful
Yeah, when everything goes wrong in your life, things really look down for a while.
What you have to do, is get in a habit of treating your mood and feelings as something separate to your core being.
When you feel shit, recognize that you feel shit for some reason, and evaluate this emotion from the 3rd person's perspective.
From there it is far easier to transmute the negative emotion into something more positive.

Although having back up plans for your future sounds like a good idea on paper, I feel like it probably makes you even more depressed than you were before so I believe it's better that you focused on fixing the current situation and get determined on following the best path for you, no matter how hard it may be.

Watch a Rocky Balboa movie, get motivated and never let this life get the better of you anon.
As long as you know what you want and have the undying will to get it, nothing will be able to stop you.


Yes, I've often woken up a minute before my alarm goes off as well.


I swear I am experiencing a new instance of synchronicity every day and every time it's really astoundingly unlikely. Just now started up on a meditation I haven't done in awhile just to find that when I got onto /fringe/ an old thread that hadn't been posted in for 2k posts had just been replied to and bumped by someone else on the same topic of meditation as I was using.


I've been getting a lot of deja vu these past couple days, I also just discovered /fringe/ and 8chan.

I've had some crazy synchronicity events happen to me in the past, although I cannot recall any one of them right now. It's very odd, because when you're experiencing them you think "woah, now that is really something" and you kind of freak out in your head right? And everything fits together and stuff?
But then I forget them.

I always get them when I'm learning something new about, well, /fringe/ topics, I guess.
I've been into this whole /x/ stuff for approximately 2-3 years on and off, and let me tell you, I've seen some shit. Synchonistic events that blew my mind. But as I said, I forgot.
I guess the only thing that stays is the lesson I learn from them every time. They usually come when you learn something new and you are a little skeptical, you find confirmation in the reality around you. Cool stuff. And so meaningful!


I just had a big synchronicity happen to me.

I dreamed that I'd found absolute proof that we are living in an alternate timeline, it was just a big discontinuity for which I had proof.

When I woke up I didn't remember the dream, and I've been reading the books on fringe essentials. Today I began reading "Realm Dynamics" and when got to the chapter called "Discontinuities" just remembered the dream. Even though the discontinuity of this chapter is not about alternate timeline, the books talks about that too.

The second book I had to read today was… "Synchronicities and Reality Manipulation". So, double-meta-sinchronicity? And now it's talking about sinchronicity being used to alter the timeline, so I can't help but think there's something here I'm missing.


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>tfw falling down the synchronicity rabbit hole


Oh my, dubs.


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When I was a kid, my family had a cocker poodle named Teddy, like pic related. The dog got very jealous of all my baby-attention after I was born, so it began to snap at me. We had to lock poor Teddy in the garage for the rest of his days, where he only grew to hate me and my brother even more, instilling in me a childhood fear of dogs that I would never quite get over until after Teddy died and we moved away, and we purchased another dog for my 10th birthday… a golden retriever, like my neighbors dog that I always loved to play with safely on the other side of a fence. Eventually, we moved back to my old house with the Golden, and the Golden I grew up with was long gone, replaced by a Corgi/Husky mix named, what do you know? Teddy! A couple years later I came across a familiar-looking stray dog on my street - upon further investigation, a cooker poodle! This eerie doppleganger of Teddy avoided me, running away but ultimately holding no grudge against me. It was almost as if Teddy had returned from the dead to forgive me. It later turned out to be another neighbor's dog that ran off, but I'll be damned if this was all coincidence.


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People discussing on the Gödel thread mentioned that the month of Jewish Chesvan has begun, which apparently means that it's now the month of Scorpio.

Youtube recommends me to listen to The Scorpions - Wind of Change.

What shall change, we shall see…


I had some big things happen in the past, but this happened today, and despite being negligibly trivial, it's kinda funny.

Watched a short documentary on praying mantises on yt, and then saw a cockroach documentary in recommended things. I went down that rabbit hole and ended up with cockroach house infestation clips. This made me think of a
TV cleaning show I used to watch a lot when I was younger. I looked up one of the hosts of the show, and there was a video of her in another program, some reality TV thing, bitching out another contestant/participant. The whole thing wasn't that controversial or hardcore (I mean, it's reality TV, not worldstar hiphop)…but at the end of the video, the uploader attached a short clip of a praying mantis attacking an insect to emphasize the "burn". Ended up right where I started.


Literally I was reading this post and as soon as you mentioned looking at the clock, I thought to look at the clock and sure enough it's 3:14, a common time synchronicity for myself.


I'm not the guy you were talking to, but this post really spoke to me if you know what I mean. Thank you for writing this post anon, it made a difference in my life.


I love you


Was asking about kundalini on skype. Checked 8chan and noticed the favicon changed to a the snake.


Today I met a friend and we discussed philosophy and I red/greenpilled him by offering /fringe/ views to him through philosophical dialogue. We also discussed reincarnation.

When I left by car, there was a song on the radio where reincarnation (or rebirth!) was mentioned.

It was interesting, but I am not sure what to make of it. But I am delighted on my success to make people reconsider their world-views.


I remember really wanting to see this friend of mine who is difficult to get a hold of. He doesn't have a phone and doesn't respond to Facebook. 3 days after feeling I really want to see him he knocked on my door at 3 am on acid and we hung out and it was good.



Also a few weeks ago I was tailgating and I was talking to some friends trying to get my being centered (for some reason I was really good at manifesting things behind me but not in front) As I was talking with my friends trying to figure out what was wrong with my sense of self via conversation some guys pulled up and were trying to jump a car in the middle of a crowded parking lot. As soon as I observed them doing this the car started and they left.


I felt a little seed of motivation take root in me after reading that.


Yeah. I have an alarm clock.


Walked out of supermarket, saw a advert for dog tags with a picture of a cute dog

Look up, theres a couple walking two dogs pass me

Bring my trolley to my car - theres a lady in a cardigan sweater thing with dogs on it

Put my stuff in the boot. Push trolley to trolley line - same dog walking couple pass me again

This was half a year ago. Happened around one month after I started researching synchronicities and asked for a sign


I got doubles after looking at a pic of doubles guy


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>be writing about the heart and the occult
>finish writing about that
>see what song is currently playing on a random youtube playlist I got going
>see this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-saK3ZOdF9o
>that heart in the picture

*synchronicity detected*


Heart's right at the end btw which is the moment when I checked in on the vid.


woman with sand in the vagina ( butt hurt ) detected


>wake up
>get on /fringe/
>national geographic playing on the television nearby
>they're talking about faith healing, psychic experiences, etc. and debunking them with ridiculous fedora explanations like "she must have heard the details of the murder walking around and then forgot about it!" and "lol placebos, magick doesn't heal goy, go home"


Update to this: two weird incidences related to lights happened yesterday. As I was walking to the bus stop at 5am I was feeling very angry, and happened to whip my head around and the first thing I saw after doing this was a lamp post, which I focused intently on for no particular reason. As soon as I stared at the lamp post, the light went out. My first thought was, "oh shit, did I do that?" and tried to see if I could "make it happen" again to another light, but to no avail.

That evening, I was watching a video a friend shared of some guys on a boat finding a giant sea snake on the desktop computer in the kitchen. When the sea snake popped out I was a bit spooked but didn't let it show. The lights overheard of me started flickering.


I am still in denial about this whole occult/magic thing. However, I have a tendency to always, and I mean always, check my phone at the exact moment the clock turns 13:18, which happens to be the exact time when a SILENT alarm to check my posture rings. (It being silent means that I never notice it going off).

I remembered this thread on the bus today, and checked if 13:18 might be a bible verse or something. It is.

Revelation 13:18 - This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.

What does this mean? I have recently tried meditating, and I have sometimes felt like something is watching me, which I have discarded as an irrational fear. Should I meditate and count 666 breaths to contact this entity if there is one, or is there a risk of possesion?

I am not baptized, so if this magick shit is real I am super screwed.


I know that feel.


probably go in meditation and think about how you got to the bible passage, then ask what it means, then wait and listen


>walking back home at night
>reflecting about demons
>"that's it, the way of ending them is universal, bring light, and darkness will go away"
>I have this intense feeling, when I had this "obvious" conclusion.
>Next night
>walking in the same place
>look around
>new installed lamps everywhere
>I can see everything clearly
>It all looks like a new place, less hostile, more hospitable

This one got me surprised


That made me feel nice.


I have near constant, daily synchronicities involving 42, 23, duplicate numbers (11:11, 4:44, etc.), both 4 and 7, and the time 12:34.


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Yea, sometimes when I come to "these certain conclusions", I feel pressure in my gut as if I had 'figured it out'.

Once when I was thinking how much I'd like to love everyone and show them compassion, an intense feel of bliss struck me.

Heal and help, brother, heal and help.


>glance at the time when I read this post
>12 on both sides
Well shit


Say, most peculiar thing occurred to me. (I am 9593.) This morning, when going to school, I noted that there were new lamp posts shining most brightly and beautifully in the street I frequently use to get around. I recalled your story immediately.


>driving with me mum
>mum is talking about something, I forget what exactly, but she was describing something and said "very, very dark"
>right as she said this a car sped past us and it was probably the darkest car ever
>black, black rims, dark tinted windows, tailights blacked out

That was weird.


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>running errands in town with friend
>mention to friend that we should split up to get things done faster
>the phrase "split up" makes me think of Scooby Doo and how I haven't seen the show for years
>friend and I walk up the street to the ATM in front of the bank
>while friend is doing his thing, I look up to my right
>Scooby Doo poster in the window
>the window of a bank of all places
>wonder if this is synchronicity or some bizarre coincidence

Turns out my bank is running some "good guys and bad guys" ad campaign using characters from pop culture in an attempt to make themselves look better than their competitors.


>glance at the time when I read this post
Well shit


Your mom was saying
>gee anon, look at that car coming up behind us; it's very, very dark.


>Thinking about Synchronicity.

>Come to 8chan fringe.

>See this thread first thing.




No she wasn't, I know that.


These situations are always synchronicity, there's no such thing as coincidence or chance, as per the hermetic axiom of Cause and Effect. It's your higher self reminding your lower self that you create your own reality.


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>synchronicity thread on 4chan
>guy makes a post saying 'if this ends in 3 or 9' I will die in 24 hours
>post number ends with 39


Montalk explicitly refuted YCOR with WCOR as any sensible non-New Age solipsist realizes; we create reality.

If you want to experience the genuine YCOR experience then go to a personal plane on the astral and experience the so called "lucid dream".


I know what you mean.


>I am not baptized, so if this magick shit is real I am super screwed.

more like

>Magick is real, so if this baptism shit isn't real I'm screwed

le edgy


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>someone on /x/ mentions something about owls and aliens
>browse imgur a minute later
>see this


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I came across the character in pic related a lot despite not being a Dragon Age player or being playing games at all because of my studies. So today, I decided to search about him, and see if I could learn anything about him, since the synchronicity was obvious.

So from the Dragon Age Wiki:

>Solas taught himself how to master his magical abilities. Solas' prime interest is in the Fade, happily spending his time dreaming in ancient ruins and learning all there is to learn about what dwells beyond the Veil rather than joining the current Mage-Templar War. Solas is an introvert, and sometimes shows a subtle wit.


He fits perfectly in the archetype of a typical /fringe/ user (self-learning, introvert, astral traveler), mostly the ones who are more concerned in knowledge and self-development rather than fighting our world's degeneracy (brown pill).

But there's more…


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Another interesting concept of Dragon Age universe is this "Fade" that this character and other mages frequently travels to, which the Wiki says:

>The Fade, known by the Dalish as the Beyond, is a metaphysical realm that is part of Thedas yet separated by the Veil.

>Every living being enters the Fade when their spirit leaves their earthly body after death or mentally when they dream, and mages tap into it when they cast spells. The only exception being the dwarves who do not dream. Most people do not remember their time in the Fade - mages being a distinct exception, as they are able normally to remain "conscious" while traveling there.
>There is no geography in the Fade. Place and time are far less important than concepts and symbols.
>Belief and willpower are paramount in the Fade. Even though a mage cannot change every aspect of the Fade (Dreamer mages have greater capabilities in this respect), they can draw unprecedented power from it while sleeping. Similarly, even non-mages may instinctively shape the Fade in small ways: armoring and arming themselves with weapons able to cut even in dreams.


So basically this "Fade" is Astral in a nutshell.

Another interesting article is one about the "Dreamers", people who are able to consciously enter the "Fade" without the aid of external substances:

>A dreamer (Tevene: somniari), is a mage capable of entering the Fade at will, without the aid of lyrium. A talented dreamer can shape the Fade and affect the dreams of sleeping people, killing or driving them mad. However, dreamers attract demons and most prove too frail of mind to survive a demonic possession. As a result dreamers are rare.


Further demonstrating the similarities between Dragon Age's universe and ours, or at least /fringe/'s perception of our universe, "dreamers" being basically astral travelers.



That's cool. I wonder if the people who wrote this stuff actually know about the astral and everything and want to greenpill people.


>However, dreamers attract demons and most prove too frail of mind to survive a demonic possession

Is this true? Do most Astral Travellers succumb to demonic possessions? If so, what happens to them? Suicide?


I don't know, there wasn't any official survey or anything. I guess they just dramatized it for the sake of plot. In the first game you get to unpossess or kill a possessed kid who does a lot of nasty shit while in this state, and one of the ingame books states that demons possess bodies for reasons like power or curiosity about the third-density world.


As to actual possessions, accounts vary, but quite a lot of victims seem to be aware of the ordeal.



According to a few posts that I read on /fringe/ and /oldfringe/, possession isn't so frequent like in the game because demons seem to be attracted by your power level, if you are a casual astral traveller you can stay away from "danger zones" and it's very unlikely (but possible) to bump into a demon.

BUT if you are a experienced initiate chances increases because entities start to notice you, including other mages hungry for some easy loosh, not only demons.


Yesterday, I was in Poughkeepsie waiting for a few hours before the gig started. Waiting outside in the van for a few hours can be pretty boring and it's hard to meditate when someone is blasting hardcore music in the van and smoking cigarettes, so I utilize the time by reading. The problem is that this time I forgot my books. No problem, I'll download a PDF on my smartphone. Downloaded a compendium of Norse myth and several PDFs about runes, since that is the next thing I wish to learn. Fast forward, after the gig, we're hanging out with the promotor, who I notice has an entity literally backpacking on him. He starts talking about semi /fringe/ related things like race relations, ethics of masturbation, and Norse mythology. This guy runs a pizza shop and calls himself the Jesus of pizza. He spoke for two hours straight. His friends were there but they were all really young (16-18) to be hanging around with this guy who was almost 30. Out of the nine of us that were hanging around I was basically the only one who said anything back to him at all, resulting in eye serious contact from him. Trying to intimidate me with analogies such as "if I were a lion and you were a gazelle. I would eat you." That rustled my jimmies. I started calling him on the psycho bullshit that he was saying. When we reached the topic of Norse myth, he began speaking as if he was possessed, staring blankly into my eyes, and repeatedly using the words Norse paganology. I said something about the runes and he said that they are useless and meaningless and I drove the school bus around corner to pick him up and take him to school. After which, he was very aggressive and rude towards me. Ostracizing to seem more powerful in front of his 18 year old girlfriend and small group of followers. I noticed the entity more and more as he became more rude and angry. Obviously trying to steal my energy for his little buddy.

Synchronicity: Norse myth messages coming from his buddy to me through his mouth.

The rest is just context


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>Taken from my diary.

Yesterday (13.12), or the day before yesterday, I had messed around with doitinhebrew.com site. One of my "experiments" had resulted
in the word, "Carmina". I checked out what it was, and I was given a result; Carmina Burana, a book of poetry.
On 14th day, the "enlightened amphibian fellow" posted a Latin quote on /fringe/. I checked it out, and to my amazement, the quote was taken from Carmina Burana! The exact line quoted was, "Quis in igne positus igne non uratur?"

It means, "Who in the fire’s depths feels not the flame?"


I wouldn't say it's "easy loosh" just that initiates of a high degree are loosh jackpots for whatever can crack them. Naturally the harder the prey, the greater the potential reward, and the more refined the predators.


Damn son, that's some major synchronicity you got going there!


It surprised me that I was given a clue of the coming synchronicity while awake; most of the time I dream of these things.

Last night I dreamed of this duo of men, both were "crypto-Nazis". They called themselves "brown shirts", and know what, there existed these brown shirts or "Sturmabteilung" during the Reich! I don't think the first man was named, but the second was called Neumann.

Today, while studying the history of Finland, I read that Nikolay Bobrikov (a man who sent rebelling Finns to Siberia) was killed by Eugen Schauman, a Finnish nationalist and nobleman.

Neumann and Schauman. They sound really, really alike, don't they?


I just discovered there's a Yoga school near my house. I've been meaning to get into Yoga for a while, so I signed up for a Pranayama lesson for tomorrow.
I did some research on the current teacher's teacher and found this out:

"When he was 15 he was fascinated by Yogi Ramacharaka's (William Walker Atkinson) works, and left his studies to dedicate his life to esotericism and Yoga."

Well, shit. I hope his disciple is as greepilled as the master was.



(dubs confirm synchronicity)


File: 1418749385568.pdf (486.4 KB, YogaIts_method_and_practic….pdf)

I've begun Hatha Yoga lately, because I was told it would help me to pass through the Step 1 of IIH.

Here is a good PDF with some techniques and theory on yoga.



Thank you. It's funny, I was reading that article just a few minutes ago, and I discovered it a week or so ago thanks to this kind anon:



File: 1418750427249.jpg (368.2 KB, 900x863, 900:863, aghori_by_faisalart2006.jpg)

That's where I got it also, thanks to that anonymous fellow. I wanted to do yoga for so long but had no idea where to start; when this anon came and pointed out that article, it was as I had found a gold mine!



> who I notice has an entity literally backpacking on him.



I am clairvoyant. So if you are wondering how I saw it, I just saw it because it was there.

If you are wondering how it was backpacking, it was mostly present in his aura as a black spot and when it would influence him or take his energy, I would see it in a more corporeal-esq form.


-holding on like a parasitic back pack.


>wake up 5 seconds before alarm goes off
>turn it off and fall back asleep
>waste 12 hours in bed for no reason



Yesterday, my friend came to visit me. We played some Worms Armageddon, and one of the worms was named "Harpo".

Today, while researching, I accidentally found this god, Harpocrates.



One week ago today I had a dream in which one of the cupboard doors in my kitchen fell off. At the time I figured it to be a metaphor, perhaps signifying an unresolved emotional issue or problem within the family. Today, however, one of the cupboard doors in my kitchen actually fell off.


When i first starter to meditate i found a lot of really strong synchronicities happening, for example i'd be reading off of a website and then someone in the skype call would say a word or phrase as i read it.


I notice 12:34 too, always right before it changes.


I am constantly experiencing synchronicities all the fucking time and it's like reality is a dream for me all the time now, it's just so bizarre, and yet it's all so fucking real.


I have them very often, too. I see a lot of dreams of my future, sometimes my prayers are answered, sometimes other nice stuff…

Embrace it! Let the so-called "reality" melt before you, and see what is behind it!


Dude I am embracing the fuck out of and it really pleased with it. I don't fully understand why shit keeps happening but it's like I'm being constantly moved along through a torrent of experiences, making mental connections with others, living through their memories, merging consciousness with others… it's amazing.


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‎Sunday, ‎October ‎12, ‎2014


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>6 million
>assassinate Hitler


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>Watch Romanian Orthodox Christian hermits and elders talk about spiritual shit someone linked to on /fringe/ and it's related videos
>Listen to Talk Gnosis show
>Later in the evening want to tell my gf what both of those were about, but can't remember what "hermit" was in my native language
>Open google translate and the language last used is Romanian
>I'd forgotten that I had fun congratulating friends on christmas in Romanian

That was one fun synchronicity, I tell you what.


>Reading this thread
>Suddenly phone vibrates, battery fully charged


Nobody else has mentioned this, but sometimes these things can actually be a positive entity trying to warn you away from making a bad decision. I've had very conveniently-timed car alarms snap me out of my train of thoughts just before taking self-destructive actions. Twice in the same hour.


Found a mantra I really like using to make a pretty quick connection to the divine and while i'm doing crystal work and praying.

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,
where there is hatred, let me sow love.
where there is injury, pardon
where there is doubt, faith
Where there is despair, hope
Where there is sadness, joy
Where there is darkness, light
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console
to be understood, as to understand
to be loved, as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned
and it is in dying we are born to eternal life.

I recently found this same mantra months after memorizing it on a eulogy card from the funeral on my aunt's brother, and it was titled the Prayer of St. Francis. Middle name is Francis, I feel like I have stronger connection with the saint, even though not being strictly christian


>Today they call it synchronicity, tomorrow they will call it skill

From Daisy Eris Campbell's Cosmic Trigger play.



Saint Francis of Assisi was one of the fringiest saints, too, iirc. He had a crapload of miracles attributed to him.

Probably because of his high vibrational state giving him the power to work miracles on lower levels of reality.


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I've been reading the Cassiopaean Transcripts, and they mentioned that Francis of Assisi became a candidate for fourth density STO, meaning that after his death he might have ascended to fourth dimension and "aligned" himself with the positive forces, if that is a proper way to put it.

Anyways, I keep coming back to Francis. Many synchronicites bring me back again and again to him. I wonder why?


how does one protect themselves against such "attacks?" fully explore the "dark side of the moon" before going astral?


>Last few days see meme spam related to a music group: "Jenny Death when?"
>See smileys predicament
>Skype name Jenny (Nordic)

Well shit. Best of luck to you, smiles.


Dub trips.


I don't know if it would be synchronicity but a year ago I was a member of Couchsurfing and I got a message from a girl asking if I wanted to hang out. At the time I was a p much lonely person, drinking heavily, had a gf but things weren't going so well, had spent years drinking, abusing myself both mentally and physically. I would get drunk, stand in front of the mirror, tell myself that my life was shit and then cut myself and bleed all over the bathroom.

As I was saying this girl wrote to me and later she told me that she just "felt" that she had to write to me. Soon after meeting her I started a treatment with anti-depressants and both her friendship and the pills helped me get out of the black hole where I was living.

I'm pretty sure if I hadn't changed I would be on my way to suicide, since month after month I keep using bigger razors and causing deeper wounds on my flesh. It was common for me to ran away from college as soon as the classes were over, come home and get drunk, then cry and proclaim that my life was going nowhere and that i might as well die.

I just think how incredibly awesome it was that a person like my friend happened to write to me, she taught me a lot of stuff just by being my friend. Now I'm off the antidepressants, and I'm dealing with my sadness with both meditation, thinking positively and well, smoking weed from time to time. I would say I want to eventually quit weed as well, and just use my own powers to live happily. But I mean, some of us need some extra help to see the light.

Just wanted to tell my story.


That's awesome. Hope you all the best, and if you practice magic you're going to enchant your life even more!


A couple weeks ago, my spouse showed me this song i'd never heard before, (purple pills by d12) faggy i know. but a few mins later i go on facebook and a friend of mine had posted the same song as a comment in a random thread at the top of my newsfeed. the next day we were listening to music again, i can't remember the song though but it was another i'd never heard before, then i go on fb again and she'd posted that same song as a comment on a different friends thread. pretty syncy




>Have intense desire for cutlets 2 days ago and keep thinking about them a bit yesterday
>Plan on making them asap
>Get home today
>Brother has made cutlets

Might as well be LoA at work, but w/e. Was delicious.


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>learning about loonix
>come across this symbol for CentOS

Also the other day while at a restaurant, for the first time in a while I decided to get a glass of water instead of some other beverage or simply nothing at all. I soon noticed that a song on the radio there had the lyrics, "something in the water" repeating over and over. I decided against drinking.


>Decide to drink my bottle of Southern Comfort I have sitting in the liquor cabinet last week

>This week go to store to get a replacement

>All Southern Comfort is sold out. Only Southern comfort they have everything else.

>Ask why they don't have any

Guy says, i dunno it's strange a whole bunch of peope bought it this week

If I didn't know better I'd say they were mind controlling me to by their product


>tfw that symbol conceals a black sun


>reading your post
>check phone for time
>time is 10:01


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Lunix is based.


hey guys I'm tired of being just a subject of synchs and I have an idea, what if we start forcing synchronicities into people around us? I'll try this on classmates when I start college, picking up on details during class and then bringing something over to class relating to it


I kinda did this with one of my housemates - just explain the idea of it, and try to point it out when you see it. After I did that get so many sychronicities that he was completely bought into the idea.


>>reading your post
>>check phone




Lately I feel like synchronicities in my life are kind of happening more often and quicker. Like things are speeding up.

Stupid example from today, but it really fucking surprised me: I'm interested in tulpas, so I browse a forum about it and someone posted a link to an article about "Internal Family System model". Basically inside you there are several "parts", like the manager, the exile and the firefighter. Thought it was interesting but forgot about it pretty quickly.

I also browse some relationship&sex forums just out of curiosity, and there's been a thing about sexless relationships and marriages. Someone posted an article about what the high libido and low libido partners think in a relationship. Decided to check it out because I was bored. Well, what do you know, the article starts talking about how responses to sex come from different parts of yourself, namely the manager, the exile and the firefighter. Nowhere did it actually refer to it as the family systems thing, which is why I almost lost my shit when I saw that.


>in bus
>lift my head to see what time it is
>the digital clock in the front of the bus shows ":", (numbers were missing)
>am reminded of >>21399, clock looks like this poster's photo but red



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One interesting one,
>finish reading a chapter of Prometheus Rising where "robot" is mentioned the first time
>keep a short toilet pause, grab some Donald Duck comic
>the story I'm reading has robots in it


Huh, odd. The bus showed " _ : _ "., not ":".


Had a nice one the other day…

About two weeks ago, go out with my best friend and his girlfriend. She brings along her old college roommate from Berkeley, qt girl who has the same taste in music as me (shitty late 90's emo). Anyways we all hang out get drinks yadayada don't get her number go home.

I go to visit my sister the other day, and I decide to take the train home. I realize I'm standing at the end of the platform where the end of the train is. I walk to the front to avoid the niggers and crackheads. I stop at a random part of the platform as my train arrives. Behold the qt is sitting right in the train. End up having a candid conversation on the ride home. Still didn't get her number.

Nice little synchronicity. Events like this is proof to me there are higher forces acting than us.


>Been doing sexual energy circulation recently
>Read techniques from taoist book on sexual circulation
>next day decide to randomly go to good will.
>Decide to look at the book rack even though I don't normally go for paper books (kindle ftw)
>First book I see is a book on taoism

>doing same energy circulation a few mornings later
>Go to campus after
>Bring notepad to write some rap/ poetry (it kind of blends together)
>Talk to girl next to me randomly
>Get along well. In the first few sentences of us meeting each other she says how she does freeverse poetry and freestyling

It seems like a big part of synchronicities is expressing the right kind of energy


My entire interest in the esoteric has been led by synchronicity. It's been a slow, steady ready that started a few years ago. There's too many details for me to be able to recount. I'd show interest in this, prompted by a string of coincidences leading me to the right information. Then I'd forget about it for a while until I guess I am "ready" for the next step and life brings me into the next piece of the puzzle. As if I was slowly "built up" to finally find all the needed info here and finally go balls to the wall and start practicing. I think it all truly started with the Principia Discordia.

But there's something minor I can speak of more tangibly though I'm not sure if it really counts that much. For the past week I've been noticing all sorts of people around me having emotional breakdowns over silly shit as if they're going through an emo teen phase again. Even grown ass men. I've no idea the fuck is going on.


slow steady ride* at the top there, fuck my typing.


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How do i do the circulation

Do I need to fap? Explain methods please


It's something we learn less of others and more about ourselves when we reach adulthood, if you're the perceptive sort; "adulthood" and "maturity" are STARKLY mutually exclusive. In my case, just about every adult male I grew up with– father included– is to some degree a manchild. All of them are more concerned with vice and frivolous pursuits (the oldest desperate to relive their pasts) than personal integrity, sound character, and development of themselves and contemporaries; all of them are also in denial. There's truly a war on men, but it began long before it's effects were evident in third density.


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>Trying to fast
>Make it almost two days
>1 hour before beginning of third day
>fuck it I don't know what to do getting conflicting advice from people and myself
>look myself in the mirror and say that I need balance, not extreme will to become healthy
>snap decision to head out to pick up a few snacks
>open wallet to check funds
>The end of a small blue card is sticking out of one of the folds of my wallet
>take it out of curiosity.
>"Balance Rewards"
>it's a walgreens deal card thing…


Oh, I've noticed the things you speak of a long time ago. It doesn't really bother me at this point. What struck me was seeing a sudden string of people just completely falling apart. Though I see how that ties into what you said - come to think of it, lately I've simply met only weak-willed and undeveloped people. More so than usual.

That made me lol


Might want to check out the movie Coherence. It deals a bit with synchronicity and the stein/stain divide.

As for synchronicity myself, I have a tendency toward thinking certain phrases, or reading them and deciding I need to try them out, and then other people start using them - phrases I've never heard before.


>Finally get the mega to work and download the fringe library.
>Start reading the Kybalion.
>Dictionary word of the day is Thaumaturge.

Ohhhh snap. What did you do to me /fringe/?


It has begun!


Indeed, now to find the path I need to follow.


Don't worry too much of the path. Sometimes you take turns, sometimes you might even feel you've taken steps backwards (this isn't true, everything is evolving!), sometimes you lose your sight of your path, sometimes you go ssslllooowww and sometimes you go fastfastFAST!

Remember that it is not the path that is important; you are more important; but remember to enjoy the journey and don't get too blinded by the destination, (hey, were all been there!)

Good luck, bro.


Thanks bud, It is a wonderful feeling knowing I am not alone in this. Conditioning myself to believe I am useless and tiny has done nothing for me. I shrug off the mantle of complacency and choose to create my own reality.


I love to share with you some books and vidz that has changed my life in a wonderful one; i have created some amazing stuff,the manifestations worked on extreme degrees!Wonderful! Look: The power of awareness - Neville Goddard The divine matrix vid on youtube and the book,Teal Swan vidz on youtube ;Think and grow rich -Napoleon Hill ; The law and the promise-Neville goddard .I wish you wonderful lives!


Do you think synchronicity has something to do on why all of us are hooked with fringe and other occult stuff?


Of course it does. Synchronicity governs stuff like that, causing people to cross paths with each other, and intertwine their paths.

Why do you have no flag?

Anyone got the old anti-flags flag icon btw? I've lost it…


File: 1425401409754.png (579 B, 16x16, 1:1, 1419419268192.png)

It was on archive.org.



for me it's not only time, but numbers in general

some days all I see are repeating sequences of numbers. Other days I get none, It's really strange.


>have to goto court
>stumble on neville goddard content
>why not
>everything happened exactly as i envisioned it to happen the week prior ( over 3-4 days of practice )

had much success with sigils and mental manifestations along with writting on paper desired wills in lottery, females, small convenient events.. etc.




YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>Reading Atkinson's a Series of Lessons in Gnani Yoga
>Chapter: The Unity of Life
>Have songs set up in playlist from various albums I thought I'd like to listen to several hours ago
>Start growing out to song related, check the name
>Hermetic Secrets



a lot my dreams related to a movie before i watched it


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>the day before yesterday, read about Mentats ('human computers' in Frank Herbert's Dune Universe)
>search on articles on memory, how to improve it, etc.
>today check out /cyber/ because of curiosity
>there's a thread there on how to become a Mentat

Heh! I need to read Atkinson's books on memory now, gonna power-up this baby here!


Oh, of course, here's the site for "becoming a Mentat".



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>sulking about relationships
>fantasizing about marriages, keep coming up against realities of relationships in this world, contract/tax breaks first and important, the celebration of the partnership second
>thinking of age gaps and how I'd most likely end up with some good-enough shriveled hag in my old age, divorcing me and taking my shit
>overhear a story in class
>professor speaking to another student about marriage
>prof talks about a 40 year old she knew losing her 80 year old husband to old age
>apparently a long, loving relationship too

The universe be pep-talking me through my professor m80.


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Or perhaps you're just an asshole, who will die alone? The universe hates you and just teases you for fun. It reflects back at you, what you reflect back at it.


>not too long ago
>remember seeing an animated JPG.
>wonder how it was made
>today see your JPG.

Ja, das ist Humor!


First time posting here. Here's my story:

>be me

>italian guy, early-20
>pianist, interested in literature, philosophy, poetry
>always been a very rational person, agnostic, used to be what you guys call a mundane
>one week ago I was browsing /pol/, as usual
>see a post naming /fringe/ in a thread about elite families
>came here just for curiosity
>very skeptic, decide to read the kybalion just for the lulz
>actually… it fits nicely with my previous knowledge (music theory, physics, language theory, lots of philsophers like Heraclitus, Schopenhauer, Spencer, Nietzsche, Deleuze, ecc.)
>still not completely sold on the "THE ALL is Mind" part, though
>came back here, deciding what to read next
>see the Ra material mentioned
>start reading the Ra material
>very VERY skeptic at first
>but, again… the more I read the more it made sense, especially when compared to Deleuzian philsophy
>getting scared
>reading the historical part
>remember about the Napoleon quote: "History is a set of lies which we have agreed to consider true". Also, Nietzsche's second Untimely Consideration and many many other writings about history being a lie
>getting very scared
>be yesterday
>reading the part where it talks about Jesus healing people with thought and positive energy
>think about placebo effect and epigenetics
>reading the part about synchonicity, higher self influences, catalysts
>think about my previous life experiences
>getting very VERY scared
>decide to make a pause
>having lunch, my sister turn on the TV
>The Simpson are on TV
>the episode is… the one where Bart acquires thaumaturgical powers
>(if you don't believe me, go check it out online on the Mediaset site: the channel was "Italia Uno")
>go back reading the Ra material. I'm sweating
>trying to laugh it off, thinking that it's all a coincidence
>reading a lot
>reading the part about Wanderers
>one of the piano pieces I'm currently performing is the… Wanderer Fantasie by Schubert
>also, the wanderer description fits me perfectly. I always thought I had a little bit of autism, now I know it's not that
>sweating sweating sweating
>suddenly a voice in my head says "Calvino"
>(Italo Calvino is an italian writer. I don't particularly like it or dislike it, and the last time I read one of his books was 10 years ago, so I had no reason to think about him in that moment)
>go to my library
>I have 3 books by Calvino there
>close my eyes
>take a book
>open my eyes
>it's "Se una notte d'inverno un viaggiatore" [translation: "if on a winter's night a wanderer"]
>it was black outside (19:23 PM)… it's winter… Wanderer…
>screaming in fear, I throw the book away
>after a minute spent in fear, I recollect my thoughts
>see the book on the ground, open
>I take it
>page 145, Chapter 6
>start reading
Many feelings distress you as you leaf through these letters. The book whose continuation you were
already enjoying in anticipation, vicariously through a third party, breaks off again…. Ermes Marana [the book's antagonist] appears to you as a serpent who injects his malice into the paradise of reading…. In the place of the Indianseer who tells all the novels of the world, here is a trap-novel designed by the treacherous translator with beginnings of novels that remain suspended… just as the revolt remains suspended, while the conspirators wait in vain to begin it with their illustrious accomplice, and time weighs motionless on the flat shores of Arabia…. Are you reading or daydreaming? Do the effusions of a graphomane have such power over you?]
>my memories stop here: I probably passed out. I wake up 1 hour later, finding myself on the ground
>still scared, go to bed early
>I wake up this morning and first thing I decide to write this post

So, I'm still trying to rationalize all of this. No way this is just a series of coincidences. It all happened in one day. Yesterday I did nothing else, I was at home reading all day. The more I think about it, the more coincidences I find. I'm not scared anymore, but now I really don't know what to do. A part of me finds all of this hilarious, another part is still scared, another one keep saying that it's just a very rare series of coincidences. I intend to finish the Ra material, but then I don't know what to do next. I thought you guys could help me. Also, just in case any of you is wondering, I never used drugs, I don't drink alcohol, I only eat genuine food (here in Italy it's pretty normal), I do not have mental illness of any kind, I'm not in the middle of a depression or anything.


File: 1426158879370.png (810.88 KB, 878x676, 439:338, Dank Memegistus.png)

>It begins.

In a sense all you did experience were coincidences, but the level of it - go to /fringe/ out of curiosity, read a book that is related to what you know, then another that makes you feel as if it's speaking to you placing things in order and relation a bit too well. After you have been told what a synchronicity is then you suddenly experience several wonderful ones in a row. Your mind "receives" a message about Calvino and you follow it intuitively getting a book at random and reading a passage at random as well both fitting in with the situation you are in.

This is how something beyond you speaks to you through your surroundings. It's time, Italian anon. You can muck around or you can excuse yourself, but someone is telling you that you need to continue your studies adding mysticism on top of it.

It's time to read some more Atkinson and to meditate, my friend.


>I do not have mental illness of any kind

well get used to it because from the sound of it you might be turning schizo


Don't ruin the moment, anon. You can fedora shitpost when he's calmed down.


File: 1426159647163-0.pdf (4.22 MB, a_wanderers_handbook_unabr….pdf)

File: 1426159647163-1.png (929.29 KB, 1404x2133, 52:79, fringessential.png)


It seems to be you've been a target of positive synchronicity; this means that some benevolent force (maybe your Higher Self?) had arranged something meaningful for you, and you, by joining in this arrangement, you were rewarded with expanded awareness. . . you have possibly learned a great lesson there, but what will you do?

You can choose now to embark on a magnificent journey. Is this your will?

After Ra, perhaps you would be interested in learning more of the "Wanderer phenomena"? In such case, you may want to read the book I have attached to my post. Check it out and see if you find anything interesting it it. . .

After or before that, check out Montalk's site, maybe some Cassiopaean material (1994-2002, check out the Wave Series but be careful for anything after +2003!!!). Maybe at least check them out and see if you want to read further.

If you want, you can start practicing 'magic', (it's all very 'rational' when you understand it); in such case, refer to the picture here and don't be shy to ask, (just post on the question thread)!


Before studying the Cassiopaeans, read this; http://montalk.net/montalkvsqfs.htm



Thanks. Of course, I understand that the physical plane can coexist with various planes, so I can look at these events both as simple coincidences and as a ripple of knowledge coming from above. Kinda like an electron is both a particle and an indefinite potential (quantum physics, double slit experiment, ecc.) "As above, so below; as below, so above". My problem is that I didn't expect things to get intense pretty fast. I will certainly expand my knowledge about mysticism.


I assure you, that's something that I'm not writing off. It may just be that I went crazy and I still don't know. Or maybe not. You see, you used the term "schizo". In my first post, I cited Deleuze. Deleuze, in collaboration with Guattari, wrote the two (in)famous books "Capitalism and Schizophrenia", where he states that today a man can only choose one of the two: either being enslaved by the Capitalistic System (the Machines, the Power-Structure, the Orion group influence - call it how you want) or refuting the entire system and being considered a schizophrenic. So, it may also be that you see me as a schizophrenic because your unconscious, while serving the System, see me as a danger. Or I may just be crazy. Don't know.


Thanks to you too. I'll certainly continue my learning. I'll be honest, I'm still not completely sold on the whole UFO and higher-density-beings idea, and maybe I never will; but at the moment I don't see a better explanation. As I said, it all fits perfectly with my previous (mundane) knowledge. For example, one of my favorite novel is Brothers Karamazov. I always considered that novel to be an examination of human psychology. But now, after knowing about the whole density stuff, the whole story can be seen in the light of this revelation, especially the second and final part. Anyone who has read it knows what I'm talking about: in fact, there are certain events in the story that can only be explained with the higher-density/angels/demons hypothesis (I won't say more in order to avoid spoiling it).

But this is just an example. I could make another 100 with ease. As I said to the other anon, what scares me is not this whole idea per se, but the scale of it. I'll try reading the material you have posted, trying to find my "purpose", as they call it. Thanks for the help.



>Glance at post and proceed to glance at the clock


See 44 and got a waiting ticket with the number 44

wake up seeing 11:33

one hour later get called by a number that had 3311 in it.

Seeing my birthdate on the thermostat.


Most of those are entry level newb shit… Why is half that reading list created by masonic sources anyway? Learning from books only shows a muddled human perspective, real learning is done in the etheric library.



Can people who read from the etheric library be kind enough to transcribe what they learn and check this thread please: >>26699


Of course they are "entry level", it's meant for neophytes after all! And if you have some book recommendations, you can tell them to me and I can add them if they're actually useful.

What do you mean by "masonic sources"?

Learning from books is necessary for some of us, as most of us don't have access to any teacher; besides, if we study these books of "muddled human perspectives", we'll then have chance to go to these etheric libraries, Akashic records and we can contact higher beings to help us and such.

I agree that books cannot take us far, but they can take us so far that we can cope with what lies ahead of us.

They're the means and not the ends of wisdom.


Clock was 12:44 when I saw your post.



>see word 'stellar' everywhere
>see stars
>hear 'starry' sounds (you know, those chimes)

The Stellar Man, I need to re-read you.


Why the fear bro?

When I first started getting into fringe material I only felt curiosity and relief. No fear.

It felt like I've been lead blindfolded through all my life and I've finally took off the blinds myself.


All this baneposting! And the plane crash.


It's great isn't it?


The fire rises Brother.


shut up

i aint ur brother m8


You`re a big guy




pls learn 2 meme
kthnx secret agent man!


Was replying to me a part of your plan?


I've been getting little synchronicity all the time lately.

Recently, while playing Mario Kart online me and my friend talked about how we should watch Star Trek Voyager and then a minute after that a player joined my server literally just called "USSVOYAGER".

Another time, again while playing Mario Kart online, I was eating a salad and I exclaimed aloud to myself that there were a lot of bacon bits in the salad. Then someone joined the server that was called "baconbits".

Weird man


>what is confirmation bias


Dice rollRolled 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1 = 10 (6d2)

>you searched here for confirmation bias
>found exactly what you were looking for
>meta confirmation bias

hope you enjoy my meme arrows 2 m8


Not sure if this fits into synchronicity but occasionally I'll hear a sentence or read one or just some small insignificant occurrence which triggers my brain and I remember it like it had happened sometime before.

So I'm new here and it just happened to me today as I started in on reading the Kybalion, not sure what to make of it. I guess its a good sign



me too Neo



I've had a strange thought, the human society is being remade right now if you've followed the news. There have been many natural disasters like freak weathers, volcano eruptions, droughts and floodings.

Half the world is in conflict of some sorts as we speak.

I fear that the number related synchronicity is counting down towards something.


is tripping your balls off on acid and meth and seeing everything having a meaningful dualistic connection the same as synchronicity?



What the fuck is wrong with you?



>Heard about here from internet aristocrats

While I can't say that this is how I found this place, I did watch one of his streams last night and I think he mentioned here.

A recent chain of events brought me to a chain of different boards, which ultimately lead me here.

It was because of the /bane/ incident, and then the Ebola survivor's eye turning yellow/green like in the memes we made of him was posted in /pol/ that I began my path of finding this place.




Shills shitposting to derail threads, I noticed it recently.


Had an interesting one happen to me last night/this morning.

>playing smash 4 on 3ds

>main is game and watch. In the lobby waiting for match to begin

>pull out judge. 9 appears. (for those not familiar with smash and specifically G&W, his judge attack is based on luck with the numbers 1-9 randomly appearing with 9 being the best/dealing most damage)

>do another judge. 9 appears, Again!

>match starts

>playing against a Marth I severely underestimated

>match is even, nothing special. See an opening for judge and *surprise* I get a 9, yet again!


>I miss, but am fucking pumped. Match continues, I see another opening for judge and land it…WITH ANOTHER FUCKING NINE.

>knock him out without receiving that much damage, taunting like a mother fucker

>four in a row!!!!

>Marth comes back with a vengeance

>try to hold my own, even without hitting him with a judge attack (I tried a few times, no more nines)

>he defeats my two stocks with one stock.

>try to attack him near the end of the match, but he finishes me with a side smash.

>notice he is right in the middle of the stage

>he taunts, right after, which makes Marth point his sword to the sky directly above him

>appreciate my asskicking and his perfect placement in the stage

>glance at the clock and see 11:59 roll over to 00:00

I guess if there's a lesson to be learned here its that luck alone can't help you with what you're going through. You need to follow through and make sure the luck doesn't go wasted as its a small window of opportunity that the individual has to take advantage of.

Sort of getting off topic a little, his judge attack takes a second to appear (which is reallly slow in the game) and leaves him wide open as it takes another second for him to recover so I use it carefully making sure I land the attack, even if I get a 1 (1is weakest, 9 is strongest). Point being, I go out of my way to make sure I land it, so in case I get a 9 it doesn't go to waste. Furthermore, I've started as of late to throw my opponents off balance to "make" an opportunity of them being wide open thus landing a judge, regardless of the number.

I'm going a little off topic because I'm convinced that you can "make" your own luck. I'm not saying or claiming that you can use it at will or for your own personal gain, rather gain a sensitivity for being at the right place at the right time so you can be "a part" of synchronistic events. The odds of getting four 9s in a row are (1/9)⁴ =0.0152%. That is a little more than one hundredth of a percent.

Personally, I feel that those who are of pure of heart & intent, and those who are indifferent to luck are the luckiest. I've had several synchronistic events (since I began to delve into the subject), but this one is the most interesting in a good while. For myself, I find that if I feel good or get arrogant when such an event in my favor occurs, it rapidly runs out. I find that simple acknowledgement and thankfulness will let myself be apart by the unrevealed, synchronized force which appears in pockets in our planes of existence. Sorry about the long blog post, just my two cents on the subject.

And another synchronicity that happened to me this morning

>driving to work from home

>drive off house street into main street.

>ready to make a right turn and look to my left and its my parents driving into my house street going to make a right


>reminiscing about childhood and high school on my way from work at 4 AM

>about to take the exit to the grocery store

>somehow get distracted just long enough to miss my exit

>only option now is walmart, past my own town

>in the grocery section I run into a guy I was friends with in high school, in a town that neither of us live in, at 4: 30 in the morning, just because I didn't make it to the place I originally intended to be


Just a little over a year ago I began writing a story in which one of the main characters is named Wren. In the time sense I have run into three different people with a first or last name of Wren, two girls and one guy. I had never met a Wren prior to writing that character.

I'm just beginning to look into things, but this sounds like a thought form attempting to feed itself by influencing events so that I meet people with the same name.



Nice get, but seriously there are so many that happen it's not worth wasting time to discuss.


Someone teach me how to Astral Project. I'm completely a newb to this.


Coming back to this board and finding a guy talking about finding his twin flame was synchronistic.

I hadn't been to this board for a good while before that, and maybe only 1 or 2 times. I don't recall why I came back.



baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more.

/roll 6d13



When synchronicities happened to me I was on the cusp of insanity. Each event drove me closer to falling off the edge.



You're probably not monitoring this post anymore, but this is a premonition, not a synchronicity I believe.




It would be a synchronicity if he never remembered her wearing a certain color and then one day in most of her pictures she was suddenly wearing that color.


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Help me /fringe/…

This has been happening to me for months now and it's way too consistent to be a coincidence.

You probably know the 11:11 thing. Well this happens to me all the time, whenever I look at my phone to see the time, it's either repeating numbers like 20:20, or mirrored number like 13:31, or numbers that are in harmony like 12:34.

On top of that, countless times, whenever I walk under a streetlight, the light goes off. I tried to do it at will only to see that it doesn't happen, which makes me think that whatever is happening is happening through me, that there are other parties involved and it's not just me. Am I being contacted?

Like I said, this has been happening to me for months and it's way too consistent to be just a coincidence. What do you think is happening /fringe/?



>having a phone

>living in a populated area

>probably drinks fluoridated water

>probably uses LED devices extremely frequently

You are under several forms of mind control, you cannot trust anything you experience.



Can you elaborate more on that?

I don't live in a populated are, and the country or at least the water I drink is not fluoridated. But I do have a phone and I do use LED devices extremely frequently.


I always get synchonicities with numbers, letters, symbols…

This is all fine, but it's more like mockery to me since I can't seem to have these with things that actually matter to me in the real world. Well, if anything, it motivates me to study the mechanism behind what is happening. So far the pattern seems to be, coming across something that gets my attention, moving on and forgetting, experiencing relevant synchronicities as soon as hours later. No conscious will is observed except when I tire of it, at which I point I seem to be able to jump off the wavelength as to not continue having those experiences with the target.

Going by this, it should follow that for the things I actually want, I casually look at them, forget, and then they will come. Except this is my entire life and dropping all focus on the result seems impossible.



The biological clock of mammals is highly accurate. I often wake up a few minutes before my alarm goes off. My dog comes to me and gives me the "I need to poop" stare to take her on a walk within a few minutes around 5:10 AM and 4:45 PM every day without fail.

So one contributing factor is that by training your mind to think that certain times are important, especially 11:11 and 3:33, you train it to anticipate and check the time more often close to these times. As for mirrored numbers, or 12:34, you're increasing the number of potential "hits" for "special" times, making it more likely that it will be such a time when you check, and considering both a 24-hour and 12-hour clock system increases prospects even more. For example for 1 o'clock you have 1:01, 1:11, 1:21, 1:23, 1:31, 1:41, and 1:51 which gives an 8 percent chance of being significant during this hour if you check the time randomly.

Another factor is confirmation bias: you ignore and don't remember when it isn't a special time, because it isn't memorable. This is most definitely a factor with the streetlights; do you recall all the times that you walked under a streetlight and it didn't turn off?

The final factor is ideas of reference, which means ascribing personal meaning and importance to things such as patterns on clocks. This can have drug-like qualities by making you feel good when such occurrences happen, a "sign" of your specialness, or trigger fear and anxiety if they are bad omens which commands your attention (we are wired to pay attention and remember threats.)

It is important to realize that the true magic is in the processes that caused you to pay attention to patterns and numbers and ponder their externality; to banish this magic is to understand this and actively fight their influence on you. The next time it happens, just shrug and think to yourself "It isn't important, just something I have conditioned myself to notice."

The worst black magic is cast by those who would exploit your completely normal mental phenomenon, such as the New Thought/synchronicity "priesthood" and their converts.

If you're bored, try watching this episode of the old show "Kung Fu": https://myspace.com/jeru_the_damaja/video/kung-fu-season-2-episode-04-the-brujo/56787247 It's laughably campy at times, but that's part of the charm. Underlying it is a vivid allegory of magical deception and its power.


In March 2015 I took a trip to Atlanta. I left my apartment and all my things. The purpose of the trip was to find Jesus and the Kingdom of God in accordance with the teachings of Jesus in the Bible. When I got there I found a man and started walking and talking with him. I became convinced that he was the Christ. I gave him hundreds of dollars. When I was with him I experienced synchronicity. I lived in Atlanta homeless for three weeks. One day my parents showed up with police and made me enter a mental hospital. Fifty six days later I got out and went back to live with my parents.

Since then I have noticed the city Atlanta in many places, but this might just be coincidence. I found a coupon on the ground for fast food redeemable only in Atlanta. My neighbors are moving to Atlanta. My paychecks come from Atlanta. There's more but I forget.



Dude, so sorry that happened to you, but interestingly enough, a lot of strange things seem to happen in Atlanta. I met a girlfriend in Atlanta, as well as one of my favorite bands. I also have friends who went to raves there, and it changed their lives. Hip hop in Atlanta is really weird and unique compared to elsewhere. What a strange and fun fucking city.


Today is 4/4/2016.

4 in Buddhism is the symbol of death

4^2 = 16

20 - 4 = 16

I am 26 years old.

No one has died that I know of, but today marks a major transformation in my life. I have cut ties with nearly all my friends, I'm moving to a new town where nobody will know who I am, many of my old enemies are being left behind to reap what they sowed while I get to start with a blank slate.

I had an encounter with the god Osiris, the god of death and rebirth, whose wife is Isis.

What's going to happen next?



Not to mention, today marks the day that I gave up worshiping Shiva, the god of creation and destruction, as well as my disillusionment with gnosticism and christ (who rose and fell between life and death, respsectively)



Isn't that the film Bruce Lee was supposed to star in but they chose a white guy instead?

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/4O9o4CKTGzQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Two sisters I have unrequited love for who live in completely different parts of the country both had their homes flooded like crazy. I guess this could just run in the blood or without context doesn't seem very significant but it struck me as odd.


Was thinking about gnosticism, and an old man with a service dog comes up to me and starts talking about how evil the world is and how everything is "lies".



that's circle of iron


I live on the highest peaks of what was Atlantis. The vortex that connects everything in the physical world is a mere 4 miles from me. If I were to list all the deja vu/synchronicity events in the past year, it would total the lifetime experiences of everyone ITT.

>inb4 shills

You should come live in Hawaii for a while and witness it yourself.

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