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Esoteric Wizardry


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Hello /fringe/ I've always touched upon the subjects you guys discuss but I've never fully invested my time in it. (I've always been super interested in mythology across the world hence why I got here in the first place)

Anyway I believe my families lineage to be cursed, growing up I had heard from my father, and grandmother about how my family carries a curse upon it but I never really knew what to think about it.

It was something I tried not to think about, given that I had enough problems as it was at the time and remained adamant in thinking I could resolve them with my own actions, however i've met with failure countless times.

I've noticed the same with my father, and his father aswell and my own brother.

to describe it it seems as though anything any of us has tried to do for our own behalf always has really bad consequences. There is never any kind of resolution that doesn't end with some sort of negative consequence, even in matters completely benign we always seem to be the target for some misfortune.

Is there anyway to undo such a curse? am I just a delirious faggot? please give wisdom or help in my time of need.


If any such "curse" exists, it is simply a manifestation of your will. Think hard about your family's position, the fact you are making this post means you are very privileged. Real curses manifest in your very incarnation, like being born in a third world country


>I've noticed the same with my father, and his father aswell and my own brother.

Does it only affect the males? Is it passed down the male line?


Forgot flag


lol what a faggot you are, "hurrr only third worlders can suffer"

Yeah you can be cursed, it can affect your whole family lineage, and it is a real pain to remove. It's going to require a lot of struggle to remove it. Purify your body, your living space, etc. and do this on all planes. The physical plane and the higher planes. Start to break the mental shackles and awaken your mind's eye. Eventually you may able to directly confront the curse itself in its entitized form or whatever else manner it lingers over you and begin to destroy it. Good luck, I'm trying to purge something like this from my self, and have a lot of bad entities and dark energy about me that I am aware of myself and that others too also keep messaging me about it confirming exactly what I know. I'm kind of a magnet for dark entities. I want to be the first though in my family to break out of this and leave it all behind.


So what I do on the physical plane self improvement wise is only just one facet then according to you and that I should be doing things in a more spiritual sense right?

also what exactly is the nature and origin of a curse exactly can you explain it to me in a better way? right now all I understand it as some sort of magic that has lingering effects.

from what I've seen it has also affected my aunt on my fathers side, but I haven't had much contact with her throughout my life I just know she's been dealing with a hard lot including my only cousin coming out as transgender and transitioning F to M which is spookier than any demon I've read about imo because it sent waves of disgust and grief throughout the family.


Look man magick is really simple. We live in a mental universe. Our thoughts are composed of subtle matter, energized by vril, and shaped by consciousness. Constructing and changing thoughtforms is just a matter of using imagination. If you want the really in-depth tl;dr material just read the books that are suggested as it will tell you everything you need to know to do anything you want with magick.

The nature of a curse: a thoughtform.
Its origin: someone created it out of thought and attached it to you.

>that tranny thing

Revolting. I've dealt with many demons and none are as scary as trannies.


t..thanks for the loosh


Suffering is not alleviated by merely existing in a nation of great wealth. Suffering even happens amongst the wealthy. Suffering only ends for the enlightened.


The wealth of a nation effects the information you can access, so yea it has some effect.


Every nigger in Subsahara Africa has a phone. All the curryniggers got tablets and shit. There are hardly any people left on the planet that aren't connected to the internet now other than the ones that intentionally avoid it.


So yes they "finally" get access, that still means they were disadvantaged.


Actually they are all overdosed with meaningless information. People on isolated regions are generally more aware of ultimate realities than those immersed in modern technological development.


Television, endless distractions, psychiatric drugs, no clean air, no silence, lights; all hindrances. They have many advantages serving their spiritual development in their own nations.

This too.


wtf I just unconsciously copied your flag


Everyone is born ignorant, they still have to be lucky enough to be taught. I would still say its easier in a developed country, regardless this is a statistic we will never truly know.


>lucky enough to be taught

I got here purely through astral guidance and synchronicities created by higher occult forces. No third density man guided me here or taught me anything.

Anyone who is chosen for ascension could be synchronistically guided to find books online, or to meet with a shaman, or something else no matter where he is.

Why the heck would a developed country be better? Developed nations are polluted noisy degenerate places that are hostile to spiritual development.


I am just in the beginning of my journey, but I already had a lot of synchronicities too.


I never said they had to be taught by a third density man, a lesson is a lesson.


You need precise information about the nature of this 'curse' - how it happened, why, to whom and when, who it has affected, the nature of the transmission through the family line, anything else you can think of.
Since your family knows about it, there are likely to be stories surrounding how it occurred. You need to find these out, if you don't already know.
There is not much that cannot be defeated by the sustained expenditure of conscious will, but to direct your efforts, you need the information.
This also implies another avenue of investigation, that of looking into the unconscious. The unconscious often 'knows' things about what's happening to you which are hidden or deliberately kept from consciousness (by definition). Sometimes the unconscious has quite surprising information which can completely change matters when the information is brought to consciousness.
Methods of communicating with the unconscious include: hypnotism, automatic writing, muscle testing. You must formulate the question very clearly through whatever method, give it time to 'settle', then not interfere consciously with the expression of the answer, usually through a method of distraction.
Keep in mind this might not be a curse at all (although it could be). It can also happen by accident, or by a particularly traumatic event which happened to an ancestor close to the time of conceiving a child. It is difficult to tell from what you have said.
You might also require the intervention of a third party in which case having information to hand could be useful.


Forgot flag again


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/Fringe/ I hope you can help me with a peculiar story I was told by a relative of mine who was very close to my grandfather in his final years of a possible possession/blood line curse

I have a strange genetic lineage; on my mother's side I am a descendant of the Royal Family from a Sir Gidley King, the first warden and governor of Australia; but my father's lineage is what is important here: I came from a line of Prussian horse breeders who were driven from Prussia at the turn of the 20th century when their estate was burned down, they kept their family name and lived in Philadelphia that name was Goralski, given to people who lived in the mountains near the Baltic sea and along the border of Poland and Slovakia (we migrated north into Prussia apparently).

On my mother's side we had a relative who was part of the Queen's Royal Australian Army and fought in the battle of Tripoli (I have his pocket watch hasn't ticked since that: it's beat to hell). Now here is my Grandfather's role; in WWII he was in an anti aircraft detail on the western front, hugely successful never saw much actual combat on the ground, but told stories of looting German equipment and re-purposing it and about France. His story goes that towards the end of the war on the final push to Berlin his unit was asked to be an auxiliary for the Russians and was transported East to protect their advance into the city from aircraft (of which there virtually was none). He told us very little of what happened in that city, but my research tells me he had good reason to not speak of those horrors.

He came back from the war and lived a normal life and married a polish immigrant then moved to California.

This is where shit gets weird. When he turned 90 he was in a restaurant in Santa Monica and was asked by a beautiful young blonde woman to sit down and join him. They had a pleasant time until on a dime she snapped at him and made all sorts of vague accusations along the lines of "I know what you've done!, you ought to kill yourself for what you did!, your worthless and old not fit to walk among us" then stormed out.

My grandfather was deeply troubled and spiraled into a depression, stopped eating, became bitter and resentful; he was living with said relative and tried to escape, they believed to kill himself several times. He was a devout catholic and soon began to speak ill of it; called it crazy, said he no longer believed. One specific incident led to him going into a home: one night my relative was prepping to go to sleep when she noticed the front door was open. She went to close it and noticed my grandfather was sitting on the lawn begging on his hands and knees. He was hysterical asking to be let be asking to be let alone to die. My relative quickly got him on his feet but something caught her eye: not one block away was a man standing under street light, directly underneath, bathed in complete darkness while everything around him was illuminated. As her eyes fell upon him she was struck with terror, she claimed to feel an intense chest pain and quickly rushed him inside. He claimed to be tormented by the devil all day and all night and swore that women

My grandfather lived for 3 more years and towards the end of his life another relative had an exorcism performed (catholic) and he returned to being somewhat normal, gained weight, became healthier, good humor until he had a total relapse. After 4 days in the hospital he died in his sleep.

My question for you /fringe/: am I cursed by my bloodline fighting against it's own people in WWII? Or was my grandfather cursed by that women? Will my father have this happen to him and then I? Should I prepare against this type of attack? Can I see this deity that committed this working? Should I? Should I try and rectify "what you did"?

Any help or theories is appreciated.

All of my family members claim we have a "dark history" in the old country. Is it too far gone to even be fixed?


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And swore that women What?

Your grandpa helped the Russian goyim / golem rape and death battalions, and then decades later he met a hot psychic wizardess


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derp. swore that women put a hex on him.

So the plan is to get revenge? I can dig it.

Also I already plan on getting involved with national movements and spread awareness of Marxists in the EU whenever I talk politics in the US.

Should I focus on learning about my cultural heritage's spiritual practices? Then use that as a background to develop my skills and utilize them against Zog?


curse of the jew


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Sounds like he got troubled by witches . Maybe he raped the wrong relative of witches

Or Maybe he just watched


Keep in mind he used the word hex. Might not be a witch.

But thanks for the help


>fucking flag policy

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