I studied what is called Sufism for several years, and it is my opinion that in the battle against the post-First Zionist War “ZOG” it is unhelpful. What is needed - for Muslims - is practical revolutionary action. Sufism in essence is an inner quest which may, just may be fine, for some in times of stability, prosperity and peace, but when one's country is occupied by dishonourable Zionist-Crusader soldiers acting on behalf of an ignoble tyranny and people are being killed, tortured, maimed, humiliated and imprisoned without trial, then it becomes irrelevant.
In many ways Sufism is a mystical complication imposed upon the honourable simplicity of Islam - that says it all, really.
A tranquil and stable arab and islamic society is the only possibility for dealing with Isreal. Whether cynically through strength of arms granted by an organized and devoted society or optimistically through peaceful coexistence.
Right now, Sunnis and Shiites kill far more muslims than the most ZOG zionist could hope for. Peace between the sects, a curbing of extremist rhetoric and restored ties to the west will be the path of victory not the rampant self destructive movements that characterizes much of what is happening now.
>>16675Shit forgot my hat
until muslims all go back to their shitholes and stop trying to invade the West, the only revolutionary action I'm interested in regarding Muslims is genocide.
Sufism is the shit. They're the gnostic sect of Islam. I love Sufi poetry. shit. smoke weed.
>>16681Who are some good Sufis to read about?
I love rumi and hallaj
Pic related, my stash
>>16672Sufism is one of the jewels of Islam, with a line of transmission going all the way back to the start. You can't seriously be advocating abandoning this?
>>16693I actually don't really know, I've got a couple of sufi magazines I found in a thrift store in NM and I've tangentially researched it but Idk who to get into either.
>>16693You should break your bud up before you smoke it man..
>>16710>>16710Too Much ritual involved
>>16698Read about hallaj and rumi then
What sort of Muslim am I?
Here are my stances on many issues.
>how women are to dress
They should dress modestly. I do not care so much if their face, hands, and possibly feet are exposed but no more than that. Ideally when outside at least they should be as covered up as much as possible. Anywhere from walking-tent-ninja to long-sleeves and long-pants is the acceptable range. Indoors I am more lax, they don't have to be so covered up when indoors. I believe women should never wear cosmetics ever and should not own skimpy clothing.
Men likewise should dress modestly.
>how people are to behave
They are to embrace all virtues and not fall into lust, gluttony, greed, frivolity, etc.
One should not keep pets. Animals are only to be kept if they serve a genuine purpose such as your dog helps you hunt or your cat is protecting food storage. Anything else is degeneracy. Having a pet as a companion … no that's why whites have a low birthrate. Whites own more pets than they have actual white children. The pets are like eternal babies that trick the woman into satisfying maternal instincts. Animals mostly should be kept for food.
One should never drink alcohol at all. Those who get drunk should be executed.
>other drugs
You should not consume drugs at all. This includes many drugs given to people by doctors such as all psychiatric drugs. No smoking, none of that. The body must be kept pure.
I do not care about eating pork and would do it but I do not only because others would shame me for it. Just for the sake of social conformity and identity I avoid eating pork. I think the pork issue is way too important to many Muslims compared to many other things they just ignore that are more important but too inconvenient for them to follow.
I am ok with it. I regret doing it in the past though as it left permanent marks. I feel now that my body is sacred and I should not have done it. In the past I had more of an attitude of affirming to myself the transient nature of my body, that it's just a vessel, and it will be gone like everything else. Yet I probably should have taken better care of my body for the time that I own it… I must have a pure body and bearing scars just seems a little shameful.
They are ok by me. One must be cautious around them but I do not believe we should just avoid them. Some are good, some neutral, some bad. I interact with them personally and like to be open to their world and to benefit from my interactions with them. They do not corrupt me. They are also seen by others with me and influence the physical world, there existence is not completely subjective.
>honour killing
I am a proponent of honour killings. If a woman brings shame to her family and does terrible things… especially if it's your wife. She is to be executed then. Not adultery or things of that nature are permissible. It goes both ways too, I would expect to be put to death for such acts of betrayal.
There is no equality at all. It's an irrelevant concept. Nobody is equal. Every individual and every group is unequal, everything falls into a hierarchy. We must abolish the concept of equality and instead see to it that every fulfils their roles. Be the best wife you can be, the best husband, the best businessman, the best child, the best friend, etc. you must always perform well at whatever roles you play in life. Take it one day at a time if you must, work on something every day, always seek the highest good.
>Jihad & Martyrdom
It is both a spiritual and physical war. We must conquer ourselves and others. The martyrs who have sacrificed themselves in jihad are the most noble amongst us.
My version of Islam is the correct version of Islam. This is what I believe. I understand others believe the same and I expect them to fight for their sects of Islam. So be it; Allah rewards the righteous in the hereafter and in this life. We must all fight for what we believe in. Tolerance is for the man that lacks convictions.
Only my race is human. All other races are not and therefore the standards that apply to humans do not apply to them. This means I expect members of my race to act human or be slaughtered as degenerates. Degenerates are becoming like the animal men and killing them is fine. Sex with other races is bestiality and wrong. Other races can do many disgusting things and I do not blame them for they are just animals, just like how dogs are all naked, and piss and shit all over the place. For fellow humans though I expect decency and virtue.
>The Quran
It's a nice book but I also like the "expanded universe" a lot. Many Islamic scholars, mystics, etc. have much to say of interest. It is more important to personally experience god through mystical development then it is to rely on a book. The book is but inspiration for the journey.
>anything else I should cover?
>>16714Oh deary, you're making me want to go summon a succubus again, and I just wasted loosh on one already not too long ago.
>>16697Sufism is the only part of Islam even worth preserving. The rest of it can all burn away in a nuclear blast.
>>16677Basically this. Only reason I'm even going to read this thread and look into this at all is… to be able to blend in, in the future, if my area becomes occupied by Islamists… and then continue resistance.