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I am presently obligated to finish this work and can not do anything else. I am binded and in trance. I am mentally blocked from anything else until this work is done.
Alright, so let us discuss how to attain a self-sufficient, clean, living space that is conducive to the ascetic magick lifestyle.
Here is the previous thread: (
>>16062 ). The focus is expanding now.
Subjects of interest are:
>clean air>clean water>blocking out light>reducing humidity or keeping humidity at the proper level>obtaining and preparing large quantities of healthy food to extract tons of loosh from>purging various astral obstructions and undesirable entities after I've physically cleansed my living space, there is an incredible amount of dark energy and nuisance thoughtforms here, but these fuckers are going DOWN soon>obtaining a trailer or other home on wheels that I can live in cheaply, healthily, and store everything in>constructing or obtaining various objects I need… boxes… shelves… desk… pots…>replacing carpet with some other flooring that doesn't fucking as me if it can actually be done at a reasonable price… not a high priority though and the carpet in my room is decades old and probably long ago finished gassing off formaldehydePlease help with any knowledge you have. I will go into these things I have just mentioned in much greater depth in the next series of posts below this one.
AirAlchemical Symbol and Occult AssociationsQualities: Warm, Moist
Gender: Masculine (active)
Elemental: Sylphs (Invisible beings)
Golden Dawn direction: East
Golden Dawn color: Yellow
Magical tool: Wand, sometimes Sword, dagger or athame
Planets: Jupiter
Zodiac signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Season: Spring
Time of Day: Morning, Sunrise
Air is the element of intelligence, creativity, and beginnings.
Largely intangible and without permanent form, air is an active, masculine element, superior to the more material elements of water and earth. No.16747
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Priority #1 is clean air. It was already explained WHY. Visit the older thread if you must know. It simply must be done and will be done.
The original solution I was looking into was around $200.00. Way too much fucking money and apparently for something ineffective.
I have made many findings about filtration technology, the various methods, which are best… permanent filters aren't that great. You can use a pre-filter though and wash it. Catches the big stuff. Prolongs the life of your more subtle filter then. The most powerful hepa technology captures particles as small as 0.3 microns. Great for capturing pollen, dust, and all kinds of crap from the air. Not for viruses and some other things but they do not matter to me. If I want to kill those then the solution is to pass the air through a kind of light that sterilizes the air. Nevermind that component… I could add it but it's not necessary. I will inhale all the air in my room into my own body if I must and kill the viruses in my body. I just need to get rid of the vast majority of dust and toxins and mould spores and other crap.
I will get all the dust and the majority of everything in the air out of it by using a boxfan ($17.00) and a cheap throw-away filter. I am not sure of the price of filters. It has proven difficult to find the prices for the stores I am looking into. I will probably not get the BEST DEAL on one but it's taking too much time right now and I don't want to live another day breathing bad air if I can avoid it! There may be time later to investigate further into filter materials and different solutions there. I need to know the materials used and how they work and what else can be done. For now though I will just fucking buy a 20 inch filter that is good enough to filter up to 0.3 microns and that'll fix this problem. Then I can look up other things while my air problem is fixed.
I have the money for this no problem, it is way cheaper than what I was looking into at first, and it will work.
The other thing to do is get biochar or activated carbon. The later is more expensive but an order of magnitude more powerful. For this I think I will just get one of those Moso bags. I am sure they are overpriced as fuck, it will cost me $20.00 for one, and that's a real shame… unless anyone else wants to help me here by proposing a superior solution. The charcoal/biochar/activated-carbon will capture all gasses and anything that smells from the air. My fan will get all the particulates and the carbon will get everything else. We are cabon-based lifeforms. Any toxins that bind to us, bind to carbon. What is charcoal? It is just highly porous carbon made by burning wood in an oxygen-deprived environment. In the future I will make my own charcoal but it is not feasible for me to do it any time soon this month.
>>16747An interesting property of charcoal it is seems that heating it up causes it to release some of the gases and so on it trapped. I am not sure how many times this can be done before it can't be done anymore. However this is something for me to keep in mind to extend the life of muh carbon and use it again & again. The Moso bag will last 2 years according to the site as long as I put out in the sun once a month for several hours then take it back in.
Charcoal improves quality of sleep. If I keep it under the pillow I will have super enhanced lucidity. I am already absurdly lucid as is under these adverse conditions I live in. When things are made better and I get this extra boost in lucidity, who knows what will happen, it will be glorious.
It seems the charcoal should be strategically positioned in the room somewhere lots of airflow will get to it so probably hanging from the centre of the room. However, even if it were to be put in the closet, and there was no air flow around it… it would STILL attract everything to it and clean up the air in some hours or days and then the air would be completely free of VOCs and so on.
Doing all this will make my air quality probably even better than outside. It will be extremely good air. Maybe not hospital tier but fuck that I have an immune system which works I just need to reduce the burden on my body significantly caused by tons of dust and so on in here.
Once the air is all cleaned up on the physical level I can then begin to purge it on an astral level but I will describe that only on request if anyone is actually interested on how that is to be done. I'm going to focus on the physical stuff for first couple posts in this thread. I would prefer to describe astral purging the air when I get around to it… later…
Another air filtering method is to put a damp towel over the fan and just run it. Water absorbs gases and everything else very effectively and can cleanse air. However there are two reasons I'm not doing to do this: it increases humidity and my room is already too humid which is why there is mould and the towel with all the crap in it can't really just be put outside when it's done because it's winter and it'll just freeze. So I'm not doing that for the time being. Ideally the water should be as pure as possible and be filtered too before I use it to cleanse the air… and I don't have a water filter yet. That is a second thing I have been researching.
I think I've covered everything concerning air. I just could investigate filters more and learn about the different materials used in filters, what a reasonable price is for one, etc. but that's a lot of work and I'd like someone else to just weigh in.
I pretty much got it covered from all angles.
Might as well go on to water now.
>blocking out light
Garbage bags and electrical tape are the cheapest and most effective for windows. Cracks in your wall/floor/door need to be sealed with whatever, small ones could simply be taped over with electrical tape, larger ones could be sealed with plaster or simply stuffed with cloth.
>reducing humidity
The best solution would be to get a dehumidifier, but that may be too expensive. I'm not sure of other methods.
>astral problems and spooky demons
You're the advanced wizard here man, you should be capable of that on your own. Just banish the fuckers.
>making things I need, boxes shelves desk pots.
All the furniture can be made easily out of wood with some simple tools and a bit of work. It's easy to make serviceable furniture, may not look great but it'll work. YouTube has a ton of great vids on this. Pots will be trickier, as you'll need access to a kiln. Probably cheaper to buy them really.
>replacing carpet
Expensive as fuck… unless they put the carpet over some older hardwood or linoleum flooring. Try pulling up a corner and see if there's anything underneath the underpaid. If it's plywood you're probably out of luck, but it sounds like you're in an older house so there's a decent chance there will be something under there.
>>16753Oops here's my flag
I was the one that got u interested trailers (recreation vehicles Actually )
This was on another board
Plz come back to the yoga thread.Also the question thread
Also Why Did u post the moon? Did u see the moon tonight?
I'm gonna buy a trailer and grow weed in it. I'm gonna buy a solid gold Jesus necklace
>>16753Can't I make wooden pots with some kind of liner inside of them so the soil doesn't fuck up the wood?
The carpet has been in there from the very beginning.
>I'm gonna buy a trailer and grow weed in it. I'm gonna buy a solid gold Jesus necklaceWHY?
>>16755I posted it because Muh Air Element. I didn't even notice the moon.
What would work for a water filter?
I'm thinking of taking a 5 gallon bucket, filling with charcoal, cleaned sand, and cloth on top of it then I'll just pour tap water through the top and it should come out the bottom and into a second bucket for collection then pouring it in a big glass container to store it… then drinking it. Would that work?
>>16760>Older note:I want to create some kind of water filter where I have a very good idea how long I can use the filter until I need to replace the filter media for my room and get like a giant storage container preferably made of glass then run tap water through it and fill up my container with weeks worth of clean drinking water free of the weird taste that is standard for tap water here.
I also have seen sand being used in these water filters. I have to continue researching how that works and how you clean the sand first for it though.
The ideal filter I have in mind would be something that can filter a lot of water easily for me and I can easily prepare for myself, very cheaply, more of the stuff I need to continue filtering my water even shit hits the fan.
I also want to create a smaller scale portable version of this and test it out by filtering contaminated water from a stream full of animal shit and so on and then drinking it and hopefully not dying. I expect I'll want to boil it to kill anything alive or else use one of those special lights that kills anything alive in the water but the charcoal (either biochar or activated carbon which is harder to make and more expensive to buy but an order of magnitude more powerful) and other mediums I might use should remove all heavy metals and a lot of other crap. The very first layer of the filter would simply be some sort of cloth… I'll have to research different cloths to find out which would be the most suitable cloth to use for this. The cloth would do the initial screening out most of the crap from the water and I'd just take the cloth off when it's significantly dirty and replace it with another cloth while I get the cloth clean the same way you would microfibre cloths (aka no use of fabric softener or any crap like that, probably just boil them in water).
All in all I hope that soon I will never have to drink bad water ever again in my life whether I be on the move and just have my backpack with me, preparing a whole bunch of water for my room to drink with, and also I'm going to look into shower filters too at some point.
>>>/pol/839623 No.16763
>>16744As for water try something like this type in "reverse osmosis" to get other results.
The only better water you will find is natural water but good luck with that unless you have a few acres behind your house.
>>16763Woah that's a pretty reasonable price for good water and you get 4 years of filters… but I'd still like to see if I my simple water filter design I have in mind is feasible for filtering water now and after shtf. What can be more cheaper to then cleaning some sand, burning some wood to make charcoal, and using clothes, and a 5 gallon bucket?
That is nice though.
What are your recommendations for water coolers or other such devices that hold the water? No.16776
Is this what I think it is? An activated carbon facemask?
>>16753>Garbage bagsI would go with aluminum foil
Then maybe make a garbage bag curtain for your door.
Also look in to your local dump, sand down and varnish a desk if you have something to haul scavange with. Or when your local university is about to go out for summer, students throw out all sorts of valuable shit in big communal dumpsters. Especially ones with lots of foreign students who have no way of transporting their shit back to wherever.
>>16798I have a LOT of these emergency blankets, the EXACT SAME ONES that montalk recommends for blocking out mind control signals on that one article of his, and I could just put those across the windows and fight mind control and light both at once!
>>16801That's pretty cool. You know carbon is used in gas masks too? I wonder what sort of wearable mask solutions there are for filtering air that you can keep reusing and replenishing with carbon indefinitely…
>>16801>Uses special soft space cotton and nano carbon fiber mesh; Electrostatic technology, Makes the fiber surface can continue to produce and maintain a small amount of static charge; The use of activated carbon and the electrostatic double adsorption principle, completely block dust and pathogens, and can be decomposed the formaldehyde into carbon dioxide and water; Breathable and comfortable to wear. This is so cool. Now I want one of these.
>>16767Something like this maybe for "home water storage tank"
I don't have experiance with one but tanks like that are supposed to safely hold water for many years and of course 260 gallons of drinking water is going to last you a while.
Just buy a filter for you water. You simply cant compare a homemade filter to all the technology in one of those reverse osmosis filters.
>>16817What does he say about the blankets? I have a bunch of them too (posted a pic in the 3rd eye thread )
Link montalk article?
>lay down in bed
>first thing I see immediately in my vision is occult symbols I've never seen before drawn on paper
>drift off into trance
>get up several hours later and make this post
>look like a complete zombie, skin pale white as if I was dead, and very dark circles under the eyes
>extremely tired
>>16818You'd probably need either filter replacements in a gas mask rig or a a lot of replacement carbon masks. Perhaps you might look into "rejuvenating" filters and masks with homemade charcoal.
I made a post on /pol/ a while ago about permaculture and horticulture methods and was curious if you guys had any techniques that you know of or methods that aide in growing or purifying plants please do share.
Still a mundy but once I've done quite a lot more reading and gained some experience i'd like to provide herbs and other essential material; grown and cultivated in the prescribed fashion, to others.
I'm also really interested in the logistics of supporting an off the grid circle of practitioners with food and purified water along with building more advanced defenses that you have been discussing for a large group of people and their families in a small town or compound set up. I've heard stories(rumors) of these very same types of set ups being raided and their occupants killed.
>>16761You might want try something like pic related and grow plants and fish in the same rig then divert he water into a filter to be used for drinking. It might defeat the purpose of having fish in the water since the plants use the nutrients in fish feces in the water and you will have to filter these before drinking.
>>16881>>16881Ur awesome. I told Smiley about that tilapia rig before. And I wanted to show him that exact pic!
I wanna build one, but im working on something else right now( smart deluxe cabover camper )
Also, re; getting raided by bandits . U gotta have good surveillance, secret technology, and weapons
Also, deep fried tilapia is delicious
Mfw imaginin all the DIY projects
>>16881Those things are extremely energy inefficient and costly to run.
>>16885How are you going to live in this thing and make it all really cheap and still have internet?
>>16881Also I Don't think Smiley should drink fish piss Water.. unless he distills it first (DIY distiller is easy and cheap as heck to build )
Also 9 months is a long time for the tilapia harvest ( weed only takes 5)
Pic related. I'd eat this every day with white rice and red onions
>>16902>>16902I got a 4g device and I reckon I can steal Wi-Fi or park near free spots
Check this out cracked a bunch of my neighbors wifis before. There are Linux distros out there now with all the tools ( Kali, backtrack)
And now I'm hungry for fish
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.![](//
Take their bandwidth and their Loosh, nigger
I got a Way to take Water from any building, too
I use:
earthing (while at sleep)
trampoline (Bigu Fu Qigong)
sprouts from organic seeds
filtered, whirled water to drink (schauberger)
tachyon plates to energize my food
>>16911What's your name mean?
Explain trampoline please. How do u do it?
>>16914random name. 'dragon' with a 'u'
just hop on it, so every cell in your body gets contracted and expanded repeatedly through gravity. 3 times more effective than jogging, cells produce electricity and also great for detox, strength and various other effects. it's the best sport for couch potatoes. i recommend to invest a little more money in a better trampoline
>>16757>wooden potsYeah that's possible, but I'd still say that buying a couple clay pots would be cheaper. Little ones suitable for small herbs are like a dollar each, and you can get 10-12" diameter pots for around 8$. And you don't have to worry about them getting waterlogged and mouldy.
>>16760That idea with a couple tweaks would filter out dirt and microbes and maybe some metals and chemicals that carbon will react with. But if your using tap water you don't have to worry about those, and it won't take out any of the chlorine or fluoride or other fun things our governments like to feed us.
>>16747>I will get all the dust and the majority of everything in the air out of it by using a boxfan ($17.00) and a cheap throw-away filter.I just bought a box fan + filters at Home Depot for around $23 today.
from Montalk:
>Brita or Pur water filters do not remove fluoride. Try refillable reverse osmosis water jugs, or distilled/purified drinking water.>If there is only one item to get, it is a high quality portable water filter. I cannot stress this enough because water is the first and most important thing to go after any disaster, and portable filters are so compact yet good for hundreds to thousands of gallons. That Sawyer water filter uses new technology that makes it 5x more affordable than previous filters.>First Need XL, Katadyn Combi, Sawyer Water Filtration System No.16942
>>16903>(DIY distiller is easy and cheap as heck to build )Post instructions then in this thread that I can actually use to get this done.
>>16910What is your method for taking water from any building?
>tachyon plates to energize my foodWhat even are these?
>trampoline (Bigu Fu Qigong)Elaborate? Maybe post a full post and link as to how to do this?
>>16927I have tons of posts like that and they keep getting broken every year and I'm sick of it. I just want a big tub or something to fill with soil. I'm thinking of making big wooden containers and maybe using pond-liner or something like it inside of them.
I don't know why but assholes in my area keep smashing my fucking pots. So many destroyed pots… plastic and clay. Also freezing and thawing destroys some too.
>>16928What tweaks would be required?
Why would carbon not remove chlorine?
>>16934Where to get activated carbon at a reasonable price? I can't seem to find stores that have it.
>>16953Isn't that EXTREMELY energy inefficient and slow? 2 hours of boiling water and collecting the steam just to fill a single bottle. It doesn't even produce clean water at a rate fast enough for me to consume and must use lots of energy.
I can't read any of my occult books right now with noise, distractions, smells, troublesome mundanes, etc. all this crap still around me. FeelsBadMan. I really need to get that air filter tomorrow and not lay in bed during the day.
…and all the boards I'm browsing right now are dead. ( /islam/ /4chon/ a few /pol/ threads and /fem/ and /meta/ and a few other random boards )
I guess I better just go to bed anyways and lay there even if all this crap going on doesn't permit sleep.
>>16993As for /fringe/ itself, there's a ton of posts here, but certain posts require far too much learning and thinking for me to respond to them right now in my present mental state. I can read and respond to posts endlessly as long as it's nothing new to me.
>>16942>Where to get activated carbon at a reasonable price? I can't seem to find stores that have itI have been searching for this. If you look on ebay for activated carbon the best bang for the buck seems to be fish tank activated carbon. I dont know what shape of the carbon is in moso bags and wonder if granular carbon is better than caplets for cleaning air, but it is insanely less expensive.
For food grade, ebay has some low prices as well if you are looking to consume it.
>>17000Fish tank activated carbon is expensive as fuck and those filters don't even last long.
I wish they would email me back about the Moso bags.
>>17004I don't know maybe fish tanks with water running through them constantly and tons of fish piss and shit just wears them out so fast. They only last like a month.
Although the source I read this from may not be reliable and this could be totally wrong and they might actually last a lot longer.
>>17004Does that even work for cleaning up the air btw? I first and fore-mostly want activated carbon for cleansing the air right now… water being a secondary concern to be dealt with later.
>>17006it would stand to reason that if they are chemically the same they would have the same effect. the sellers claim it is "3x more effective than other activated carbons" for what that is worth to you. The only indication of its purity is where it says "100% natural wood carbon".
Apparently surface area significantly effects adsorption rate, but you could always smash the pellets with a hammer and keep it on a plate.
I'm not sure that you should be worrying that much about cleaning your air and water unless you live in like… fucking china. Maybe, maybe water but air really should be damn fine.
Shouldn't you be more concerned about your food? Pesticides? Hormones? Poison? Undercooked? Infected?
>>17010I personally thought of making biochar and just pulverizing the fuck out all of it. I'm not sure but I guess even pulverized biochar isn't the same though as activated charcoal on a microscopic level.
I wish there wasn't so damned much vagueness about this all from the various people selling these products.
>tfw no book dedicated to this subject to go through, like the time I read a whole book on just celtic sea saltMessage above is old now>>17029No air is more important right now and I finished my filter yesterday and it's fucking amazing, all mental fog disappears when I enter my room, I can sleep better already, there's no more smells, it was completely fucking worth the $80.00 of my own money I spent.
I also scrubbed the fuck out of my mouldy windowsills over & over & over with a toothbrush and water then alternating to cleaning solutions then soaking it all up with a towel and doing it again with water until the water was no longer changing colour or picking up anything at all with my continued scrubbing.
The bad air was killing me and as important as food is it needed to be addressed.
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Check /ask/ for more info.
Update on the Moso bags.
>>17059Why not sleep outside?
>>17061…because there's tons of animals here, it's winter, it's also raining at intervals which then freezes, and I don't know how to make sleeping outside a comfortable and easy thing for me to do. There's also tons of noise and light pollution everywhere all night long. If you have any advice on how I can sleep comfortably outside in such adverse conditions please do tell as it's something I thought about and would like to do.
I will post a video soon hopefully of my fan. It takes an insanely long time to upload…
>>17064Undercover in a hammock
>>17065Won't that fuck up my spine / posture?
…and that just won't work. I can't sleep in some hammock while rain, sleet, snow, and ice forms all around me.
What kind of cover do you suggest?
On your sleeping outside note, have you ever read "My Side of the Mountain"? A dude lives by himself on a mountain and ends up making a shelter in a large tree where he builds a chimney for himself and heats the area with fire. The main problem I would see with living outdoors would be living in your own filth as washing clothes and bathing would become rather difficult on a regular basis unless you have access to a water source. And winter would make you pretty grungey.
>>16744Eh.. Your the air filter whore aren't you?
I shall bestow upon you friends a gift.
The environment is ultimately out of your control.
What matter is your inner state and resolution.
You are a perfect creation. Water is your gnosis.
Purified water will lead to a unity currently unknown.
Read, The Egyptian Water of Life Papyrus…
Seek, Andrew Norton Webber and his knowledge of distilled liquids..
Become reborn.
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.![](//
Muh Box Fan you jelly of my superior clean air?
>>17333You mad I controlled my environment and reaped major benefit from doing so?
>questioning trip 3's as being butthurtwhat's gotten into you smiley. you've acting more and more like an adolescent
>I am binded and in trance.
you're not binded and in trance if you're posting on /fringe/ you fucking autist
>>16760you definitely want something to take out the fluoride, if you didn't already know it calcifies the pineal gland. the best filter for the price and longevity of the i've found (and presently use) is Berkey Filters inb4 muh alex jones filters
>>17817you can also just buy the black/white ceramic + the fluoride filters and make your own container with buckets for a cheaper alternative No.21443
>>17003I found this. It's expensive, but I'm gonna order. Not sure if 2lb will be enough so I'm undecided if I should get 4lb. No.21444
>>17060That was fast. I'm dieing to see the answer to your next question.
This might be the best air purifier. I posted in the other thread, it's #799 and made in Switzerland. No.21565
>>16776>>16801China and Tibet have a thriving facemask industry because of the pollution problem.
Don't get anything that needs a filter replaced, it's almost never worth it and they are rarely meant for prolonged wear. Get something simple, comfortable, useable -pure cotton is not a bad option(it still blocks 80% of airborne particles and ~40% of oil-based particles) but there are a lot of filter-cloths out there.
I've had the best luck with vogmask and dx.