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Esoteric Wizardry


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Has anyone else here ever noticed how greenpilled these 90's SNES games were? It's astonishing when you look back at it.

Maybe this is why the Gamergate war is waging, they want more control over this form of media. They ignored it as insignificant but it's been leaking greenpills into the subconscious this whole time.

Potential spoilers if you did not have the opportunity to play these in childhood.


(AKA Mother 2 in Japan)

Lots of greenpills, redpills and humorous real-life references in this game. It pokes quite a bit of fun at human ignorance.

Psychic powers, anomalies, aliens. One of my favorites are when you can buy the healing herb item that can cure nearly any status ailment, just like in real life. I think this game embodies the /fringe/ spirit the most.


There's a reference when you get the character "Poo"/Prince Dan to the tibetan traditions. Meditation on death, in this case disembodiment to achieve self-mastery.

Chrono Trigger

This game fit in more with the gnostic theme of a demiurgic lifeform that orchestrated things on Earth to harvest the life-energy of the planet around it. Time travelers with magical and physical prowess seek to destroy it to choose a more favorable reality timeline.

The sky civilization Zeal in 12,000 BC is practically an explicit reference to Atlantis. Zeal's corrupt elite drew upon the power of Lavos, the luciferian beast that lives in the earth, via the Mammon Machine. Money is a form of magick, and Mammon is the name for material wealth or greed.

According to Game Theory, the Christian subtext of this game is pretty cut and dry. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-Sp62q2FAY

They also did one covering their time travel mechanics, the "time gates" and link to alleged real life time gates https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgLSUuKqH4w

The implication here is that if Christ (chrono) is the embodiment of consciousness or mindfulness, our gift here is to use it to our advantage. Time is not a factor.


Similar to the gnostic/demiurgic theme here, you begin in a dreamlike world with bubbles showing you visions of "the outside." You come to realize you live in a strange world inside the earth. You must venture out to fix a problem you did not realize even existed. Slowly you realize you are the embodiment of "good," causing life and civilization to flourish. Unfortunately you find this had a more sinister purpose to it. You brought order to the world the demiurge created

There are not as many people who drew the more obvious connections with this game since it didn't get as big as Chrono Trigger (Terranigma was released in Europe and Australian markets) but it's there.

I think "crystal blue" and the crystalline structures within the world are an allusion to the hologram universe. They are the refractions and distortions of the singularity.

Time does not pass in a logical scale, things progress in the game quite quickly.


If anyone knows or has anything on Secret of Mana and its relation to the Norse mythology, plz share


That's interesting, some time ago I saw a discussion in another place about Chrono Trigger being fedora-ish, since in it magic is explained either by biological-evolutive or technological means.


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Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne has some interesting things in it.

Demons and humans wish to gather magatsuhi, life-force, that can "affect the summoning, strength, and sustenance of demons, serving as a power medium". It's released by strong emotions, especially fear, and humans have a lot of it, (basically loosh). At one point, technology is used to absorb magatsuhi from an entire army, (demiurgic technology?).

There's also Kagutsuchi whose different phases affect the demons, either calming them or making them chaotic, (basically how the Moon affects people).


The metaphysics in the lore of the Elder Scrolls series is pretty heavily based on Gnosticism and Hermeticism. One of the writers who worked on Morrowind, Michael Kirkbride, claims to be a Gnostic.


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And don't forget the Hindu mythology! Kirkbride apparently studied comparative religion in university, I remember. I should ask him what he meant when he said he was "a heretic-Gnostic".

Vivec, or Vivek, means "Wisdom" or "Knowledge" in Sanskrit.

Kirkbride also conveyed himself as the Godhead of TES Universe. If it is true that all fictional universes exist in the astral, then this claim pretty interesting.


Having a main tulpa and having additional tulpae reminds me of the pawn system from Dragon's Dogma.

Apparently, from what I've read, time doesn't pass when you're in the astral plane. You can spend years there wandering only to find that you've only spent one night on Earth. This too, reminded me of the Bitterblack Isle, especially with regards to how the BBI can only be accessed by those that have "Arisen", that is, a man that has taken steps towards their goals.

I think I remember reading on the freedomboard-fringe that Dragon Age is also pretty heavy in its reference to the astral.


My flag. Apologies.


he's only half the godhead, the player is the other half.


Accidentally posted a pdf called


thanks anon, do not forget your flag next time


I've found that anything contains this content if you look for it. But I do love MOTHER games for being so up-front about everything.


The media has been trying to wake us up subtly for years now.


divine quads of truth.


It's also been trying to put us to sleep too at the same time. Just some forms of media try harder to greenpill people.


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Most greenpilled game of recent years.

Why is it always Nintendo that knows how to greenpill the best out of anyone in the video game industry(Second to Kirkbride of course)? Is Sakurai some kind of top tier wizard which is why he seems to get younger as the years go by?


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The previous Xeno games (Xenosaga and Xenogears) also had heavy influence from Gnosticism and Kabbalah and all that.


What's his story? I know about CHIM, but he's supposedly read Crowley.


He was the guy that fleshed out much of the TES lore, especially with relation to the Dwemer. By the time of Oblivion he was one of the few people around Bethesda that still gave a shit about the lore. I don't know specifics, but you can see heavy occult influence in much of his in-game books, especially the 36 Lessons of Vivec.


Oh, and he also wrote the Mythic Dawn Commentaries of Oblivion. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Mythic_Dawn_Commentaries

Yes, Oblivion's plot was at best a generic B-Movie fantasy plot, and at worst a pile of shit, but you can see how some people, Kirkbride included, were really trying. Mankar Camoran, Oblivon's main villain, has some pretty interesting dialogue.


I mentioned above that he apparently studied comparative religion and creative writing in university, and if I have to point out some traditions that have influenced his work, they're Hinduism, Gnosticism, Kabbalah/Enochian (AE CHIM CE ALTADOON!). Plus fantasy fiction which chaos magicians apparently might use for material.

. . . I wish I knew more of his spiritual views, heretic-Gnosticism sounds intriguing but doesn't say too much. Maybe we should ask him.


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>read the Lessons yesterdays
>see this today

AE SYNKROCICI - I mean, a synchronicity spotted!

At least they tried. Oblivion had some great concepts, (like aforementioned Mankar Camoran), but I prefer Morrowind's alien atmosphere and setting over the medieval - even cliche! - world of Cyrodiil.

By the way, Telvanni the best House!


The Rayman series has a lot of ties to Greek Mythology, and the world world is dreamt up by a god


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I'm quite sure that Katamari Domacy is an allegory for Christianity. It seems as if the Prince is a prophet, the player is god and the King and Queen make up the Holy Ghost.

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