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Esoteric Wizardry


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Let's have a thread about Astrology.

Post which sign you were born under, do you think there is any truth to it in your case and in general?


I'm a Taurus and signs are probably bullshit, at least as far as any personality generalizations go. Having said that, my mother once found a Taurus Ascendant description thing and it was almost completely accurate. Actually, kind of scary. I'd post it but it's not in English, though.


Do post it if it isn't too much trouble. Then we see if we can understand it!


I'm a Pisces and I think that there might be some truth to astrology, considering how much energy other planets contain… But I don't think it's especially set in stone. That being said though I fit into the Pisces mold pretty damn perfectly.


aquarius master race reporting in. its all true.




Wood-Dog Leo reporting in.

Like a 90% accuracy on any occasional time I look into it.

I feel ashamed at how much fun I get reading about my sign so I rarely do



I'm Virgo with Libra ascendant.
I remember reading a description some time ago and it was spot on. This shit is not some stupid joke for soccer moms.
It's divination. All is One, everything is connected, so of course there's some link between us and the stars, and people who say otherwise don't know shit.


Virgo and it definitely applies. Although I also fit into Leo quite well, I wonder how valid that 13 signs astrology is.

A few physiologists have said that in the future we will look upon psychology without the use of astrology as like astronomy without telescopes, or something to that effect.


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Yes, the seven visible bodies with the naked eye represent our chakras. The hermetic axioms work 100% without failure.



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