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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1420929198681.png (50.7 KB, 786x168, 131:28, navigation-cleaned.png)


Hey /fringe/ I thought you would like this code.

If you add this to your CSS stylesheet it will remove the default 8chan boards list from the navigation bar, but keeps the custom user favorite boards visible.

Navigation Bar Cleanser CSS

span.sub:first-child {
visibility: visible;
position: static;
span.sub {
visibility: hidden;
position: inherit;
span.favorite-boards {
position: relative;

/* Change the visibility to hidden to fully hide the nav bar */
div.boardlist {
visibility: visible;


Dude, I'm the one who made that code you're using and posted it on /meta/.

Why are you reposting my own code here?

…and I don't use it. I made it for someone else on /meta/ who wanted it.


Also you're missing part of the code.


Oh there's a few improvements here but also a few things missing.


You know I can also make a thing where you hover over the top and the nav menu pops out? I could also put the navigation bar on the bottom or on the left or on the right if I want. I don't need like those features though.



I just made it. What else was in your version?


Some adjustments to the [options] tag to move it around.


Did the code work in the board stylesheet, not just the custom user stylesheet?


Yes it did.


Thanks. You can delete this thread now.


Upgraded it to fix the bottom nav bar.

.boardlist span.sub {
display: none;
visibility: hidden;
position: inherit;
.boardlist span.sub:first-child {
display: inline;
visibility: visible;
position: static;


Upgraded again.

.boardlist span.sub {
display: none;
.boardlist span.sub:first-child {
display: inline;


Fringe Wizard, you may like the Gedit plugin called "color picker" when doing your CSS coding.

This package is needed to be installed: gedit-plugins. Then after that select "color picker" from the gedit plugins menu.


wtf all this hacker codes
are u invading my computer??


it's CSS it's not hacking


File: 1421027594827.png (48.89 KB, 428x370, 214:185, Screenshot from 2015-01-11….png)

Why the fuck would I not just use GIMP to pick my colours? or even Firefox itself which has a colour picker inside of it. I also just generally know what any hexcode is going to look like beforehand as each letter represents how much red, green, and blue is going to be mixed in and I just visualize the resulting mix.

Can I delete this thread? The board is being overwhelmed by unrelated shit.

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