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>letting go of your sexual energy
srsly hope u dont do this


I can assure you it has not recurred, Mandrake.
Women sense my power, and they seek the life essence.
I do not avoid women, Mandrake, but I do deny them my essence.


as if that cunt doesn't have his own le pill


Hella synchronicity as I wanted to post about Mantak Chia's books in the Renouncing Lust thread, but you are, in all likelihood and with all respect, doing it wrong OP.

Here's Mantak's older book that talks more about the nature of masculine sexuality.

I tried doing the "edging" thing for a time, and while preventing full ejaculatory orgasm with your mind is possible and easy after a while, sexual overstimulation can take its toll too especially if you do not know how to recirculate the sexual energy.

Plus if you don't know how to drain all that built up fluid you're going to have a bad time.

Some people have mentioned the pressing on the perineum point to prevent the loss of semen, but this is a crude crutch. When I used to do this, I would still feel the energy leaving my body and feel drained to where I may as well have just orgasmed like normal, and it caused a lot of weird things to happen to my nuts.

I just don't think it's a greenlight to go and abuse it. when the Taoists discovered these things, it didn't involve instantaneous bitches on demand.

I've reached a point where I can prevent going over the point of no return by sheer force of will, no pressing on the perineum point. It's possible if you practice with your faps, but it should be seen as a mere entry point on the taoist/tantric path and not a sustainable or long term path in itself.

You should become acquainted with the reason as to why you may feel the need to fap so much. Practice consciousness and mindfulness when you find yourself going through the motions. You may find it's general boredom, understimulation or lack of fulfillment in some other aspect of your life.

There were moments when I found myself about to fap only to remember it's just a fleeting desire to scratch an itch. This realization becomes stronger and stronger the more you practice and eventually you find you do not need to edge or rely on the crutch.


Hella synchronicity as I wanted to post about Mantak Chia's books in the Renouncing Lust thread,


> if you do not know how to recirculate the sexual energy.


>I just don't think it's a greenlight to go and abuse it.


> as to why you may feel the need to fap so much


>You may find it's general boredom, understimulation or lack of fulfillment in some other aspect of your life.


>you find you do not need to edge or rely on the crutch.



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>Now you can continue fapping and use it to gain loosh


>in all likelihood and with all respect

I am assuming other people will read our posts, may be unfamiliar with the subject and in so assuming I share my experience to avoid creating misconceptions. I can only assume since you are an anon, as am I.

Though I noticed you didn't do the "Assuming" for the built-up fluid that can cause discomfort or pain. Google prostate draining or tapping, it's very helpful.


I don't think I've ever seen anyone post with the Taoist flag ever before on here.


are you the same greenpill?

i dont mean to violate your anonymity. but if so. you have an awesome honest and thruthful approach to topics.


No, we're different people. I'm the guy in the other thread talking about game.


ahh allright then. i was >>17493.
Im on this board for 2 days. Very intriguing and intersting but alot of edgyness, escapism, otherkinness and just generall ignorance and racism going on here. im just filtering and allways thrilled when i read sane, constructive and truthful comments. i was just projecting you might be the same guy. what brought you here? are you practicing wizardry?


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This brings to mind this scene from Simon, King of the Witches…

Where he builds up his sexual loosh with a beautiful woman laid under him… But no, he denies her his essence, instead it goes straight into this magic stick you can see glow later on.

Also, I can personally attest there is something to this. Increased sexual energy does make you more noticeable to others. Draining it does make you less perky and your quality of life is diminished. Also, if you work on this stuff, you can gain the ability to have multiple orgasms.


>bawww raycism

The ones bringing in the ignorance are mundanes like you.


nah man.. i get the jew hate and its legit.. but u cant condemn an entire race for things a group of their descendants did.



>being gnostic

>not seeing past race



I'm more concerned with the shit they're doing right now like trying to take over my nation with mass immigration and not fucking off and staying in their own territory.


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>being gnostic
>being a retarded bluepill good goy

I seriously…


Enough with the race talk.. Back on topic guys! Don't feed the shills.


I have similar gripes with this board as you, but /fringe/ is still the only place where I don't feel alienated from the rest of the people there. As far as I know this is the only place for open and anonymous discussion of the esoteric and occult. Also this board led me to Montalk and he helped me sort a lot of shit out and allowed me to now spend all my time greenpilling others.


.. or is still doing.

i know of noumerous israelis that despise their country and the whole zionistic movement. World isnt black and white. Raycism is a deception


Yeah Zionism has nothing to do with actual Jewish people, though most people can't seem to realize this. There's lots of Jews, most notably Norman Finklestein (check him out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZBZX4ZxPjA), that are against Zionism and the existence of the State of Israel. You can be against Zionism and the NWO agenda without being antisemitic.


no shills here. were just talking.. but back to topic.

too frequent fapping is definitely detrimental, ive been there. Smoking pot, playing vidya all day, fapping 5 times a day.

i despise chastity but having a grip of ones desire(to fap) is beneficial in all areas of life.

My benefits:
Easier to get up in the morning.
More focused and mindful.
More truthful and honest in perception of women. (less "falling in love" and neediness)


but i like to add, that autosexuality is as much important as sexuality. No fap is not the solution. Fapping is just sex with oneself and one should have it from time to time. its beneficial to reflects ones desires and general health


Fuck that. This is now a race thread. Jews are servants of the demiurge and must be exterminated. The inferior races are mostly 2D beings with but a few enlightened masters amongst them. Racemixing is a plan to defile and destroy lineages that would otherwise bring advanced souls here who could help. Those who push multikulti are actually destroying cultural and racial diversity. They want to turn the masses into bluepilled loosh batteries for their demonic alien overlords to derive power from.


I'm not against Zionism though. I'm against jews existing.


I never fap and never will. You can't convince me to start.


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sincerely read some kafka or go on a rave with some israel hating jews and pop some molly


>take drugs
>hang out with jews
>implying I give a shit about Israel

I wish all the fucking jews would fuck off to Israel and stay there.


asceticfag? you dont take drugs? dont you have any selfrespect? u swallowed that D.A.R.E. indoctrination good son.


>I wish all the fucking jews would fuck off to Israel and stay there

Yeah, I think that's pretty true. If the Israel State was created and:
>all the jews would permanently move there
>no population would be dislodged and thus forced to move into other countries (like the arabs moving into Europe)
>no pension or any kind of help paid by other countries' contributors

Pretty much no one would be against it, except for… the jews, you see? Zionism is just a small part of what the jews are doing.


What the fuck is DARE?

I don't watch television, I didn't go to school, and I've had people telling me to do drugs all my life.

I hate the idea of a substance altering my mood / mentality / whatever.

Why submit yourself to a drug? Why let it control your mind?

Fuck that shit. I don't need drugs for anything.

I have more self-respect than you do as I don't need any jew crutches.


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The only way to solve the jewish question once and for all is to exterminate these mongrels.

Jews have no land that is truly there own.

They have no race. They are just mongrels.

They are not special. They don't represent a unique ethnic group that in any way adds to the diversity of the world in a desirable way.

Jews are just a disease. Any other race has its place in the world. Jews do not. They are parasites and exterminating them will be for the better of the world.

We must destroy the idea of jewishness. Lock away the jew-texts, destroy anyone identifying as a jew, or change what it means to be a jew so much that the new concept of jew is nothing like the old. It is a cancerous ideology and worldview. It is the demiurge's weapon against us.

As long as jews walk the Earth we are endangered. With jews gone we can begin fortrifying this world and ensuring jewish souls don't make it back here to reawaken judaism. Shielding it astrally and otherwise, we'll caste the jews out of our star system if we can, out into the abyss of space… a few must remember though. They must know what a blight the jew was on our world and preserve the secret of the jew. A secret order of illuminated Nordic noble men must stand guard as humanity expands out further and be ready to counter the jewish threat as it tries again & again to arise from other planes, timelines, etc. trying to seep back into our realm.

While we're at it, the other abrahamic religions may have to be modified heavily or everyone converted to a new faith, so as to further the forgetting of the jew and to remove ourselves from sinister jewish influence.


theres almost none nutritient that isnt mind altering. Youre a huge faggot. Learn someting about metabolism.

>not realizing that drug prohibition is pharma- and security sectorlobbyism



Not taoist, but the tibetans have these six yoga-like exercises that are meant to energize you and make you healthy…

Read about the sixth one which is concerned with sexual energy here… I'll quote a bit..

…"These five Rites also make one appear more youthful; but if you really want to look and be young in every respect there is a Sixth Rite that you must practice. I have said nothing about it until now because it would have been useless to you without first having obtained good results from the other five.”

The Colonel then informed them that in order to go further with the aid of this Sixth Rite it would be necessary for them to lead a more or less continent "


Also, can the OP prune the thread if possible? Remove the non-relevant posts?


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>not realizing that drug prohibition is pharma- and security sectorlobbyism

Why in the fuck would this be the case? I am against pharma drugs as well you know. I don't take ANY drugs period. I get pissed off when my mom tries to give me Tylenol and refuse to take the drug.

>theres almost none nutritient that isnt mind altering. Youre a huge faggot. Learn someting about metabolism.

Unlike drugs I have to consume that to live (for now). Once I no longer have to consume it though I will stop eating. So fuck you druggy.

I have never seen a single anti-drug advertisement. I have never been told by my parents not to take drugs. I have never had any people in my life who've told me not to take drugs. I just don't want to take drugs. I am surrounded by druggies.


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Franz bardon Drank strong coffee before evocations

Me? I drink Burger king mocha frappes before breakfast

Also I smoke nasty cigarettes and dank kush. I do this to invoke the following energies:


In that order>>17582


Drugs are merely one means of affecting a change in the physical.

Plants and herbs have been used in a magickal fashion for millennia. It's odd how nature has these herbs and plants that affect the human system in often benign ways that elicit a sense of synchronicity.

Maybe they are part of the demiurgic good/bad false duality. Who knows. They are there and I will use them when I feel it necessary.

Material science begrudgingly admits that herbs are one means to an end the big pharma wishes to monopolize.

Though I do know that much like the sexual tantric path, drugs can misguide some people into thinking they can abuse those things. It's your prerogative to avoid those paths if it is not conducive to your goals.

Herbs on the other hand can be conducive to helping one survive this world who is not yet fully physically transcended.

It is said that many herb and food crops were "naturally selected" for but my opinion is that they were intentionally manifested by advanced ancient wizards if not outright transdimensional beings who wanted to aid our physical existence for reasons unknown to me.

I think it is benevolent since the backlash against herbs and non-patented substances is too kneejerk for it to be simply a matter of market preference.

Though I have no idea what the sixth rite is here, it sounds very similar to the circulation of energies that Mantak Chia discusses. The Taoists, at least based on what I've read from Mantak Chia, are very "do what thou wilt" about this stuff.

They acknowledge that bad things can happen to individuals if techniques like these are misused, but in allowing this spread of knowledge, more people can access it. Unfortunately this attitude may have come their way from the Hindus, and for as much wisdom as they may have received, they are also full of charlatans and frauds.


(from Taoist Secrets of Love by Mantak Chia, pages 135 and 136 - notice the warnings near the end)

The Big Draw method works well for single men who either cannot find a woman partner or who have chosen to remain celibate. Men with lovers may also choose in the beginning to train themselves alone. In fact, I recommend this for most men, as it is much easier to block the urge to ejaculate when you are not being stimulated by the heat and touch of a woman.

The Big Draw for single men is performed exactly the same way as described for couples, only instead of thrusting into a woman's vagina the single man stimulates his penis glans by caressing and massaging it. This is different from masturbation which ends in ejaculation. You must break the urge to ejaculate before the semen escapes, using the rapid hard contractions and clenching of the Big Draw.

This may be done in any position—standing, sitting, or lying—but standing may be preferable at first as it firmly roots your feet on the ground and connects you with its cooling yin energy. A good reason for practicing the Big Draw alone is that you can clearly observe if you have mastered the first level of the method, physical control over ejaculation. When you arouse your penis, massage it until you sense the first glimmering of the urge to ejaculate, and then do the Big Draw before the sperm begins to move.

You should do the contractions and draw repeatedly until you see your penis become flaccid. The stiffness of your penis becomes the barometer of your ability to do the Big Draw. The more quickly you can soften the erection, the closer you are to mastering the method. Eventually you will be able to command it down with your mind by merely drawing the energy out of your penis and bringing it to your head without any muscular clenching.

This method can be extremely useful to any man who feels sexually frustrated. You simply make love internally, between the yin and yang poles within your body, imagining you are pulling the ching chi up to make love to your highest center, the crown. How-ever, if you lose your seed while masturbating it will go for nothing, and thus masturbation is far worse than losing your seed to a woman, who at least gains from it and gives her sweet yin essence in exchange.

Even if you retain your seed, masturbation offers only a very dry, yang energy that can be very fiery and intense but imbalanced, unless you know the higher level meditation to develop the male yin energy pole. That is why masturbation should be used for training purposes only; it is not advisable to develop a strong attachment to it that might prevent you from maturing. This training stage for some men might last as long as a year or two. It will depend on how frequently you practice the Big Draw and other pelvic exercises and on the availability of a suitable partner.


Furthermore, notice that certain drugs only become an issue when they are extracted and concentrated.

Cocaine, heroin, liquor are found in basically harmless amounts in their natural forms - coca leaf, the poppy, and beer or wine. Coca is an amazing stimulant herb. Poppy was used as a natural painkiller (unfortunately an addictive drug in its own right when abused).

Fermented alcohol produced with various herbs can affect the mind in very beneficial and conducive ways. The ferment contains the subtle spirits of the bacteria and yeasts that produce it. It can be very invigorating. There's a reason the Germans mandated adding hops and ONLY hops to beer istead of traditional herbs like yarrow and wormwood - it makes you sedated and over time works against the testosterone. The teutonic power when unchecked is quite ferocious and strikes fear in their enemies. Hops can be strongly estrogenic in great quantities and with frequent exposure.

There's a reason for the busty beermaiden depiction or the stories of busty brewers' daughters whose feminine features were amplified by hops, there is also something called "brewers wilt" because the brewers handle so much hops their virility practically disappears.

We could blame this on the j3w$ because they didn't really drink - they understood the traditional significance of brews like gruit, ale and mead to the Europeans though and needed a means to weaken them.

Anyway, concentrated drugs become problematic because they are not balanced or intermingled with their natural substance, plus they overwhelm the physical body in the concentrations they appear in.

For example, liquor is the "spirit" of alcohol, and to be possessed by it becomes clear when intoxicated. Same goes for people who encounter the concentrated, pure forms of substances.

Though many substances are not a requirement, it's worth pointing out that people who are not discerning or who are unaware will fall prey to them more easily. This explains why their abuse is so pervasive despite clear warnings.

None of this is to dissuade you from your path, I just think it is a good idea to have a balanced discussion.

When the monks took LSD and were unaffected, my opinion is that it was because they already experienced everything their ego could in the illusory realm of the mind. LSD did not show them anything they did not already know through their intensive training.

When you smoke cigs, do you roll your own with unbleached papers? reportedly cancer attributed to smokes is caused by filters and papers aside from horrible tobacco growing practices. go organic.

kush is alrite :^) it's a major ingredient in the holy anointing oil and is one of the revered sacrament herbs. The sadhus smoke it, and it's made into bhang.

Too bad it is often abused. Its medicinal and spiritual properties are amazing.


That's precisely what this doesn't do


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>tfw doing 6 rounds of delay with the big draw than stopping satisfied without wasting any energy



So can I… Rub my semen on myself to try to retain any energy?


just did that yoga exercise feel great thank you for the post


Can confirm, I supply my Hatha with Tibetan rites, they are really potent.

Sixth Rite is here; https://www.scribd.com/doc/7905854/Tibetan-Rejuvenation-6th-Rite


Atkinson - Personal Power, Volume XII - Regenerative Power

>Finally, do not permit yourself to be deluded by the teachings of certain mistaken teachers of Regeneration, and their followers, who hold that in order to produce a full secretion of Regenerative Power it is necessary, or at least advisable, to direct the thought and imagination toward amatory subjects or exciting images for the purpose of stimulating the sexual glands to additional secretion. Not only is this unnecessary, but it is positively contrary to the spirit of the true teachings of Regeneration; and the practice of such methods tend to produce results diametrically opposed to those of Regeneration.



How do you filter cigs organically/safely?

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