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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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[Rules] [Guide for Newbies to /fringe/] [Freedomboard] [/asatru/] [/occult/] [/edgy/] [/4chon/]
Read the rules before posting. Go to freedomboard if 8ch.net goes down.

File: 1420938831338.png (70.08 KB, 770x153, 770:153, safe spaces.png)


Our ad providers have spoken: /fringe/ is the official safe space™ for magical space wizards.


File: 1420939186300.gif (829.25 KB, 230x230, 1:1, fire.gif)

Why are you not using AdBlock?



I disabled it so Hotwheels can enjoy his shekels.


>tfw I smell a match now


Mostly I smell the oils however from this degenerate ZOG foods that the bluepills near me prepared, blehk.


make a post on food when you gather enough information


File: 1420940636796.jpg (23.45 KB, 156x206, 78:103, ss (2015-01-10 at 06.43.31….jpg)

I swear this was an accident.


You could enable adblock and send him some Bitcoins directly. His address in on the frontpage.


File: 1420956437862.png (739.94 KB, 1078x825, 98:75, Screenshot from 2015-01-11….png)

What do you guys think of this? Should I add this to the board?


Yeah, looks great. also pls remove santa hats


That costs money

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