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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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[Rules] [Guide for Newbies to /fringe/] [Freedomboard] [/asatru/] [/occult/] [/edgy/] [/4chon/]
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File: 1420986146897.jpg (225.9 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 1405970729174.jpg)


This site's CSS gets worse by the day

The chat is getting progressively filled with cancer at the inept hands of Smiley

Smiley in general is starting to lose his edge

>he thinks he's going to ascend when he's so fucking sloppy

Why does Smiley insist on ruining all the things that he creates? What the fuck?


Everything comes and goes in cycles anon. This is one of the laws of life. It takes effort to master on such a scale as an internet board frequented by about a hundred people. The ambiguous nature of esotericism itself is enough to muddy the waters of truth here, so any issues are easier to compound as a result.

Take what you can and move on. I.e.: the mega, and go and take all you can from freedomchan, and then read the content and search for more.


You can just change the style and ignore the autism, roleplay and shitposts as allways.


He's reaping what he has sown.


>going to pedochan
nigger you what?

>>>/baphomet/ seems to be getting interested in /fringe/ and /x/ stuff.

not sure if giving /b/tards this stuff will end well tho…

if they fuck up we could see several possessions… then again if they succeed we could see the apocalypse.


File: 1421011276712.jpg (71.67 KB, 460x690, 2:3, Sp035.jpg)


I had it on dark the whole time, and never even noticed any CSS changes


File: 1421013839421.png (135.15 KB, 528x628, 132:157, ZdfpZ.png)

this entire board is autsim


any post that isn't a shitpost on this board is roleplay or "hey guys, I dream about my waifu, ascending to the fourth density soon amirite :DD"


probably the most constructive and well thought out posts on this board


>implying smiley hasn't already ascended


Forgot to take your trip off to shitpost pal.


As a comment on the CSS, all the check boxes have become invisible for me since Smiley started changing it in December. Is it supposed to be this way? They are still visible in all the default skins.


Yeah, you really hope we notice you, how about you try to get attention doing different things? Like making something usefull, before you get a mental breakdown doing what you do.


Have you read a single magick book yet?


What checkboxes are you referring to?


The ones in every post, used to delete or report. Also the ones at the bottom of the page.


They are visible to me. Please screencap this and tell me what browser you're using and what OS.


alright, i probably just need to clear my cache or some shit. i'm too lazy to take a screenshot, but chrome + windows 7. sounds like the problem is just on my end.


Should be darker, the idea of copying Montalk's background was good.


I need to see a screencap of this. Some stuff in Chrome is not supported.


I had it in the works when all of it got wiped out. See: /ask/

I had something really fucking cool that makes so many changes it doesn't look like an imageboard anymore.

I'll have to restart again later.


File: 1421037686968.jpg (492.85 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, css is fucked.jpg)

Yes massa.


File: 1421038246605.png (456.46 KB, 1335x467, 1335:467, Screenshot from 2015-01-11….png)

That font sucks dick. What do you think of screencap related? What's a monospace font like the one I'm using that you have on Windows 7 ? (check your word processor to see what fonts you have)


File: 1421038328718.png (429.25 KB, 715x612, 715:612, Screenshot from 2015-01-11….png)

Yes massa.

(look how much better my quick reply box is)


Looks pretty good to me. I have no idea how to distinguish monospace fonts. The explanation on google doesn't really help. I really don't have the knowledge or the energy to be of very much use to you right now.


Ayy lmao loosh farming ftw.

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