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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1421011356327.jpg (63.87 KB, 849x859, 849:859, heaphestus.jpg)


I practice Hellenic ritualized magic, specifically with Hephaestus and his workshop. I teach this magic to others. I will post a ritual or two in this thread to get started with. If you have any questions, just ask. If you are interested in learning this magical system or discussing your own, add me on skype and you will be added to a chatroom. Karma12745

Banishing Ritual of the Workshop

Start the ritual in a trance state,when you achieve a desired trance, feel the heat of the forge at your back, and visualize an anvil and bench in front of you
pull the heat of the forge through your body and project it outward into the area around you
strike the anvil 4 times, with each blow visualize new benches, tools, anvils, and hammers extending outward around you, increasing the size of the workshop
on the final blow allow the energy to rest
4 strikes represent the month of Hephaestus on the greek calendar
the workshop is a holy place, the heat of the forge purges the area around you and cleanses it
this also puts you into a place to continue with more magical works as you have invoked and evoked the workshop to use
this is also an ideal ritual to further evoke Hephaestus



Why did you not post the superior formatted version of your ritual?


File: 1421028356430.jpg (189.22 KB, 419x610, 419:610, 11bdbgB.jpg)

Banishing Ritual of the Workshop

It uses an invocation (to bring something into existence into yourself) and an evocation (to bring something into existence around yourself).

I'm going to post the process of the ritual then explain why it is the way it is and how it works. I will then answer any questions.

Start the ritual in a trance state, I personally use Void Meditation and thoughtlessness; when you achieve a desired trance, feel the heat of the forge at your back, and visualize an anvil and bench in front of you. Pull the heat of the forge through your body and project it outward into the area around you. Strike the anvil 4 times, with each blow visualize new benches, tools, anvils, and hammers extending outward around you, increasing the size of the workshop
on the final blow allow the energy to rest.

That simple.

4 strikes represent the month of Hephaestus on the greek calendar.

The workshop is a holy place, the heat of the forge purges the area around you and cleanses it this also puts you into a place to continue with more magical works as you have invoked and evoked the workshop to use this is also an ideal ritual to further evoke Hephaestus.

Any questions?

Well, what this does use subconscious queues to put you in a mental state of power over the area around you both astrally, energetically, and physically, as you have determined this space to belong to you and to be your area of work.


Hello, Forge.

It's Bellows. ;)


Hello friend, how is France? Forgey-kun appears to be missing… perhaps grooming his beard?



Hello all. It is I, the great Hermes.


im here, lets try to keep it on topic. also i dont have a beard.


ON the topic of your beard, can we have a picture?


File: 1421049922154.jpeg (17.61 KB, 350x262, 175:131, brad_pitt_35_answer_1_xla….jpeg)

I second this. Can we have a picture of your beard?
this is an irl picture of me and my beard


>make a belt in the workshop
>ask heracles to imbue it with strength
>give him a metal club as an offering
>wear the belt to the gym
>all lifts increased

fuck yea


belts increase your lifting capabilities without any magic you know.


astral belt, tard



what other cool stuff have you made?


I have used the workshop to create a sunstone for Apollo and a staff for Asclepius, has it imbued by each god. I then placed the sunstone at the base of the skull and the staff along the spine of a cancer patient, and used the patients kundalini as the snake of the staff of Asclepius. Their cancer regressed.


>Tfw forge is as gay as apollo
>Tfw because of this he will never have sacred tantric sex and drink the silver from a woman
>Tfw forge is a pleb stuck in ritualistic hellenism
>Tfw people follow the practices created and propogated by the government of the time



Wow as a neophyte I really find your.. style of magic interesting!


I have actually had mostly female partners, and i practice more than ritualistic hellenism, which is actually technically my newest practice behind thelema. I also practice psionics, chaos magick, and energy manipulation. Also, this form of ritualistic hellenism was created purely from evoking Hephaestus, its not accurate to the time.


How do I evoke him?


preform the banishing ritual of the workshop and call out to hephaestus to appear before your work while you create something>>18139


Could you please post how you created the sunstone and the staff?

I am currently in the process of healing an advanced cancer patient and would like to diversify the practices a little.


The ritual invokes the Forge of Hephaestus into you and evokes the Forge and Workshop around you during the banishing. you use the workshop to create it energetically and astrally, and then evoke the gods and provide them with a gift to imbue it. that is how its made.




I've used this banishing a few times, it's good i got a open source like feeling from it.

It's pretty good for folks who have good visualisation skills.
>Dat feeling of the heat from the forge.
GG my friend


looks nice


banish those things!

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