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Esoteric Wizardry


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the Race of Tan

Respected Sir, you have got your facts mixed up somewhere or dropped a brick or you haven't been reading my books properly. You say, "Why would a race of people from far out in space want to colonize with the people of this world to produce the Race of Tan?

Well, who said there was going to be a colony coming from beyond space? Just think of this; get all the white people, the yellow people, the red people, the black people, and any other colour or shade you can scrape up, get them all to inter - marry, and look at the result What would the colour be? Tan, of course. And so we can get the Race of Tan when we get all the peoples of the world inter - marrying because in those days colour will not matter. It doesn't matter in Brasil nowadays. It is one place on the face of this Earth where the black man and the white man work side by side with no thought whatever of colour. I have a very soft spot for Brasil because they are doing well, and it is one of the coming countries. They will be the first to produce citizens for the Race of Tan.

"In 'The Hermit' it was stated that the Gardeners would place someone on this Earth for the hermit to tell his story to. How is it meant that you were placed on this Earth?"

Well, somebody had to be picked, and the person who was picked had to have certain qualifications. For instance, he had to be a very hardy individual, he had to be highly telepathic, highly clairvoyant, he had to have a good memory, and he had to have his personal frequency or wavelength of a certain order. In other words, he had to be constantly in touch with one of the Great Masters. So the poor fellow who did fulfill those qualifications was grabbed and placed in such conditions that he naturally became the listener to the story, and I state that that story is true.

Let's have a statement from Paddle Boat Moffet. He says, "Read the book 'The Spaceships of Ezekiel' by Josef F. Blumrich. You suggested I read it and it proved very interesting and well written." So there you see Paddle Boat Moffet - now a member of the Paddle Boat Club able to take advice, to act upon advice, and to profit from advice. He's a good fellow, too


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