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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1421170969243.png (93.44 KB, 250x282, 125:141, 6164894161564.png)


Normalfag here, I don't know why but I'm attracted by Enochian Magick. what is a good start? Thoughts about it? Experience?


From the little I understand enochian isn't a great place for beginners to the occult to start. It's a little heavy.




I've heard about lots of people having success with it. There's a good book I got from a German Magician who mastered stunning spells in Enochian magick. It's in the /fringe/ mega. It worked for him, it will work for you.


Enochian is probably the most sexy form of magic, and provides results with little effort, but it's definitely not recommended for beginners.

In the words of Crowley,
>Other traditions require effort, Enochian requires caution

If you don't know what you're doing, you can get in way too deep and go nuts, essentially.

Read Benjamin Rowe's 'A Short Guide To Scrying' (you can find pdfs easily), he gives a brief rundown of why you should be incredibly careful with Enochian


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Plz just explain Why, and What's, caution? will the alien archon elementals get mad? Or watever the fug

i Can't dl ur book.


I have a little story. There was this online translation for English-to-Enochian. I like it when it rains and I jokingly translated "it pours water" into Enochian.

Well, the next day it was raining. I was amused. Anyways, wish I'll learn Enochian magic more, I have a strange attraction to Kabbalah and Enochian seems to work similarly.


>no effort
>all of the books list a fuckton of required props


There's a saying: if you can't evoke with a paper ring, then you sure as hell can't evoke with a metal ring.


>I can't dl your book

Try harder


Any tips on making personal space from short guuide to scrying


read the fuckign book



File: 1422497218975.webm (1.42 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, 1410114855132.webm)

>3 attempts so far
>no results

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