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Hey all 4chan got shit so anyway
what are some effective mantras/medatation techniques that you all often practice? ive recently got into hindu mantras still exploring share if interested


I tried mantras for a little while but I find the LBRP and various meditations following it more effective with less time spent.

Maybe I wasn't mantra-ing hard enough.

On a sidenote I bought a talisman from Jason Miller's website that someone posted here the other day that had 10,000 some mantras breathed into it. Should be interesting.


How do you do the LBRP? Noob question but I haven't been able to find any non-sketchy resources.



Thank you!


You could try sun mantras like AUM or SURYAE and use affirmations to program the energy raised through vibration. Remember to VIBRATE EACH SYLLABLE AS SO: AAAH-UUUU-MMMM or SSS-UUU-RRR(roll the R's like a tiger or if u spoke spanish like aRRRRRiba)YYY-AAAH-YEEE-AYYYY

so you would breathe in through your nose, fill your lungs and on the exhale vibrate, AAAH-UUU-MMM. OM is a corruption of AUM. There's also RAUM, RRR-AAA-UUU-MMM.

Then affirm something in the PRESENT tense. Energy has no will, it does what it is told so if you don't command it right, the mantra won't be effective and it'll just take the easy way out. Energy is like water, direct it or it'll take it's own route.

Example affirmation: "The energies of the mantra (___) are completely and permanently obstructing all spiritual and physical barriers." Be creative and to the point with as least words possible. AND BE SPECIFIC! Like I said, energy takes the easy way out so if you don't program it the way you see fit, you will not like the outcome.


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He says to start the pentagram at the apex, normally you start it at the bottom left point for banishing, that's the only thing I change in the ritual.


Can I chant in my brain/mind?



Mantra's take time and devotion. Don't expect immediate effects.



What kind of results can you expect from long term mantra use?


Each mantra is different. Some mantras will make you more compassionate, intelligent, calm, etc.etc. Some can heal you. I've hear of ones that can stop rain. Some will send you into trance states. Some can allow you a divine connection. Repetition and focused mind on the mantra is a form of yoga and can lead to enlightenment itself.


Can someone recommend for me a mantra meditation guide and some mantra to recommend


"Eat big to get big, eat big to get big"

>invokes increased appetite and ability to consume large quantities of good for GAINS



1. Don't chant out loud. Wastes breath and distracts you.
2. Know how auto-suggestion / suggestion works.
3. Know the intent of your chanting.
4. Make it automatic, make it so that it starts playing in your mind as if it were a separate audiotrack that keeps playing even if you think other things. No effort repetitive automatic chanting.
5. Enjoy your trance.

For any people really knowledgeable in this matter someone please tell me if you know of any unique qualities to sound combinations such as in Qabalah or in various mantras that could make them special.

Otherwise I think it's just a matter of choosing some words that most strongly capture the intent of what you want to invoke.

…but maybe there is more to it?


I require your advice.

My usual "mantras" (aka. what I repeatedly say to myself throughout the day) are
>I hate myself
>I'm a loser
>I never learn
>I want to die
>I failed
Negative shit.

Usually when I say this (either verbally or internally) will I just accept what I tell myself without any resistance or start to bicker with myself ("No, shut the fuck up with that shit) but when I get into that it usually makes me feel insane.

What is the best approach to deal with negative self-affirmations?


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Posting kanye cuz he's the master of affirmation


I think Om Namah Shivaya is one of the most effective and powerful.

Source on 'Ye actually using affirmations? I've seen the Chappelle interview in other thread, but affirmations are generally repeated consistently over long period. I know Jay Z mentioned he was aware of Law of Attraction in his book.


Consciously work on changing them to positive affirmations. You'll have to learn to monitor your own thoughts, and also how to stop yourself from thinking certain things/how to cut negative thoughts off after they start.

Consciously observe your thoughts throughout the day and nip negative ones in the bud as they crop up, and then counter it with an opposite positive thought. It will also help if you come up with a positive affirmation to be repeated several times after you wake up and before you go to sleep to help prime you to be more positive.

I used to be like you but one day I decided to stop sabotaging myself like that and began repairing the damage i'd done. It's all about controlling and directing your thoughts, which takes a lot of time and practice to learn.



what with Om namah shivaya Om

I don't know what it's effect



"A noticeable level of mantra siddhi (power of the mantra) is said to come with 125,000 repetitions of a mantra (Such an extended practice is called a purascharna). This is equivalent to 1250 rounds of a mala.

Such an extended practice with Om Namah Shivaya mantra can have a tremendous effect in stabilizing the mind in preparation for advancing in meditation. Such a practice simply must be done personally to understand the benefits. It does take quite a commitment to do this practice every day for such a long period, but it is well worth the effort.

In choosing the level of practice per day, it is important to have stability from one day to the next, and to not skip any days. It is best to choose the level that works for you consistently, rather than changing the number from day to day. For example, if two rounds per day is a good number, then it's better to stay with that amount each and every day, not to do none on one day, but four on the next day."


Abrahadbra as a mantra??


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I've been using the lyrics of this song as a mantra

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