I post here under digress 01/14/15 (Wed) 05:24:03 No. 17790
Hey guys something really strange just happend. I was talking in a thread on /x/ and after i said a specific word "phlowing" it went completely silent and all people seem to have vanished. The only last post was üic related. The thread had 200+ replies and was very active. After i said this specific word, it went completely silent.
01/14/15 (Wed) 08:12:02 No. 17806
bump limit? btw wtf is phlowing
01/14/15 (Wed) 09:12:12 No. 17809
>>17806 Phlowing means as much as fucking. Everything became realy crazy after i said that word.
01/15/15 (Thu) 05:38:48 No. 17987
If you realized one day that you only existed when a particular friend of yours was around, and you had no other memories, you might realize you were a tulpa. If, instead, you lived in a simulated world, even when your unimaginary friend was nowhere to be seen, you would believe yourself to be real. If you were real, and stingy, you might just give your tulpa memories of existing when you weren't around, instead of bothering to simulate a persistent world in that little sac of soft grey computronium. Saves on spacetime if you stick to tropes. If you were dying, and you knew your tulpas would die with you, you might try to give them a believable apocalypse. If, instead of any of these things, you were losing your mind, perhaps some part of you would gently urge you to snap out of it, futile though that might be. Anyways, thanks for writing this. -You
Provur ## Board Volunteer 01/15/15 (Thu) 11:49:49 No. 18013
question thread use it