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Esoteric Wizardry


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Smiley told me on Skype that he overdosed on protein and might die. I tried to convince him to go to the hospital but he didn't seem to want to…


Personal conversation:

[1/14/15, 2:55:09 PM] Fringe Wizard: It was actually an accident and I didn't realize I was consuming way too fucking much of it.
[1/14/15, 2:55:21 PM] Fringe Wizard: https://freedomboard.kirara.ca/ask/res/11071.html#11075
[1/14/15, 2:55:22 PM] Fredrick (admin@8chan.co): Oh, in that case
[1/14/15, 2:55:24 PM] Fredrick (admin@8chan.co): Go to the hospital
[1/14/15, 2:55:29 PM] Fredrick (admin@8chan.co): They'll pump your stomach, you'll be fine.
[1/14/15, 2:56:15 PM] Fringe Wizard: I'm just going to lay in my room until the pain gets too much and if it does get to that point I expect I'll either vomit it all up and then just have to flush my system with water OR hopefully someone will take me to hospital.
[1/14/15, 2:56:29 PM] Fredrick (admin@8chan.co): Why not get a head start and go to the hospital now?
[1/14/15, 2:56:42 PM] Fringe Wizard: It's night time, are hospitals open at night time?
[1/14/15, 2:56:45 PM] Fredrick (admin@8chan.co): Yes
[1/14/15, 2:56:48 PM] Fredrick (admin@8chan.co): They are open 24/7
[1/14/15, 2:56:56 PM] Fredrick (admin@8chan.co): Even on Christmas
[1/14/15, 2:57:13 PM] Fredrick (admin@8chan.co): 9-1-1 is an emergency telephone number used in the United States, Canada, as well as in some Latin American countries
[1/14/15, 2:57:22 PM] Fredrick (admin@8chan.co): So, get a phone, call 911, tell the operator you overdosed
[1/14/15, 2:57:34 PM] Fredrick (admin@8chan.co): They'll take you to a hospital, pump your stomach and you'll be fine.
[1/14/15, 2:57:38 PM] Fringe Wizard: Hmmm
[1/14/15, 2:57:50 PM] Fringe Wizard: Having my stomach pumped sounds terrible.
[1/14/15, 2:58:00 PM] Fredrick (admin@8chan.co): You won't die at least.
[1/14/15, 2:58:03 PM] Fringe Wizard: I'm going to keep reading these protein overdose articles for a bit.
[1/14/15, 2:58:07 PM] Fredrick (admin@8chan.co): OK

From the "Fringe Wizards" group on Skype:

"Hmmm I'm going to drink some more water again and just lay down and wait for terrible pains to start. I have the very best chances of survival because of how tall I am, being male, and my age but… who knows. My severe insomnia and fatigue and so on that I usually experience every day of my life is surely signs of something wrong."

That's the last anyone's heard of him.

Does anyone know what town in Canada he lives in? I know it's Ontario, but that's a pretty big place. If you're concerned about him, you could try calling the police in his town if you know what that is and have them do a "welfare check".


He supposedly told his sister who freaked out about it, and as far as I can recall he lived with his parents. Even if (as he's mentioned) they are negligent, they would notice if he's dropping down and spasming, no?


Any updates on this? I don't frequent the board, but this shit's serious as hell. Ontario nightcrawlers, assemble!


maybe he's just being over-dramatic again, hopefully.



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How old is Smiley anyway? From what I've seen of his antics he seems like an average 16 year old loser.



Okaaaaaaaaay. If he's the gold standard that we're supposed to be aspiring to that's a little disconcerting.


he's not, in fact he has far more attachment to the material and until he deals with those he won't be able to ascend.

what is admirable is his library that he allowed us to read though though I wish he uploaded the rest as when he planned before offing himself.

not like he'd die anyway.


You're all literal retards, there is no such thing as a protein overdose and you fell for a ruse. Again.


Please no more police! Stahp!


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>search lights outside my house, multiple police cars
>peek through curtains momentarily to see this and quickly back away and pull curtain back as a huge search light shines at my window
>they rang the door bell and knocked hard
>It's Happening
>decide there's nothing I can do about this, I'm just going to die, and I don't really care anyways as my life is garbage
>so calmly and serenely go to the police
>two of them came in and questioned me
>I insisted there was nothing wrong and I'm OK
>asked who sent them
>was someone from the Philippines
>they asked for my name
>they asked if I'd been on the internet
>they asked for my online handle
>they wanted to check on me and see what I am OK
>eventually they left

Now that the police are no doubt monitoring everything I'm doing my time is probably extremely limited. Thanks based cripple for putting me in the spotlight (literally and metaphorically). Now my days of shitposting online will surely come to an end when they decide I've used my freespeech too much.

Next time if you ever try to do something like that at least send medics and not police.

I don't understand why there were so fucking many of them outside. Multiple police cars and search light and everything. Why didn't just one police officer show up?

At least they didn't shoot me or hurt me.


Well at least you can be sure that there are people that don't want you to suffer any harm. Next time maybe be more careful?


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How much did you eat lol?


No one is out to get you, you silly fool.
Let go of your paranoia.


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Shut up mundanes, Smiley is white and redpilled.


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U Would just piss out the protein

The cripple is from the Philippines?


So you claim to have insights into secret knowledge yet you couldn't get any insight into a proper diet. Even when you could have spent 20 minutes on google to find out protein requirements for the human body.


Since when has the cripple claimed secret knowledge?


This, you can damage your kidneys if you eat too much protein over a long period of time, but that takes about a year to show up at all. He's probably just got some bad indigestion/gas causing pain. Intestinal pain is very debilitating (lots of sensory nerves in that area), even when it's just a gas bubble stretching things out a little too much.


It's been 12 hours now and I have no pain at all.


Excellent, you should be fine then.


Hey admin next-time reincarnate in a better body okay?


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That's only if you eat nothing but protein and nothing else. This happens to people who hunt and eat nothing but rabbits (rabbit starvation) because they are all lean meat, no fat. You need fat and carbs as your other macros. Unless you have preexisting kidney problems you will be fine consuming what seems like absurd amounts of protein.

of course eating too much protein has diminishing returns in terms of what your body will use or shit out, but you can eat a lot. it's not exactly unhealthy unless you're doing other unhealthy things.


It was exactly 25g protein total, about 47g of whey protein powder aka one scoop, and a completely fucking normal amount as it turns out. In fact I could have taken two scoops if I wanted and it would still not be much… just 50g of protein.


So really this whole thing was just a big spaz out over nothing?

Glad you're ok smiley! I don't really know you, but you seem like a cool guy.


Yes indeed.

At least now though someone has added me on Skype to teach me the way of "Wizardly Gains" and he claims to be a Nordic alien hybrid and a reincarnation of Manly P. Hall and has an absolute ton of esoteric information on fitness and diet. He's going to make a thread on /fringe/ soon that we'll all get to read. He has studied all this for years intensely and is apparently super strong.


hmm.. This guy might know a lot about fitness, but are you really gonna trust someone who thinks he's Manly P. Hall and a Nordic alien hybrid?

Not saying its out of the question, it just seems reeeeeally unlikely! One of those maybe, but both?


I've seen a picture of him. He literally looks just like Manly P. Hall. If you compare the image of him to the Manly P. Hall pictures the resemblance is extremely strong. It leads some credence to his claim.


the best tip for /fit/ness is to do the opposite of what /fit/ says

this whole thread screams of cancer attention whoring


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Is he related to Freemasons?

Post his pic!


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What if your advice then more specifically?

See pic related.


>What if your advice then more specifically?
what do you want to know?


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Possible Manly P. Hall 2.0/Nordic Hybrid here. Here are larger pictures for comparison. This is just an idea that I've had for the past few days. Maybe it has merit, or maybe it's just mental masturbation. You can draw your own conclusions.

As far as the Nordic hybrid thing goes, I've had an ongoing CEV (two way ET
communcation) experience since November. The first experience happened the morning after I read this article (http://montalk.net/gnosis/192/6-nordic-aliens-the-grail-race) and suspected that this paragraph might apply to me:

>Through genetic manipulation, they can insert alien DNA as a third party contributor to a developing human fetus, so that the child resembles both human parents while also being somewhat hybridized. Whether artificially hybridized, naturally conceived between human and alien, or fully alien, such a child born and raised in a human family will mostly pass for human, except they will be of a caliber beyond their peers. The greatest heroes of myth and ancient history were popularly viewed as cross-breeds between gods and men.


My dad's best friend is the nephew of a recently deceased very high level Freemason. I wont give his name to protect anonymity, but this man was a household name. I actually never thought about that until now. That's another thing.


Ahh, ok. At least you say it's "possible", that's much more reasonable. I've tossed around those same kind of ideas about myself for the past few years. Definite conclusions are hard to come by!


Post knowledge, fagit.


That's what you get for namefagging faggot.


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He doth resemble Daniel Radcliffe a bit.


Ah, just noted it was indeed you, Blake, >>17980 . Hope we get to hear more from you.

In what regards are/were you "a caliber beyond" your peers? Could you tell us a story of your life?

What comes to me, I have a theory that I might be an alien incarnated as a human but I don't know yet how to prove it. This is something that struck me lately and I seriously need to investigate it further. I feel off-place but let us not make too hasty conclusions!

Again, welcome aboard, hope to hear more from you, fella.


It would be real interesting to do a poll of /fringe/, and see how many of us honestly suspect that we're either reincarnated aliens, or reincarnations of masters of some kind.

I was definitely convinced of one of those realities a while back, now days I don't give it as much thought. I'll still live the same way, irregardless of my pre-birth past.

Here's an interesting story from tibetan buddhism I read last night, seems relevant:

"Imagine a blind turtle, roaming the depths of an ocean the size of the universe. Up above floats a wooden ring, tossed to and fro on the waves. Every hundred years the turtle comes, once, to the surface. To be born a human being is said to be more difficult than for that turtle to surface accidentally with its head poking through the wooden ring.

And even among those who have a human birth, it is said those who have the great good fortune to make a connection with the teachings are rare; and those who really take them to heart and embody them in their actions even rarer, as rare, in fact, 'as stars in broad daylight'."


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Did u ever notice How manly p hall kind of looks like manly phallus

Did u ever see aleister Crowley and Barack Obama's signature? There are hidden dick's

This whole reality is sex worship. What's up with that?

Also How many times a day do u fap?



What a revolting non-white woman.



I was different from the start. My mother and cousin had always told me that when I started speaking as a two year old child I used a bizarre accent along with using complex words and sentence structure that's impossible for a baby that young to understand. School was very easy for me, I understood things faster than everyone else and never had to study for tests or pay attention much in class.

I first noticed in high school that I could influence reality through my thoughts, or mentalism. I began practicing magick through mentalism and autosuggestion many years before I even knew what true magick was. All that I knew was that it worked and it allowed me to play by my own rules in a game where the rest of the players were ignorant.

Physically speaking, I'm quite exotic looking and strangely gifted. By the time I was 16 I could squat more than twice my bodyweight (425 lbs @ 195 lbs) without really even trying and while playing sports at the same time. Now I'm 19 and can do nearly 3X my bodyweight, even though I've never trained seriously or consistently for more than a few months straight.

Despite my very young age, I have come upon a very large and eclectic amount of knowledge through synchronicity and intuitive introspection. I realized two months ago that I'm here to share what I know with others.


I don't fap at all and haven't since 2011, for reasons covered before on this board.




What sort of things did you learn through intuition and synchronicity? Are there many others like you? Have you turned anyone else on to this kind of thinking irl?


>What sort of things did you learn through intuition and synchronicity?
Well this thread is a good start.
>Are there many others like you?
No, not even on the internet.
>Have you turned anyone else on to this kind of thinking irl?
I have helped a lot of people, but not full on indoctrinated them into the occult. Those are my intentions though, I recently purchased HD audio and video equipment and will produce daily content soon, I just need to figure out how the best way to edit and produce podcasts and videos.



On your looks, you definitely have a lot of same compared to P. Hall. Whereabouts do you live again?

I'll do a poll later, it sounds like a nice idea to try out.


Southern California, the same place that he lived and died. He was murdered five years before I was born, almost to the day.


That's pretty fascinating. . . and it gives merit to your hypothesis of being this P. Hall-Nordic-hybrid. I hope you'll find out what's the truth here; I am seriously intrigued by this now, it is all quite awe-some.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Yeah speaking of the Nordic thing I had a very amazing experience tonight. I'll share it here.

At around 9 pm PST I got into my car to go the grocery store and plugged in my phone to the auxillary cord. I decided to put on Montalk's album for whatever reason and started listening to the first track, "Gnostic Insurgence". I start the car, and begin to leave my neighborhood. As I get to the turn to get out of my neighborhood I see a motorcyclist driving on the wrong side of the road in the lane I am about to turn into. His helmet had a flashing red light on it, the bike and his suit were more or less pitch black with some similarly covered red parts (I think it all happened so fast). I then watch his bike become transparent, and then his body, to where it was just a flashing red light in the air for half a second before that dematerialized as well. This was all while Montalk was singing the lyric in the song "Sometimes they're not even human, Sometimes they're not even human…"

Once I got there, I sat in the grocery store parking lot for a moment and messaged Smiley on skype from my phone to document this occurrence. While this was happening I saw a black figure in my peripheral vision standing right outside my car window, but when I looked at it it would disappear. Paranormal shit like this happens all the time in my house. I see things for a fraction of a second then they disappear.

Then while in the grocery store I picked up a plastic container of grape tomatoes but decided I didn't want them, put them back, and as I turned around and walked away to go to the cash register they fell off the shelf and the tomatoes burst out of the container went everywhere, but no one in the store seemed to notice this (despite me loudly exclaiming "fuck") and there happened to be a trash can inexplicably placed right next to them so I just picked up the mess quickly and went on my way.

When I got home a full on fucking light show happened in the sky over my backyard for 30-45 mins. At this point I was completely overwhelmed and had to lay down and now understand why benevolent ETs are very indirect and non confrontational. Our meager third density psyches can't handle this shit. The biker guy/girl also materialized for half a second as a red/black figure in the bushes in front of my backyard for a moment.


>(I think it all happened so fast)
I mean "I think so, it all happened so fast"


Wow, that is hundredfold-times more intense than the experiences I've had. Not too many experiences I've had, though I wish I did.

Also, this is my favorite track by Montalk. Fun how you posted it, I've felt like listening to it the second time.


Why the fuck does that link now go to reddit.com ?


>attached to the material

Why would a person who suffers the hardships of the material every day be attached to it?


I'm completely unlike anyone in my family and have all these weird eccentricities like that too from a young age.

I don't like to speculate on future or past though, I don't who I was, I just know what I want to be.

If it's not much trouble I might find out later anyways especially if some of these people that keep giving me the weird messages and make posts where they seem to have an unusual knowledge of things I've never shared or said really have their prophecies concerning me come to pass.


That's nothing particularly unique; we *all* experience hardship in this plane (both real and artificial), but not all comprehend the spiritual significance of such as they happen. Even some adherents of your typical mainstream religion are at least that sensitive. But just as those willfully oblivious to the true nature of life in the material *can* have at least a minute sensitivity to the immaterial, those that take great pride in their 'awareness' can still be very dissociated from it. It shows in one's level of maturity and how they treat and feel about others.

You know, it's almost as though if an individual is especially mature in one regard, but *still* quantifiably immature, developmentally wanting, or outright regressed in another (or others), they *WILL/MUST candidly* express this elsewhere.


Attachment doesn't necessarily mean you like something. If you hate something with your whole being, you become attached to it.

Desire is attachment as much as aversion is.

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