Hello /fringe/. I am trying to read and learn about magick and occultism but at the same time I have to admit I'm a very sexually frustrated person, I trace the origins of this to my insatiable thirst for pornography during my teenage years and the solitude that I myself have "forced" upon myself. Basically I can't stop wanting to sleep with almost every woman I know. As long as they're a bit cute (talking 3/10 or higher) I want to sleep with them, and it makes me angry that I can't because I haven't lived a very interesting life and I have not much to talk about with these jolly people that travel the world, get drunk every night and have casual sex wherever they go.
Now, I am aware that just wanting to have sex with women is stupid, and that even if I had a magical secret to read their minds and speak the right words and have lots of sex all the time, that would probably not be life-changing, and after a few months I would be back to my feelings of not having achieved enough. REGARDLESS, i come here to ask you if you know of any methods that I can use to have more sex. I want to know if there are any techniques to read people, or to impose myself upon other people.
Some people might say that this is bad, and that I would be hurting other people, but these women are having sex already, just not with me. There can be no damage done if the action is already happening, and my intention is not to harm anybody, I just want some "help" becoming more open and more capable of talking to people and accomplishing what I desire. I want to meet girls, make them like me, and decide that it's okay to sleep with me once or twice.
My purpose is to eventually get rid of these sexual thoughts and sexual repression that I'm suffering, but at the moment I feel like the reason why I don't get laid is because there is something fundamentally wrong with me. I see other people chatting and laughing and I wonder if this is making me frustrated about something that , if one thinks about it, is not important at all. I have had sex in the past but it has been with women that i haven't considered too attractive at the time.
So bear with me if this sounds incredibly stupid, but: Can i use any of this knowledge to make women like me more and feel more physically attracted to me.
Thank you and have a nice day.
Magic can help you improve your confidence, charm and mystique. I'm sure someone else can give you relevent links as I'm not really aware of any as its not the kinda magic im into.
It can also help you develop a better sense of social interaction and subtle cues. This takes more work though, for me it takes the form of developing a more visual memory and pretty much everyday I have mental flashbacks to situations where my subconcious picks apart a social situation, obviously this helps social interaction, but this came naturally and I'm not sure how you'd gain this skill without conscious effort.
A simple thing for you to start paying attention to is how warm/hot, cold/cool people are, there's a lot to be learnt from this, also try to notice when people are being genuine and when they're being fake. Generally pay attention to people more, there's a lot more going on than meets the eye.
Also: Do interesting stuff.
If you're into magic start a coven or something and use it to get sex, worked for Crowley.
Stay frosty.
You really don't need magic for this. You are in a very common situation that tons of guys experience. I highly suggest you read the book No More Mr Nice Guy. You might not be ready for the following but I advise that you really put consideration into what is written on and the side bar material.
>>17852that subReddit seems interesting as hell. I will read it, and I will read those books and the Sigil book recommended above. Thank you! Hopefully in a few years this lust and sexual frustration will just be a funny memory from a long gone past.
No.17908 41)
Try this and get back to me. I've tried it a few times with some success (attractive girl squeezed hand multiple times, while walking me around at party, but did not talk to her afterwards), but don't feel comfortable using it anymore as it is a major infringement of free will and I do not want mundane sex.
There's a new book out by Jason Miller about sex magick, I think its more about sex as a magical tool rather than magical means to sex though.
>3rd question thread about getting laid by using magic
This isn't a good sign, how much are you willing to bet that these kind of threads are going to fill most of the front page of the board?
Fucking mundane degenerates.
>>17916We need to ask Hotwheels to remove fringe from the featured boards. It's becoming really cancerous
>>17916I know, right? Currently this board is pretty much about sex and drugs.
a raw plant based diet will normalize your sex drive.
>>17919We should encourage their degeneracy and then fuck with their heads for fun and knowledge!
OP, if you haven't gotten laid yet, it's because you keep jerking off too much. Stop masturbating and losing your sperm. I'm not saying this to be a dick. Learn to cultivate your energy. This is the #1 way to start getting anything, magickal or otherwise. Pledge a day to start with in the renouncing lust thread as noted in the sticky.
The law of attraction states that the more you focus on a thing, the less likely you will achieve it. Let go of the lust for sex or relationships, develop yourself, and you will find them when you reach the right level of mastery. if you just want to have sexual experiences there are things like hypnosis and mind orgasms that feel similar but are not draining of vitality. Try not to get lost in these though.
Don't get caught up in the delusions of /theredpill - they tell you only how to fuck deluded women and will lead you astray with your own lust. Victims of the same delusion affecting tumblr feminists. It's a circlejerk of bitter or frustrated males who know a few "truths" based on a faulty worldview. Stay away from circlejerks or echo chambers in general except as an observer. Expect to find few answers. If you need to learn how to meet a woman to make meaningful relationship with, a couple materials are just acceptable. try someone like Heartiste or Roosh V, since they do not rely on too much gimmickry and touch a little on personal development, but do take their musings beyond what to do in specific situations with women with a grain of salt. You don't need to be affected by the negative aspects of their hedonistic worldviews to understand the "red pill" about women. Learn and practice but please behave with virtue and patience.
Now here's a real red pill: Women can be people with souls too. I will write this because a lot of us here have stayed away from talking about it.
Problems with women come from how we view them as a culture. I don't mean in the feminist sense that women are "objectified" or whatever, I mean in the sense that we don't think women need to cultivate themselves beyond being babymakers there to exist for a man's physical happiness, make "his" children or to temporarily satiate an impulse to drain his vital juices.
Of course you're going to get money-hungry sluts from a society that sees women in a materialist way. It's why feminists, just to pick on one group, only worry about how much a woman makes for sitting around doing nothing because she wasn't expected to learn or do anything except be femal, or how much sex she can have, and how being deprived of those things is just THE WORST THING EVER. Makes sense when you consider that the early so-called bra burners were of the six-pointy star club. So many more human incarnations are being thrown away, drained of loosh and life potential, anchors to men who may have had greater potential to drag them down with lust and to create more babies only to be harvested of loosh. Using our own women to drag us down. When you peek behind the curtain you start to get an idea of why society is currently arranged in this haphazard way. If things were done differently there would be a lot less loosh to be harvested if all people cultivated themselves regardless of their sex, stopped worrying about the little things and only produced children in a very selective manner.
Women should be expected to achieve personal mastery and spiritual maturity like the virtuous women of old. The path may not be exactly the same as a man's externally, but the inner path is pretty much the same for every soul regardless of if their biological sex is male or female. Please have a little sympathy for them if you decide to journey to unlock your own potential.
>>17941>posting on fringe>using old maymays:^)
>>17840Why not just perfect yourself along the lines of instruction in
The Universal Master Key?
>>17854>reading retarded PUA shit>not just getting yourself a succubus and having all the sex you could ever want and more No.17957
>>17908>major infringement of free willIt's no more infringement of free will than the subtle programming of daily TV watching that the mundanes do.
Some even believe any psychic contact is infringement of free will be it healing without the knowledge of the sick or sending them such sexual signals as in that book.
You're a wizard, you need to have your own moral code and if I want a white girlfriend that I'll gently love, I don't see anything wrong with magically stimulation her to make her more predisposed to me.
>>17957I am a Yogi. I would not want some mundane girl all over me and wanting to form a sexual energy draining relationship with me. She would have to be spiritual, chaste, and only performing ritualistic sex in order to achieve higher levels of consciousness together. Such female is too rare in this hideous modern world, so I'd prefer to go with a spirit spouse when the time is right.
But hey, that's just me. Good luck using that technique if you've just discovered it. I think I will try using it again, when the opportunity presents itself, since it seems like the most powerful way to influence a person and requires little effort, while demonstrating great power. I think I did use it on a girl I had intercourse with later that night, though I can't quite remember…
>>17943I don't use may mays, junior ;^)
>>17908>We can blame no-one but ourselves for the good or bad aspects of our current or future situation.Who will break the bad news to little Kunta in Zimbabwe that being born with AIDS and getting his village burned daily is his fault?
>>17971Tom Montalk himself has debunked this shit but there's still a few people insisting this is the case on /fringe/ still.
I sure as fuck didn't pick my shitty life.
>>17965>Such female is too rare in this hideous modern worldYour way of thinking really bothers me, we wizards are capable of making women horny for us but we are apparently unable to get them interested in the esoteric?
Find a young, impressionable girl, make her love you, not only though magic and you're free to shape her as you will.
>>17971>>17973It is irrelevant who picked what - you are where you should to be. You are balancing everything no more and no less than the smallest objects and planets are balancing between themselves.
In this way the mindset of an unhappy person fits an unhappy person. A mindset of a starving child fits a starving child - not anyone else.
To furthermore understand this fatalistic view, the most important thing to note is that your mind is not able to shift to something it's not in an instance - as much as a rock is not able to teleport itself to another location without following certain laws. That scenario would shatter the universe.
It's true, "No-fap" can actually increase your chances with women, because abstaining from masturbation conserves energy, and if you have an increased amount of "Personal Magnetism", people will be attracted to you. However, abstaining from masturbation just to fuck women is really stupid.
>>17973Tom Montalk is just Tom Montalk, I don't understand why people think he knows everything. He's just a guy speculating about metaphysics. He's very knowledgeable, but this does not mean he's always right.
The masters teach that Reincarnation is unconscious until you reach a stage of evolution where you can consciously pick your next life and remember your past lives while living here on earth.
Maybe you did not pick your "shitty life", but you unconsciously picked the life best suited to you, according to your Desire and with the aid of Spirit. You picked the life that would allow you to make as much progress with Spiritual Evolution as possible in this lifetime on Earth.
Just look at yourself, you know about magic, you know that the world is not the materialistic shit-hole that everyone would like you to believe it is, and yet you consider your life shitty?
Compare you life the the common person's life. He thinks he is "his brain", he thinks everything is "chemical reactions in the brain" and that the purpose of living is to get wasted because you only live once.
He does not know God and he does not know the beauty and bliss of the higher planes.
Would you really exchange lives with a normalfag, given the opportunity?
>>17971Is little Kunta even really human? Does an IQ of 68 really allow a person to be sentient enough to have a soul? Maybe little Kunta is just an automaton.
I've known a lot of dogs and a lot of niggers, and generally the dogs seem like they have more of a soul.
>>18026I'm quoting Atkinson here:
>Some of us have developed the Intellectual stage to a considerable extent (although we have practically conquered but a few square miles of the new territory of the mind, and there is still a great task before us), while other men seem to have a consciousness almost altogether within the borders of the Instinctive Mind, and have only a glimmering of Intellect. Not only is this true of the savage races, but many, very many of so-called “civilized” people have not learned to do their own thinking, and seem willing to allow others to do their thinking for them, they following certain leaders with the stupid habit of the sheep. But still the race is progressing, slowly but surely, and many are thinking now who never thought before — a greater number are refusing to take their thinking second-hand, and are insisting upon knowing for themselves.
>Of course, when they [the undeveloped people] are reborn they are attracted to, and attracted by, parents of the same tendencies, so that the surroundings in their new earth-life will correspond very closely to those of their old one. These crude and undeveloped souls, as well as the souls of the savage races, progress but slowly, making but a trifling advance in each life, and having to undergo repeated and frequent incarnations in order to make even a little progress. Their desires are strong for the material, and they are attracted to and by it—the Spirit’s influences exerting but a comparatively slight attraction upon them. But even these make some progress—all are moving forward if even but a little.
>The Yogi Philosophy teaches that you who are reading these lines, have lived many, many lives. You have lived in the lower forms of life, working your way up gradually in the scale. After you passed into the human phase of existence you lived as the caveman, the cliff dweller, the savage, the barbarian; the warrior, the knight; the priest; the scholar of the Middle Ages;—now in Europe; now in India; now in Persia; now in the East; now in the West. In all ages,—in all climes—among all peoples—of all races—have you lived, had your existence, played your part, and died. In each life have you gained experiences; learned your lessons; profited by your mistakes; grown, developed and unfolded. And when you passed out of the body, and entered into the period of rest between incarnations, your memory of the past life gradually faded away, but left in its place the result of the experiences you had gained in it. Just as you may not remember much about a certain day, or week, twenty years ago, still the experiences of that day or week have left indelible traces upon your character, and have influenced your every action since—so while you may have forgotten the details of your previous existences, still have they left their impress upon your soul, and your everyday life now is just what it is by reason of those past experiences. After each life there is sort of a boiling down of the experiences, and the result—the real result of the experience—goes to make up a part of the new self—the improved self—which will after a while seek a new body into which to reincarnate.You wrote:
>I've known a lot of dogs and a lot of niggers, and generally the dogs seem like they have more of a soul.It's true:
>In some of the lower animals, the fourth principle has attracted to itself the lowest shading of the fifth principle, and the animal manifests signs of a faint reasoning. On the other hand, in some of the lower forms of man—the Bushman, for example—the fourth principle has scarcely been perceptibly colored by the incoming fifth principle, and the “man” is scarcely more than a brute, in fact is more of a brute, mentally, than some of the higher domesticated animals, who, having been for many generations in close companionship with man, have been colored by his mental emanations. No.18035
>>18026There's always the chance that some humans have no soul, (thus being organic portals), but there's also the chance that they are young 3D humans, meaning that they still have some animal in them. But they're growing and becoming more aware.
>>17995A young, attractive girl is likely to have a very active social life and is unlikely to give that up because she starts randomly feeling lust (which is very different from love and unlikely to last very long) for some guy that considers themselves a 'wizard' and tries showing her some occult books. She could even get suspicious when shown such materials, given the odd circumstances in which her attraction grew.
The last time I checked, many of the members of this board renounce lust and the most influential writers read here (Bardon, Montalk, WWA) surely would not approve of making a girl your slave. However, I can see how rescuing a young female from a vapid life with mostly useless interests and showing her things that would help her to develop herself and become a far better person as a result, could be considered a good thing from a certain perspective.
Have you had any success with this? Sounds far more difficult than you are making out, but by all means, go for it if you will and let us know how it goes.
>>17955being an ignorant autist who thinks magick is above all..
dont listen, anon. PUA is a tool to develop social and attractive inteligence. Its not there to become become a sexcraving mundane and wont work for this intentions. If anything, it helps you to recover from your neediness and sexcraving and teaches you to encounter others in an honest and free from sexual intentions manner.
In fact it helps you do understand yourself, women and men in your enviroment which is a great thing to improve yourself.
The lore is legit and good. Just dont use it to become a promiscious degenerate faggot.
>>17995>not only though magic and you're free to shape her as you will.I have a serious problem with statements like this. People who think they can ignore and not use magick are just idiots because magick works on higher laws that are ALWAYS IN EFFECT. Ignorance of those laws doesn't mean you aren't using them. People should not self-sabotage by trying to "get women without magick" because all love is magickal.
>>18046>free from sexual intentions manner.>PUASilly mundane.
>In fact it helps you do understand yourself, women and men in your enviroment which is a great thing to improve yourself.The Universal Master Key will do that as well.
>>18028Everything you just said does not mean we picked all that shit for ourself. Also I'm sure you just quoted
LifeBeyondDeath as I read that book too.
>>18050I quoted various books. I'm not saying you picked it because you liked it, I'm saying you probably need it to grow.
>The masters teach that Reincarnation is unconscious until you reach a stage of evolution where you can consciously pick your next life and remember your past lives while living here on earth.Look into the bardo state for more inforation on this. Apparently you need pretty high power levels to consciously choose your next life.
>>17852This is actually a pretty awesome source. I've seen it been used so many times…
>>18044>A young, attractive girl is likely to have a very active social lifenot necessarily, plenty of pretty attractive girls get overlooked by men in favor of the easy and outgoing girls, leaving the attractive but shy ones as virgins for many years to come.
>She could even get suspicious when shown such materialsThat's where being a genuinely good person comes in, you have to cultivate good character qualities as out esteemed influential writers encourage us to. Bardon had a wife and Montalk has a girlfriend and I doubt they got them by effectively enslaving them with magic or had a problem with their partners' practices.
I've had limited success so far though I haven't quite met a girl not cunty enough for me to invest my time into, the ones that I would even consider dating happen to be living in America while I'm stuck in a cesspool of vapid whores in Australia.
>>18048You misunderstand, of course love is magical and invisible influences are always in effect, what I specifically mean is getting a girl to become interested in you. Do you seriously believe a woman will try dating a man if she isn't already predisposed to him by finding him attractive?
>>18044You obviously haven't spoken to a lot of women. Women are THE most "accepting" people ever.
>>18117this, a whole lot more women tend to believe in shit like crystal healing and fortune telling than men do.
Telling a girl that already likes you and treats you with respect that you're a wizard and having her take up your practices isn't impossible at all.
>>18114Fair enough. I suppose I misunderstand to what extent you wish to get her interested in the esoteric and "shape her".
>>18117"accepting" of what exactly? They seem more accepting of new age tomfoolery and charlatans, due to their lacking of certain types of intelligence. I can't imagine one getting too deep into the esoteric knowledge as presented on this site, however you are correct about my limited experience is speaking with a wide range of them and I could be mistaken.
>not necessarily, plenty of pretty attractive girls get overlooked by men in favor of the easy and outgoing girls
I don't want to turn this thread into /r9k/ central, but this literally never happens.
The idea of love for mundanes anyway is contradicting with the definition of the word itself. Most people when they say they love someone, they actually say they love themselves for getting with that person. It makes their ego feel good, everyone wants that perfect partner that will bend to their ideal. It's no different than choosing your car brand, showcasing your latest clothes. Man or woman, it does't matter, we all dream that one day this perfect half will come and suddendly our problems will go away.
That's why most of the couples break anyway, because they get tired of keeping the charade, doesn't help that modern life in general doesn't cultivate a certain forgiveness and understanding to other people.
IMO love is the accepting and understanding of your partners flaws, a complete empathy, the understanding of how she/he feels. Even if she/he might seem foolish, that makes you care about him the more. Someone who loves you should expose all your weaknesses and help you get through them, just as you do to him/her. Instead 99% of people expect someone that will come and support whatever bullshit image they have of themselves.
Maybe it's an extreme case, but I read about a dude that got paralyzed do to spinal injury, and his gf dumped him. Isn't the point of love exactly this? To help your partner when he will need you the most? Living through the hapiness of the other one? All the lovey-dovey kisses, all the useless vows, everything was useless for this guy.
Either way, doing magick so you attract someone seems laughable at best. You think that one day, just around the corner, the perfect cute will just land in your lap, and a happy ever after life will follow, just because you did some ritual posted on imageboards.
>inb4 butthurt virgin ramble
>>18138You got the wrong flag though, try this one.
>>18142 said.
Your /r9k/ negativity is seriously keeping you back. Sure a lot of humans are absolute shit regardless of their gender but we're fringe wizards, we can manipulate probability. This is literally the core of our practices and you're telling me there's no perfect girl that's right for me?
What if I told you that there is a girl that's perfect for me because I believe in her existence?
Let go of your negative beliefs and have some faith in your ability. Make a sigil for a girl of your dreams, visualize how you're going to meet her and how much she'll like you from first seeing you.
Also stop browsing /r9k/ and similar boards, those places poison your mind and prevent you from being happy, turning you instead into a bitter faggot.
If you lack drive you still have a duty towards your race to reproduce, so get to it.
Doing rituals to Venus or the Archangel thereof (also the Spirit and Intelligence as found in Agrippa) to bring you the women or woman most likely to want to have sex with you. You could also do what a lot of Hoodoo/Conjure practitioners do and get a seven-day candle (votive candle) and use it as a means to write a petition upon it for the woman with the qualities you want, use it as a source for the ritual to venus (done in the day and hour of the planet) and to the archangel in question (Easily researched). Do the ritual, use the lamen/sigil provided for the planet and the spirits in question to help call them and do it every day in the hour of venus (making sure to begin in the day of venus) and your compounded willworking will help to make the ritual work better when the seven days of the candle are done. Forgive any difficult wordings. English is not my first language.
>absolutely no idea what redpill is aboutnice are arcane mastery u have there.. since when is magick a way to become an ignorant, frustrated, roleplaying faggot?
>>18181I visualized for most of a night a police officer hugging me and the very next day an off-duty police officer hugged me. That is EXTREMELY improbable especially as I have never been hugged before yet it happened.
Basic reality manifestation will get you really far. Just got to read Montalk and Neville Goddard. Other texts that focus on developing various imaginal / mental aspects will also help like memory, concentration, visualization, etc.
There is no reason a wizard should be unable to attain the perfect mate whether that mate is literally crafted out of piece of their own soul, or met through evocation, or met through synchronicity, or whatever.
…and it's a big multiverse out there. Even if you don't want to get a woman from Earth there's plenty of Nordic Aliens, Undines, etc. out there that could bear superior offspring with you with many powers.
>>18049Most PUA stuff, especially nowadays, is focused on self-improvement first, fucking women second, or quality > quantity. See Mark Manson for instance. The "fuck all girls in da club" mentality is mainly of the old, OLD PUA stuff, with Mystery and Style. These are the same guys who promoted "peacocking", what is still how the PUA community is seem as, people dressing in a ridiculous way to gain attention, no one does that anymore since like 2004 or so. Even the old players who are still in the game moved on from that mentality, like Jeffries and the core of RSD
>>18256Some years ago a guy posted on some imageboard a pass to a PUA-themed private torrent tracker. I saw some great stuff in there, books on occultism, meditation, self-control, energy manipulation and so on. There were also guides to absolutely everything one would want to do, from sewing to chess. Then I thought the same thing, there was one point where getting grills went to second plane, the main focus was self-improvement.
>>18266Yeah, you don't really see much of the /fringe/-type of occult stuff around (un?)fortunately since most of the community follows the "magiks dont real" crowd, a few being full-blown fedoras that don't even believe things like hypnosis or lucid dreaming. Meditation practices are pretty much universally recommended though, and many repack visualization exercises under other names, though that's all what they are.
>>18254My old friend, Abdullah, gave me this exercise. Every day I would sit in my living room where I could not see the telephone in the hall. With my eyes closed, I would assume I was in the chair by the phone. Then I would feel myself back in the living room. This I did over and over again, as I discovered the feeling of changing motion. This exercise was very helpful to me. If you try it, you will discover you become very loose with this exercise.
Practice the art of motion, and one day you will discover that by the very act of imagining, you are detached from your physical body and placed exactly where you are imagining yourself to be - so much so that you are seen by those who are there.
Being all imagination, you must be wherever you are in imagination. Moving in your imagination, you are preparing a place for your desires to be fulfilled. Then you return, to walk through a series of events which will lead you up to where you have placed yourself. In imagination, I can put myself where I desire to be. I move and view the world from there. Then I return here, confident that - in a way unknown to me - this being who can do all things and knows all things, will lead me physically across a bridge of incident up to where I have placed myself. You can move in imagination to any place and any time. Dwell there as though it were true, and you will have learned the secret of prayer.
>>18271 When a friend calls, telling of a problem, we hang up, and I move from the problem state to its solution by hearing the same lady tell me the problem is now solved.
A friend recently shared this dream with me: We were in a garden and he told me all of his desires, when I said: "Don't desire them, live them!" This is true. Desire is thinking of! Living is thinking from! Don't go through life desiring. Live your desire. Think it is already fulfilled. Believe it is true; for an assumption, though false, if persisted in will harden into fact.
When you are learning the art of prayer, persistence is necessary, as told us in the story of the man who - coming at night - said: "Friend, lend me three loaves of bread." Although his friend replied: "It is late, the door is closed, my children are in bed, and I cannot come down and serve you," because of the man's importunity, his friend gave him what he wanted. The word importunity means brazen impudence. The man repeated and repeated his request, unwilling to take no for an answer. The same is true in the story of the widow. These are all parables told to illustrate prayer.
The Lord's Prayer teaches the oneness of us all. It begins: "Our Father." If God is our Father, are we not one? Regardless of our race or color of skin, if we have a common Father, we must have a common brotherhood.
Eventually we are all going to know we are the Father; but in the meanwhile, persistence is the key to a change in life - more income, greater recognition, or whatever the desire may be. If your desire is not fulfilled today, tomorrow, next week or next month - persist, for persistency will pay off. All of your prayers will be answered if you will not give up.
>>18270There was a lot of chinese internal martial arts though, apparently people are more comfortable believing that.
>>18201I didn't think my little post would create this much butthurt or that this many "red pillers" lurked here when they should know better than to be attached to labels and ideologies based in narrow worldview.
I bask in your lost loosh and use it to further attain my goals.
enjoy your "red pill" suppository and wasting your efforts fishing for organic portals with negs and fuzzy hats instead of cultivating your energies with a qt awakened waifu on a path to ascension
>>18282>>18282Why doesn't that pic have the little bald guy holding mein kampf
I really love him
minor synchronicity; I just read Crowley talk about a female vampire who Would get fucked by the whole village for energy, and then I came here and read your pic about sperm being vitalizing for womens pussy holes No.18287
>>18285it's one of the iron pill comics, bretty entertaining if you haven't read it. one features the red pill mein kampf guy, to vindicate my post
>>17937 for posterity
>In women's magazines there's never a word about science, history, economics, politics, philosophy, religion, technology. Conspiracy theories are never mentioned. Women's magazines are all about physical appearance, fashion, gossip and celebrities. Who's fat, who's thin, who's pretty, who's ugly, who's wearing what, who's up, who's down, who are the new stars, what are the old stars doing? Women's magazines are the sanctification of trivia. They are devoid of intelligent thought. Sex and the City - one of the most popular women's TV shows of recent years - is a story of career women with expensive shoes. That's it! They moan about men, but are obsessed with getting Mr Right. After decades of feminism, women are still locked in the frivolous, intellectually sterile world of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, published almost two hundred years ago.
>The Old World Order have come up with the perfect formula for neutralising women: "retail therapy." Give ordinary women a shop to visit and a credit card to brandish and they will be docile, obedient consumers, never posing any problems.
>Riesman said, "The other-directed person wants to be loved rather than esteemed; he wants not to gull or impress, let alone oppress, others, but, in the current phase, to relate to them; he seeks less a snobbish status in the eyes of others than assurance of being emotionally in tune with them."
>Is that not a definition of most women? Is that not a description of most office workers? Is that not a description of users of social networking sites? We live in an other-directed society, one where most people are scared to deviate from the normal, the average. "Fitting in" is imperative. Few people have the courage to be themselves.
>In many ways, women are the key to overthrowing the Old World Order. Tragically, they are the least likely to care about the tyranny of the OWO. They are shopaholics and gossip addicts, and no conceivable threat to the OWO. Which is exactly as the OWO planned. No.18467
>>18026did you really not get that I was using Kunta as the archetypal unfortunate starving african?
>>18467Did you really not get that I was, too?
>>18511Is that why you went on a redundant rant that had nothing to with the discussion?
>>17937You obviously didn't read anything on r/theredpill
>>17937You do realize that r/theredpill agrees with everything you said right?
>>18788>>18785Of course they agree with everything I wrote. For years I used to read the blogs that came up with the stuff that /r/theredpill is now aping and echoing.
I still read heartiste once in a while because he's not a bad writer and is a funny guy. I just don't get caught up in all the negative bullshit.
maybe I've just outgrown it but there's only so much you can learn from TRP, and I don't just mean the reddit community, I mean TRP in general. it's a decent meme but it's still just a meme.
worrying about how bluepilled everyone else is thanks to the feminazi conspiracy or being too beta or alfa to get the approval of some vapid cunt is a good way to stifle your inner development.
>Take the news, for instance. Awareness of world events gives you a certain level of lucidity concerning what we’re facing. Getting “outraged” at shocking stories of corruption and injustice can make you feel self-righteous, motivated, and awake. But from a metaphysical point of view, if this bitterness leads to persistent pessimism and a darkening of your heart, then despite getting politically smarter you become spiritually dimmer. This has metaphysical consequences that outweigh anything gained through awareness of the physical conspiracy. Political revolution without spiritual evolution has lead to all the tyrannical “-isms” of history.I keep a safe distance from TRP because a lot of it is 'been there done that' for me. I say if you have to remain or proselytize it, share only the positive things because a lot of TRP stuff is just negative and not constructive. I actually found it in a place of pain and bitterness. I took "the pill." Eventually I got what I thought I wanted, saw it wasn't that big of a deal and got over it.
I'm not saying a lot of it isn't positive or can't lead to constructive things, I'm pointing out how much of it is negative and reactionary and how it doesn't help people who aren't already unplugged from da maytricks and can stand on their own. A lot of it also assumes that you have already drank the kool-aid.
ultimately you choose how you invest your energies, only you can know where you are and where you need to go. I've simply decided I can do more by working on myself, being positive and not being an unconscious activist in any ideological war that is in all likelihood just another divide-and-conquer tactic to keep us asleep.
However if you want to do something magickal for a greater cause I may be willing to contribute. maybe /fringe/ should host some organized magick sometime.
>>18785>>18788>reading r/lememepillthis is a 18+ board