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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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I am a practicing witch. Not a wiccan or any other sect. I have found my own path and have met and became friends / allies/ family with many demons.

Feel free to ask me anything about witchcraft / ritual magic / spellcraft and I will answer to the best of my ability.

I view sharing spellcraft as sharing knowledge. Therefor if it is asked of me I will share my knowledge of it.

Hail Belial.
Hail Satan.
Hail Anjula.
Hail Azmodeous.
Hail Azmoday.
Hail Knok.

The following image is my Sigil.

Gifted to me in ritual with Belial, Water, Fire, Eart, and Satan.


Wind I apolgize I have forgotten to mention you in my post.

I would ask your presence for the entirity of this thread.

Hail Wind.


would you notice if i fapped to your sigil



seriously though, why would you consort with demons joy of satan tier witch?
people here believe them to be our enemies that desire our loosh for sustenance and get it by making us partake in degenerate emotions and activities.


File: 1421356739312.png (737.1 KB, 1293x1407, 431:469, 1421089873636.png)

Pic related, it's your true master.



Yeah I'm not a satanist and you're an amatuer and have obviously never actually spoken with a demon if you think demons are a witches enemy.

You must be new. Loosh is imaginary nonsense. I don't even know what the fuck that is.


>Loosh is imaginary nonsense. I don't even know what the fuck that is.

You don't even know what it is but you declare it imaginary nonsense outright while implying that the imaginal is somehow less real.

You've got a long ways to go yet…

…and I evoke demons and deal with them and they are useful.


>You must be new. Loosh is imaginary nonsense.
Also magic and demons aren't real.
>tips fedora


File: 1421369311655.jpg (390.41 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 20150112_082712(1).jpg)

Who are all those people you hailed?

Are you a girl?

Do you use your own fluids for rituals?

What's the most powerful witchery you've done?

What's the purpose of your sigil?

How do I make a demonic packt?


File: 1421388863927.jpg (56.38 KB, 345x588, 115:196, Gamori.jpg)



The problems commonly faced during work with demons can be avoided by maintaining pristine levels of willpower. That still leaves the problem of using an egregore, especially one that has been the target of negative intentions for countless years. Though using egregore for magic can be useful for beginners, it's best to use your own thoughtforms once you understand the dynamics required to do whatever you are doing.

nice try, but I'm not handing over the reigns to you

I think what he was referring to is the act of exchanging energy with a demon.

A personal experience would be when I had a vivid dream of Gremory, then woke up tired. I felt better in a few hours, and had an amazing day.

>Who are all those people you hailed?
Major demons
>Are you a girl?
It feels like she is to me.
>Do you use your own fluids for rituals?
I personally have, and it was rather euphoric.
>What's the most powerful witchery you've done?
I plan to regress into past lives and defeat people responsible for spiritually oppressing my ancestors. Otherwise, having Gremory visit me in bed to teach me what being a woman feels like was the coolest thing I did within memory.
>What's the purpose of your sigil?
Draw it on a notecard, light some candles, go into trance, call upon me, provide an offering, then declare the reason you call upon me. If I am able and willing to do your task, I'll do it.
>How do I make a demonic packt?
Follow the above with /insert demon name here _/



What was your meditation routine when you we're a begginer? I Actually need some help with that… I want to open my soul and arrive to the GodHead.

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