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File: 1421350790289.jpg (87.53 KB, 854x770, 61:55, 1247315699532.jpg)

 No.18045[Last 50 Posts]

I have found my external HD which has most of the leaked occult.bz torrents .rar on it. You can download these yourselves but it takes weeks and they're rar'd so instead I'll offer to upload whatever you're interested in and more importantly what you recommend for others, including myself, to read/watch/listen to.

Make requests and I will upload them to mega.

Here are html files of the contents of the .rar folders:


I only have 10gb space left but I can always delete stuff. If there is content which is already on the official fringe mega point it out so I can delete it.

Here is the full mega folder with what is currently uploaded: https://mega.co.nz/#F!C5wQ1JqZ!ics3BJ1RrVWtCOpA1XZyqw


Also if you guys can do some defensive magick on my behalf to ward off any negative reprocussions for sharing material that would be appreciated.


I do it but I'm currently engaged in some kind of weird psychic war already with some other people.

I think your library (second link) is already in the /fringe/ sticky.



More details on the psychic war?

I may be in one myself.

I believe they are following the formula of IAO though so it may "not matter" and yet be of the highest importance.

And yes, just checked the sticky and my mega is in there, didn't realise that until now.

Still, the invitation to request any material is open. I'd especially like recommendations from people as to what to include.

Ctrl+f for your most useful/favourite books in the html archives and see if there are any there that are worth their salt.

If I weren't worried about legal problems I'd buy an upgrade for my account and just unleash the lot of it.




Heres the section on psychic self defence. I'd also recommend Jason Miller's book on protective magick and regular LRBP.



If you've got the money spare you could consider one of these…


Apparently they've been breathed into with thousands of protective mantras.

Removed http:// so this site doesn't show up in his referrals as he might not approve of the piracy.

Ordered one myself the other day.


Anon this is just incredible
Could you please upload everything from The Monroe Insitute? Gateway Experience, Hemi-Sync
Also requesting the Mastering Astral projection course, with all the sound files and all that jazz



Sure dude, that might be a bit heavy on the 50gb limit you get for a free account but I'll try.

Books and smaller files would be preferable.



Could you tell me which html file they were in as I can't find them.



well if it's too much just post these books
Vince Milgiori-A Measure of Heaven in the Paranormal \Library v1.0\Paranormal\ (59)
Allan watts \Library v1.0\Everything Else\Alan Watts - This Is It\ (9)


Someone on /x/ came up with the idea of making our own occult private tracker once. Nothing came of it…

Would anyone here have the skills to do that? It'd be easier than mega.

All these files come from theoccult.bz which is a private occult tracker that is damn near impossible to get into these days, I lost my account due to inactivity.



Looks like it should be ok. Only a few gb. Going up now. I'll add those books later.


Chumbley - Mysticism, Initiation and Dream [OCR Scan - 1 PDF].pdf \Library v1.0\Everything Else\ (314)

once I download the Monroe files you can delete them after some time so as to make more space



I have a video documentary on alan watts that has previously unseen footage in it up in one of the video folders by the way, got the dvd from a kickstarter and ripped it myself, don't think its on the net anywhere else.



That's very nice, I remember wanting to see it but could not find links for it, would really aprecciate if you post it



many thanks, watching it now


Everything requested so far:


also for the guy with psychic warfare problems try this out:



new age avatar power or whatever its called, can't torrent on phone.

I also want something practical about auramancing, how to connect to others, influence them, share or conjure feels etc.

i have knowledge, i want confirmation



Sorry don't have new avatar power one, check the html files in the OP for all the material I do have.

I will look for stuff on auras.


>Start downloading the occult.bz torrent
>See this thread as soon as I come to /fringe/

Synchronicities ahoy


requesting the Clarivoyance books at

\Library v1.0\Paranormal\DevelopClairvoyance\books\

also anon how big is the entire collection? I'd be willing to pay for a harddrive containing it and would pay for the transit.

Australian internet not even once



Uploading now.

The full collection is just over 200gb. I can also throw in an extra 80gb of material I downloaded directly from theoccult.bz myself.

My email address is in the how to request content folder at the top of the mega under contactdetails.txt. Email me and Ill see if I can sort something out.



Finished uploading now.


Just added a parapsychology html list of content that was missing


If you're into hip hop here's another mega with red pilled conspiracy theory music, he doesn't pull punches on the joos either and he got a good sound.



Thank you for the deliver.


Qabalah.html list of material just gone up.

I've also got a .rar of grimoires which doesn't have an html list, I'll take some screenshots of the rar for you guys to look through when I have some time.


File: 1421421588266-0.png (262.72 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, grim1.png)

File: 1421421588266-1.png (249.25 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, grim2.png)

File: 1421421588266-2.png (278.62 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, grim3.png)

File: 1421421588266-3.png (263.24 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, grim4.png)

grimoire files available


Since when Mega has a goddamn limit? I left shit downloading overnight and now it's asking me to upgrade to pro or wait 240 minutes, fuck this.



Damn, I didn't know they had a limit.

How much did you download?

I can put specifics of what you want on another host if you want.




Here's the magnet links for the torrents:

everything else












satanism and left hand path








Frater K's library



Download soulseek and join the room fringe.




I have all the meditation torrents individual files up on soulseek at the moment, working on getting the lucid dreaming and grimoires up there.


Uncle Chuckie Psionics.

Enjoy power.


File: 1421517680601.png (7.35 KB, 221x211, 221:211, soulseek.png)

Am I missing something?



It should be there. Me and iceman are in there at the moment. I've got just over 1000 files at the moment. If you've got any occult material put it in your share folder.


soulseek will take longer to download with but there's no limit on download bandwidth



If fringe isnt on the list click on create room and enter fringe


this works for me


You can also click refresh room list.

The mega is best for mp3s and video as soulseek only uploads at about 80kb/s

You have 10 gb limit which resets every half hour on the mega.

There are other people with occult content on soulseek too, you can search to find stuff.


To download on soulseek right click a name that has file numbers then browse files and download from there.





This has the unrar'd files of all those folders, plus other stuff. Also it has seeders, while some of those torrents don't.


Use Volafile, dummies!


Again, Auramancing.



Not working for me.

If it worked this would be good as I could take down most everything and only upload stuff that is to.bz exclusive that isn't on the torrent.


Is it that 500gb torrent?



It takes a while to start up.



jk I'm samefagging.

But really guise, you should make a room and store your shit there.





Someone has kindly gifted me $10 worth of storage space which means I can now upload 450gb more.

What would you guys like most?



Choices are:

Everything Else
Lucid dreams and astral projection
Ritual magic
Satanism and lhp


You might as well just upload fucking everything and organize it well.



I guess that could work.

It will only be up for a month unless people buy me a voucher for next month though, I don't want my credit card info linked to the mega

Currently I'm searching everything I've got for kindle files, so expect a kindle folder soon.


Join irc.occultminds.com #fringe and #here if you want to talk about material to upload or if you have anything you want to contribute


Grimoires, LHP (especially 218, O9A stuff, sitra achra, falxifer, also ixaxxar has a lot of good shit. Uruthark nightside of the runes, and the essence of thursian sorcery. also the gullveigarbok if you have it) Anything 3HP, or xoanon is automatically appreciated. also, good translations of sacred texts, like Faulkners pyramid and coffin texts. Thanks man, even if u can only get some, or none of those.



My anti virus picked up viruses in the grimoires section so be careful.

I deleted all .exe files just in case.



The entire grimoire collection is going up now.



It's 11gb so it'll be a while before it's all up. ONA stuff was already on a separate cloud folder so i merged it. Will search for specific requests tomorrow when the uploading is done, I can see it taking a while.



Also I should say these viruses were removed, obviously, and I'm scanning the entire folder again just in case.


Since my 500gb will likely run out and not be renewed at the end of the month, try and download as much as you can but remember there's a 10gb download limit so download wisely.

Also if people could download and then upload on to their own mega that would be super useful and good for the community.



I have xoanon psalter of cain, vexior gullveigorbok, liber falixer, liber falixer 2, no sitra achra, no Faulkners

Should all be up in the grimoires folder sometime soon.

Xaoanon is in frater k's library under main folder\chumbley\cultus sabbati


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
…. grimoire's



meditation will be next followed by ritual magic


I have that entire library :P


I back this request up. We'd just need a lot of servers and storage, to my knowledge. If a group of us put enough money together we could get this going.
But then why would we?



Knowledge is power, store knowledge, keep power. Theoccult.bz are bastards and too hard to get into. We could create our own material and actually work together unlike them they don't at all.

I'd fully support this so long as it worked well. Only problbem would be finances and adminitration. We'd need skilled workers devoting time and money. We're mostly neets.

I don't have shit to offer other than my back up of libraries, others have libraries too.

Personally I'd like to do it to get back at TO.bz for not letting me back in their super secret club.

If we did this I have things I would share with only you guys such as 9 hour recordings of RAWs illuinatus being performed as a play, which there are only 20 copies of in existence and which is never going to be released again. So long as you guys prove youre worthy.


>Knowledge is power, store knowledge, keep power.
That isn't sufficient of a reason to go through the large hurdle of creating an entire private (or public) tracker designated for the occult. I like the enthusiasm, but enthusiasm does not logic make.


>Illuminatus play

Gib upload pls ;_;



Sorry bro, I paid way too much for it to leak it. I feels yer pain though. You missed the cosmic trigger play too which was even better so I feels twice as bad for you son.

Also holy shit the grimoires are still uploading I left em going all night



I'd do it cus FUCK DA BZ BRUH


Frankly, knowing Robert Wilson was a working with CIA and pretty much a gatekeeper, are the plays even worth it? Or is the entertainment value all there is to them?



RAW's stuff is full of traps and jibes.

Discordianism at its roots was quite evil. They pranked people into thinking the conspiritorial illuminati was real. And it got waaaaaaaaaaaaay out of hand to the point where kerry thornley one of the founders went schiizophrenic from it. Look up the book the prankster and the conspiracy it documents the history. Also historia discordia.

When you learn your history on it itt is quite scary tbh.



Kerry Thornley believed that RAW was his CIA babysitter.

I like RAW cus he cured my pessimism, but his style of thinking led to me getting trollled epicly by discordians who are more discordian than actual discordians.

Basically there is outer circle discordianism which is the principia and people who think its cool and the inner circle who pull REALLY adanced mindfucks on unwitting discordians and mundanes alike.



Personally I enjoyed cosmic trigger, it was half taking the piss half serious

Illuminatus was kinda the same


So what exactly is Discordianism in this year? I understand the outer circle, you see it all the time when you see people mention the discordian memetics, but what exactly is the purpose and goals of the inner circle? Just a glorified occult setup to mind-fuck (vet) people into the inner circle?



I think modern discordianism is a somewhat misunderstood relic that has a cult following, we don't understand it how it was intended and carried out in its origins (which is kind of the point as every discordian creates their own interpretation etc, but it's operation mindfuck that made things get out of hand) and if you do get to experience operation mindfuck in its original and out of hand practical joke sense you will probably end up living a shitty life like Thornley did being the subject of a conspiracy and going schizo.

Or recieve supreme enlightenment and initiation into a world wide practical joke.



The purpose and goals of the inner circle are amusement and power as far as I can tell.


I knew about it, just didn't had enough money to pledge for them.

They'll turn up online eventually, guess I'll just have to wait a little longer. ;_;



That sucks, there were only about 23 copies sent out if i remember correctly.

Did you make it to see the cosmic trigger show? Best thing I've ever seen.


Grimoires are up.

Meditation is going up still.

If you find good stuff recommend it and i'll put it in a good stuff folder


I would like to have the whole 500gb collection in ~64gb torrents each (since that is the size of /g/entoomen library and murder/k/ube packages)



The material is all alreaddy up in torrents listed in this thread, I'm uploading it so people can download select files since teh torrent is a .rar


Meditation is all up.

Ritul magic is going up now.

Qabalah or LHP will be next.


An idea:

Download calibre and convert pdfs to mobi so I can create a bigger kindle library for us kindle owners.

This takes time so the more people we have doing it the better. Upload to mega so i can collect and reupload


Most pdfs convert very badly to mobi and epub formats.



Most of the converts I've done have turned out well, better than sending a pdf to a kindle at least.


Also please please please suggest good material that should be moved to the recommended folder so I know what to keep when the 500gb month wears off and so people don't have to trawl through shitloads of material


Huh, mine always end up fucked even after messing around with Calibre's formatting.

To be fair though I'm using a Kobo, don't know how they act on Kindles.



Did you set your device to Kobo in the settings?

I set mine to fire HD which is what I'm using and it works ok.

Also if anyone does this pls do fire HD.


If you have read extensively or have books that have helped you a great deal please look through the html files here and I can create recommended reading folders for each section based on your suggestions:


Sections are, grimoires, lucid dreams and AP, meditation, paranormal, parapsychology, qabalah, ritual magic, satanism and lhp, wicca.


Just read through the tablets of Set, they're pretty awesome.


Are you going to keep it all the way to april or may?



500 gb expires 04/14



Just realised you weren't replying to me.

I'm still waiting for that torrent to start like two months later.



Just recieved a mega voucher from based fringe wizard, everything will be up for an extra month.


Is that you, AVOIDCHAOS?

MEGA won't load for me atm :/



yes it is :) how could you tell, are you bor?


Yes, I am Bor. I figured it out cause you told me about occult.bz and things like that. I still have all those old links to your folders and such.



That's cool.

I moved the folder I made for you into the main folder as people wanted ONA material.

How is your ONA practise going?

Is there an official irc for /fringe/? I made a room on irc.occultminds.com #fringe main server channel is #here. #'here gets posted on /x/ mostly.


I kinda stopped that. That one guy who you told me (I think it was you) to send a message to with the words "these details?" never messaged me back. Is there a link to the room?



I don't think that was me, I don't have any ONA contacts. I don't blame you for stopping ONA material lol.

You need to use an irc client to get to occultminds i think, mibbit is banned

Here's a link to a client and a how-to on connecting



Right, theres 200gb of stuff up now.

Now we need to comb through it for the gems.

I'd suggest trying out mp3s and videos as we can get through them quicker than pdfs


Please tell me you have the full nine doors of midgard somewhere on there. I would theoretically blow you.



Sorry I don't.

I'll try ask someone with a TO.bz account when they're around.



I think everything I have is up now.

I might mirror frater k's library in case his goes down


Why does the Qabalah folder have two of every pdf?



I must have accidently uploaded it twice.

I might fix that later by deleting it and reuploading once but I broke the internet uploading 200gb in like 3 days so I'll leave it for a while.


File: 1427256297828.jpg (19.52 KB, 500x263, 500:263, Alchemists Hate Her!!!.jpg)

You got any Alchemy?

Anything would be great but specifically

Alchemy Rediscovered and Restored – Archibald Cockren
Triumphal Chariot of Antinomy – Basil Valentine
Herbal Alchemy – Hurley
Johannes Isaaci Hollander


Does anyone have any idea where I could find translated books by Stanislas de Guaita? He was a very skilled Rosicrucian, called Prince of the Rosicrucian, and Mouni Sadhu got his Concentration in a twist about what he read in de Guaita's books. I could only find the french books on archive.org and I'm not proficient in french.



The mega has a search function, everything I have bar some wiccan stuff is up there so you should be abl to find it if its there.


I've figured out how to mirror other peoples megas, so I have smiley's fringe essentials and frater k's newest library up in a mirrors folder.

This means if you want a specific book use the search function and you'll be able to find it much easier than looking through many megas.


The torrent or mega?



The mega. But someone gave me another $10 top up so itll be up for another month.


How much do you have to pay to host these things in Mega? Maybe I could throw a couple of dollars every month to help pay for the hosting, and maybe other people would join and we could have this stuff always available



It's $10 a month for 500gb which is more than enough for now unless I get a new to.bz account somehow, which is not likely.

You can buy one month 500gb mega vouchers for $10 and email them to me, address is in the contact .txt


But Mega is pretty bad for organized file hosting, the search function seems to be limited only to the folder you're in, not all of them.

Perhaps we could find a free hosting and create a library of files with magnet links so that we make sure they are always available and not rely on other websites? p2p seems to be the best option



Search function works ok so long as you're searching in the occult folder which includes everything.

How easy are private trackers to set up? We could create a fringe alternative to to.bz


Speaking from my ignorance, but aren't private trackers just lists of files with torrent files or magnet links associated? We could create something like that, just a big database of magnet links and their associated book names and just make them searchable.


Is the torrent for ever?



I dunno. Torrents are for how long people are seeding them. The 500bg library never loaded for me.


I'm downloading it right now, it claims 10 seeders and 25 leechers



Well shit, I guess my client didn't like it, tried with utorrent and its working now.

If anyone can find an UP TO DATE way to remove DRM from kindle (I tried some software for it but its outdated) books I'll be able to upload stuff I've bought that isn't available as pdf yet.




Robert Bruce's new book is up now:


Energy work the secrets of healing

Also check the exclusive folder in op.


Thanks, man!



I'd highly recommend Damon Brand's books, they're short and straight to techniques which are quite powerful.

Also the prankster and the conspiracy by adam gorightly is good read if you're interested in the history of discordianism. It's way fucked up than you'd expect.


there's the folder of new stuff you can find the above in.



The exegesis of philip k dick is in here too, its a collection of his philosophical writing and journals.


Here's a bloody expensive academic book on visionary experiences

> The Awakened Ones is the most sustained and powerful treatment since William James of the forms of knowledge and life that visionary experience makes possible. It is a remarkable combination of panoramic reference, detached analysis, and the most personal intensity of feeling and style. – Akeel Bilgrami, Johnsonian Professor of Philosophy, Columbia University In his impeccable style, with an unmatched eloquence, a series of sparking, sparkling insights, and an expansive comparative vision, Gananath Obeyesekere gives us what can only be called a spiritual-intellectual testament. In the process, he calls on us to unite the rational and the nonrational at the highest levels of scholarship and cultural work and to envision a cross-cultural enlightenment that is as indebted to the visionary teachings of a Buddha or a William Blake as to the humanities and social sciences. A stunning and edifying achievement from a major intellectual. – Jeffrey J. Kripal, Rice University, author of The Serpent's Gift: Gnostic Reflections on the Study of Religion In a world subjugated by the reification, if not deification, of rationality and science, this is a sorely needed antidote… Highly recommended. Choice A stunning scholarly achievement. The Ecclesial University The Awakened Ones: Phenomenology of Visionary Experience is Gananath Obeyesekere's magnum opus, his summa, his valedictory volume, to use three Latinate terms that come down to, it's a great big book into which he's put all the wisdom of his long lifetime. – Wendy Doniger Current Anthropology [Obeyesekere's] cultural and historical range is as impressive as his epistemological thesis is focused and tight. – Jeffrey J. Kripal History of Religions In this finely written, massive essay, ethnographer Obeyesekere elucidates a dialectic epistemology that utilizes both rational-scientific thinking and what he calls "passive cerebration." Religious Studies Review



Thanks to anonymous donor the mega is up for another month.

It costs $10 a month, I'd buy it myself but I don't want my bank details to be linked to piracy.

So one month from now the mega will lose 300gb of material, but thats not too much of a big deal as most of the material is up on torrents, but if you want to you can buy a voucher for another month, address to send the voucher to is in the mega under how contact to me.


0 seeders, 26 peers…



How much can be downloaded from the peers? I guess we might need another mega voucher if that torrent isn't regularly seeded.

If someone can rent a seedbox for a month or something and download it and seed it then that'd be good for all of us.



I've only managed to download two pdfs so far.


I'm >>30853, got 40GB so far, but I'm not downloading all the material. On later nights I still see one or two seeders, you shouldn't trust those tracker statistics too much, they've been screwed up since they took TPB down last year.


That should read 'late in the night', I really need some sleep.



OP here, I got 6.5gb but mostly incomplete files, only downloading stuff I don't have and planning on adding them to the mega.

Also I added a folder to the mega (A9) as I'm looking for a theoccult.bz account and am willing to trade extremely rare RAW related material for it.


I don't think they even give out invites anymore, I've been looking for one myself since last year too. Found some sites that claim to sell them but they sounded kinda suspicious.



I had like 11 invites when my account got pruned a few years ago. I tried to buy my way in offering the rare RAW material but they still didn't let me in.

Bastards. I wouldn't trust sites selling invites and have also heard they don't give out invites.


Did you try offering that trade for a member instead of the admins themselves? One of them could be interested and trade you an invite for it, don't they have a irc or something?



Yeah I tried with their irc and got kicked and told "it doesn't work like that sorry". Might try again sometime.

That's why I put the offer in my mega, to hopefully find a member who is interested in trading an invite for it.


Why did they even pruned your account, too much leeching?



My ratio slipped below power user level by a few gb where I was safe from inactivity. Then I got sectioned and couldn't use a computer to keep my account active and got pruned for inactivity.



Theoccult.bz is nearly impossible to get into, now. I only got in again (previously banned for LOLing at mods being fags) by having an old, close friend give his account to me. I was trying for ages before that. I even bought accounts via invite-purchase sites, but the accounts were always banned nearly instantly.


Well that sucks. Guess we'll just have to sit around IRC until they decide to hand out invites or open registrations again.



Do they still create invites?

I have a lot of exclusive material that I could share there.



I just got banned for attempting invite trading lol. Hopefully the client I used masked my ip or something.



BTW I'm thinking it's likely they got outside pressure or threats, forcing them to stay closed. It has been fully closed for years. They don't care at all about new members and what they might bring. Seem to think they have enough already to get all material.

Unlike most other trackers, a private Occult tracker that uploads new content could actually make some possibly dangerous enemies. Or could just be against the agenda of whatever group someone on admin teams might bi initiated into. I think when they created the tracker, it was non-occultists who didn't know what they were getting into (theplace.bz/geeks.bz/vault.bz/box.bz admin team, who create private torrent sites on many different topics). Then it hit them, so they closed up.



There are no invites and have not been for a long time. There is no way in, except stealing or being given a pre-existing account, or being best friends with an admin.



Well shit. If anyone with a to.bz account wants to help leak material my email is in the mega in op.


.bz sites usually have the best material on whatever it's subject is, plus all the exclusive content the members pour money to buy.

In a way it's good they keep themselves this closed, it stops good material from being gone forever like when demonoid or megaupload got taken down. Shame the members are such hoarders.


I've been thinking for a while that we should make our own alternative to TO.bz. But I have no idea how easy it is to set up and maintain a private torrent tracker. I know *.bz's system set up is not publically available.



I know, I was an Elite on the first .bz site. But theoccult.bz doesn't just fit the general pattern. No other site has stayed completely closed for so long in the way it has. It's not promoting quality or value by scarcity or anything.



thebox.bz site for uk tv got shut down and replaced by a secret site, I think its probably because the admin are from the uk (i think).

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