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Esoteric Wizardry


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I wish to share some theories regarding a model of the universe.

Please excuse any neuro-linguistic programming interfering with the communication of the information.

The "Internet" I feel can be described as a minature model of the universe if you will. A local information system (data spiral / vortex) which its information seems to transfer via electrical signals received by a compatible node/recepticle. Each "User" of the "Internet" seems to have an influence. Each "User" can influence the information system. It seems to show characteristics as infinitely expanding and the "User's" "power" seems to have relativistic charateristics upon ones contelligence (consciousness-intelligence) regarding the system.

The individuals here seem to have consciousness of similar concepts of the larger information system described as the "Universe" or "totality." I know of information of practices and experiences stated as "Astral Projection," "Lucid Dreaming" and "Out of Body Experiences," (oobes), "Reality Models / Maps" and "et cetra." These allow one to experience information of the "Universe" / "Totality" and develop their total contelligence in turn.

In the model of the internet these have been called the following "Websites," "Domains," "Databases," "Networks," "et cetra."

I theorize the "Internet" is a local model of the universe that might have been created to prepare the masses to the expanding information flux that has been occuring as of now in the points in these adjacent reality maps / models that humans call "Objective Reality." A tool to allow a larger contelligence of the "Universe" / "Totality." Humans seem to have reached a threshold point or an "Omega Point" towards their evolution. A full realization to higher contelligence as a collective.

The last theory I would like to communicate is the non-locality entity that is information. It I theorize is a non-local entity that can manifest entirely dependent on the contelligence of the receiver of the information. That would then influence the receiver's contelligence. then that information is spread from receiver to receiver. Similar to the model of the "Internet" as a local network that transfers information from "User" to "User."

However this is speculation. It is merely a model / map I have created. "The map is not the terrain." It seems to show infinitely expanding characteristics. It can be developed infinitely further.

Please feel free to express your thoughts.

Thank you.


I would also like to add that the information can be modeled as an entirely independent entity that can and/or can not influence and/or be influenced depending upon the interacting entities involved. It has infintite characteristics. It can not receive a proper model / map containing it as a "totality."


Cool interpretation OP. There's not much to add really…


OP read "My Big Toe" by thomas campbell
it's basically what you said and much, much more in it



Thank you. I have it on file and haven't had the time to do so. I will prioritize it after the book I am finished with.


As some further notes.

If information is accepted as an inifinite phenomena. Then the entities' contelligence will affect what form it will distort into. All information seems to have infinte characteristcs. As the information relays between entities it becomes warped based upon each entities' contelligence. A rather simple conveying could be expressed by the game "Chinese Whispers" or "Telephone." The data vortex/spiral of the entities shape the information in conformity to its will.

I suppose a more cryptic expression can be expressed as the following words of Aleister Crowley.

"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law."

Or in terms of computers. The hardware could be modeled as the contelligence and entity, as the software could be modeled as the information and its conformity to the limitations of the hardware.

The concept of dreams also seem to represent these information spiral/vortex that seem to conform to the entity's contelligence creating such phenomena.

A few more things to ponder upon.


I would also like to correlate these terminologies and theories to the models that seem to be used here.

In regards to this statement, "Magick" can be defined as the manipulation of energy based upon will.

I would like to modify this statement to the following. "Magick" can be defined as the morphing of information based upon contelligence.

I theorize that contelligence = will.

I also theorize that if you take the 8th circuit (neuro-atomic circuit) of Timothy Learys's 8 circuit model of consciousness. This circuit in turn could be expressed as the infomorphic circuit. In other words the information morphing circuit.

This circuit would allow control of what I call infomorphic gestalts which might be the genesis / origins of existence.

For humans one can reach this contelligence through lucid dreaming and astral projections. The individual obtains infomorphic contelligence or as expressed here "Magick."


It seems all my attempts to continue research on 4chan have started to become noticed and deleted. If possible I would like to communicate with you all during my endeavors so my research can be archived somewhere.

Mr. Smiley and board moderators, will you allow me to use a thread or two to be able to record my findings here?

My desires are to weave the pieces of information I find to create an understanding of things.

If things occur in which it may trouble everyone here, I will move my research elsewhere.

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