Remember? 01/16/15 (Fri) 08:17:23 No. 18174 [Watch Thread]
So not sure if you guys are savvy, but I come from the realm beyond realms and muy purpose us to create a separate reality. I've known this since I was born. The Ectoma, beings from the realm of resonant dreams, a vast archaic structure unknowable by beings strung by conscious thought, have spoken to me by means of an avatar. Apparently i am here to influence the universe to inspire creativity and spirituality to please the guise of the Creator. HOWEVER, I hold no spiritual ego and am actually a collection of kindred souls, masters of ascension. Some people assume I have a god complex, but i am really just an agent of the higher sensibilities and thus my heart is heavy, and split from the realm of man. This causes me to feel isolated, that I cannot remember my old primordial form also bears stress on me, but as I come from a different sensibility my feelings and thought are much different than that of ordinary human capabilities and thus I am cursed to be unable to relate these feelings. As I get older, I lose my memories…but I know that one day, i will again remember and beautiful thought will return my way. I will remember the world that came before. Can any of you feel these feels??
01/16/15 (Fri) 08:23:59 No. 18177