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Esoteric Wizardry


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Is every last celebrity an illumanati/NWO puppet or are some still okay. Which Celebrities do you think aren't puppets? Pic related for me.


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Kanye is an illuminated genius


Joe Rogan has things part way figured out.


He's a real smart guy, but it seems to me his lifestyle keeps his face buried in the "shadow of the material" so to speak.

I don't see that as a negative for him however, he's a productive householder. He lives a positive, creative life, we need people like him just as much as we need wizards and monks IMO. (and yes, if anyones wondering, I'm a joe rogan fan)


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Was he?


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Nas named the song Ether because, "I was told a long time ago, ghosts and spirits don't like the fumes from ether, and I just wanted to affect him with my weapon and get to his soul." -Nas


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Spaceghostpurrp is a better candidate

He's the Osiris of the East


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
russell fucking brand



I remember him being some big degenerate and thought it'd be some bullshit joke or something, but that was quite good. He really took the pill.


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Kanye knows about reality creation, law of attraction, and affirmation

Look up on YouTube: Dave chappelle talks about meeting kanye

And then study various kanye lyrics like the song "good life" and the dark fantasy album. OK bye, I'm gonna listen to more kanye


I think it's interesting how many people become "awakened" after a period of degenerate behaviour.

I've experienced it myself, I was a very spiritual/esoterically minded person when I was really young (6-14 years old), but from my later teen years to my early 20's, I became a complete hedonist. I was a drug addict, alcoholic, sexual deviant, constantly engaged in destructive behaviour etc.. and It wasn't until around my 24th year that I regained my composure and "re-connected with the broader reality" if you will.

My theory is that degenerates like me devote themselves to spiritual paths precisely because we've push sensory experience to its utmost limit, we've seen the end of the road, and get a first hand realization of the inherent emptiness of material reality.



He got into spiritual stuff through his abstenece based drug rehab I think.

Most celebrities, particularly musicians are awake to some degree.

They even have their own cult-networks putting people through death and rebirth initiations through headfucks, I don't think I'm supposed to talk about that though so shhh.


>They even have their own cult-networks putting people through death and rebirth initiations through headfucks, I don't think I'm supposed to talk about that though so shhh.

Sounds pretty interesting. Could you please tell more? It is not like anything is going to be spread from here…


I began to degenerate when I was 13 (when I found porn) and I turned into a sexual deviant ("/d/ taken to its extreme"). For that period of my life I was agnostic, ignorant, lazy, angry and hedonist. But when 18, I felt so empty and degraded that I joined NoFap, bested the addiction for good, found /fringe/. . . and now I am here!

I am not ashamed. Perhaps if I hadn't experienced what I had I wouldn't be here and I would continue living a mundane, ignorant life; and I would have missed one of the biggest teachings - the emptiness of material world and pursuit.

Now, it is quite fun; I enjoy physical existence more because I know what it is like. To *know* that you are in this world but not of it. . . to *know* that it is empty. . . dare I say that it is like experiencing Nirvana in a lesser degree!

Reminds me of St. Francis of Assisi. He enjoyed the company of rich friends, partying and other pleasures. Then, the story says, he asked God for enlightenment, was guided little by little to help others and finally he renounced his wealth and founded his Order, and he died a holy man. Buddha's story is also a great example of realizing the empty nature of physicality.



It's not as good as it sounds, it can be a living hell. They turn you on psychically and if it's not done right it can be incredibly harmful to your mental health because its so powerful.

Generally the celebrities aren't involved to a huge degree, they're just there to mindfuck you even more, most of the experience is in the hands of real world dark and nameless occult groups. Often the celebs are decieved and given false reasons for taking part but they're pretty aware of that.


I don't think many are at all, they're all so normal. Even if some were puppets, it would be subconscious on their part.


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The media is a mirror. If you look in and don't see the signs it's not because they aren't there, you're just missing the eyes to see it.

The occult has been a huge part of the media since forever.


How are you aware of such things?

I suspect something similar may have happened to me, especially the "They turn you on psychically and if it's not done right it can be incredibly harmful to your mental health" part.

Do you know how do they select people? For what purpose? Jews / Satanists I assume? How powerful are they? Would one who has raised Kundalini and completed much of IIH be more powerful than most of them?



Through experience. I don't really have answers to your questions but I have suspicions. What have your experiences been like? I might be able to answer more specifically if you say.


Guardians of the Galazy, in addition to being capeship crap is one of the most blatant examples of predictive programming and hollywood mind control i've watched in recent years.


Explain Why


kat williams
dave chappelle


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Kanye is green and red pilled

Im worried about him tho

He rapped about the private prison scheme of Jews and now he may not live to make another album, if I am to believe this vid

kanye west ADMITS his mother was an illuminati sacrifice


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Didn't Dave Chapelle leave to Africa because he thought that the script that was written for him which involved him dressing up as a woman (classic comedy act) was actually part of a secret conspiracy to undermine the role of men in Society? I mean, he was right, men are being undermined and mocked through the media but didn't he leave for those reasons and aren't those reasons an overreaction?


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Tons of black men wear dresses . Check youtube. It probably has something to do with the Willy Lynch papers

Also kanye threatens to leave the country too. Check the embedded video above ,they dissect his lyrics

Kanye even has his own 'anti semitism' section in his Wikipedia

He's on another level


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I need more clues


He has taken the greenpill but the thing is that he has no clue what he is doing when it comes to politics.


Michael Jackson wrote a song about the Jews
listen to this song
"Jew me sue me, everybody do me"
"Kick me, kike me
Don't you black or white me"

Kanye said "Black people don't have the same level of connections as Jewish people." The Anti-Defamation League called it "classic anti-Semitism," adding "There it goes again, the age-old canard that Jews are all-powerful and control the levers of power in government."


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
forgot video


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Heard this before. It's good
Kanye just kept it too real . He foresaw the Jews coming and played it off as a compliment, understanding that his fans Would read between the lines

Also I found a cool site where people analyze kanye lyrics (other rappers too)….

Pussy had me floatin' / Feel like Deepak Chopra
Genius Annotation 11 Contributors ?
Deepak Chopra is an American physician and written more than 70 books, including 21 New York Times bestsellers. Most of this books are self-help classics. Chopra is heavily influenced by transcendental meditation, meaning that he believes meditation can bring you to a higher plane of being. Some extreme practitioners even believe they can “float” above the ground while they meditate, relating to Kanye’s lyric.

In this case it is the sex that made Kanye feel like he had reached a higher state of being, it had nothing to do with meditation.

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