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 No.18294[Last 50 Posts]


Tell me:

>how you sleep

>what surfaces you sleep on
>what sort of pillow
>do you use crystals, activated carbon, herbs, or any similar things to enhance your sleep?
>do you control humidity, air current, white noise, light and how?
>what stuff to avoid in order not to be gassed / mind controlled / etc. at night?
>do you sleep outside, in a room in your house, or in random buildings you break into a night?
>what climate do you live in?

Once I have enough material I'll delete this thread (maybe) and remake it with content you guys submitted.

I personally want to become a master of sleeping anywhere as my present place is not really a good place for me to be and I just want to become mobile and live super fucking cheap while getting all the internet I need, reading, exercising, and eating tons of food. I have a bike, I have some kick-ass boxes for storing stuff in, I could potentially get something to add to my bike so I can cart my stuff (clothing and mostly food) behind me under a tarp and in the boxes.

I also guess I'll need to know how to steal wifi because most places are password protected (funny thing is, the wifi at where I am right now is NEVER protected, and anyone can connect no fucks given but I have to get out of here).

Seriously though lets focus on sleeping stuff for this thread we can discuss the other stuff.


Also related material I want to discuss is:

>diet so that I can produce massive amounts of bodyheat throughout the winter, such that I can sleep even in the snow and ice and freezing rains

>anything else related I haven't discussed


I want to live comfortably without the expenses of a home, eating tons of high quality food, and still getting internet and sleep.


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>tfw still got a long ways to go before this is a perfect wizard room

I want to remove that shitty bedframe from my room. It's broken and has cut me quite a few times.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
The Correct Way to Sleep


>no sunlight



It's best to sleep in a pitch black room, and if you have a fucked sleeping schedule then covering your windows is a must.


It's to block out artificial orange street lights and general city light pollution from shining into my room all night.

Couldn't I just buy some grow lights btw and install them in my room and have all the light I need even if I were never to leave my room?


Watching the vid. I can't do that due to multiple injuries that have left my body all fucked up. I have a fucked up right elbow, fucked up shoulders, and some other problems. Repairing it would be hardcore and require some serious etheric body manipulation as it's the kind of thing mundanes consider "impossible to fix" (what I've been told when asking about getting help with it). It's really fucked up.


(Ignore the picture parts, can't post them for some reason).

I sleep on "a regular bed", the bed part is more solid than soft, my mattress is thin and soft; two pillows, lower one is thicker than the above one, I find it uncomfortable to sleep with just one pillow because they're still pretty thin alone and only together they're good.

Here's a pic, that's the closest one that resembles my bed; that, but with legs. It's comfy.

I don't control anything, though more heat would be nice. It can get really cold in my room during winters, like freezing cold.

I don't know about mindcontrol and gassings! You tell me! Check the second picture, I sleep in the fetus position though I try to adjust my body so that my genital area faces upwards; I don't want to because it might cause nocturnal emission because your penis rubs against the bed. Not good if you want to be a Brahmacharya/celibate. Having one emission once a month doesn't hurt me, but I've had at times twice of them on the same week and it leaves me lethargic. When I learn to lucid dream permanently, I can retain my seed and be a true Brahmacharya.

I live in my parent's house for now, gonna move out in July to some cheap apartment.

I sleep soundly and as a babe. My family has dogs and if they start barking I don't wake up. But my room doesn't block out sounds that well, I can hear the television and radio and they bother my meditations at times, but not too often. I have tinnitus so it blocks out most annoying sounds and it's easy for me to "forget" I have it, thus easing my meditations.

I've considered that when I move out that I'll sleep on the floor in a sleeping bag; they're comfortable, easy to carry and clean. That and I might get a blanket just in case it's cold in the new apartment. Sleeping on the floor feels good.

Climate here; http://en.ilmatieteenlaitos.fi/climate - TLDR; warm summers, last summer was so hot as I kept sweating even at night, chilling winters especially in January-February; I think the coldest night this month was -30'C. Basically the weather here goes from extreme to extreme at times.

Your probably familiar with tummo already. Here's one I used, it worked but not as well as I had wanted, I think I need to practice more. http://theseakayaker.com/sea_kayak_exercises/tummo.html

My room is quite black but not pitch black. I don't have anything to block the window with. I don't have a bad schedule, I go to sleep at 9PM and I wake up at 7AM. I'm working on reducing my sleep to the optimum amount so that I can have more time studying/meditating/practicing; I'm in school so I spend a handful of time there and my home is pretty busy so I don't have too many good opportunities to practice other than late evening and early morning.


>tfw I don't sleep for hundreds of hours at a time but lack the agency to be able to capitalize on this time due to food shortages and other bullshit also not sleeping impairs my mental functioning


Can you sleep on your back while maintaining a neutral spine like he shows? Anything but on your stomach.


>tfw just forced my shoulders back with a little magick and heard loud cracking as if I just received a chiropractor adjustment

fug, maybe I can get my shoulders fixed with magick and it's not actually that hard? Then again sometimes I manage to fix a bad injury temporarily just for it to go back to being fucked up mere hours later.



My right-arm is broken and has been broken a long time now because when I originally broke it my parents being the neglectful bastards they are did nothing at all about it no matter how much I complained. So I have a permanently fucked up right-arm (totally preventable too, if they would have acted earlier). I got fucked up this way when I was like maybe 16 or 17 and ran away from home and tried to sleep on a wooden bench and fucked it up. Then it got more fucked up again another time when a really obese woman fell on top of me and reinjured the arm further.

I can't force my shoulders back all the way, they are permanently forward, so I can't really do that.

I wish I could do what some soldiers do where they put themselves in a trance and sleep while standing perfectly still in an erect position.


>tfw sharp pains going through my shoulders right now and my body in general is just so fucked up



That guy in the video, all his joints are different from mine. Like his knees for example are centred. Mine are not. My legs and body is so different from him it's like I have a totally alien physiology.


Are you called Smiley as an ironic joke because your life is so god damn depressing?


Hope you get your problems fixed. My only concern for now is that I can't practice enough because of where I live; I have read a lot of theory and other magic stuff but I can't practice anything enough. I have a good family but they're quite noisy! Can't help it for now.

What do you mean by food shortage?


The only thing that matters I think with sleeping is making the tension leave your muscles. Going to bed with tension in muscles is what fucks you up. You could sleep in all sorts of weird positions as long as you could relax like a cat and never get problems with your body. I personally never sleep in the same position twice and keep alternating. Sometimes on my stomach, sometimes left side, sometimes right side, sometimes on my back, sometimes half on the bed and half off, sometimes in a chair, and sometimes a few other really odd positions.


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☻ = blackface

It's a racist joke.

However that's another way to view it sure.

>What do you mean by food shortage?

I keep running out of food except for oatmeal and then I end up wasting entire days not being able to do fuck all except either shitpost or lay in bed or sit in a chair trying very poorly to meditate while mental fog and other problems due to my malnutrition stop me from being productive.

Right now I'm out of fresh fruit, I have no eggs, I've run out of fruit juice, and I'm missing a lot of other basic things.


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

19 13 9 12 5 25

Smiley = S(19) + M(13) + I(9) + L(12) + E(5) + Y(25) = 83

1 + 9 = 10, 1 + 3 = 4, 9 + 0 = 9, 1 + 2 = 3, 5 + 0 = 5, 2 + 5 = 7

10 + 4 + 9 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 38 (83 reversed!)

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18 + 19 + 20 + 21 + 22 + 23 + 24 + 25 + 26 + 27 + 28 + 29 + 30 + 31 + 32 + 33 + 34 + 35 + 36 + 37 + 38 = 741

Smiley = 741


Lucifer = L(12) + U(21) + C(3) + I(9) + F(6) + E(5) + R(18) = 74

1 + 2 = 3, 2 + 1 = 3, 3 + 0 = 3, 9 + 0 = 9, 6 + 0 = 6, 5 + 0 = 5, 1 + 8 = 9

3 + 3 + 3 + 9 + 6 + 5 + 9 = 38 (The sum of all the individual digits add to 38.)

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18 + 19 + 20 + 21 + 22 + 23 + 24 + 25 + 26 + 27 + 28 + 29 + 30 + 31 + 32 + 33 + 34 + 35 + 36 + 37 + 38 = 741

(All the numbers 1 through 38 when added together = 741.)





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I can't sleep in my room without my lamp on because it makes me horribly uncomfortable for some reason, but I can sleep just fine if I have my lamp on and put some black cloth over my eyes to completely block out the light.

Is that fine too?


I remember reading a while ago that there where studies done that showed that your skin can sense light as well. I don't remember exactly their findings, but pitch black is ideal. Eye masks are still a good secondary option.

Are you scared (or experiencing) negative entities/ETs fucking with you or something? Because around September/October I had this problem and had to keep the lights on most of the time.


not all day however


lel I've had some seriously fucked up entities try to spook me just to turn things around completely and spook the fuck out of them


How do you spook such entities?


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By sharpening your edges and achieving a very highly potent level of edginess. Adopt the mentality you're the most dangerous fucked up thing there is in that room and no entity should ever fuck with you. Need I elaborate further?

Check this out: https://freedomboard.kirara.ca/ask/res/11168.html


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Interesting thread. Could you tell a story where you scared some entity with your maximum edge?


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Most entities that try to attack me do so opportunistically when I'm in a lower state of consciousness and unable to resist them effectively. Just snapping out of it and restoring my awareness level to a higher level then turning the tables on them so to speak causes many of them to flee or use a last ditch attack to knock me away and then flee. They have all sorts of intimidation tactics but I can get above their influence and then capture them, they are fucked, as I try to interrogate them, assimilate them, cannibalize them, etc.

I think there's lots of old stories I have posted, probably in the astral travels thread. There's been some cases where they just get up into my face, I feel their breath on me, and they are trying to fuck around with me when I grab them and it causes an energy burn that both burns me and them too and I don't release even though it's burning me and they struggle to get away. That's pretty edgy.

Lower powered entities btw don't tend to cause burns like that and are easy to gut of their loosh but they don't have much substance to them so there's not much to be gained in hunting them.


I should note the main thing they fear is your level of awareness and your raw energetic power. Appearances don't matter that much in the astral and it's mostly clueless noobs ( a lot of the third-density based human populace at this time ) that can be rused by an entity making itself look spooky. You could, as cringe as the thought is, get beat up by some trolling faggot and his pony tulpa just as easily as a thoughtform that looks more dignified and serious in form.






As in inside air conditioning ducts?


>tfw your post reminds me that I have cured my tinnitus

I've got really good at healing lately.


You talking about hot summers made me fear the coming of spring and then summer. I looked outside and confirmed it's icy frigid winter landscape out there still… I can deal with this easily. Once the heat comes though I'm truly fucked until I learn to use magick to cool things down.


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How come?

Personally, though, the last summer had a lethargic effect on me; the heat was like some miasma that made it hard to think, weak to do anything. . . and with the addition of season allergies you have the perfect recipe for

How did you do it again? I've had peculiar effects using the Quantum Entrainment (The Secret of Instant Healing was the book, I think), as I've used it to heal colds, social anxiety. . . now I apply it on tinnitus. Autosuggestion and visualization has also helped to relieve pain and cure disease before it has took over.

By the way, Smiley, I used Quantum Entrainment on you when you had consumed a lot of protein.


*perfect recipe for disaster.


sleep on a flat surface with your back facing it
the surface can be soft but should not be so soft as to ruin the flatness
this will probably hurt and be very uncomfortable for you at first but stick with it, it took me a couple days to learn how to sleep on a wood floor but waking up and feeling amazing was worth it

your back will almost feel stronger when you wake up from sleeping on a flat surface and your posture will be superb, I will post about the importance of posture in the nutrition superthread

to learn how to sleep on your back without turning at night just setup a surface that will give you a small drop if you roll off it
I did this with a very small sleeping matress used for backpacking which was so narrow that I even had to fold my arms up on my chest so they wouldn't touch the cold ground

in nature the closest thing to a bed you might find is some branches on the ground and that would still be very hard and flat of a surface

ideally you would go to sleep at sun down and wake up at sun up but just try to sleep in a dark and quiet area if you cannot do this
try to sleep outdoors sometime and you will see that your only chance in the day to sleep is when it is dark

if you cannot get to sleep for some reason then just meditate with your eyes closed to make good use of the time untill your body is ready to sleep
your body has cycles where it can accept you going to sleep and at other times in the cycle you cannot sleep without difficulty
experiment and try to find these cycles so you can get the most rest in the shortest amount of time, record or remember how rested you felt, how long you slept for, and what times you fell asleep/woke up

one last thing, you do not need an alarm clock to wake up at any time
with enough focus and practice you can wake up at any time with perfect precision
the body seems to be able to take suggestion when sleeping and could probably be made to do other things while sleeping


>tfw I made significant fixes to my shoulders, have no neck pains at all today even though it's been a chronic thing I've had all the time for a long time, and I made my bed really comfortable and made improvements in my ability to relax

We're gonna make it wizards.


I've read that book, pro-tip, that guy is ignorant as fuck and has discovered a watered down version of what occultists have been doing forever and he doesn't know the terms they used so he invented his own terms. The general idea is correct and it WILL WORK but there is more understanding and power to be had.

Do New Energy Ways v2, thought control, suggestion, and also ASTRALLY SHIELD YOUR BEDROOM (my shields work as filters btw allowing access by some entities and denying others, they're not complete blocks). All the damage and influence bad entities tend to do to us usually happens when we're vulnerable in lowered states of consciousness. The solution is mostly to avoid ever going into those states but also to protect the areas where you spend time in a lowered state of consciousness such as your bed. You can banish entities or cannibalize them of all their loosh or whatever to get rid of nuisance entities but it's akin to paddling water out of a leaking boat with your hands, more of them just keep coming back. So you need a magickally protected area which will have to be recharged quite often but ultimately it'll be worth it.

>By the way, Smiley, I used Quantum Entrainment on you when you had consumed a lot of protein.

Really? 'cause I experienced insanely accelerated healing then.

It's nice to know others are helping though some people are at the same time trying to do all they can to magickally attack me and fuck my shit over. My general living area and the areas in the astral planes they connect to is like a magick battlefield these days that on an astral level looks something like a horrendously griefed Minecraft server.


My shielding has a certain energy cost / maintenance requirement btw to keep it working well with all the shit that comes my way which is partly why I keep it to just one room and don't even attempt to expand it to the whole house and once when I was gone 3 weeks a few months ago it all went down completely and my room had to be cleansed and reclaimed.

Shit still gets through a lot especially if I've been weakened in some way or something attached to me while I was outside of my safe area and then just got brought in with me. Merely passing through the door of my room burns off very weak negative entity attachments but stronger entities seem to get through without too much difficulty.


Used to only be able to sleep on my stomach a few years ago. After starting to research self-improvement I started sleeping on my back without pillows, was a bit uncomfortable at first but ended up being great.
My room also has those old-style windows, so when I close it and the door the room gets completely dark, comfy as fuck. Shame it's hot as hell in the summer.


I make it a point to alternate between a wide range of sleeping positions regularly and continue alternating between them. I think that's the best approach. I don't know why anyone would be naturally inclined to sleep on their stomach btw as I find doing so to be one of the more challenging positions to sleep in.


I tried varying the way I sleep sometimes but I either go back to being on my back right before I fall asleep or wake up with whatever side I slept on hurting. Also sleeping with any kind of pillow makes my neck really stiff the next day.



There are ways to permanently kill (the false self of) an astral entity? The implications are both interesting and worrisome.


AHHHH this is the Nth time I forgot my flag, I need to learn Greasemonkey.


>sleep on stomach

I sleep on my stomach, it makes astral travel challenging.


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>this entire post
I just astral memed u


extra firm mattress on a bedframe with a solid headboard against a solid wall, not facing with the feet toward the doorway, and with a view overlooking the entirety of the room.

I also sleep with my head pointing south or east. This is apparently optimal for health and wellness.


>Now we may realize why the ancient people said, that our intellect improves by east facing head or house, and life lengthens with the head facing south.

>North brings disease and west dulls the brain. They gave us a few more healing hints for a healthy sleep. Never lie on one side for long. Keep changing.

My bedroom is feng shui'd to the best of my ability. I tried other configurations, they just didn't flow right. currently it is in the optimal configuration and I haven't changed it in a couple years.


bed placement is highly important for sleep as in my experience it affects your subconscious sense of safety and allows you to sleep more soundly without being hit by negative influences as much.

this is why they suggest having a solid headboard (no sense of something attacking you from over top of your head) nothing pointy or any support beams hanging directly overhead (sense of something falling onto your head or body), not with foot of bed directly in front of and pointing toward door (similar to the direction a coffin is being carried out as well as the fact that you can't sit up to "defend" yourself well from attack from the foot but you can roll out of bed from the side).

Just some additional factors to consider.


Having to deal with spooky entities is my biggest fear about getting into magic, but for the most part I just can't sleep in my room with the lights out because I was a big scaredy-cat when I was a child and always wanted some light to sleep with.

I've tried just dealing with it now that I'm older, but I can't deal man, can't deal.

Would having the lights on provide any kind of defense?


if it calms you emotionally, sure. your emotional vulnerabilities are the first entryway for negative influence to occur.

I'd start with feng shui (helps greatly with sense of insecurity), nightly prayers and/or the LBRP, and keeping positive magickal artifacts around.


Most humans upon death last between a few days, to a few weeks, to a few months, to a few years in the astral depending on their level of spiritual maturity and awareness and accumulated energy.

Make backups of yourself and keep your loosh reserves immense though and you can outlast everyone.

>tfw party in the astral planes

>tfw birthday today


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Yeah, I've felt it has missed something. Thanks for the tips, I'm already familiar with NEW and suggestion. Maybe when I combine them with QE I'll manage to make a good curative.

Also, nice to know if it worked. Oh yeah, I also was going to test out this Enochian formula on you but there was too many people around me so I didn't have a possibility to spell it out.

It seems I need to perfect my skills and then try to use remote healing on willing subjects. Might be useful to construct a good technique and then share it with /fringe/, but shouldn't get too far ahead of myself.

By the way, how do you construct your astral shields?

Interesting. I've been intrigued by Feng Shui, should try it out sometime.


I knew that from the Arcane Teaching, but I was wondering about demons. Same rules apply?


If you can heal my right elbow so that it can extend to its full length again that would be bad-ass and really demonstrate advanced healing capacity.

Astral shields are just very faint shields I thoughtform into place and then program them to filter out everything I don't want into my room.

If you've read the arcane formulas "Mentalism in a Nutshell" you might get it.


>make backups
How's that done?


Arthur E. Powell describes the process rather concisely in chapter 19 of his work, 'The Etheric Double: The Health Aura of Man'; they're conjured much as any thoughtforms, but you've more license (rather, responsibility) to be very specific with what they *will do* and *don't do*.


You create a copy of all the mental programs you're made up of and leave it in stasis in the astral and create a link between your spirit and your copy so if your present vessel is destroyed you wake up in your copy.

You can also do something similar to consciously reincarnate in this timeline in the future.

Your whole mind, your personality, it's a big collection of thoughtforms you possess and have packaged together into one entity.

Everyone you see, everyone that has lived, everyone from the future, etc. all of that can be inhabited by your spirit.

If you wanted to you could experience being me and have all my thoughts and everything for awhile. Maybe a lifetime.

I'd advise not doing so as this life I've lived is shit, full of humiliation, suffering, cringeyness, etc.

Not an experience worth having.


Well too fuckin bad, I'm going to collect loosh first, then I'm going to possess the ever living shit out of you.


Meh, go ahead then, take or copy what you will, I shall journey fourth to higher planes and attain a more perfected soul and body.


Abandoned the comfortable jew a few weeks ago. Great move. Is best for the back and has many other benefits.

Can a Man be considered ascetic if he sleeps on something as hedonistic and un-beneficial as a bed, rather than in asana or on the floor?


I've thought of starting to sleep on the floor. I might get my sleeping bag and some blankets to keep me warm. I need to sleep less, too, but I shouldn't reduce it immediately to my desired four hours.

I am working on my askesis on diet, (eating only when hungry, sometimes beforehand if it is impossible to get food when needed), shower usage (no "singing in the shower" anymore, just scrub, scrub, scrub till the water's brown, no wasting water), reducing the amount of daydreaming and increasing focus and concentration in every moment of life, (self-remembering of the Fourth Way). . .


I need a book of asanas or a good site or something. I've got hours to do this right now but too mentally tired for reading and this. Might as well stand in an asana position for a long long time.


I can't sleep at fucking all and wish I could. I am jealous of you people that actually want to reduce sleep. I go for many days and nights with no sleep, only to sleep a few hours, and I hate it. Also with food I don't get enough food, can never put on enough weight, and am usually suffering from energy deprivation. I don't know why you'd intentionally reduce eating/sleeping/daydreaming as those are all good things in my view. I would just increase use of energy if you have an excess of it.


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I should indeed. It is just my ill situation, no peace. I can do magical operations in peace in the mornings and nights, and in daytime every other week. Weekends are busy, no peace. And now that I have finals coming I have even less time for magic. But it will pay off, then I will have so much time for magic.

Daydreaming is fine in my book if it's intended. . . but I wish to concentrate on whatever I am doing with full potential and not get swayed away by whatever thought that whispers in my mind's pit. This is to aid me in my meditations and keep me in aware state. Mindfulness and such.

Smiley, a question for you. . . has your arm improved at all? I have done some curing on you, but I feel as if they haven't been as potent as my first healing. I already suspect what might have done wrong but I wish to know if I've had (or haven't had) any effect on you.


My arm doesn't hurt right now but it's not actually fixed, it doesn't extend to its full length. So whatever work you've done on my arm is incomplete.

Btw, some entity entered my room last night, I couldn't see it but I felt the pressure change it caused and heard it disturb things a bit in the room before it gtfo'd.


As I feared then. I will work on it again, maybe repeat again what I did to you the first time.

I had something interesting not too long ago. I was in the kitchen with other people. Then, suddenly, the lights flickered. No one seemed to notice it, though. I then went to my own room and the lights flickered there, too. I muted myself and tried to see if something else would happen - but nothing. Don't know what it was.


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That lights flickering shit used to happen very frequently around me.

My astral shielding for my room btw incinerates a lot of thoughtforms just passing through the door into my room and but many much stronger things are getting through with little trouble. I sense that my room right now is full with some entities that I should confront but I'm pretty weak and low on loosh due to yet another fucking food shortage.

I'd power up the shields more but I don't have much to spare.

I really want to get myself some monk robes and enchant the shit out of them to make a wearable, portable protection that I can take with me outside of my room.


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A robe would be great. I would like a brown or black robe, but white one would be as fine.

It might be cheaper to make one yourself but I don't know how to.

I feel my shield is getting along quite well. Though to be honest it seems I am little of interest to negative entities, apart of succubi and this one abduction.


Just checked out what books that man had, seems like it's mostly Christian material in German.


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I have no idea where to even acquire one or how to make it.

>Though to be honest it seems I am little of interest to negative entities, apart of succubi and this one abduction.

Try developing a detection method to see if they're around and scan every once in awhile especially if something odd is happening. You might be surprised.

Then again, you probably haven't gone around loosh farming and pissing off nearly as many people as I have in my lifetime.


I'm sure I've begun to attract SOME entities (but not negative or angry ones) but they don't really bother or hurt me. Now that I think of it, I've heard someone knock the door while outside, I asked if my family had did so - nope. I asked if the one who had knocked could repeat it but nothing happened. There's also murmurs and possibly some other things.

Smiley, do you know of this phenomena? Once I was sitting in front of my computer. Then, suddenly, this popular Finnish rock song began to play somewhere. It came from my room, I'm sure, and I checked if it was my computer that played the song - it wasn't. It lasted for some ten seconds before it suddenly quieted down.


This used to happen to me and if you look in the /x/ archives there's a thread about it.

This strange heavenly orchestral music would play every once in awhile and most of the time this "icecream truck song" would play.

It was very loud and clear and there was no mundane source for it.


Many entities can fuck with you very subtly you know, they can just insert thoughts into your mind, poke you, cause slight changes, and mostly hang around invisible and trying to mess with you in a way in which they won't be noticed. You're just focusing on the overt manifestations of entity activity.

If you ever notice a ringing in your ears or any strange pressure changes too that can be entities overlapping you for a bit.


>Mine keep changing quite often

kek, reminds me that not too long ago on >>>/4chon/ phagtasm kept calling me retarded for insisting that there's a lot of Europeans whose eye colour changes.

An entity's influence could change the eye colour maybe.

Isn't a feature of tinnitus supposed to be that it's constant (at least as long as it's quiet around you)? It doesn't just come on for a little while then disappear?


Sorry for removing the message, wanted to edit it a bit.

I have constant ringing, yes… and the doctor didn't really care when I mentioned it, said my ears are fine. Might disregard his thoughts, it's probably tinnitus.

Just wondering why it's ringing exclusively in my left ear right now. Usually it rings in both ears.

Why do Europeans eye color change? I'm curious to know. Sometimes mine are gray, then green and then greenish blue.


I suspect diet/seasons/light/aging/mentality and many other factors come together to change Europeans eye colour.

So called "tinnitus" should not just hop ears. That doesn't fit with the idea of what tinnitus is supposed to be.


I use a sleeping bag, one blanket and Yoga mat. Will help you sleep less. I believe this is good advice for getting right amount of sleep: http://www.stevepavlina.com/blog/2005/05/how-to-become-an-early-riser/

Look into intermittent fasting (>>>18140), as well. Make sure most of your shower time is spent under cold water - look up the benefits, they are profound. Showers are good times to recite affirmations ("I stay focused at all times" or something similar) and imagine the water (can visualize as colour - preferably electric violet) is taking away your unwanted qualities or cleansing your astral body / soul.

This has a good explanation of the best asanas to do daily, however probably not what you're looking for


I'm European. They're pretty much always black. What does it mean Smiley?


I hear black eyes are really rare. As in true black eyes and not dark brown. You are Western European aren't you?


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Thank you for your help. I might actually have a Yoga mat somewhere, it should do.

How fun of you to mention intermittent fasting. I was discussing this with some of friends earlier this week. A helpful synchronicity! I would have begun it immediately if I hadn't had breakfast - tomorrow, then.


Happy to help. You don't need a Yoga mat, but I think it is easier to start on something a bit softer when first making the transition. http://www.reddit.com/r/minimalism/comments/1wkilo/how_i_learned_to_sleep_on_the_floor_i_thought_it/cf4s4md - this post and the linked article may be helpful if you want to ease into it / be reddit about it. The switch was surprisingly simple for myself.

Feels good to be involved in a helpful synchronicity. Here is the method I've been using lately: http://www.uncommonwisdomdaily.com/skipping-breakfast-your-ticket-to-fat-loss-and-more-energy-18708
I think it is best to eat first meal at solar noon, when digestion is strongest. I've also heard eating at fixed times consistently is very good, though haven't seen much research. Here are some other eating tips I've been using that may be of help:

Good luck & don't let the floor bugs bite!


>So called "tinnitus" should not just hop ears. That doesn't fit with the idea of what tinnitus is supposed to be
Yes it can; it's not a disease so much as ear damage, and that's if it's present in *both* ears– it can be, however, exclusive to a single ear and not the other. In addition to perfect silence being forever unattainable, I get a spontaneous "EEEEEeeeee…" in either ear from time to time, not unlike that effect from sonic grenades so popularized in vidja.

I assure you, it has nothing to do with snowflake angels reaching down from their astral headquarters to scratch your balls, and possibly more a side-effect of a vitamin deficiency, friend. Yes, amateur wizards can still suffer that.

As for black eyes… Eh, they're not special, I have them. Not blue eyes concealed by a layer of melanin, legit black eyes; all I can say for myself is I can damn near see in the dark, and people have always stopped to inform me how beautiful they are, despite them looking like holes swimming in milky-white sclera. They're not that different in appearance to deep brown eyes, sans that glazed-over, jaundiced look that usually accompany the faux-black variety.



I do IF by skipping dinner, it's useful in a different way. I can wake at 4-5 AM everyday and feel well rested while sleeping less hours. Recommended for aspiring early risers. The breakfast-skipping method never felt right for me.


I've recently just upgraded my mental feng shui knowledgebase.

There's quite a bit of things to be done, but feng shui helps you to seal up negative energy holes in your home and your room.

OP, if you can move your bed away from the wall with the window and add a night stand or something similar like a stack of books or whatever you have on hand in that corner after moving it away, it could help you considerably. even just leaving a foot-wide gap would be helpful.

Though it may be blocking RF, the shiny metallic curtain could be helping or hurting you depending. if it's too metal \m/ and creating an imbalance, you could always add another curtain or something over it.

If you're in a shit room, e.g. it's in an inauspicious area in your home, there's a few things you can do to solve that problem.

judging only by the pics I feel like you could harden up the room a little more. but only you can be the true judge of that.





That is the time I strive to wake up. I eat my second and final meal at 7:20, which is probably too late. Do you know how late can one have dinner to be safe from these effects?


Czech/North Carpathian :)


I eat it from 6 to 6:45. Most of the time it's also a light, easily digestible meal.

Maybe you would find this useful:


What's the point of all that shit and why would I do that?

I plan on making some changes in my room but not the stuff you suggest.

I hate that thing behind the bed and wish my bed was just on the floor and not raised up.


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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Over priced Hipster stuff

Look. Into car boys

The things homebrewers grow


I didn't buy them or even ask for them, I just did a magick ritual for manifesting things I want, and glass water bottles came to me without me even asking anyone. These though have a very high capacity but whatever, they will do me fine for the time being.

Don't you mean carboy?

I don't know where you'd get a carboy at for drinking water directly out of.



These things are fucking awful. I've waited weeks for them to air out and they still smell terrible. I went and read about them on the home depot page and apparently they aren't made like they used to be, the original company went out of business, and the new ones are weaker, smellier, and break easy. I'm just going to return these as apparently they don't ever fucking stop producing gas, so it's not like I can just put activated carbon in and be done with it, they just keep producing more gas.



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sleep on a grounded bedsheet. google "earthing".



What was the ritual? Goddard-esque LOA or something else?


One night I remember bEing paranoid as fuck of ghosts and imagining the spirit of GG Allin fighting the ghosts off, punching them in the face and throwing shit at them. During this, I also remember playing his music, which gave him more energy/power. He had less fighting power or whatever when his music was not playing. Am I retarded or did I do something real and valid?


Have read that. May give it a try.

My problem seems to be, after a few days of waking up at 3-4, I feel very tired and unable to feel awake at a good level on a morning, then eventually go back to sleep, then oversleep or get the extra sleep my body or mind needed. I'm sure I'll get into the habit eventually.


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Fuck this mattress and fuck those windows.


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So much water constantly condenses on my windows. I keep having to dry them with a bath towel.

My dad got these water bottles today for me, they came with water already in them, and were only $3.00 each. Whereas the Zulu water bottles are like $15.00 each, fug.

That water is from Norway btw. I could practise psychomancy on them to get to Norway and find Jenny.


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Today I returned the two storage boxes I had because they wouldn't stop fucking smelling. I got only one box now for the same price… but it doesn't smell and is higher quality. It is unfortunate but the other boxes have been defective ever since they switched to Chinese manufacturing. When they were made in North America they had more plastic, didn't smell, were more durable, and could carry 700 pounds instead of the 400 pounds these new ones carry (and they often fail according to custom reviews to even do that).

Ah well, at least I finally fucking got that, and I got two new kick ass glass bottles with extremely pure fluoride free Norwegian water.

I also got a ton of these halo oranges today and more bread. These are kick ass pesticide free organic oranges. If I eat a whole ton of them, I am going to be having a very wonderful time in the astral. You guys jelly? Of course you are!

I still need more activated carbon and I still need fucking whey protein that doesn't have sucralose. I saw some today but it's going to take some moar magick to get them. I also need more food in the form of vegetables and meat… I just have fruit and bread basically.

A 22 year old European woman with an European accent today btw talked to me while I was wandering around outside and seemed really interested in me, asked me a bunch of personal questions. Probably just another agent of the demiurge trying to hold me back from ascension though right?

Also some man came up to me and shook my hand and seemed pleased to meet me.

I don't know why exactly but I get the vibes from walking around outside that I am famous somehow and people want to be near me.


The whole box of Halo Oranges was $10.00 and that box holds 35 pounds of oranges.

What do you guys think I should do with my mattress? It's pretty fucked up and not comfortable to sleep on. I just want to remove my whole bed and bed-stand from my room. Maybe I can put some kind of yoga mat thing underneath me to sleep on or I'll just sleep on my blankets and the carpet.

So close to having everything in order…


What the fuck is wrong with my sparkling water and why does it bubble and is this a good or bad thing for my health?


>What's the point of all that shit and why would I do that?

for one, keeping your bed to one wall means you're "stuck" having to roll out from one side of your bed. Having a gap on both sides of the bed ensures there is "balance".

my hunch is that this puts the animal subconscious at ease because you have a place to "flee" should the need ever arise. animals sleep in very particular ways to conserve heat and ensure predators can't get them very easily. you can get more restful sleep this way.

the feng shui explanation for keeping space beside your bed is that this allows qi to circulate and nourish you better as you sleep. the metaphysical implications are myriad, it's not just some mom superstition combined with interior design thing like what happened with yoga and the LoA.

also I just thought it would help. you did ask for suggestions. it's what I've just implemented myself and it's made a world of difference so far. my room is now a place that I enjoy and look forward to being in.

floor sleeping can be great. better than sleeping on a shitty soft mattress. having no mattress and a floor is better than sleeping on a soft mattress. I would still take into account the direction you sleep in. head pointing south seems to be most beneficial for healing and is where my bed is currently positioned.

b8? sparkling water is okay, it's just carbonated. some health nuts think that carbonation can leach bone minerals but I think they're talking more about the phosphoric acid in cola.

sparkling water doesn't usually have phosphoric acid, it's just bubble water because regular water is apparently boring and not as classy to some people.


I have no idea which way is South, North, etc.

I just spent a whole night sleeping on my blankets on the floor on my side btw. Probably should sleep on my back…

Where do you live? I better head pointing a given direction would have to change depending on where in the world you live.

I've been drinking my sparkling water all day and night. So far just that one bottle has lasted me such a long time. I only drink like 2-3 gulps of it at a time. For some reason my sense of taste is back (which has long been suppressed) and I can actually taste my food and my food tastes good to me. Could sparkling water enhance the function of the tastebuds and perhaps increase Vril uptake?

I need to get my mattress and bedpost thing out of my room. It takes up so much space in my room and I don't like it at all. Once I have it gone I'll have a ton more space, better air circulation in the room from my fan, and less of the various problematic stuff that gets caught in the mattress and bedsheets being a constant problem for me.

I really need to find some kind of mat though to put under me for the sake of keeping sweat out of the carpet. I've intentionally avoided doing any tumo meditation tonight because of this concern.

I don't know about this sparkling water but the effect it has had on reactivating my tastebuds is significant. Perhaps I should acquire more of it in the future?


I just sat in my room all night and a good part of the day and did absolutely nothing except think. I intentionally did not do my energy work, meditations, etc. (well, I did a very slight amount, but stopped myself)

Upon morning inspection I look like shit and my skin has not healed up as fast as it should have.

For me this confirms the efficacy of my practise.

Just wish I had a permanent and lasting fix as it does take so much work to heal things up just to have it go to shit again.


Right arm where dawning begins, left arm where sunset finishes, you should be facing north in this position.


I don't know and can't tell where the sun sets and rises around here.

I may have to ask some mundanes or find a compass.


Or you may look up your house or some place of reference on jewgle maps.


How you can't tell where the sun rises?


Can't really see it, too much fog and buildings and other stuff obscuring it.


Read something about sleeping posture in a book titled "Relax your neck, free your shoulders". It basically suggests that you put your knees up with a pillow beneath them, then plant your tailbone down and stretch your spinestarting at the base up to your upper back, then find a pillow with good neck support, trying to separate each vertebrae and stretch out the spine. Also when sleeping on your side, be sure to bend your knees forward and keep your spine neutral (basically the way savages sleep). The author has pictures and a more full description in her book which is probably still torrentable.


Fringe, is your own personal sleeping surface appropriate for potential unconscious movements and torsions your body may make during astral trips


I think the floor would be the best if you move a lot, I mean, you can't fall of the floor. And sleeping on the floor its good for your back. Ypu can usa a futon if you don't want to sleep directly on the floor.


you can use*


I don't ever move at all, unless I'm doing that electroshock like thing where I force my spirit out of my body while my body is still awake.

Right now I'm just sleeping on carpet because I can't find anything to sleep on.

For the most part, I'm not sleeping at all.


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Help me figure out how to remove these so I can get the bed out of my room and have space cleared for advanced magickal operations.


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I've been sleeping on the floor for a number of years.
I started when I was in highschool due to being lazy and not liking to deal with sheets and shit.
I ended up feeling amazing afterward.
Since then, whenever I've crashed at someone else's place or slept in a hotel, I havent been able to get a good sleep in unless I sleep on the floor.


Forgot muh flag.


I found a wrench and have resolved the issue now, I got the stuff out of my room, I just need to avoid some mundanes putting it back into my room.


>tfw walk into the room of one of my siblings
>tfw see a blanket and pillows laid out on the floor
>tfw mundanes imitating me and sleeping on the floor as well

Next thing I might know, I'll probably find evidence of secret occult practises going on too, and a copy of a Franz Bardon or William Walker Atkinson book in the room. Shhhhheeeiiiiittt.


Practicing floor sleeping now, is it normal to feel weight a few inches above your gluteal cleft?


I seriously need to fix my right elbow and am researching how to do that right now. I need to regain full flexibility in there. I also need to be able to do splits and full lotus posture and so on, I just need a ton more flexibility, in order to be comfortable anywhere. That's a pretty big priority for me because right now I can't be very comfortable with my arm being fucked up and if I'm going to become the sleep master then I need to be able to bend.



This channel here seems to have all the information I need.

Just in case my shoulders are still/also fucked I need to work on that.

If anyone has any greenpill or redpill tips on increasing flexibility faster tell me too.


Note that right now I am only reading about 1-3 chapters of occult books a day and spending MASSIVE amounts of time every day practising, like around 12 hours.

I am also looking for greenpills on artificial lighting, EMF, and anything closely related to that which anyone may have.

…and how to heal my eyesight to get rid of myopia. If anyone has a simple daily practise I can do it would be great. I have found that I am able to bath my eyes in I guess Chi energy btw to have various effects but I'm really not sure what to do other than to bath them in energy… there's got to be some practise to correct the shape of the eye and restore my eyesight completely.


Confirmed for not driver.
>Go to Google Maps
>Look up house
>Which way is your house's front door facing? If it's downward, then the front if your house is facing due south; if it's facing to the left, then your house faces west
>So on and so forth
Het your bearings. If nothing else, use a normal compass or the one in your phone.


Should I make a new thread for this?


For your questions about stretching and increasing flexibility:

Get 3 lacrosse balls. Tape two of them together to make a "peanut" shaped thing. These will be used for soft tissue massage. Most of your tissues in inflexible areas are hardened up from years of misuse. Also try to find a PVC pipe to roll on or something like that, since I doubt you have the resources to buy a proper foam roller.

Check out MobilityWOD, the video I posed at the top of the bed about the correct way to sleep is from Kelly Starret. Kelly is the creator of MobilityWOD. He's the most knowledgeable person about functional movement that I've found. Most of the videos on the site are free.


Also this these dropbox links are from /fit/, there's some helpful books on stretching etc.




>top of the bed

epic freudian slip, the psychological jew is always right.


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Check out my greenpilled bedroom.

>pure air because I have carbon filters in every air outlet and near my fan and in the closet and I have the pre-filter on the fan as well

>maximum dust control
>random stuff is in the chest, no longer creating any problems for me outside of it
>better airflow overall with getting rid of the bed

I just need to check what lights I have in my room and maybe change them for more greenpilled lighting? …or maybe they are already greenpilled as it gets.


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I need tips on making a clothes line btw.

Things to keep in mind:

>I have lots of twine but it bends a ton under weight, can hardly hold up beans, nevermind blankets and clothing

>It is winter here and there is snow everywhere and things freeze

I really want to set up a clothes line in the forest in my backyard because a LOT of big dust comes into my room on the blankets and it gets disturbed every time I move but it's not big enough to get caught up in the fan.

Airing out stuff every once in awhile as needed to get all that dust to fall off outside would me a lot in keeping my room super clean and dust-free and preventing my nasal passages clogging up.

I can do some really intense pranayama in my room btw.

I keep having to wipe water off the windows though…


That's a fuckload of reading on something that I would think should be rather simple?

>tfw looking at the screen trying to read that shit and can't really because my eyesight is exceptionally fucked right now

So much floaters in my vision and everything out of focus at any range, what the fuck.


Delete your post and remake it here: ( >>20323 )


I will try to have a ebin bedroom like you, next month when I move I will do it.


I need to get rid of the desk next and replace it with a plain table or something, I've been asking my dad to get one for free from work.

I also need to empty my closets out and store away, give away, or sell all clothing that is too small or otherwise unserviceable… and get the tons of books out and clean them and store them away and then clean the closet more.

Carpet is terrible bluepilled flooring btw HOWEVER that carpet there is over 2 decades old so the formaldehyde gas coming out of it is likely to be extremely little at this point. The carpet is fucked up too with permanent damage in a lot of places but oh well.

I never put that chair in my room either but whatever.

I should probably put my computer in my room although ideally a computer would never be in the bedroom.

I may want to get some grow lights in my room… I don't know, I need to receive the greenpill on lighting first, then create the perfect light environment that will enhance my health and ensure no eyestrain and so on.

I should put some of my snakeplants in there too if I can find a way for them to go in nicely without any issues from possibly even more increase humidity. Snakeplants will produce oxygen during the night for me.


I need a second chest to store more stuff, wasn't able to store everything in my first chest before filling it all up. I still have lots of seeds and garden stuff to store.

I should probably put that painting somewhere too.

Btw, those papers printed out there and on the desk are the Reality Manifestation texts from Montalk.

….hmmm also need a board to put stuff like that up on the wall.


What you did with your wardrobe? Put it somewhere else?


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Put it back in the closet after it's been properly cleaned? My plan is to get some environmentally friendly really good cleaning stuff from the country bulk store, have everything washed, and then the stuff I don't actually wear is going to be stored in these bag things I have (if you want I'll take a picture) or maybe in boxes. …and the stuff I don't want anymore is going to be sold / given away / donated to the Good Will store / whatever. Maybe I'll even tear up clothing and make stuff out of it depending what material it is.

A lot of stuff in my room was acquired for free btw. It's really easy to get furniture, desks, and chairs for free in Canada from other people.

>tfw I realize this chair is dusty and I should wipe it down next time after I wipe the windows down again in the morning to get water off of them


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is my closet a few years ago.


It's because I don't have a closet, so it will be a problem.


You don't need a closet, I have an excess of clothing because my parents just buy it, and I've actually never bought a single thing of clothing except that one green hoodie in my closet.

If you have no closet just store stuff in … these bag things … except the stuff you will actually be wearing which you can just hang up in your room I guess or put in a chest?


Its because iI have a shit ton of stuff inside, like books, so I will just put it outside my room and fuck it.


You can put books inside of chests or shelves as long as they are actually capable of keeping the dust off of them.


I will do that, when it's done I will show.


I have way too many books in my closet and many of them I've never read and can't ever remember opening them and don't know how they got there.

There's a place that I found while wandering around in search of food outside one day for hours where you can just take a book for free if you put another one in its place, it's some sort of library thing, I guess I could take my books there and just leave them there without taking any new ones… although if I could sell my books and get moar money for stuff like activated carbon, food supplements, actual food, carboys, more chests, and whatever else I want that might be a good idea too.


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First picture is my bed
the second is the space under my bed, the wall of which was covered in black mold.

I've sprayed the wall with bleach and scrubbed as much as I can, but am still concerned that the black mold might come back. Wat do


File: 1422848352562-0.jpg (1.37 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, IMG_2733.JPG)

whoops dropped my pic


No wonder you have problems in your room. You've got a cat in there. Cats make such a mess. Then you also have all this clothing and other stuff all over the place. Random lose items should just be cleaned and stored away in a chest or tote or whatever that air and dust doesn't get into. Your room truly is a terrible mess. Cats can be useful for magick that you can do with them and a great source of loosh but you're going to have to clean so damned much because of that cat to keep things proper.

Have you seen this: https://freedomboard.kirara.ca/ask/res/10848.html ?


File: 1422848862724.gif (486.55 KB, 485x273, 485:273, 5cz0v6eRF1r5pe9fo1.gif)

If I lived by you, i'd help you clean your room! We'd have fun! hmm make some food and maybe have a couple of beersm,etc and talk about life,etc! I wish I could help you clean your room =\



*degenerate detected*



You're right, I'm gonna need to hit it again with something that'll penetrate the drywall.



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I miss having a best friend.
lol thanks for dem feelz
>yeah, seriously.. I should go for a really long walk and think about life.


>wanting the friend jew

Do you even hermit? …or tulpa?

I don't want friends but the demiurge doesn't permit that, the more I try to isolate myself, the more extreme it becomes at throwing people at me who direly want to be my friend or to marry me.


Me too, my personal magnetism is so strong that people can't help but want to be a part of my life.


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Ctrl+f and still… the only post about hammocks is me.

I don't understand, does literally everybody here sleep on a bed? Has nobody here ever tried a hammock?

Benefits of sleeping in a hammock

>fall asleep faster

>deeper sleep
>better reading
>increased learning
>alleviate back pain


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I have only one person I consider a friend, and I am not sure of that one, either.


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>Do you even?
very hermit
much wow
such amaze!
u'd b suprize!


Enjoy your rolled in shoulders and fucked up back?

I sleep on the floor now.


>Cats can be useful for magick that you can do with them and a great source of loosh but you're going to have to clean so damned much because of that cat to keep things proper.
Hey smiley, could i ask for some more info or resources on this?



Want me to just add this all to the library? There's also a bilbliotecapleyades page on him that I read.


some damn good reading man, thank you. would probably be a good addition, yeah.

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