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Greenpill me on eyesight /fringe/


I want to fix my shitty myopic eyesight. So far this is the only really good resource I have on it. I've also visited an optometrist but they did not have much to say. I am planning on using magick to fix my eyes but I need some plan… I am really good at manipulating energy now and as I fix my sleep and posture and continue my breathing practises and eating tons of food and building muscle for more energy I should be able to fix my eyesight too.

If anyone has fixed their eyesight tell me how you did it. If you know some practises I can do to fix myopia, please tell. I am thinking that ultimately I might have to do some etheric body editing to resolve this matter but I don't know.

Lets fix our eyesight!


Reposting from the other thread:

The Bates Method


Check out the bates method, it has been used by people with very fucked up eyes to restore their vision back to near perfect. Aldous Huxley used this method and wrote a book about it called "The Art of Seeing", which I have attached as a PDF. The website is also a good resource.

Also fasting has been shown to improve people's eyesight dramatically, as it allows your body to devote all its energy to healing and purifying itself. I found my eyesight to improve in this recent 11 day water fast I did, though longer fasts of at least three weeks are where the greatest healing occurs.


Frauenfeld clinic explicitly denounces the bates method btw.



File: 1422748001700.pdf (555.19 KB, Aldous Huxley - The Art of….pdf)

The Art of Seeing by Aldous Huxley


Is their shit free?

Because the bates method and fasting is, and it gives people results. Could possibly be shilling for themselves.



Was reading Chi Self Massage and it had some various eye massages that should help with vision. Hard to say how much though.

If your third eye is fully open you should be able to see with your spiritual eyes, which can extend to close to 360 with practice and will likely give you better vision.


There's an open forum and a ton of free-shit on the site despite the thing they got going there where they charge people fuckloads of money to provide them with shit they could provide for free.


I am well aware that you can develop sight without the eyes and there are places that train people who are blind to see clearly anything within about 6 months time.

I want to make my eyes work though in addition to later on seeing without my physical eyes.


That's still a sales tactic, similar to F2P/P2P online games. I'm not saying that their methods don't work, but their methods are not the only ones that work either.

In this preface of The Art of Seeing Huxley says he was damn near blind and the Bates method had him seeing better than ever within a couple months.

"AT sixteen, I had a violent attack of keratitis punctata, which left me (after
eighteen months of near-blindness, during which I had to depend on Braille for
my reading and a guide for my walking) with one eye just capable of light
perception, and the other with enough vision to permit of my detecting the
two-hundred-foot letter on the Snellen Chart at ten feet. My inability to see was
mainly due to the presence of opacities in the cornea; but this condition was
complicated by hyperopia and astigmatism. For the first few years, my doctors
advised me to do my reading with the aid of a powerful hand magnifying glass. But
later on I was promoted to spectacles. With the aid of these I was able to recognize
the seventy-foot line at ten feet and to read tolerably well—provided always that I
kept my better pupil dilated with atropine, so that I might see round a particularly
heavy patch of opacity at the centre of the cornea. True, a measure of strain and
fatigue was always present, and there were occasions when I was overcome by that
sense of complete physical and mental exhaustion which only eye-strain can
produce. Still, I was grateful to be able to see as well as I could.
Things went on in this way until the year 1939, when, in spite of greatly
strengthened glasses, I found the task of reading increasingly difficult and fatiguing.
There could be no doubt of it: my capacity to see was steadily and quite rapidly
failing. But just as I was wondering apprehensively what on earth I should do, if
reading were to become impossible, I happened to hear of a method of visual
re-education and of a teacher who was said to make use of this method with
conspicuous success. Education sounded harmless enough and, since optical glass
was no longer doing me any good, I decided to take the plunge. Within a couple of
months I was reading without spectacles and, what was better still, without strain
and fatigue. The chronic tensions, and the occasional spells of complete exhaustion,
were things of the past. Moreover, there were definite signs that the opacity in the
cornea, which had remained unchanged for upwards of twenty-five years, was
beginning to clear up. At the present time, my vision, though very far from normal,
is about twice as good as it used to be when I wore spectacles, and before I had
learnt the art of seeing; and the opacity has cleared sufficiently to permit the worse
eye, which for years could do no more than distinguish light from darkness, to
recognize the ten-foot line on the chart at one foot.


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look into pinhole glasses

only a couple ameribux on ebay or you could make them yourself

just glasses that have small holes in them that your eyes have to strain to see through which causes your eyes to focus

aside from your vision being partly obsrtucted by the non holed parts your eyesight will be nearly perfect while wearing them and in time perfect without the glasses


Did any of you try the exercise on IIH about putting your face into a bowl of water? I think it's supposed to strengthen the eyes and will also fix your eyesight.


That looks pretty cool. It's like weightlifting for your eyes.



>bad eyesight from years of eye strain

>get something that adds even more eye strain than before

T-thanks /fringe/…


if by
>bad eyesight from years of eye strain
you really meant to say
>bad eyesight from years of lack of dynamic use
then you are right

looking at a computer screen or similar is very different from how you would naturally use your eyes which is to look near and far and at varrying textures
as such your eyes become weak and cannot focus properly
the glasses force your eyes to focus strengthening the muscles in your eyes that allow you to focus on your own

an alternative to these glasses is to just not look at the same thing all the time

the only downside to these glasses is that it takes a moment to focus through the holes when you look somewhere else so they are not suitable for moving images like tv or driving your car


I tried it with ice and everything, never got positive results, not sure if my severe sleep deprivation is fucking with me.


Could I repair my eyesight by just looking at my monitor at a distance where all the text I'm reading is slightly blurred or will that do nothing for my eyes at all?


I doubt it

I am nearsighted and for a short moment I can focus on distant objects but then lose focus and no matter how much I focus cannot see clearly
when using the pinhole glasses my eyes are forced to focus perfectly all the time
I cannot explain why this is but it simply is
>it just werks

you can however sit much futher from your monitor with pinhole glasses and strengthen your eyes that way

another way to strengthen the eyes is to focus on different things near and far which should really be done in conjunction with sometimes wearing pinhole glasses so you can focus quickly and for a long time

also your eyes are not broken so they do not need repair, they are simply weak and need training



Where the fug can I get one of those glasses man?


>only a couple ameribux on ebay or you could make them yourself


Why all these discussions of non-magical methods? The Bates Method? Sticking your face in a bowl of water? Moving your monitor?

If you really believe that magic works, fixing your eyesight should be one of the easiest things to do with it. Just visualize your deformed lens returning to a perfectly spherical shape.

It's interesting how many magicians swear they believe in magic, but only try to use it for things that would probably happen eventually anyway. As soon as they face a real world problem where success or failure would be obvious, they drop magic and start trying to use mundane methods to solve it.


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*tips fedora*


I always research all mundane methods first, apply them all, witness them inevitably fail, then use magick to finish the job.

Problem Fedora?


With ice? Shouldn't it be warm or at least room temperature water? Preferably with a soft euphrasia infusion.

Face in bowl of water is using the magnetic properties of the water, it is magic.


>Euphrasia (Eyebright) is a genus of about 450 species of herbaceous flowering plants in the family Orobanchaceae (formerly included in the Scrophulariaceae), with a cosmopolitan distribution.

It reportedly helps some eye problems but not myopia. I asked an eye doctor this myself explicitly and she herself said she used it but that it is "not for me" and doesn't correct myopia.


Most evidence seems to indicate myopia is genetically caused. Trying to fix your myopia with magic is like trying to make yourself African with magic. Unless you are adept at timeline shifting it probably will not happen.

However myopia is one of the strongest correlative indicators if high intelligence. So I don't really know if you want to fix it with magic necessarily.


>Most evidence seems to indicate myopia is genetically caused.

No the evidence is all saying it's environmental and has to do with industrialization and tons of near-work and artificial lighting.

Places with:

>no artificial lighting

>not much literacy
>everyone sleeps well

They don't have myopia. Then the same community just 2 generations later can have tons of myopia after some changes in the way they live have come about.


File: 1422832463234.jpg (46.52 KB, 550x363, 50:33, myopiaprevalencerates_1_20….jpg)

Your theory does not hold up because different races in the same country in the same conditions have wildly different incidences of myopia.


what is immigration?
also that chart is missing a huge age group

it is simply easier to apply a physical cure to a physical problem

I tip many fedoras to you xir


>Your theory does not hold up because different races in the same country in the same conditions have wildly different incidences of myopia.

No my theory is still sound. Retarded niggers in the same country just aren't reading as much and spend more time outdoors. There are lots of niggers that just sit on porches all day every day of their lives.

Explain why myopia was practically non-existent in any racial group 200 years ago.

Different races are getting varying amounts of myopia because behaviourally they are very different (and their behaviour is controlled by their genetics of course).


I am glad I found this thread.

I would like to link this one, since it is very very related.



Color acupuncture can be very effective for eyesight.


My lens prescription is -4.0 and has grown from -2.0 over the past ten years (during which I foolishly wore contact lenses), however I completely stopped wearing lenses over the past 6 months and my life has changed entirely. Gaps in perception/vision seem to be entirely psychological and energetic in nature. The only gaps I seem to have left come to small print and screens at a distance, but it can be filled in with concentrated breathing. I can see most organic material with seemingly perfect clarity if it is within my line of site. I will list what I consider to be the most important tools in my reaching this point and continuing onward:
-"Third-eye" meditation, or basically focused breathing while crossing the eyes and looking up as forcefully as possible, eyes closed or not; Additionally moving the eyes forcefully in any direction that feels uncomfortable at first, seemingly clearing energy blockage
-Full paleo diet, limited dairy, no grains, massive amounts of carrots, oranges
-Any regular exercise
-Regular sun-gazing and sun exposure
-Limit use of all screens as much as possible; Use f.lux and Gamma Ray glasses when doing so; Avoid alpha wave-state programming
-Get as much fresh air, natural far-focus and witnessing of fractals, i.e., nature
-Dong quai root and Astaxanthin help visual acuity immensely
-Limit your focus on virtual space (i.e., video games)
-Clean and purify your environment, organize clutter or anything your perception will tend to tune out, learn how everything you use works, recognize synthetic materials as a psychological and energetic tax
-Avoid direct contact with synthetic material, limit artificial light sources (especially fluorescent)



I obviously haven't mastered perception of typos yet

I also forgot to mention that pure organic pomegranate juice, not from concentrate, is an immense perceptual tool.


Oh, also probiotics stimulated by okra pepsin and inulin from chicory root


>that filename


I was under the impression that they actually reduce eye strain by restricting incoming light/information, promoting relaxation of the ciliary muscle and reducing lens bulge for far-focus. I have them though, and they work. Wearing positive prescription glasses (reading glasses) around is pretty helpful for the same reason.

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