>>18365Someone asked me a question like this on /pol/ the other day I'll copy pasta the small response I made.
/pollack/ Question: I'm very interested in Tantric/Vajrayana Buddhism…. Do you have any key texts/a reading list that you'd recommend?
Answer: Really good text that I scanned a while ago about the nature of the Demiurge in Tantric Buddhist symbolism, all of the deities in its canon are related to this story in one way or another 'The Subjugation of Rudra', it's an incredible read check it out:
http://www.scribd.com/doc/179529733/The-Subjugation-of-RudraBut as for Tantra as a whole, it's really divided up sort of like a tower, with different levels of practice and study supporting the whole structure of the Canon. It sort of looks like this:
Dzogchen/Ati Yoga
Higher Tantras
Lower Tantras
Mahayana Canon - especially Madhyamaka and the works of Nagarjuna (READ MULAMADHYAMAKAKARIKA)
Pali Canon/Theravada Buddhist philosophy
If you want a good start check out the Mulamadhyamakakarika, absolutely genius-tier philosophy on par with Plato:
http://www.scribd.com/…/Jay-L-Garfield-The-Fundamental-Wisd…On top of that if you're interested in Tantra itself you can take an actual Abhiseka [empowerment] and try to generate yourself as a Deity like Avalokitesvara, Green Tara, Vajrapani, Vajrakilaya (recommend Vajrakilaya for maximum wrathful redpills)
I have a link to Tantric empowerments saved on my YT channel here:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73yi0_DG3hkAfter you take an empowerment you can then begin to actually practice Tantric Buddhist Sadhana, just type "Sadhana for Deity X" into Google and you'll find a ton of them.
ON TOP OF THAT you have the Dzogchen treatises, anything by Longchenpa is golden, Keith Dowman has a long list of great translated Dzogchen texts, you can read tidbits of them here:
http://www.keithdowman.net/dzogchen/index.htm"No matter how we feel, we abide in the nature of mind;
No matter how we live, we stay in the nature of mind;
No matter how we move, we move in the nature of mind.
In luminous spaciousness, coming and going are impossible –
No movement in the victors’ dimension!"