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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1421542578037.jpg (64.58 KB, 1139x190, 1139:190, pdf folder.jpg)


Alright, here's the deal. Can't promise I'll have anything that good, but a while back I was on a kick trying to acquire as many books with as much useful information to better myself as I could. In the course of it I downloaded a lot of weird shit.

I'm just gonna post the screenshot of the folder all my PDFs are in. You tell me a site I can easily upload them to, and I'll do so, and share whatever you want. Just tell me which folders you want screenshots of.

I'm doing this because of the sticky that linked to that list of books. I'll be downloading them, and I feel it's only fair I offer what I have in return.

Note: Some of these folders have gigs of data, while others may only have one or two books. They're also not as neatly organized as I'd like right now. Still, take your pick.


this thread should be moved to /pdfs/


What's inside "nefarious knowledge"?


File: 1421551330705.jpg (40.78 KB, 628x184, 157:46, nefarious knowledge.jpg)

Some stuff…


Upload them all my negro. This is 2015. Not like text files are taking up too much bandwidth or anything.


Requesting hypnosis, relationships and sex. Just use mega.co.nz like everyone else


You can easily upload them to mega.co.nz




requesting all the contents of "Making Money"



(1900-12) thought force in business and everyday life


These HUGE libraries are great for extensive research purposes but for actual learning and doing it's best to have just the books with the very high signal-to-noise ratio. Bloated libraries like this are mostly noise, you can read a whole book and find very little of value, and then some books like The Kybalion you find such incredible knowledge condensed into its pages.


Since we're on topic, I'm going to share with you my Corpus Hermeticum PDF

The other day I decided I was going to read the corpus hermeticum, and the copy I found in the Mega folder was all zipped up and cut into 17 shitty .txt files, so I made a nice whole PDF book out of it.

Enjoy, wizards, and share it with your friends ;)


File: 1421672282999.pdf (1.01 MB, Corpus Hermeticum.pdf)


File: 1421685318109-0.jpg (85.36 KB, 1273x230, 1273:230, hypnosis stuff.jpg)

File: 1421685318109-1.jpg (236.63 KB, 1247x533, 1247:533, making money.jpg)

File: 1421685318109-2.jpg (196.09 KB, 1263x543, 421:181, dating & relationships.jpg)

File: 1421685318109-3.jpg (118.81 KB, 1257x384, 419:128, sex.jpg)

Sorry for the delay, the first night there wasn't much of a response, so I went to sleep.

Here are the requested folders.


File: 1421703187480.pdf (246.52 KB, pymander-hermetica.pdf)

another translation and commentary


The pictures are nice and all, but how about uploading them? Just dump the whole thing into mega like you have been suggested repeatedly and let everyone pick and chose what they want.



This. mega is super easy just sign up with fake name and drag the folder containing everything into it.


Seconded, do the mega thing.


Alright, I'm taking your suggestions, and I'm going to upload everything to mega, but I feel slightly misinformed. I thought from some of what was said here I could just upload the entire folder all at once, but it doesn't seem to be letting me do that, instead wanting me to pick individual files.

Is there a way around this, or am I going to have to recreate and refill every single folder?

I guess I could rar each folder.


there should be a link to just upload a folder


Upload to mega not to 8chan silly!


File: 1421925731457.png (39.79 KB, 1319x620, 1319:620, Captura.PNG)

"Subir carpeta" in english means "Upload Folder"


File: 1421957258374.jpg (49.2 KB, 1359x458, 1359:458, mega.jpg)

There's no such option in my version.


That's… Weird. I just made an account and I have the option of uploading a folder.



Just select all files in each folder and do it folder by folder. It's not much effort.


You can also download the MEGASync software, which functions as dropbox. It's available for windows, mac and linux. Just go into Menu and then get it from Applications. In that way you can automatically upload all of your folders ;)


is OP still having trouble?

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