Pentagram hatred 01/18/15 (Sun) 05:05:05 No. 18454
Fringe, that stupid fucking spinning pentagram has to go. It makes it incredibly impossible to read shit on the board. Yes I could just block it, but that's retarded. You're just chasing people away from here.
01/18/15 (Sun) 05:35:34 No. 18458
>not knowing about the theme options at the bottom right of every page >mfw
01/18/15 (Sun) 05:40:32 No. 18459
>>18458 Which doesn't help much if you browse mostly incognito. Every time I revisit I'd have to change shit. If I cared about /fringe/ enough I'd just add the image to the blocklist.
Oh well, the admin is free to keep his shit defaults and watch the board slide further in activity.
01/18/15 (Sun) 05:47:46 No. 18461
>>18459 I visit incognito and manually change the theme almost every time.
your loosh is leaking everywhere btw.
01/18/15 (Sun) 05:57:20 No. 18463
>>18461 Yeah I know it's very minor, just irrationally grating. I'll shut up about it now though.
☻ 01/18/15 (Sun) 14:14:57 No. 18543
File: 1421590497805.png (334.47 KB, 1678x876, 839:438, Screenshot from 2015-01-18….png )
It's gone now. I think. It caused me a lot of lag as well.
☻ 01/18/15 (Sun) 14:15:42 No. 18544
Yeah it's gone now. For a moment I thought the pentagram had somehow become immortal and was persisting even after I removed the script.
/* Add a rotating pentagram insignia near the bottom left corner. */ .desktop-style body::after{ content:""; z-index:1000; position:fixed; width:256px; height:256px; right:20px; bottom:20px; background-image:url('' ); background-repeat: no-repeat; pointer-events:none; background-size:256px; opacity: 0.16; animation:emblemspin 9s linear 0s infinite; -o-animation:emblemspin 9s linear 0s infinite; -moz-animation:emblemspin 9s linear 0s infinite; -webkit-animation:emblemspin 9s linear 0s infinite; } /* Spin Script that makes the pentagram spin constantly */ @keyframes emblemspin { 0%, 100% { transform: rotate(0deg); opacity: 0.16; } 50% { transform: rotate(360deg); opacity: 0.82; } } @-moz-keyframes emblemspin { 0%, 100% { transform: rotate(0deg); opacity: 0.16; } 50% { transform: rotate(360deg); opacity: 0.82; } } @-webkit-keyframes emblemspin { 0%, 100% { transform: rotate(0deg); opacity: 0.16; } 50% { transform: rotate(360deg); opacity: 0.82; } } @-o-keyframes emblemspin { 0%, 100% { transform: rotate(0deg); opacity: 0.16; } 50% { transform: rotate(360deg); opacity: 0.82; } }
☻ 01/18/15 (Sun) 14:16:37 No. 18545
Anything else that pisses you off about the CSS?