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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1421688502007.jpg (41.58 KB, 401x346, 401:346, See from within.jpg)


Releasing this white magick ritual for any to use who wish to seek the light.


File: 1421720686039.jpg (29.67 KB, 297x230, 297:230, nuit and geb.jpg)

I used to do a similar one, but spending more time on visualization of the chakras, counting ten breaths as I visualized each one of them. It truly gave great results in purification.

I was also inclined to see the mother from above and the father from below, the egyptian idea of Nuit and Geb comes to mind.

>no egyptian flag


File: 1421723692410.jpg (594.24 KB, 674x867, 674:867, ___Madonna_and_Child____by….jpg)

I just tried this, 5/5 bretty good.


bretty gud indeed. how did you come across this OP?


This ritual/meditation should be done every day.
I second that, where did you find this, OP? It reminds me to the VoA.


File: 1421761542752-0.jpg (80.54 KB, 438x277, 438:277, Horus.jpg)

Osiris the Elder is Father, Divine Intelligence that shapes creation. Isis the Elder is the divine mother (Mother Earth) That our form was born of.

A vision


File: 1421763784638.png (241 B, 16x16, 1:1, eye-of-horus.png)

Behold the Eye of Horus,
as ablaze copper torus,
in ancient Age of Taurus,
shined with heavenly vigor,
and Men were not as rigor,
in ancient Age of Taurus,
when ruled heavenly Horus.


File: 1421764716517.png (468 B, 16x12, 4:3, Eye of Horus.png)

Where'd you get that?


Mine is better as you can see. I've had it around for a long time but never added it to the flag selection simply because I did not feel anyone should be allowed to use it (nor the pyramid) without access to /illuminati/.


File: 1421764831501.png (615 B, 18x13, 18:13, Ankh.png)

I may have to upload Kemetist again as well.


I like the sound of this, I'll probably try it after my yoga class tonight. Will anything bad happen if i get a bit distracted in the middle of it, or will it simply not work as well. I'm pretty new at this stuff so my focus is not as good as I would like it to be.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
this song is about Ankh


File: 1422310504835.jpg (34.08 KB, 800x1111, 800:1111, NMN7DdH.jpg)

Can you explain this easier?

4. After the monad has manifested within you, you must bring form to the rest of your chakras. This method uses the symbol of Atlantis (see: http://imgur.com/NMN7DdH) . Originating from the center, visuallize rings that pass through paired chakras, first ring through throat and solar plexus chakras, second ring through the 3rd eye and sacral chakras, and the last through the crown and root chakras."

I don't get it, thank you.


I just got it, nvm



Bump for ace of base and Somalia bombers dumping cum all over Sverige.


Dice rollRolled 4, 3, 7, 6, 3, 1, 7, 6, 3 = 40 (9d7)

bump for white magic

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