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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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Right now I'm under attack from a Demon. He or she mumbles but I can barely make out what she's saying.

I'm also seeing glimpses for floating black balls, translucent human / demon esque shapes quickly darting around my apartment.

I'm a witch and have been practicing for sometime and have many Demons as allies so I'm assuming this is due to a curse I have cast or a punishment or something or Belial is teaching me a lesson for some reason.

What I do know is that while she or he is absolutely fuck all terrifying they are not my enemy and I have no reason to fear them other than because they are scary. I don't think she wants to harm me.

I hope, lol

Anyways, I'm going to try and ride this out. I'm pretty scared shitless because I've been asking to be haunted for a long time and to be posseseed for a long time and this is the kind of horrific haunting I was thinking about.

So I'm going to tell a short story just because I'm really scared right now.

There have only been two occasions in the entire extent of me practicing witchcraft in which I have heard demons "yell" at me.

When I say yell I mean speak so loudly it sounds as if I Demon (Man / woman but demon) is standing next to me loudly saying what he is trying to say.

The first time, it was a horrific yell / screech then he giggled in an almost majoras mask esque way and then vanished.

The second time was about 10 minutes ago when I crawled into bed and asked the demon to stop because I was scared and then I heard him yell something.

My entire body is shaking.

Hold me fringe?


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I keep seeing dark featureless faces appear in my peripheral vision and then dart away.

Almost always at the time when it would scare me the most.

This is the scariest and most awe inspiring / coolest thing I have ever witnessed.

I have been a witch for a while now and have always known that demons had the capacity for mass terror / evil but I have never had the opportunity / privlidge to experience it myself.

This is amazing, I wish I could catch this stuff on tape.


Guys, help?


This is why you should have a magicaklly protected safe room / wizard fall out shelter.

Tell them to come my way, my own room is already choke full with entities, might as well send more for a party.

I intend to properly confront them later and then deal with them. Maybe incinerate them, maybe banish, maybe consume them, maybe something else.

I'm going to be doing some rather extreme magick soon if I get what I need in order and I might film some possession shit.


That sounds like a lot of fun OP wish I had the astral energy needed right now to travel to you and see what's going on.


Not sure what sort of help you want? How do you want to deal with them? I don't think you want to banish them right?

ProTip: don't let them dark entities take your loosh! They always want your loosh!



Maybe they're trying to teach you something. What with all the yelling and shit.


have a sex orgy in ur apartment


>I'm a witch … have many demons as allies
Don't mind them; they're just coming to collect, my dear. Or should I say, "they're just coming to collect *you*, my dear"? Have you attempted a reputable, established banishing ritual?


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Dark entities worth their salt operate in more currencies than just standard loosh.


>I'm pretty scared shitless because I've been asking to be haunted for a long time and to be posseseed for a long time and this is the kind of horrific haunting I was thinking about.

Then I guess you must be delighted, unless I'm misunderstanding this thread.


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Like wat?

I Hope ur talking about funny pictures from 4chan and pirated music, Cuz I got a ton of that


>I've been asking to be haunted for a long time and to be posseseed for a long time

kill yourself, should do the trick.



I have sold 35% of my soul to them, so yes you're correct.

I don't view them as evil though.


"Dark", not necessarily evil; it means they (and you) operate by their own rules, individually, and develop themselves by means that might inure(sic) their prey. "Making deals with the devil", "bartering away your soul", all that jazz. I'm abridging this (admittedly.obvious) input to make it more soluble. It also sounds like you wanted this anyway, but hey, we're here.

only bluegrass and southern rock


sheeeeiiiiiittttt what the fuck did they give you that's worth 35% of your soul?



I have made many many deals, I've been selling my soul in incriments of 1 or 2%.

So technically I have made many deals and have permanant bonds with many demons. :)

I was also gifted 2% of a demons soul and used to own a succubus.

I summoned her and bound her to an item I carried with me at all times.


Hey guys, if you had interesting lives and money, would you still believe in magic?
There's a famous quote from an Indian street magician who said something like; "People see my act and ask 'Is this real magic?'. They call the magic of illusion that exists and can be done 'fake' and the magic that doesn't and is fictional 'real'."
Also I'm reminded now of a quote from Objectivist author Ayn Rand, who said; "If you knew this life was all there is, wouldn't you make the most of it?"
So yeah do you really believe you are magicians?
Or just the frightened, confused and deluded victims of Anglo-American capitalism?


>So yeah do you really believe you are magicians?
>Or just the frightened, confused and deluded victims of Anglo-American capitalism?

Yeah buddy, we're just playing around all day long. We know it's all fake and bogus but we like to waste our lives doing this.

Seriously though, get greenpilled bro. You will eventually become a magus in one of your future lives, so why not start now.

>inb4 what proof do u hav m8, i aint gun believe wiv no proof nigga

Suspend your disbelief and start studying cross-culture. Ancient cultures, nigga.
Look into Egypt, India, China, Greece, Chaldea, Persia, et cetera. You'll quickly get all the proof you need. Do it fagit.

Read the Kybalion ☻


*tips fedora*

I was wondering when a fedora was going to show up, haven't seen any in a few days and was getting worried some wizards would have to roleplay as fedoras to fill the gap.

Fedoras are nothing but amusing when you know from personal experience the amazing power of actual magick.



Demons work with percentages?


There's a reason those interesting people with money often take their clandestine occult lifestyles the furthest, Curls.

That's what they wanted her to believe, yeah.
>Selling away fragments of what took lifetimes to develop
An actual case of selling yourself short…


I would say I have a pretty interesting life. I just enjoy spending my free-time tinkering with different subjects. I took a fancy to fringe/the occult around three to four weeks ago. Reason being, I was plain curious. I've leaned quite a bit of practical things as well as the jargon (or not) that comes with it.

I learn by two principles:

(1) Never out anything.
(2) If you cannot prove it, do not believe it/waste your time with it.

Magick holds both of these potentials and incites my curiosity. Rarely do I find such subjects.

A couple arguments I would like to make against the skepticism is:

(1) Why would there be so much controversy around it if there was not a bit of truth?

(2) Basically what >>19105 said.
> Ancient cultures, nigga.

(3) The astral plane exists, although I have not seen it for myself yet, many have claimed and has been recognized by the general populous as OBE.

(4) Da joos do et.

(5) I have used some of Atkinson's techniques and a lot of it works.

(6) Why would people be so dedicated to it if it did not work. Would they have not given up on it after years of failure?


they're just lonely kids, bro. It's nothing more serious than that.


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Okay I'll hold you while we get spooked by demons together.


Here's the thing I actually do study ancient cultures.
You read old fiction.
I work hard to study the same texts and hear the same lectures as Ivy League kids while you people read bibles and snake oil recipes.
Don't tell me to study ancient cultures you dink.
Also I do not care for the subjective opinions of people who seem most likely to be deluded so that other guy saying he knows something can eat it too.
Seriously though if you people have the time and commitment to study something great like sociology, biology or actual real philosophy but instead you study rubbish and drive yourselves insane.
That makes me sad.
You're like pageant kids.
Wasting your talents on garbage.
It's terrible.


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welp, something doesnt want me telling you how much of a moron you are and letting you in on the rules. had a nice big post and lol, got shot back two pages before I could post it.

in short;
>Never deal in souls for small issues
>souls dont come in percentages or divisions, you fucking moron
>you made yourself the village bicycle.
>demons pissed you promised your soul to 25+ probable parties.
>screaming, shadows and spirists swirling you are those you wronged.
>foolish child, there are much much larger fish in the astral sea, and you just probably pissed off a leviathan
>You treat demons with the utmost respect or you get devoured

If youre makin shit up for attention, then I hope a demon actually comes up and cock slaps you so hard your neck breaks for your insolence.


>Here's the thing I actually do study ancient cultures.

Then you should have read the Kybalion. Are you honestly going to say that that book does not contain truth? It agrees with and explains sociology, biology and "actual real philosophy" once you understand it.


i suggest you try to love all things and all reality. communicate inquisitively and realize that they are not going to hurt you .

That is if you must believe they are real.


For your sake, I hope this is bait. If not, you're ignorant and very close minded; everything that you have said of us is actually true of you. You're never going to go anywhere or learn anything of real value with this approach to life.


This guys gets it (and has wonderful taste in flags. Hail Eris). Seriously OP, you fucked up big.


>I work hard to listen to Ivy League lectures online and buy anthropological non-fiction about ancient fiction from Barnes and Noble
>I am, therefore, enlightened by my own intelligence
You're projecting insecurity, friend. There's little point in trolling here if it's making you "sad; so sad", and not happy or humored.


This always gets me really mad.
People start communicating and dealing with entities far more powerful than themselves before developing their own powers first which could then be used to do whatever instead of making unnecessary deals.


Hey! some advice from someone who has been trapped by cum deamons and digital pacts: fuck your deamons. Tell yourself: "This is shit is something i've been putting a lot of energy to. Maybe sometimes this shit feels true but fuck the motherfucking shit, i'm off, i'm not online, fuck these motherfucking demons (that obviously are part of mah' mind,how the fuck can they exist if there's no perception?' You could also do the trick: 'Im no perception it's mine' and listen to The Shamen playing out with Terence Mckenna. 'How the fuck i end up with a motherfucking demon I invoked?' You've to really wish it. 'I wanna be free of all that shitte!' Take an ultra high dose of acid and make something uncomfortable to your locality: touch your sisters' ass and yell NOT BEING IN CHARGE OF THIS OPERATION SYSTEM, that will break yar madafin mind. Demon's off. Take care!


Pray to christ my child


Heh… I wouldn't pray to anything, that would just switch invading entities…

Now, this silly 'witch' (who might be a girl btw, omg) is inviting spirits into her space without any form of protection. Just LOL!

Not only will they invade her space, what they really want is her body for their own use. Say hello to major psychological and schizophrenic issues…

I'm learning how to boot out these type of things using an advanced aboriginal method as we speak and am quite proficient, but have no reason to share it here for no gain.

All I can say is trust in the power of your own spirit.

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