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Esoteric Wizardry


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I am curious if there are any on /fringe/ whom practice this sort of magic? I would like to know more about guardian constructs and totems within occultism and how to better understand the principles regarding them.

As is, I should probably say that personally I am very new to this sort of idea– some years back I began dating a girl whom was a very active practicing Hermetic Witch. She had her small coven of friends in college and she with her gifts was the one to point out that I had something with me that wasnt actually so much a part of me, but wasnt natural either. when consulting an older friend of ours whom had been a part of the houston area pagan groups, we began to narrow down the source of this thing. You have to realize, I'm an ex-STEM field studen, so I tend to be very very harshly critical of this sort of stuff; what my ex and her friends stumbled on was that what I was doing was having created a sort of spirit construct subconciously. Now I have had more magically leaning friends in the past, but they always commented on that they couldnt get a read on me, felt like something heavy was blocking anything from me on that sort of astral level. turns out this might have been the cause- the golem protecting me from probing minds.

The thing that gave them the idea that it was a golem, was a story I told em, up until then I had never told anyone about it feeling as if I would sound crazy. the story goes that when I was a kid, I didnt have much for toys– I had building toys and that was it– cheaper than action figures, right? anyways… I used to keep some of the more special models i built on the back of my bed. One night I suddenly wake up for no real reason, rolling over to see movement on the top of my bed (a futon that was folded) one of the models was moving about, it almost seemed like it had up until that point, had been pacing or even patroling. the model stopped, turned and looked at me (I built these toys with a great deal of articulation) with its eyes lit up. naturally I freaked and snapped it to pieces and chucked it across the room, falling back asleep some time later after the fear wore off. when I recounted this to our friends, they laughed and said I broke my own guardian I had built.

So here I am now, a few years down the road. I havent been able to find any real literature on this sort of phenomena, and the most I know about this is that I need to make a physical totem to bind a golem to– somewhat mirroring the shape of what it looks like, in order to make it work. I gave my last totem to my ex for safe keeping while I've been moving around, but find that its harder and harder to manifest the presence of the golem (whom I've come to name 'rook'). I worry for my construct and would like to know more about this. I want to know if this is all in my head or am I really capable of something more than being a mundane scholar of the occult?


*Hellenistic Witch, my ex was Hellenistic. she worships Artemis and Hermes



How did you fuck up so bad?


long story, but we were better off as friends in the end. we still talk & stuff


stupid doublepost glitch


lol silly mundanes and their relationshit failures

>not consulting with spirits beforehand to avoid this shit


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how about we focus on the whole golemancy thing instead of my shit-tier relationship capabilities?


I can't be fucked to read your thread right now in full as I'm having an astral party over at my place and shit's ramping up for one wild night of wizardry.

I think you are talking about golems though?

I've been thinking about creating some myself. I've read a ton of it and also might check out the akashic records or get some spirits helping me with that shit. Just need the raw materials to assemble the body for my golem.

There are several books in the library that mention golems and how to make them. The Invisible Influences mentions it, some chaos magick texts do too, etc.

Fuck man I am bathing in loosh right now. I am so euphoric.


Well the odd thing is I don't use any spirits to construct or animate my own– they just sorta assemble to follow the pattern of my thoughts and totem.

as of late, when its harder for me to manifest rook, I find I can easier wrap him around me sorta like a suit of armor– but it generally feels weaker… I know when my friend was discussing it with me, he told me that the totem needed an object core that was something that I had poured a lot of myself into. at the time I had used some charm necklaces I used to carry with me all the time.

is there president for golems being crafted sans any sort of spirit involvement? I mean I remember reading the old stories of rabbi having the gift to create golems as a miracle, a shadow of god's own power in creating life, but the whole of that always struck me as more of an allegorical story


Is there really no one who knows anything about this sorta stuff? /fringe/ cmon y'all, you're failin' me here. this is home to the esoteric scholars and occultists, right?


golems = thoughtforms

or robots.

they were robots in the stories.

alien robots.


SJW cultural marxists then


I'd say your average mundane is a golem. They do whatever their dark occultist masters program them to do.


I have no interest in golems or creating entities but if I remember right IIH has a chapter on golems and how they get created.


>dank occultist masters


initiation into hermetics goes into this in depth


Are you Jewish? The chosen people are masters of building golens.
You can easily find some of the best texts of the subject if you can read Hebrew

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