No.19316[Last 50 Posts]
>tfw almost ascended
>tfw nearly have full access to the akashic records
>tfw those forces that wish to oppose me are getting desperate and throwing everything they got at me
>tfw they want to do anything they can to break my meditations, even throw objects at me, and cause all sorts of crazy strange negative synchronicites of a very unlikely nature
>tfw they destroy my books and tablet in an effort to stop me
>tfw they use organic portals and any other vectors they can influence to fuck with me
>tfw it's too fucking late for them, they can't stop me
>tfw raising in the scale of spirit
>tfw more conscious than ever before
>tfw read people's posts and know how ignorant or off the mark they are
>tfw I know and understand the animal men around me
>tfw I see across time
>tfw the I AM is strong in me
>tfw will meet you all in the astral
will you write a guide / book for your race before you leave us tho ?
Is that you, Smiley?
What's the meditation for akashic access?
Don't make me start rapping Cuz I want the siddhi, nothing less ,
this ain't a game like vice city, with buttons u press
btw Congrats on the success
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I want to complete some more readings but holy fuck these fuckers won't leave me alone.
I spent most of the night reading one of the books and only have got through 20 pages because of all the shit they keep doing.
Meanwhile I am getting insane synchronicities from this: to the lyrics in that shit.
I got to deal with some organic portals tomorrow that I've been trying to convince to get shit I need but they are completely unreliable and instead seem to be doing random shit that just causes me more trouble.
I can't fucking sleep either at all and look like absolute shit right now. I'd fix it up but I have other priorities and can only do so much at once.
>inb4 do a banishing ritual, etc.They keep coming back, there's a lot of them, and they are very sneaky and manipulative and even contrive weird situations to draw me out of a safe area or overwhelm my defences and so on.
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I am sick of shit being thrown at me, the sooner I get everything out of my fucking room and it's just empty save for a laptop, sleeping bag, mat, fan, and boxes then.
>tfw new random items are appearing in my room now every day just to troll me, like my room is being used as some place to store random shit from around the house
You've got to be shitting me…
>>19330Also objects I actually need somehow disappear from the room.
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>>19329That's weird. A similar thing happens to me.
>Inb4 babby's first astral spider.I've dealt with many similar situations but this time there's actually a lot of them and not just in dreams, and I mean a FUCKTON of them everyday.
With me they try with fear and anxiety mostly but they have to keep it subtle because when they act tough or fuck with my dreams they get BTFO and that improves my mood. I'm a pretty positive person and it never works for them so I find it weird that they keep trying over and over.
banishing ritual does not seem to work for me either. The lesser one, I mean. Maybe I'll try the lvl 2 version.
>>19334It doesn't work like that for me, I mostly got entities lingering in my room trying not to be seen, but influencing me… until I focus in on them, directly confront them, and fuck their shit up. They mostly just try to possess me, insert thoughts into my mind, distract me, drain me of energy, and generally fuck around with me very subtly. There latest strategy seems to be to fuck around with my room and ensure I can never get sleep. I have been up constantly for an incredibly long time now and look like a corpse with sunken in eyes. They are all so cowardly and try to strike at me while I'm easily agitated or vulnerable.
>>19335yeah, that's what I meant with not just in my dreams. I perceive their thoughts while meditating and they try to influence me subtly while I'm distracted. It's annoying.
Nothing disappearing yet, luckily.
Looks like we need some sort of entity sweeper.
>>19336I just fucking wish I wasn't born with such a decrepit body that needs so many fucking repairs and is so dysfunctional and to a family that is completely hostile and makes me want to hang myself every day. Sadly I just have to make due and struggle through this garbage. I feel like my body is going to crap out and die on me any day at this rate. I hate how fucking long it takes me to do basic shit, it should not take so much time, but a million fucking obstacles are put in my way constantly.
I need to get all this shit out of my room and I'm not sure how I'm going to manage this though. Don't know where to put shit, don't know why it's going into my room, I think I'll just get mad later today and open a window and start tossing shit out into the snow outside or something as I'm getting pretty desperate and none of the bluepills here are helpful at all. Some larger items that somehow ended up in my room need to disassembled.
runic magic??
and make a bindrune of rune's of protection
"The Protection Runes
These four runes all have powerful protective properties. If employed correctly, they can be invaluable in defense against spiritual attacks from hostile entities, magicians and psychics. If you find yourself under constant attack from such forces, I would advise making a bind rune(discussed later) out of these four and inscribing it on the back of a necklace to wear. These four runes can, individually or together, also make physical and emotional harm less likely to find its way to you. These runes are raido, eihwaz, algiz and teiwaz. "
>>19340>>19341How in the fuck am I going to make runes? I don't have the materials for it and I've been trying to get a few simple things I need for weeks now without success.
No.19343!3pA0CYJD!MXXpMOQiYhstxxr7HMMV9wJason Miller's book is full of rituals from lots of different traditions, the other two are more theory.
It's good for everyone to learn protection BEFORE they need it.
>>19342You can draw runes on paper.or use the help of some deity?
>>19342Sometimes you need periods of shit in life.
Treat it all as a lesson and focus on your basic needs.
>>19345>Sometimes you need periods of shit in life.>Treat it all as a lesson and focus on your basic needs.My whole life is pure shit and there isn't a single memory worth preserving. It has never been good and it never gets better.
I think I'm just going to give up on trying to sleep as I've wasted a lot of time trying to sleep and even though mentally I'm being bogged down and can barely think I'm just going to stay up until I have what I fucking need… and I'm going to start removing shit from my room right now, even though there's nowhere to fucking put it, argh.
>>19345…and I am focused on basic needs. I can't do fuck all right now though except WAIT for these retarded bluepills to get me what I need and they just keep ignoring me. I'm going to snap tomorrow on one of them and force them to help.
>>19346I get where you're coming from, I've felt the same way too, eventually if you develop the right mindset you'll switch into being driven by sheer force of willpower.
>>19347Maybe you need to learn to be more manipulative. If lifes got you on the backfoot you need to get it to switch so you have the advantage for once, in whatever small way you can.
You can try this for a darker approach to power No.19350
>>19347You don't seem close to ascension m8. You have to learn to deal with those situations and transmute your emotions into something better. Learn to go from depression to love and from love to whatever to craft the right emotion when needed.
Bluepilled people will be bluepilled, but that's not a reason to be mad at them. Time puts everything its the rightful place, which is not necessarily a good place.
Be like the winter breeze.
chill No.19356
>>19350Dumb ass non-flag user, the problem isn't emotional alchemy, it's deprivation of the very basic material and living space I need to fuel my ascent.
I am not mad but I'm thinking of getting mad if it's useful to getting what I need seeing as being meek sure hasn't helped.
I am being constantly faced with starvation, poisoning, sickness, distractions, very artificial synchronistic dramas, and other bullshit of that nature.
Right now I'm just waiting for the sun to rise and planning what I'm going to do today to try and reclaim my room while forcing out various entities trying to fuck my shit up.
>>19356Then explain why you can't change the very basic material things, so we can try to think a solution, where do you live?
>>19359Sun has risen now.
I don't have a car, I have very limited money, and I have the extraordinarily bad luck lately of acquiring objects with defects that have to keep being returned…
Do you have any relaxation magick? 'cause I could use that shit.
>>19360Getting mad synchronicities right now, the song playing is saying "it's time to relax, it's time to let go, the wait is over".
Good sign or just a suggestion to make me sleep when I need to be awake?
>>19356>i'm close to ascension guise>the I AM is strong in memeanwhile
>constantly antagonizing people like they're not him>believes some humans are organic portals and not just very undeveloped people>costant paranoia and hate for everything, his own life includedDude, what the fuck
>>19362>hurr durrr qualities of personality equate with muh ascensionOrganic portals are real, common, and underdeveloped.
Hatred is a manifestation of love you know.
>>19360You can find a job (if you live in a city it's easier, if you live in a decent country its even more), you said that you body isn't good, why isn't good, lack of food, or what? It's hard to give advices in the dark.
>>19365Got a server error and the flag dont worked, wtf.
>>19364But if you want to realize the I AM you've got to let go of the false-self, and that entails letting go of thinking you're better than everyone else (false Pride).
This is basic Atkinson smiley, cum on
>>19365My body is shit because three things:
1. Lack of proper food required for my energy expenditures.
2. It's programmed all wrong and I don't have the excess energy I would need to begin regeneration.
3. Tons of accumulated damage from environment, entities, etc.
I just need to keep it working at the highest level of optimization it can achieve for the time being while I read until I've properly cleared out a space to begin a serious operation on it.
>>19366Which flag did you try to use?
>>19369It's just because I saw the buddhist flag image but didn't noticed there was like this lol.
>>19367Nope retard, you are falling for the same garbage so many others do, and you have no cognisance of the real self.
…I am not striving to realize I AM, I already know it.
>>19371I wish the cripple would fix up the flags more.
>>19372And how do you know you are right?
>>19362I already understand that concept of the true self, but I don't know what motivates the all to do that, I mean, I do know but don't makes sense, I think I need to think more.
>>19369Can you tell the name of your country at least?
>>19374…I should just get on a webcam and fucking show you but I need to prepare for this shit and as it is right now, shit ain't safe for this working.
ProTip guise: The All sees you in itself when you see yourself in The All.
ProTip 2: That does not mean what you think it means.
>>19376He's Canadian
>>19377Nice dubs. How can you show your self-realization on webcam though?
>>19381>Nice dubs. How can you show your self-realization on webcam though?Well I wish I had a higher quality webcam as you can't see shit also I'll need to turn off the thing where it shows what is on the webcam back to me or that'll fuck things up. Either that or I need to close my eyes.
Also entities will get pissed as fuck if I start doing that.
It would be so much easier to show in person.
I guess you could give me a picture of yourself.
>>19384Ok but I seriously got to clear this shit out.
>tfw the bluepills near me are still sleeping>tfw they finally wake up they'll probably just ignore me No.19386
>>19385What if they are already awake?
>>19386They are not. I fucking see them laying there in bed, sleeping.
>>19381I know that Smiley is Canadian, but I wasn't sure that he was him.
He can try to find a institution that helps people and tell them the history (without revealing the power level, you don't want to live doped)
Canada is isolated and cold, it's like amazonas here in Brazil, isolated. So it makes things harder.
Here in Brazil people help others a lot, I don't know how people are in your country.
>>19388Canadian people are cold… get it? Cause it's cold there. kek
>>19388Nobody helps here. They create more problems for me than they help.
Just made this PDF.
>>19390If you wait another year I can help, but you will have to prove your situation, I don't want to be rused.
>tfw Egohood
>can observe emotions without being involved in them
>can withdraw in the I AM to gather myself
>this sensation of "actually being"
I have so many Atkinson books left to read. W. W. Atkinson has to be one of the greatest occult philosophers there have ever been.
>>19392Just saying, if anyone can help me out properly, chances are I can ultimately make it well worth their while.
>>19389I was quoting
>>19389 not myself
>>19393100% agreed anon, these fucking twat elementals though are interrupting muh atkinson readings.
>>19391This btw is intended as something you guys can print out and put in your room.
>>19394I am going to clapland next year to do university, when I be there I can help.
>tfw eating like 5x as much as the bluepills around me but they are all overweight and I am not
>>19400No, not ftw, ftl. This is shit. I hate being ectomorph. Food cost so fucking much and there's never enough of it. It also costs me in wasted time spent eating food. I fucking hate food. I don't want to eat ever again.
Everyone else in my whole fucking family is completely unlike me btw. My personality, speech, body, etc. I'm just a complete mutant and don't fit into the picture. I think they are all basically the product of their genetics but me, my form has been heavily mutated by higher forces.
>Ectomorphic Psychology
Ectomorphic is one of the three classic somatotypes or body types created by William Sheldon. An ectomorphic body type is centered around the brain and nerves. These people are slim and possibly underweight. The ectomorphic person has a cerebrotonic temperament, and is artistic, sensitive, apprehensive and highly self-aware. A more negative way to put it is that he or she is introverted and socially restrained.
>>19401I have the same body type, the bad thing is that you live in a shitty first world country where people hate each other even being rich compared to us.
I want to help you, just don't want to be rused. I need to think how you can turn this situation
>>19401I have the same body type, the bad thing is that you live in a shitty first world country where people hate each other even being rich compared to us.
I want to help you, just don't want to be rused. I need to think how you can turn this situation.
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>tfw I look like the degenerate on the left + more problems
I'm sick of this body and just going to trade it for a new one.
So smiley what do you mean by
>you are falling for the same garbage so many others do, and you have no cognisance of the real self
Where did you find the correct information?
You can't possibly mean everyone who attained self-realization besides you was (or is) wrong?
Why then does Atkinson say that you can't realize your true self if you still have that false Pride? I don't understand. Why does every oriental teacher teach the same thing?
Are you sure you are not deluding yourself with false Self-realization?
>The occultist is not a miserable, sour-visaged, gloomy man, common beliefs to the contrary notwithstanding. His life and understanding lifts him above the worries and fears of the race, and his knowledge of his destiny is most inspiring. He is able to rise above the storm, and, riding safely on the crest of the wave—yielding to every motion of the swell—he escapes being submerged. When things become too unpleasant to be borne on the relative plane, he simply rises into the higher regions of his mind where all is serene and calm, and he gains a peace that will abide with him when he again sinks to meet the trials and burdens of the day. The occultist is the happiest of men, for he has ceased to fear—he knows that there is nothing to be afraid of. And he has outgrown many of the superstitions of the race, which keep many people in torment.
Why are you worrying about your body? Don't you know how to keep it in shape? Protip: shoes are bad for a nice long healthy straight spine, go barefoot
>>19409My body is a piece of shit with horrible genetics. It's not a matter of keeping it in shape, I can be as muscular as I want, and it will still be garbage. I am going to get rid of it very soon. I am so sick of it.
>He has left Hate and Malice behind him, and has allowed Love to take their vacant places, and he must,necessarily, be happier by reason of the change.
>This relative idea of life carries with it the selfish part of our nature—that part of us which causes us to regard ourselves as better than our brother—as separate from our fellow-beings—as having no connection with all of life. It is the idea of the lower part of our mind—our merely refined animalism. Those who have carefully studied our former course will understand that this part of our mind is the brute side of us—the side of us which is the seat of the appetites, passions, desires of a low order, and emotions of the lower plane. These things are not evil of themselves, but they belong to the lower stages of life—the animal stage—the stage from which we have passed (or are now passing) to the stage of the Man existence. But these tendencies were long ages in forming, and are deeply imbedded in our nature, and it requires the most heroic efforts to dislodge them—and the only way to dislodge them is to replace them by higher mental states. No.19412
To fix my body, I would need everything except the internal shit redone.
Skin, face, jaw, eyes, everything visible on the surface is fucked up.
>>19411Which page of which book is this from?
>>19409Barefood since a child, same thing with my sisters and my brother, we don't like shoes idk why since the beginning.
>>19412Then lets do it, maybe it's a challenge for you.
>>19413It's from the advanced course on yogi philosophy, chapter 2. You need to read Light on the Path first.
>>19414>Then lets do it, maybe it's a challenge for you.Do you know how many thousands of dollars it would cost to get dentistry work done and everything else?
I'm just going to discard this shitty body.
>>19416You planning on invading someone's body?
>>19416Have you ever thought that is this shitty life had let you become what you are? It's the same with me, in a less intense way.
>>19416I feel like I'm quoting the Bible on you
>To despise the present life is as ridiculous as to live as if it were all the life there is. To follow this course is to commit the folly of “living in the future,” against which the little manual cautions us. This life (small and insignificant though it may be as compared to the great life) is most important to us—it is a stage in our development that is needed by us, and we must not shirk it or despise it. We are just where we are, because it is the very best place for us at this stage of our development, and we cannot afford to spend this life in merely dreaming of the future, for we have tasks to perform—lessons to learn—and we will never be able to advance until we master our present grade duties. This present life is not all—but it is part of all—remember this. These difficulties of the distinction between the present and future vanish when we regard them from the absolute view-point. The moment that we become fully conscious that the eternal is the only real thing—and that Now is all of eternity that we are able to grasp with our consciousness—that it is always Now with us, and always will be Now—when we realize this, then do the relative terms “present” and “future” lose their former meanings to us, and time and eternity; yesterday, today, tomorrow; and forever and forever; are seen to be but slightly different manifestations of the great eternal Now, in which we live at each moment of our existence. This living in the eternal makes us enjoy every moment of our present life—allows us to look forward to the future without fear—causes us to feel the consciousness of what real life is—helps us to realize the I Am consciousness—allows us to perceive things in their right relations—in short, gives to life a reality that it otherwise lacks, and causes the old relative views to drop from us like the withered leaves from the rose. As the writer of “Light on the Path” so beautifully says: "This giant weed cannot flourish there; this blot upon existence is wiped out by the very atmosphere of eternal thought.” No.19420
Embedding error.
>>19416Just give me a few days and I will have a plan.
Don't give up man.
>>19418I feel that if this shit life has served me in any way it might be in that it keeps me on my toes so to speak, constantly suffering, constantly unsatisfied, and so moved to transcend it rather than be content with lesser accomplishments.
Perhaps if things were too nice and easy, I'd be happy and content, and thus my ascent would end as my desire is satisfied too early by the mundane.
…but then again maybe this is a load of shit and I'd just ascend faster in better conditions?
Who knows.
This shitty fucking body can't sleep, can't rest, can't be comfortable, can't function to do the tasks I need it to do, it's rubbish. This is not the best for my development at all. It holds me back.
>>19421Other people need you too, the same way that I am trying to help you, you can to help others to grow.
>>19422This shitty body is shitty by your conditions.
I am overcome in this moment by a ridiculous thirst despite having drank like 5 glasses of water in just an hour. No matter how much I drink, my lips are presently drying up, and I appear to be suffering dehydrating. What the fuck is this bullshit? The more water I drink, the thirstier my body becomes. It is unable to be satisfied by mere water. It's like it can't adsorb the water and make use of it.
>>19424Are you peeing out all the water?
Why am I so fucking dehydrated despite drinking so damned much water?
>>19426Have you tried drinking using the Yogi method?
You basically need to take sips of water and hold them in your mouth to extract the Prana before swallowing.
Rather than drinking a lot of water at once and peeing it all out, drink often.
>>19427>Feel dehydrated and thirsty and require plenty of water>Difficulty falling asleep at night, sleep lightly or wake early or often>Difficulty relaxing, nervous, anxious or hyperactive>General exhaustionAll of this constantly plagues me.
>>19428I've been drinking fuckloads of water all night.
>>19429I sent and e-mail saying that a person that I know is in your situation (of course i omitted everything important) to an Canadian institution, when they awnser back I will reply what they seid.
>Research shows that when you are deficient in protein your cortisol levels will be chronically elevated.Most of the food I eat all day is basically devoid of protein. I MUST acquire that whey protein. No.19436
>>19434>whey protein>saw a mention of whey protein somewhere earlier todaySynchronicity spotted! Maybe I need some of that stuff. . .
>>19421Why not wizard your way out of this situation, then?
>>19422>>This shitty fucking body can't sleepmake it your bitch. Making your body sleep even when you're not tired is pretty basic.
>>19437…because, well, you want to see the ridiculous wounds I have all over my body? My right foot especially is gored as fuck right now. There's too much shit in my room. If I had access to a padded-room where nothing can fuck me up while I do battle with entities that would be great.
I'ma a wizard my way out of this shit sooner or later but I need to attend to some mundane things first like clearing my room and getting myself a good source of protein.
>>19438I want to do this. Any ProTips from a sleep master like you?
One of the things I want most in my life right now is the ability to sleep anywhere, at any time, for as long as I want. I would spend hours in prayer and doing mantras for the ability.
>>19440Self-induction. Hypnosis.
If you have a basic thoughtform or servitor it can help with this.
Basically get yourself into trance and then let the "poison" of paralysis sink in completely. If you do it right at worst you'll have a lucid dream. There are many meditation threads here that can help you with that.
>decide to ignore thirst and stop drinking water
>become more hydrated by not drinking water
Man, fuck all those /4chon/ idiots who keep promoting that more water is always better nonsense.
>>19443>There are many meditation threads here that can help you with that.kek, he's the board founder
>>19443Hmmm that's the sort of thing I'd have thought up on my own but I do like the reminder from you.
Plans so far:
1. Get the bluepill near me to help me with shit.
2. Prepare my room.
3. Begin meditating.
4. Wait for entities to pounce like they always do, trying to disrupt my meditation.
5. Focus in on them, confront them, process them.
6. Clear out the whole room if need be.
7. Recharge on food loosh if need be.
8. Begin trance to create a thoughtform of the type you mention.
9. Program it with various functions relating to sleep.
10. Become the sleep master. Sleep anywhere, in any position, at any time.
11. Acquire more energy, work on the thoughtforms more.
12. Reconfigure my own etheric body, fixing all its errors.
13. Become a god in the flesh.
>>19444not too much water, but enough.
Always in SMALL doses or you'll always feel thirsty. Did that solve your problem?
>>19447I don't know but I'm going to massively reduce the amount of water I drink.
One of my glass water bottles has 20 oz capacity for holding water. I have two such bottles. How much water should I consume:
>per hour spent in sedentary activity>per hour spent in light exercise>per hour spent in heavy exercise>upon waking>does my height, body mass, and the climate also matter? No.19449
>>19448Don't overthink it. Just drink some every once in a while.
Drink a glass before going to sleep and again a glass upon waking.
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>everything that is fucking available for me to eat is poisoning me.png
God damn it.
>>19449>a glassI have glasses of many different sizes though.
No.19453 really hope a lot of this shit isn't true because it seems like getting a healthy body is such a nightmare. I would hope I could get by on rather shitty food if I made up for it with mentalism.
>>19450Eat organic/natural and drink water.
Even though I'm not completely sure, I think milk is probably not good for you (why the fuck would a man drink cow tit juices, it's full of growth hormones and shit).
Try to avoid meat, it takes a lot of body resources to digest and leaves you drowsy after eating it because of that. If you really want to eat it, stick to chicken and turkey. And fish. Avoid red meat.
Everything should be thoroughly masticated and mixed with saliva before being swallowed, in order to be digested faster and more efficiently. Water is important for every bodily function and for digestion.
Remember that if you do not drink enough water, the body will recycle shitty sewer water from your intestines and poison your whole system.
Use the Yogi Complete Breath everyday. Read "Hatha Yoga" by Yogi Ramachakara.
Clean your system man
>>19453A healthy body isn't necessarily a perfect body.
>>19454Also forget about sugar, alchol, tobacco, coffee, and shit like that.
>>19454Dude, I don't ever have access to those foods anyways, as they're too fucking expensive.
Nothing ever makes me drowsy btw. If meat could make me drowsy, I'd eat it to try and sleep.
>Water is important for every bodily function and for digestion.Remember that if you do not drink enough water, the body will recycle shitty sewer water from your intestines and poison your whole system.
…but I probably drink like a third of a 5 gallon aquarium worth of water a day.
>>19456I don't have access to and never ever do consume any of those things.
You've really told me nothing useful at all.
I also hate milk btw, it's just so disgusting… but I force myself to consume some of it with other things.
I wish I had goat milk but it's so expensive.
Most of my diet is
>oatmeal>orange juice>water>honey>repeat all night and day until once in awhile some random other meal is available No.19463
ah fuck, someone just burned cooking oils near me, and my face is enflamed. I predict that I'm going to have an acne breakout on the cheeks and along the creases of the nose. I can feel each pore that has become clogged, just an hour previously I could breath through every pore of the skin of my face.
Anyone suggest a magickal solution to counter this that can fit a 15 minute time slot? I know it's going to happen if I don't do something now.
>>19458Just saying, you don't need to do -all- those things to be healthy. I guess healthy is a subjective term but then again a perfect body is something more than healthy I would say.
>>19463fuck, it's going to affect a few other spots too near the chin, shit… I need to get out of this room.
>>19465>health>subjectiveHealth is pretty darned objective man.
>>19316the records are worthless if you don't know what you're looking for.
when you're dead you'll know it anyway.
>>19434Just be careful as not to pull a Smiley
I swear all I do is cash out
>>19416faggot do some yoga and your posture will be fix.
force kundalini, do it now.
>>19475I know exactly what the fuck I'm looking for. That which I need to know do my will.
>>19482When will yoga fix my eyesight, teeth, and skin?
>>19493why care? you're here for a reason, not to kill yourself over superficial stuff, faggot
>>19493Shitty skin is a consequence of improper nutrition and improper hydratation.
Imperfect eyesight and teeth can result from bad alignment of the body (posture). You'll have to practice Yoga and see an Osteopath or Chiropractor.
To fix your eyesight you might try this:
>Sit in Padmasana or Siddhasana, or Sukhasana if legs hurt too bad. Hang a picture of Lord Krishna, or Rama, or Jesus on the wall in front of you. If neither picture appeals to you, then hang a painting or picture of the sanskrit “OM” in black upon a white background in front of you. With eyes open, stare as long as possible at the picture without blinking until tears roll down the cheek. Do not let the mind wander even once. Have tunnel vision. All that exists is the picture. This is called Trateka. It has wonderful effects on both cultivating concentration to prepare for Dharana and healing the eyesight. Many people have been able to give up their glasses because of this exercise. Start for just 30 or 40 seconds. Gradually extend it to 30 minutes without blinking. This will come easier than you think. Persevere and you will see great benefits. This helps cultivate Clairvoyance as well. No.19500
>>19497I object to having to play out the dramas of the demiurge. I'd rather create my own pocket reality that doesn't suck where all the shitty roles go to beings that don't actually experience the horrible shit and all the good roles go to beings that actually do experience it. That's really the fix this universe needs. Everyone that actually experiences it then gets to be the hero while the NPCs do all the grinding.
No.19501 fix, I haven't read this all through, but it looks promising. Other then this I'd just use etheric body editing. I asked someone what's wrong with the shape of my eyes… so I guess it's just a matter of deforming in the opposite way and they'll be 20/20 again.
>>19499This is exactly like the Qui Gong stuff I read.
>>19499The exercise I read about did not involve a picture of a holy man or an OM.
I'd rather stare at a beautiful rock in my room.
Then again that rock I have is very specifically programmed with certain magickal energies that I don't want to disturb too much.
Might need to just get myself a canvas, some paint, and make an OM thing to stare at.
…or I could stare at my water bottle.
>>19499>Shitty skin is a consequence of improper nutrition and improper hydratation.Elaborate on this? I personally think it's a consequence of sleep deprivation and bad quality air. My skin heals right the fuck back up when I actually manage to get sleep then goes to shit again during the day while I'm out of my room.
>Elaborate on this? I personally think it's a consequence of sleep deprivation and bad quality air. My skin heals right the fuck back up when I actually manage to get sleep then goes to shit again during the day while I'm out of my room.
The skin is used by the body to expel toxins through perspiration.
If you don't get good nutrition and/or good hydratation, you will not have a good digestion and you will not expel as much toxic material as you could through the faeces and urine, so you'll have more waste in your system.
Your body will try to expel this stuff through the skin, hence you get shitty skin. You may also experience bad breath and nasty smelling sweat.
And a lot of other conditions related to high levels of toxicity in the body.
>>19508Obviously this is just the physical side of it. You could also have astral and mental problems. I don't know how that works precisely though.
>>19508Explain why burning of cooking oils near me causes breakouts and why the only times my skin ever clears up I am in the presence of very good air?
Also besides that, magick works far more effectively than anything else for clearing up my skin. To use magick for it just:
>focus on the skin>circulate energy through it>keep the mind free of distracting thoughts>keep the body as relaxed as possible>feel the cells in your skin by focusing your consciousness into those areas>encourage/intend for them to form and regenerate properly>keep this up for several hours, moving your focus around at times to various major energy centres in your body such as the dan tiens or chakras, and then drawing that energy from there to the area you're healing in this case the face>skin is completely healedThis works way more effectively than any drugs and anything else. I have done it while unable to sleep at all and wide awake all night, so this is a kind of healing you can experience even while extremely sleep deprived.
I have used it many times already now to heal my skin of bleeding wounds, cracks, acne, and myriad other problems that keep happening.
My shit starts to get all fucked up again though as soon as I leave my room.
I clearly need to do something more in order to fortify myself against adverse conditions to be able to maintain good skin longer.
I have an elaborate plan in the works…
>>19513Breathing plays a fundamental role in reducing toxicity. Stick to the Science of Breath.
This may help with some of your bodily problems: linked it to me the other day and said it is legit.
>>19517>not breathing in that pranayama loosh for hours while doing fire / tumo meditation to raise heat and cause sweating and drinking moderate quantities of pure water free of fluoride and other crap after eating nothing but organic pesticide free foods in moderation during the day while situated in an environment where the air quality is exceptionally pure and after doing void meditation and clearing the mind of improper thoughts and then attaining the optimal emotional state to resonate with healing and feeling the energy come in through the air and go throughout your whole body reinvigorating every aspect of your being No.19564
tfw can't even breath because there is
spongy flesh in my nostrils making impossible to use my nose, going to make a surgery to fix this it's making me mad.
>>19564What in the fuck. Spongy flesh? Are you a mutant? What the shit happened to your nostrils?
Will your nostrils even work correctly after a surgery or will they be fucking useless for actually filtering anything out?
>>19565It's because, in portuguese we say "carne esponjosa" with is "spongy flesh" if I translate (wasn't sure how to speak in english this it's called adenoid), it's caused by sinusitis.
>>19566This is the annormal and the first is the normal that everyone have, and yes, it goes back to normal, but if I don't take care of my sinusitis it will grow back. Also, I live in São Paulo, a city with 11 million people, you can guess how much pollution caused my sinusitis.
>>19568I need to move from this shitty city, will do that next year. The "meat" comes from inside, it dont grow in the nostrils where theres hair, it's like there is coming from inside.
>>19569It's like this, but mine looks better and isn't this avanced.
I used to be completely unable to breath at all through my nostrils and was forced to mouth-breath most of my life but I eventually started fixing it with magick. It would constantly revert too but now it doesn't really much. I still have to be careful but now I breath through my nostrils all the time.
>>19571I wish I could fix alone, I have sinusitis and I know how to fix it, but I can't fix this problem in my nose without help, and I can't fix my sinusitis living in a china tier polluted city with my nose in this situation.
>>19571I could even list the shit that I have to eat/breath/tolerate here in Brazil, I really like this country, but we were better in the 1880's. For example:
One hundred million liters of milk may have been mixed with untreated water and a carcinogenic chemical to increase profit six transport companies. This is what an investigation found the prosecutors in Rio Grande do Sul.
>>19573People doing shit like that need to be all executed for they are bio-terrorists and threaten the integrity of the whole nation.
>>19574I know, but my country defends bandits and people like this, I mean how the fuck you can be called human and have human rights when you poison food that is going to your own nation, it's disgusting. And this is normal, everyday news, a drug
trafficker did go with 13kg of coke to Indonesia and my fucking country tried to help him to not get executed there.
>>19574My nation was thrown in the trash when this men was thrown away by the military to don't have monarchy anymore.
>>19575Pathetic. Glad I don't like in that mongrelized non-monarchy shithole.
>>19577I mean, we have the territory to be better than almost every other nation, but no, the portuguese had to bring half of Africa's population here and the military shitheads had to thrown away the best leader we had.
>>19566wait, are you portuguese?
>mfw another BR also using the buddhist flag
>>19586I live in Brazil, but I am half Portuguese, and my family is in Brazil for like 3 generations.
>>19317This. Please. I would enjoy it.
>>19331Are you missing a button? A button appeared in my room a few days ago in front of my face. I actually needed a button though so it was convenient.