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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1422323612772.jpg (64.83 KB, 1504x1084, 376:271, Milk_-_olly_claxton.jpg)



I figured it out /fringe/. I have not consumed dairy products for precicely 24 days (inb4 24 get) and I just spaced out for 26 minutes and in that time I heard vague ramblings that i could not understand and i saw black nothingness. I understood that i was in the mind of a human cattle. The rambling whuspers turned into cymbols clashing down on my soul and then suddenly i was on this planet where everyone is a fucking half cow have human furry and milk is used for mind control and then i had an erotic moment about human lactation and next thing I know im thinking about going on /f/ for some reason which lead me to go to /fringe/ instead, and listen up.


Think about why americans are such cattle! Eveeything they eat is covered in dairy products! Its so obvious /fringe/.


Shit messed up my own thread. Must be the milkshake i had 24 days ago. Anyways, i spaced out for 24 minutes which is why i mentioned the number. Volunteer pls fix it.


Cool buddy. Milk isn't bad if you have your own goats that eat grass without pesticide. But drinking milk form the industry is bad, expecially if you live in a shitty country like me that the farmers mix it with water and carcinogenic stuff to get more shekels.


Crap I have like 2L of organic non-homogenized moo moo left and don't like being wasteful

Is goat's milk ok?



Have you noticed how much yogurt and cereal sales have gone up recently? And everyone is fucking obsessed with cheese!


subtle trolling


shoo shoo gains goblin


File: 1422370765514.jpg (417.84 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, o-BAPHOMET-SATANIC-STATUE-….jpg)

Goat's are an occultist's best friend. Cows are for mundanes and are of the nature of mundanes.


File: 1422370893569.jpg (241.5 KB, 769x1038, 769:1038, baphomet_by_levi_.jpg)

Goats are /fringe/ approved and increase your magickal power, your GAINS, everything!

Cows are for bluepills.



Yeah what the fuck? I need my gains, OP!

What's the fringiest source of protein then? Human babies or what the fuck?


I personally drink oat milk and goat milk (wish I could find bigger cartons of this stuff).
goat milk is slightly expensive

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